MUSIC MENUS Year B – 2015 ORDINARY TIME SUNDAY 7:30 - 9:30 – 11:30 JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2015 1/18 1/25 2/1 2/8 2nd Sunday in OT 3rd Sunday in OT 4th Sunday in OT 5th Sunday in OT 2/15 6th Sunday in OT All Are Welcome (Haugen) 414/462/499* Love Divine, All Loves… Praise My Soul The King.. Holy God, We Praise … (HYFRYDOL) (LAUDA ANIMA) (GROSSER GOTT) 478/443/475 568/367/389 197/ - / - Alleluia! Sing to Jesus (HYFRYDOL) 742/312/324 Mass of Renewal Respond and Acclaim Respond and Acclaim Here I Am, Lord (Schutte) 378/501/550 Mass of Renewal Respond and Acclaim Respond and Acclaim Seek Ye First (Lafferty) 437/422/451 Holy Myst. of Faith Amen Lamb of God Communion 1 (CHORAL) Mass of Renewal Mass of Renewal Mass of Renewal Mass of Renewal My Savior and My God (Althouse) Octavo Communion 2 Notes PROCESSIONAL Kyrie/Pen. rite Gloria Psalm Alleluia OFFERTORY Mass of Renewal Respond and Acclaim Respond and Acclaim Sacred Silence (Booth) 556/ - / - Mass of Renewal Respond and Acclaim Respond and Acclaim Prayer of St Francis (Temple) 532/452/484 Mass of Renewal Mass of Renewal Mass of Renewal Mass of Renewal Out of Darkness (Kendzia) Octavo Mass of Renewal Respond and Acclaim Respond and Acclaim As We Gather At Your Table (NETTLETON) 311/ - / Mass of Renewal Mass of Renewal Mass of Renewal Mass of Renewal Shine, Jesus, Shine (Kendrick) Octavo - SECK Mass of Renewal Mass of Renewal Mass of Renewal Mass of Renewal I Will Remember Thee (Althouse) Octavo Mass of Renewal Mass of Renewal Mass of Renewal Mass of Renewal God So Loved the World (Horman/Stainer) Octavo Behold The Lamb (Willett) 337/481/523 O Beauty Ever Ancient (O’Connor) 529/ - / - Worthy Is The Lamb (Manalo) 587/ - /506 Seed, Scattered and S… (Feiten) 361/495/530 Gift of Finest Wheat (BICENTENNIAL) 328/484/526 Communion 3 The Supper of the Lord (Rosania) 361/486/527 Pescador de Hombres (Gabarain) 513/458/491 Be Not Afraid (Dufford) 431/424/453 Blest Are They (Haas) 502/413/438 Eye Has Not Seen (Haugen) 463/439/469 RECESSIONAL Holy, Holy, Holy (NICAEA) 207/299/306 Lord You Give The Hail, Redeemer, King Praise to the Lord Alleluia! Alleluia! Great Commission Divine (ST GEORGE’S (LOBE DEN HERREN) (HYMN TO JOY) (ABBOT’S LEIGH) WINDSOR) 199/ - / 173/278/284 375/291/299 735/ - / *Please note – Selection numbers are in the following order: Breaking Bread (Paperback)/Choral Praise 2 (Red)/Choral Praise 3 (Grey)