NE1028 publications 2007-2012

MMRP Refereed Documents (2007-2012)
Adhikari B., Besser T.E., Gay J.M., Fox L.K., Davis M.A., Cobbold R.N., Berge A.C., Hancock D.D. 2009.
Introduction of new multidrug-resistant Salmonella enterica strains into commercial dairy herds. J. Dairy
Adhikari B, Besser T.E., Gay J.M., Fox L.K., Davis M.A., Cobbold R.N., Berge A.C.,McClanahan R,
Hancock D.D.2009. The role of animal movement, including off-farm rearing of heifers, in the interherd
transmission of multidrug-resistant Salmonell. J. Dairy. Sci. 92:4218-4228.
Adhikari, B., T.E. Besser, J.M. Gay, L.K. Fox, D. D. Hancock, and M. A. Davis. 2010. Multilocus variablenumber-tandem-repeat analysis and plasmid profiling to study the occurrence of blacmy-2 within a pulsed
field gel electrophoresis defined clade of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium. Appl. Envir. Microbiol.
Aitken, S.L., C.M. Corl, and L.M. Sordillo. 2011. Immunopathology of Mastitis: Insights into disease
recognition and resolution. J. Mammary Gland Neoplasia. Epub ahead of print: DOI: 10.1007/s10911-0119230-4
Aitken, S.L., C.M. Corl, and L.M. Sordillo. 2011. Pro-inflammatory and pro-apoptotic gene expression of
TNF-a stimulated bovine mammary endothelial cells. Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol. 140:282-290.
Akers, R.M. and S. C. Nickerson. Mastitis and its impact on structure and function in the ruminant mammary
gland. 2011. Journal of Mammary Gland Biology and Neoplasia. 16: Online First", 4 October 2011.
Al-Bataineh MM, van der Merwe D, Schultz BD, and Gehring R. Tumor necrosis factor alpha increases Pglycoprotein expression in a BME-UV in vitro model of mammary epithelial cells. Biopharmaceutics &
Drug Disposition 31: 506-515, 2010.
Almeida RA, Dogan B, Klaessing S, Schukken YH, Oliver SP. Intracellular fate of strains of Escherichia coli
isolated from dairy cows with acute or chronic mastitis. Vet Res Commun. 2011 Feb;35(2):89-101.
Almeida, R. A., D. A. Luther, D. Patel, and S. P. Oliver. 2011. Predicted antigenic regions of Streptococcus
uberis adhesion molecule (SUAM) are involved in adherence to and internalization into mammary epithelial
cells. Vet. Microbiol. 148:323-28.
Almeida, R. A., J. R. Dunlap, and S. P. Oliver. 2010. Binding of host factors influences intracellular
trafficking of Streptococcus uberis in bovine mammary epithelial cells. Veterinary Medicine International
Vol. 2010, Article ID 319192, 8 pages, 2010. doi:10.4061/2010/319192.
Almeida, R.A., B. Dogan, S. Klaessing, Y. H. Schukken and S. P. Oliver. 2011. Intracellular fate of strains
of Escherichia coli isolated from dairy cows with acute or chronic mastitis. Vet. Res. Comm. 35:89 101.
Andersen S, Dohoo IR, Olde Riekerink R, Stryhn H; Mastitis Research Workers' Conference. Diagnosing
intramammary infections: evaluating expert opinions on the definition of intramammary infection using
conjoint analysis. J Dairy Sci. 2010 Jul;93(7):2966-75.
Andrew, S.M., K.M. Moyes, A.A. Borm, L.K. Fox, K.E. Leslie, J.S. Hogan, S.P. Oliver, Y.H. Schukken,
W.E. Owens, and C. Norman. 2009. Factors associated with the risk of antibiotic residues and intramammary
pathogen presence in milk from heifers administered prepartum intramammary antibiotic therapy. Vet.
Micro. 134:150-6.
Apparao, D. J.,, L. Oliviera, and P. L. Ruegg. 2009. Relationship between In Vitro susceptibility Test Results
and Treatment Outcomes for Gram-Positive Mastitis Pathogens Following Treatment with Pirlimycin
Hydrochloride. 234:1437-1446.
Apparao, M.D., P. L., Ruegg, A. Lago, S. Godden, R. Bey, and K. Leslie. 2009. Relationship between in
vitro test results and treatment outcomes for Gram-positive mastitis pathogens following treatment with
Cephapirin sodium. J Dairy Sci. 92: 2589-2597
Aryeetey, R., G. Marquis, L. Timms, A. Lartey, and L. Brakohiapa. 2009. Subclinical Mastitis May Not
Reduce Breastmilk Intake During Established Lactation. Breastfeeding Medicine September, Vol. 4, No. 3:
Aryeetey, R., G. Marquis, L. Timms, A. Lartey, and L. Brakohiapa. 2008. Subclinical mastitis is common
among Ghanaian women lactating 3 to 4 months postpartum. J.Human Lactation. Aug; 24(3):263.
Bar, D., Grohn, Y.T., Bennett, G., Gonzalez, R.N., Hertl, J.A., Schulte, H.F., Tauer, L.W., Welcome, F.L.,
Schukken, Y.H., 2007. Effect of repeated episodes of generic clinical mastitis on milk yield in dairy cows. J.
Dairy Sci. 90, 4643-4653.
Bar, D., Grohn, Y.T., Bennett, G., Gonzalez, R.N., Hertl, J.A., Schulte, H.F., Tauer, L.W., Welcome, F.L.,
Schukken, Y.H., 2008. Effects of repeated episodes of generic clinical mastitis on mortality and culling in
dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 91, 2196-2204.
Bar, D., Tauer, L.W., Bennett, G., Gonzalez, R.N., Hertl, J.A., Schukken, Y.H., Schulte, H.F., Welcome,
F.L., Grohn, Y.T., 2008. The cost of generic clinical mastitis in dairy cows as estimated by using dynamic
programming. J. Dairy Sci. 91, 2205-2214.
Barkema HW, Green MJ, Bradley AJ, Zadoks RN. Invited review: The role of contagious disease in udder
health. J Dairy Sci. 2009 Oct;92(10):4717-29.
Barlow JW, White LJ, Zadoks RN, Schukken YH. A mathematical model demonstrating indirect and overall
effects of lactation therapy targeting subclinical mastitis in dairy herds. Prev Vet Med. 2009 Jul 1;90(12):31-42.
Barlow, J., Rauch, B., Welcome, F., Kim, S.G., Dubovi, E., Schukken, Y., 2008. Association between
coxiella burnetii shedding in milk and subclinical mastitis in dairy cattle. Vet. Res. 39, 23.
Baskaran, S. A., G. W. Kazmer, L. Hinckley, S. M. Andrew, and K. Venkitanarayanan. 2009. Antibacterial
effect of plant-derived antimicrobials on major bacterial mastitis pathogens in vitro. J. Dairy Sci. 92: 14231429.
Becker, S.C., J. Foster-Frey, A. Powell, D.E. Kerr, and D. M. Donovan. 2011. Lysostaphin: molecular
changes that preserve staphylolytic activity. In "Science and Technology against Microbial Pathogens.
Research, Development and Evaluation" A. Mendez-Vilas ed. World Scientific Publishing Co. pp18-22.
Bey, R., S. Godden, and B. Kuechle. 2009. Effect of bedding conditioners on bacteria counts and pH in
shavings, digested manure solids and recycled sand bedding. Bovine Practitioner 43(1):56-65.
Bharathan, M., I.K. Mullarky. Targeting mucosal immunity in the battle to develop a mastitis vaccine.
Journal: Journal of Mammary Gland Biology and Neoplasia. 6(4):409-19.
Bruno DR, Rossitto PV, Bruno RG, Blanchard MT, Sitt T, Yeargan BV, Smith WL, Cullor JS, Stott JL.
2010. Differential levels of mRNA transcripts encoding immunologic mediators in mammary secretions
from dairy cows with subclinical environmental Streptococci infections. Vet Immunol Immunopathol. Nov
Boonyayatra, S., LK. Fox, T.E. Besser, A. Sawant, and J.M. Gay. 2010. Effects of storage methods on the
recovery of Mycoplasma species from milk samples. Vet. Micro. 144:210-213.
Boszormenyi, E., T. Ersek, A. Fodor, A. M. Fodor, L. Sz. Foldes, M. Hevesi, J. S. Hogan, Z. Katona, M. G.
Klein, A. Korma ny, S. Peka, A. Szentirmai, F. Sztaricskaiand R. A. J. Taylor. 2009. Isolation and activity of
Xenorhabdus antimicrobial compounds against the plant pathogens Erwinia amylovora and Phytophthora
nicotianae. J. Applied Microbiol. 107:746-759.
Cagnardi P, Villa R, Gallo M, Locatelli C, Carli S, Moroni P, Zonca A. Cefoperazone sodium preparation
behavior after intramammary administration in healthy and infected cows. J Dairy Sci. 2010 Sep;93(9):410510. PubMed PMID: 20723685.
Celia, L.K., Nelson, D., and D.E. Kerr. 2008. Characterization of a bacteriophage lysin (Ply700) from
Streptococcus uberis. Veterinary Microbiology 130:107-117.
Cesaris, L., B. E. Gillespie, V. Srinivasan, R. A. Almeida, A. Zecconi, and S. P. Oliver. 2007. Discriminating
between strains of Escherichia coli using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and BOX-PCR. Foodborne
Pathogens & Disease 4 (4):473-480.
Cha E, Bar D, Hertl JA, Tauer LW, Bennett G, González RN, Schukken YH, Welcome FL, Gröhn YT. The
cost and management of different types of clinical mastitis in dairy cows estimated by dynamic
programming. J Dairy Sci. 2011 Sep;94(9):4476-87. PubMed PMID: 21854920.
Chapagain, P.P., van Kessel, J.S., Karns, J.S., Wolfgang, D.R., Hovingh, E., Nelen, K.A., Schukken, Y.H.,
Grohn, Y.T., 2008. A mathematical model of the dynamics of salmonella cerro infection in a US dairy herd.
Epidemiol. Infect. 136, 263-272.
Chen, Xueyan, Oudessa Kerro Dego, Troy E. Fuller, Raul A. Almeida, Douglas A. Luther, and Stephen P.
Oliver. 2011. Deletion of sua gene reduces the ability of Streptococcus uberis to adhere to and internalize
into bovine mammary epithelial cells. Vet. Microbiol. 147:426-434.
Chigerwe M, Tyler JW, Middleton JR, Spain JN, Dill JS, Steevens BJ. 2008. Comparison of four methods to
assess colostral IgG concentration in dairy cows. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 233(5):761-766.
Chigerwe M, Tyler JW, Nagy DW, Middleton JR. 2008. Frequency of detectable serum IgG in precolostral
calves. Am J Vet Res. 69(6):791-795.
Chigerwe M, Tyler JW, Schultz LG, Middleton JR, Steevens BJ, Spain JN. 2008. The effect of colostrum
administration by use of oroesophageal intubation on serum IgG concentrations in Holstein bull calves. Am J
Vet Res. 69(9):1158-1163.
Chigerwe M, Tyler JW, Summers MK, Middleton JR, Schultz LG, Nagy DW. 2009. Evaluation of factors
affecting serum IgG concentrations in bottle-fed calves. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 234(6):785-790.
Church, G.T., L.K. Fox, C.T. Gaskins, D. D. Hancock, and J.M. Gay. 2008. The effect of a shortened dry
period on intramammary infections during the subsequent lactation. J. Dairy Sci. 91: 4219:4225.
Cohn LA, Middleton JR. 2010. A veterinary perspective on methicillin-resistant staphylococci. J Vet Emerg
Crit Care. 20(1):31-45.
Contreras, G.A. 2011. Mycoplasma bovis in dairy cattle. Mycoplasma bovis en el ganado lechero. Albeitar
Contreras, G.A. and J.M. Rodriguez. 2011. Mastitis: Comparative Etiology and Epidemiology. J. Mammary
Gland Neoplasia. DOI: 10.1007/s10911-011-9234-0
Contreras, G.A. and L.M. Sordillo. 2011. Lipid mobilization and inflammatory responses during the
transition period. Comp. Immunol. Microbiol. Infectious Dis. 34:281-289.
Contreras, G.A., N.J. O Boyle, T.H. Herdt, and L.M. Sordillo. 2010. Lipid mobilization in periparturient
dairy cows influences the composition of plasma nonesterified fatty acids and leukocyte phospholipid fatty
acids. J. Dairy Sci. 93:2508-2516
Corl, C.M., G.A. Contreras, and L.M. Sordillo. 2010. Lipoxygenase metabolites modulate vascular-derived
platelet activating factor production following endotoxin challenge. Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol. 136:98107.
Corl, C.M., H.R. Robinson, G.A. Contreras, S.J. Holcombe, V.L. Cook, and L.M. Sordillo. 2010. Ethyl
puruvate diminishes the endotoxin-induced inflammatory response of bovine mammary endothelial cells. J.
Dairy Sci. 93:5188-5199.
Cuccuru C, Meloni M, Sala E, Scaccabarozzi L, Locatelli C, Moroni P, Bronzo V. Effects of intramammary
infections on somatic cell score and milk yield in Sarda sheep. N Z Vet J. 2011 May;59(3):128-31. PubMed
PMID: 21541886.
Derzon MS, Hopkins MM, Galambos PC, Achyuthan KE, Bourdon CJ, Brener I, James CD, McClain JL,
Peterson DW, Rahimian K, and Timlin TA. 2008. Timely multithreat biological, chemical and nuclide
detection: a platform, a metric, key results. Int. J. Technology Transfer and Commercialisation, 2008 Vol. 7,
No.4, 413.
De Vliegher S, Zadoks RN, Barkema HW. Heifer and CNS mastitis. Vet Microbiol. 2009. 134:1-2.
DeVries, T. J., Dufour, S. S, and Scholl, D. T. Relationship between feeding strategy, lying behavior
patterns, and incidence of intramammary infection in dairy cows. J Dairy Sci 2010; 93:1987-97.
Dohoo I, Andersen S, Dingwell R, Hand K, Kelton D, Leslie K, Schukken Y, Godden S. Diagnosing
intramammary infections: Comparison of multiple versus single quarter milk samples for the identification of
intramammary infections in lactating dairy cows. J Dairy Sci. 2011 Nov;94(11):5515-22.
Dohoo IR, Smith J, Andersen S, Kelton DF, Godden S; Mastitis Research Workers' Conference. Diagnosing
intramammary infections: evaluation of definitions based on a single milk sample. J Dairy Sci. 2011
Dopfer, D., Buist, W., Soyer, Y., Munoz, M.A., Zadoks, R.N., Geue, L., Engel, B., 2008. Assessing genetic
heterogeneity within bacterial species isolated from gastrointestinal and environmental samples: How many
isolates does it take? Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 74:3490-3496.
Dufour, S. Barkema, H.W., DesCôteaux, L. DeVries, T.J., Dohoo, I.R., Reyher, K., Roy, J.-P., and Scholl,
D.T. 2010. Development and validation of a bilingual questionnaire for measuring udder health related
management practices on dairy farms. Prev Vet Med. 95:74-85.
Dufour, S., Fréchette, A., Barkema, H.W., Mussell, A., and Scholl, D.T. 2011. Invited Review: effect of
udder health management practices on herd somatic cell count. J Dairy Sci. 94:563-579.
Elmoslemany, A.M., Keefe, G.P., Dohoo, I.R. and Dingwell, R.T. 2009. Microbiological Quality of Bulk
Tank Raw Milk in Prince Edward Island Dairy Herds. J Dairy Sci. 92:4239-48.
Elmoslemany, A.M., Keefe, G.P., Dohoo, I.R. and Jayarao, B.M. 2009. Risk Factors for Bacteriological
Quality of Bulk Tank Milk in Prince Edward Island Dairy Herds. Part 1: Overall Risk Factors. J Dairy Sci.
Elmoslemany, A.M., Keefe, G.P., Dohoo, I.R. and Jayarao, B.M. 2009. Risk factors for Bacteriological
Quality of Bulk Tank Milk in Prince Edward Island Dairy Herds. Part 2: Bacteria Count Specific Risk
Factors. J Dairy Sci. 2009 Jun;92(6):2644-52.
Erskine R.J., C. M. Corl, J. C. Gandy, and L. M. Sordillo. 2011. Effect of infection with bovine leukosis
virus on lymphocyte proliferation and apoptosis in dairy cattle. Am J Vet Res. 72:1059-64.
Erskine RJ, Brockett AR, Beeching ND, Hull RW, Bartlett PC. 2010. Effect of changes in number of doses
and anatomic location for administration of an Escherichia coli bacterin on serum IgG1 and IgG2
concentrations in dairy cows. Am J Vet Res. 71:120-124.
Erskine RJ, P.C. Bartlett, K.M. Sabo, and L.M. Sordillo. 20111. Bovine Leukemia Virus Infection in Dairy
Cattle: Effect on Serological Response to Immunization against J5 Escherichia coli Bacterin. Vet Med Intl.
Volume 2011, Article ID 915747, 5 pages doi:10.4061/2011/915747
Fodor, A., A.M. Fodor, S. Frost, J.S. Hogan, M.G. Klein, K. Lengyel, G. Saringer, E. Stackebrandt, R.A.J.
Taylor, and E. Lehoczky. 2010. Comparative analysis of antibacterial activities of Xenorhabdus species on
related and non-related bacteria in vivo. J. Microbiol, Antimicrobiol. 2: 36 - 46.
Fox, L.K. 2009. Prevalence, incidence and risk factors of heifer mastitis. Vet. Micro. 134:82-88.
Furgani, G., E. Boszormenyi, A. Fodor, A. Mathe-Fodor, S. Forst, J. Hogan, Z. Kotano, M.G. Klein, E.
Stackebrandt, A. Szentirmai, F. Sztaricskai, and S. Wolf. 2007. Xenorhabdus antibiotics: a comparative
analysis potential utility for controlling mastitis caused by bacteria. J. Applied Micobiol. 103:1757-1765.
Genini S, Badaoui B, Sclep G, Bishop SC, Waddington D, Pinard van der Laan MH, Klopp C, Cabau C,
Seyfert HM, Petzl W, Jensen K, Glass EJ, de Greeff A, Smith HE, Smits MA, Olsaker I, Boman GM, Pisoni
G, Moroni P, Castiglioni B, Cremonesi P, Del Corvo M, Foulon E, Foucras G, Rupp R, Giuffra E. 2011.
Strengthening insights into host responses to mastitis infection in ruminants by combining heterogeneous
microarray data sources. BMC Genomics. 11;12(1):225.
Gillespie, B. E., S. I. Headrick, S. Boonyayatra, and S. P. Oliver. 2009. Prevalence of coagulase-negative
Staphylococcus species from three dairy research herds. Vet. Microbiol. 134:65-72.
Green, B.B., S. Kandasamy, T.H. Elsasser, and D.E. Kerr. 2011. The use of dermal fibroblasts as a predictive
tool of the toll-like receptor 4 response pathway and its development in Holstein heifers. J. Dairy Sci.
Haran, K.P., S.M. Godden, D. Boxrud, S. Jawahir, J.B. Bender, and S. Sreevatsan. 2011. Prevalence and
Characterization of Staphylococcus aureus, including Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus, Isolated
from Bulk Tank Milk from Minnesota Dairy Farms. J. Clin. Micro. 50:688-695.
Heidinger JC, Winter CK, Cullor JS. 2009. Quantitative microbial risk assessment for `Stayphylococcus
aureus and Staphylococcus aureus Enterotoxin A in raw milk. J Food Prot. 72:1641-53.
Hertl JA, Gröhn YT, Leach JD, Bar D, Bennett GJ, González RN, Rauch BJ, Welcome FL, Tauer LW,
Schukken YH. 2010. Effects of clinical mastitis caused by gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and
other organisms on the probability of conception in New York State Holstein dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci.
Hertl JA, Schukken YH, Bar D, Bennett GJ, González RN, Rauch BJ, Welcome FL, Tauer LW, Gröhn YT.
2011. The effect of recurrent episodes of clinical mastitis caused by gram-positive and gram-negative
bacteria and other organisms on mortality and culling in Holstein dairy cows. J Dairy Sci. 94:4863-77.
Hill, T.M., M.J. VandeHaar, L.M. Sordillo, D.R. Catherman, H.G. Bateman, and R.L. Schlotterbeck. 2011.
Fatty acid intake alters growth and immunity in milk-fed calves. J. Dairy Sci. 94:3936-3948.
Houser, B. A., S. C. Donaldson, R. Padte, A. A. Sawant, C. DebRoy, and B. M. Jayarao. 2008. Assessment
of phenotypic and genotypic diversity of Escherichia coli shed by healthy lactating dairy cattle. Foodborne
Pathog Dis 5:41-51.
Houser, B. A., S. C. Donaldson, S. I. Kehoe, A. J. Heinrichs, and B. M. Jayarao. 2008. A Survey of
Bacteriological Quality and the Occurrence of Salmonella in Raw Bovine Colostrum. Foodborne Pathog Dis.
Hunt, K.M., Hunt, K.M., J. A. Foster, L.J. Forney, U.M.E. Shute, D.L. Beck, Z. Abdo, L,K. Fox, J.E.
Williams, M.K. McGuire, M.A. McGuire. 2011. Characterization of the Diversity and Temporal Stability of
Bacterial Communities inHuman Milk. PLoS ONE 6(6): e21313. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0021313
Justice-Allen A, Trujillo J, Corbett R, Harding R, Goodell G, Wilson D. 2010. Survival and replication of
Mycoplasma species in recycled bedding sand and association with mastitis on dairy farms in Utah. J Dairy
Sci 93:192-202,
Justice-Allen A, Trujillo J, Goodell G, Wilson D: 2011. Detection of multiple Mycoplasma species in bulk
tank milk samples using real-time PCR and conventional culture and comparison of test sensitivities. J. Dairy
Sci 94:3411-3419.
Kandasamy, S., B.B. Green, A.L. Benjamin, and D.E. Kerr. 2011. Between-cow variation in dermal
fibroblast response to lipopolysaccharide reflected in resolution of inflammation during Escherichia coli
mastitis. J. Dairy Sci. 94:5963-5975.
Kaneene J.B., L.D. Warnick, C.A. Bolin, R.J. Erskine, K. May, R. Miller 2008. Changes in tetracycline
susceptibility of enteric bacteria following switching to nonmedicated milk replacer for dairy calves. J Clin
Microbiol 46:1968-1977.
Kehoe, S. I., B. M. Jayarao, and A. J. Heinrichs. 2007. A survey of bovine colostrum composition and
colostrum management practices on Pennsylvania dairy farms. J Dairy Sci 90:4108-16.
Kerro Dego, O., R. A. Almeida, and S.P. Oliver. 2011. Presence of ISS1-like insertion sequence in wild type
Streptococcus uberis strains isolated from cases of bovine mastitis. Vet. Microbiol. 151: 315-320.
Kerro Dego, O., S. P. Oliver, and R. A. Almeida. 2011. Host pathogen gene expression profiles during
infection of primary bovine mammary epithelial cells with Escherichia coli strains associated with acute or
persistent bovine mastitis. Vet. Microbiol. doi:10.1016/j.vetmic.2011.08.016.
Kerro-Dego O, M. E. Prado, X. Chen, D. A. Luther D.A., R. A. Almeida RA, and S. P. Oliver. 2011.
pGh9:ISS1 transpositional mutations in Streptococcus uberis UT888 causes reduced bacterial adherence to
and internalization into bovine mammary epithelial cells. Vet Microbiol. 151: 379-85. Epub 2011 Apr 12.
Lago, A., S.M. Godden, R. Bey, P.L. Ruegg, K. Leslie. The selective treatment of clinical mastitis based on
on-farm culture results I: Effects on antibiotic use, milk withholding time and short-term clinical and
bacteriological outcomes. J. Dairy Sci. 94:4441-4456.
Lago, A., S.M. Godden, R. Bey, P.L. Ruegg, K. Leslie. The selective treatment of clinical mastitis based on
on-farm culture results II: Effects on lactation performance including, clinical mastitis recurrence, somatic
cell count, milk production and cow survival. J. Dairy Sci. 94:4457-4467.
Lang P, Lefébure T, Wang W, Zadoks RN, Schukken Y, Stanhope MJ. Gene content differences across
strains of Streptococcus uberis identified using oligonucleotide microarray comparative genomic
hybridization. Infect Genet Evol. 2009 Mar;9(2):179-88.
Latorre AA, Pradhan AK, Van Kessel JA, Karns JS, Boor KJ, Rice DH, Mangione KJ, Gröhn YT, Schukken
YH. Quantitative risk assessment of listeriosis due to consumption of raw milk. J Food Prot. 2011
Latorre AA, Van Kessel JA, Karns JS, Zurakowski MJ, Pradhan AK, Boor KJ, Adolph E, Sukhnanand S,
Schukken YH. 2011. Increased in vitro adherence and on-farm persistence of predominant and persistent
Listeria monocytogenes strains in the milking system. Appl Environ Microbiol. 77:3676-84.
Latorre AA, Van Kessel JA, Karns JS, Zurakowski MJ, Pradhan AK, Zadoks RN, Boor KJ, Schukken YH.
2009. Molecular ecology of Listeria monocytogenes: evidence for a reservoir in milking equipment on a
dairy farm. Appl Environ Microbiol. 75:1315-23.
Latorre AA, Van Kessel JS, Karns JS, Zurakowski MJ, Pradhan AK, Boor KJ, Jayarao BM, Houser BA,
Daugherty CS, Schukken YH. 2010. Biofilm in milking equipment on a dairy farm as a potential source of
bulk tank milk contamination with Listeria monocytogenes. J Dairy Sci. 93(6):2792-802.
Leyva-Baca, I., G. Pighetti and N. A. Karrow. 2008. Genotype-specific IL8RA gene expression in bovine
neutrophils in response to whole blood Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide challenge. Animal Genetics 39:
Lievaart, J.J., J.K. Reneau, W.D.J. Kremer and H.W. Barkema. 2011. Short communication: Influence of
sampling interval on the accuracy of predicting bulk milk somatic cell count. J. Dairy Sci. 94:804-807.
Locatelli C, Scaccabarozzi L, Pisoni G, Moroni P. CTX-M1 ESBL-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae subsp.
pneumoniae isolated from cases of bovine mastitis. J Clin Microbiol. 2010 Oct;48(10):3822-3.
Lu Z, Grohn YT, Smith RL, Wolfgang DR, Van Kessel JA, Schukken YH. Assessing the potential impact of
Salmonella vaccines in an endemically infected dairy herd. J Theor Biol. 2009 Aug 21;259(4):770-84.
Luby CD, Middleton JR, Ma J, Rinehart CL, Bucklin S, Kohler C, Tyler JW. 2007. Characterization of the
antibody isotype response in serum and milk of heifers vaccinated with a Staphylococcus aureus bacterin
(LysiginTM). J Dairy Res. 74(2):239-246.
Lukas, J.M., J.K. Reneau, R. Wallace, D. Hawkins, and C. Munoz-Zanzi. 2009. A novel method of
characterizing daily milk production and electrical conductivity to predict disease onset. J. Dairy Sci.
Luther, Douglas A., Raúl A. Almeida, and Stephen P. Oliver. 2008. Elucidation of the DNA sequence of
Streptococcus uberis adhesion molecule gene (sua) and detection of sua in strains of Streptococcus uberis
isolated from geographically diverse locations. Vet. Microbiol. 128:304-312.
Madhusoodanan J., K.S. Seo, B. Remortel, J.Y. Park, S.Y. Hwang, L.K. Fox LK, Y.H. Park, C.F. Deobald,
D. Wang S. Liu , S.C. Daugherty, A.L. Gill, G.A.Bohach,and S.R. Gill, 2011. An enterotoxin-bearing
pathogenicity island in Staphlococcus epidermidis. J. bacteriology. 193:1854-62.
Mattmiller, S.A., C.M. Corl, J.C. Gandy, J.J. Loor, and L.M. Sordillo. 2011. Glucose transporter and
hypoxia- associated gene expression in the mammary gland of transition dairy cattle. J. Dairy Sci. 94:29122922.
Maunsell FP, Woolums AR, Francoz D, Rosenbusch RF, Step DL, Wilson DJ, Janzen ED: Mycoplasma
bovis infections in cattle. J Vet Intern Med 25:4:772-783, 2011.
Maxymiv N.G., M. Bharathan, I.K. Mullarky. Bovine mammary dendritic cells: A heterogeneous population,
distinct from macrophages and similar in phenotype to afferent lymph veiled cells. Comp Immunol
Microbiol Infect Dis. 2011 Oct 20. PMID: 22019401.
McCarron J. L., G. P. Keefe, S. L. B. McKenna, I. R. Dohoo, and D. E. Poole. 2009. Evaluation of the
University of Minnesota Tri-plate and 3M Petrifilm for the Isolation of Staphylococcus aureus and
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Non-Refereed Documents (2007-2012)
Alabdullah, H., S.S. Schneider, and L. Fox. 2011. Effect of dexamethasone administration on shedding of
Mycoplasma bovis in calves. Third International Symposium on Mastitis and Milk Quality, St. Louis, MO,
Septmeber 22-24.
Al-Bataineh MM, Schultz BD, van der Merwe D, Malreddy P, and Gehring R. Regulation of P-gp Under
Inflammatory Conditions in the BME-UV In Vitro Model. FASEB J 24: 1002.1022 (Abstract), 2010.
Al-Bataineh MM. Regulation of P-gp Under Inflammatory Conditions in the BME-UV In Vitro Model.
Experimental Biology 2010, Anaheim, CA, April 27, 2010.
Allard, M., Ster, C., Jacob, C.L., Diarra, M.S., Scholl, D., Lacasse, P., and Malouin, F. Identification of
genes expressed by Staphylococcus aureus during bovine mastitis for vaccine and drug development. 5th
IDF International Mastitis Conference. March 21-24, 2010. Christchurch New Zealand.
Almeida , R. A., X. Chen, M. E. Prado, and S. P. Oliver. 2011. Role of Streptococcus uberis adhesion
molecule in adherence to and internalization of Streptococcus uberis into bovine mammary epithelial cells.
AABP Third International Symposium on Mastitis and Milk Quality. St. Louis, Missouri USA.
Almeida, R. A., and S. P. Oliver. 2009. Pathogenesis of chronic Escherichia coli mastitis. p. 19-20 In: Proc.
2nd Annual Comparative and Experimental Medicine Research Symp., College of Veterinary Medicine, The
University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
Almeida, R. A., B. Dogan, S. Klaessig, Y. H Schukken, and S. P. Oliver. 2007. Intracellular trafficking
profiles of Escherichia coli strains isolated from acute and chronic/persistent bovine intramammary
infections. Abstract 25P in Proc. Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases.
Almeida, R. A., B. Dogan, S. Klaessig, Y. H Schukken, and S. P. Oliver. 2008. Intracellular persistence of
strains of Escherichia coli isolated from acute and chronic/persistent bovine intramammary infections.
Abstract 4P p. 102 in Proc. Conf. Research Workers in Animal Diseases.
Almeida, R. A., D. A. Luther, and S. P. Oliver. 2010. Pathogenesis of chronic Escherichia coli mastitis. In:
Proc. 2010 Intl. Dairy Federation Mastitis Conference p. 687.
Almeida, R. A., D. A. Luther, and S. P. Oliver. 2010. Protein profiles of Escherichia coli associated with
chronic and acute mastitis in dairy cows. In: Proc. 2010 Intl. Dairy Federation Mastitis Conference p. 688.
Almeida, R. A., D. A. Luther, D. Patel, and S. P. Oliver. 2009. Predicted antigenic regions of Streptococcus
uberis adhesion molecule (SUAM) are involved in adherence to and internalization into mammary epithelial
cells. Abstract 10 in Proc. Conf. Research Workers in Animal Diseases.
Almeida, R. A., D. A. Luther, D. Patel, and S. P. Oliver. 2010. Predicted surface regions of Streptococcus
uberis adhesion molecule (SUAM) mediate internalization into mammary epithelial cells. In: Proc. 2010 Intl.
Dairy Federation Mastitis Conference p. 705.
Almeida, R. A., D. A. Luther, H. M. Park, M. E. Prado, and S. P. Oliver. 2008. Identification, isolation &
characterization of Streptococcus uberis Adhesion Molecule. Abstract 8 p. 14 In: Proc. 2nd Annual
Comparative and Experimental Medicine Research Symposium, College of Veterinary Medicine, The
University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
Almeida, R. A., D. A. Patel, M. E. Prado, D. A Luther, and S. P. Oliver. 2008. Blocking effect of
Streptococcus uberis adhesion molecule affinity purified antibodies on adherence to and internalization of
Streptococcus uberis into bovine mammary epithelial cells. Abstract 11 p. 15 In: Proc. 2nd Annual
Comparative and Experimental Medicine Research Symposium, College of Veterinary Medicine, The
University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
Almeida, R. A., D. Patel, M. E. Prado, D. A Luther, and S. P. Oliver. 2007. Blocking effect of Streptococcus
uberis adhesion molecule affinity purified antibodies on adherence to and internalization of Streptococcus
uberis into bovine mammary epithelial cell. Abstract 26P in Proc. Conference of Research Workers in
Animal Diseases.
Almeida, R. A., D. Patel, M. E. Prado, D. A Luther, and S. P. Oliver. 2007. Serum from cows vaccinated
with Streptococcus uberis adhesion molecule inhibits adherence to and internalization of Streptococcus
uberis into bovine mammary epithelial cells. Abstract 22P in Proc. Conference of Research Workers in
Animal Diseases.
Almeida, R. A., M. E. Prado, D. A. Luther, and S. P. Oliver. 2010. Antibodies in serum from cows
vaccinated with Streptococcus uberis Adhesion Molecule (SUAM) inhibit adherence to and internalization of
S. uberis into bovine mammary epithelial cells. In: Proc. 2010 Intl. Dairy Federation Mastitis Conference p.
Almeida, R. A., M. E. Prado, D. A. Luther, S. I. Headrick, M. J. Lewis, H. Moorehead, and S. P. Oliver.
2010. Characterization of the immune response following vaccination of dairy cows with recombinant
Streptococcus uberis adhesion molecule (SUAM). p. 48 In: Proc. 3rd Annual Comparative and Experimental
Medicine Research Symp., College of Veterinary Medicine, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
Almeida, R. A., S. I. Headrick, M. J. Lewis, B. E. Gillespie, L. M. Bauer, D. L. Johnson, K. C. Lamar, and S.
P. Oliver. 2009. Chronic Escherichia coli experimental intramammary infections in primiparous dairy cows
during the periparturient period. p. 19 In: Proc. 2nd Annual Comparative and Experimental Medicine
Research Symp., College of Veterinary Medicine, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
Almeida, R. A., X. Chen, D. A. Luther, O. Kerro Dego, G. M. Pighetti, and S. P. Oliver. 2009. Adherence to
and internalization of sua Streptococcus uberis into bovine mammary epithelial cells. Abstract 11P in Proc.
Conf. Research Workers in Animal Diseases.
Almeida,R. A., X. Chen, D. A. Luther, O. Kerro Dego, and S. P. Oliver. 2010. Lack of Streptococcus uberis
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Kandasamy, S., Haddock, K.L, and D.E. Kerr. 2008. Functional evaluation of polymorphisms in the bovine
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Kerro Dego, O., M. E. Prado, R. A. Almeida, X. Chen, D. A. Luther, and S. P. Oliver. 2010. pGhost9:ISS1
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Kerro Dego, O., R. A. Almeida, D. A. Luther, X. Chen, and S. P. Oliver. 2009. Presence of ISS1-like
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Kerro Dego, O., R. A. Almeida, D. A. Luther, X. Chen, M. E. Prado, and S. P. Oliver. 2009. Presence of
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Kerro Dego, O., R. A. Almeida, D. A. Luther, X. Chen, M. E. Prado, and S. P. Oliver. 2009. Random
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Paradis, M.E., Roy, J.-P., Scholl, D. And Bouchard, E. Impact of a Coagulase-Negative Staphylococci or
Staphylococcus aureus Intramammary Infection During the First Month of Lactation on SCC, Milk Yield
Paradis, M.E., Roy, J.-P., Scholl, D. And Bouchard, E. Impact of a Coagulase-Negative Staphylococci or
Staphylococcus aureus Intramammary Infection During the First Month of Lactation on SCC, Milk Yield
and Culling in Primiparous Cows. 5th IDF International Mastitis Conference. March 21-24, 2010.
Christchurch New Zeeland.
Paradis, ME, Denis Haine, Stephen P. Oliver, Barbara Gillespie, Sylvain Messier, Josaphat Comeau, and
Daniel T. Scholl. 2011. Estimation of the diagnostic accuracy of a multiplex real-time pcr assay and
bacteriological culture for four bovine intramammary pathogens. Proc. Canadian Assoc. Vet. Epidemiol.
Prev. Med. In press.
Patel, D. A., M. E. Prado, R. A. Almeida, X. Y. Chen, D. A. Luther, and S. P. Oliver. 2008. Isolation and
characterization of Streptococcus uberis transposon mutants deficient in adhesion to and internalization of S.
uberis into mammary epithelial cells or bovine collagen/fibrinogen binding. Abstract 5P p. 102 in Proc.
Conf. Research Workers in Animal Diseases.
Patel, D. A., R. A. Almeida, and S. P. Oliver. 2007. Characterization of Streptococcus uberis transposon
mutants deficient in mammary epithelial cell entry. Abstract 23P in Proc. Conference of Research Workers
in Animal Diseases.
Patel, D. A., R. A. Almeida, M. E. Prado, and S. P. Oliver. 2008. Characterization of Streptococcus uberis
transposon mutants deficient in mammary epithelial cell entry. Abstract 12 p. 15 In: Proc. 2nd Annual
Comparative and Experimental Medicine Research Symposium, College of Veterinary Medicine, The
University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
Perry J, Middleton JR, Dufour S, Scholl D, Calloway C, Anderson S, Dohoo I. 2010. Association of
Coagulase Negative Staphylococcal Species and Milk Somatic Cell Count of Cows from the Canadian
National Cohort of Dairy Farms. MU Life Sciences Week, April 12-17. M-5.
Perry J, Middleton JR, Dufour S, Scholl D, Calloway C, Anderson S, Dohoo I. 2010. Association of
Coagulase Negative Staphylococcal Species and Milk Somatic Cell Count of Cows from the Canadian
National Cohort of Dairy Farms. 5th IDF Mastitis Meeting, Christchurch, NZ. March 21-14, 2010. Page 699.
Perry J, Middleton JR, Dufour S, Scholl D, Calloway C, Anderson S, Dohoo I. 2010. Association of
coagulase negative staphylococcal species and milk somatic cell count of cows from the Canadian National
cohort of dairy farms. 43rd Annual Conference of the AABP. Albuquerque, NM. Aug 19-21, 2010.
Perry J, Middleton JR, Dufour S, Scholl D, Calloway C, Anderson S, Dohoo I. 2010. Association of
Coagulase negative staphylococcal species and milk somatic cell count of cows from the Canadian National
Cohort of dairy farms. Proc. 49th Annual Meeting of the Natl. Mast. Counc. Albuquerque, NM. 204-205.
Perry J, Middleton JR, Dufour S, Scholl D, Calloway C, Anderson S, Dohoo I. 2010. Association of
Coagulase Negative Staphylococcal Species and Milk Somatic Cell Count of Cows from the Canadian
National Cohort of Dairy Farms. 5th IDF Mastitis Meeting, Christchurch, NZ. March 21-14, 2010.
Perry J, Middleton JR, Zadoks RN. 2009. Relationship Between Coagulase Negative Staphylococcal
Species, Milk Somatic Cell Count, and Duration of Intramammary Infection. Phi Zeta Research Day, March
13, 2009, Columbia, MO.
Perry J, Middleton JR, Zadoks RN. 2009. Relationship between coagulase negative staphylococcal species,
milk somatic cell count, and duration of intramammary infection. Proc. 48th Annual Meeting of the Natl.
Mast. Counc. Charlotte, NC January 25-28. Pages 136-137.
Perry J, Middleton JR, Zadoks RN. 2010. Relationship between coagulase negative staphylococcal species,
milk somatic cell count, and duration of intramammary infection on a United States dairy. Proc Intl Dairy
Fed. 392-396.
Perry J, Middleton JR, Zadoks RN. 2010. Relationship between coagulase negative staphylococcal species,
milk somatic cell count, and duration of intramammary infection on a United States dairy. Intl Dairy Fed
Mastitis Meeting, Christchurch, NZ. March 21-24, 2010.
Perry J, Middleton JR. 2010. Biofilm production in coagulase negative staphylococci isolated from bovine
intramammary infections. Phi Zeta Research Day, March 19, 2010, Columbia, MO.
Perry, J., Middleton, J.R., Dufour, S., Scholl, D., Calloway, C., Anderson, S. and Dohoo, I. Association of
Coagulase Negative Staphylococcal Species on Milk Somatic Cell Count of Cows from the Canadian
National Cohort of Dairy Farms. 5th IDF International Mastitis Conference. March 21-24, 2010.
Christchurch New Zeeland.
Perry, J., Middleton, J.R., Dufour, S., Scholl, D., Calloway, C., Anderson, S. Dohoo, I. Association of
Coagulase Negative Staphylococcal Species and Milk Somatic Cell Count of Cows from the Canadian
National Cohort of Dairy Farms. NMC 49th Annual Meeting. January 31-February 3, 2010. Albuqurque,
New Mexico.
Peters, J. and L. Timms. 2010. Evaluation of dripping and drying characteristics, teat coverage persistency,
and teat health for two prototype and one commercial dry period persistent barrier teat dips. J. Dairy Sci. 92.
Peters, J. and L. Timms. 2010. Evaluation of dripping and drying characteristics, teat coverage persistency,
and teat health for two prototype and one commercial dry period persistent barrier teat dips. Midwest ADSA
Mtg., Des Moines, March 2010.
Petersson-Wolfe, C. S. and H. Karp. 2010. Use of milk lactose as an indicator of mastitis following
validation of a novel in-line milk analysis system designed to measure milk components. Pp 511-514 In
Mastitis Research into Practice, Proc. 5th IDF Mastitis Conference, March 21-24, 2010, Christchurch, NZ.
Edited by J.E. Hillerton.
Petersson-Wolfe, C. S., S. N. Masiello and J. S. Hogan. 2010. The ability of enterococci to survive the
ensiling process and the gastrointestinal tract may lead to increased environmental contamination. Pg. 701 In
Mastitis Research into Practice, Proc. 5th IDF Mastitis Conference, March 21-24, 2010, Christchurch, NZ.
Edited by J.E. Hillerton.
Pighetti GM, P Morris, ML Riggle-Moxley, and ME Prado. 2010. Escherichia coli isolates from clinical
mastitis grow more rapidly in the presence of norepinephrine. In: Proc Intl Dairy Fed Mastitis Conf. p.383
Pighetti GM, P Morris, ML Riggle-Moxley, and ME Prado. Escherichia coli isolates from clinical mastitis
grow more rapidly in the presence of norepinephrine. In Proc. Conference of Research Workers in Animal
Pighetti, G. M. and L. J. Wojakiewicz. 2008. Norepinephrine induces pro-inflammatory gene expression in
bovine mammary epithelial cells. Proc. Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases (In press).
Piper, S. E., S. P. Oliver, and G. M. Pighetti. 2007. Growth and neutrophil killing of Escherichia coli isolated
from transient and chronic cases of mastitis. Abstract 28P in Proc. Conference of Research Workers in
Animal Diseases.
Poirier, E. Bouchard, E, Messier, S., Leger, D., Del Castillo, J., Rajala-Schultz, P. , Côté, V., St-Laurent, M.,
Perrault, J.-D., Scholl, D.. The effect of dry cow treatment on antibiotic resistance of fecal escherichia coli
and of mammary quarter isolates. NMC 47th Annual Meeting. 2008. January 20-23. New Orleans, LA. pp.
Prado, M. E., and S. P. Oliver. 2009. SUAM: An important Streptococcus uberis virulence factor. In: Proc.
2009 American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine Forum & Canadian Veterinary Medical Association
Prado, M. E., C. Ozen, R. A. Almeida, and S. P. Oliver. 2008. Expression of the recombinant form of a novel
surface protein (SUAM) of Streptococcus uberis. Abstract 9 p. 14 In: Proc. 2nd Annual Comparative and
Experimental Medicine Research Symposium, College of Veterinary Medicine, The University of
Tennessee, Knoxville.
Prado, M. E., D. A Luther, M. J. Lewis, S. I. Headrick, R. A. Almeida, and S. P. Oliver. 2007. Streptococcus
uberis Adhesion Molecule induces increased antibody titers in bovine vaccination trial. Abstract 24P in Proc.
Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases.
Prado, M. E., D. A Luther, M. J. Lewis, S. I. Headrick, R. A. Almeida, and S. P. Oliver. 2008. Vaccination
with Streptococcus uberis Adhesion Molecule induces antibody responses in bovine serum and colostrum.
In: Proc. Natl. Mastitis Counc., pp. 232-233.
Prado, M. E., D. A. Luther, K. E. Oliff, M. J. Lewis, S. I. Headrick, R. A. Almeida, and S. P. Oliver. 2008.
Vaccination with Streptococcus uberis adhesion molecule induces isotypic antibody responses in bovine
serum and colostrum. Abstract 10 p. 15 In: Proc. 2nd Annual Comparative and Experimental Medicine
Research Symposium, College of Veterinary Medicine, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
Prado, M. E., D. A. Luther, K. E. Oliff, M. J. Lewis, S. I. Headrick, R. A. Almeida, and S. P. Oliver. 2008.
Vaccination with Streptococcus uberis adhesion molecule induces isotypic antibody responses in bovine
serum and colostrum. Proc. Am. Assoc. Bovine Practitioners 41:19.
Prado, M. E., G. E. Moore, A. P. Bouchard, J. Dunlap, M. J. Lewis, and S. P. Oliver. 2009. Biofilm
production by Streptococcus uberis isolated from dairy cows with mastitis. Abstract 14P in Proc. Conf.
Research Workers in Animal Diseases.
Prado, Maria E., Glenis Moore, Oudessa Kerro-Dego, Raul Almeida, and Stephen Oliver. 2011.
Streptococcus uberis mastitis isolates vary in their ability to form biofilms. Proc. NMC/AABP Intl. Meeting
on Mastitis and Milk Quality. Submitted.
Punyapornwithaya V, L.K. Fox, J.M Gay, D.D.Hancock and J.R. Alldredge. 2009. The effects of
centrifugation and resuspension method on the recovery of Mycoplasma spp. Proceedings of the 48th Annual
Meeting of the National Mastitis Council, Charlotte, North Carolina.
Punyapornwithaya V, L.K. Fox, D.D. Hancock, J.M. Gay, and J.R. Alldredge. 2010. Management factors
and time to clearance of mycoplasma mastitis. Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the National
Mastitis Council, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Pg. 272-273.
Quirk, T. E., L.K. Fox, J.L. Capper, D. D. Hancock, and J.R. Wenz. 2010. Coagulase-negative staphylococci
mastitis management. J. Dairy Sci. 93 (Suppl. 1):27.
Raymond, R. C. W. Bales, D. Bauman, D. Clemmons, R. Kleinman, D. Lanna, S. C. Nickerson, and K.
Sejrsen. 2009. Independent expert panel finds no evidence of links between drinking milk from cows
supplemented with rbST and human health risks. Press Release. Elanco, a division of Eli Lilly and Company,
Greenfield, IN, September 28, 2009.
Raymond, R., C. W. Bales, D.E. Bauman, D. Clemmons, R. Kleinman, D. Lann, S. C. Nickerson, and K.
Sejrsen. Recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbST): A safety Assessment. Presented at the 2009 Annual
Meeting of the American Dairy Science Association, Montreal, Quebec.
Raymond, R., C. W. Bales, D.E. Bauman, D. Clemmons, R. Kleinman, D. Lann, S. C. Nickerson, and K.
Sejrsen. Recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbst): a safety assessment. Animal and Dairy Science
Departmental Report.2010.
Reyher, K, S. Dufour, D. Du Tremblay, H. Barkema, L. Des Coteaux, T. DeVries, I. Dohoo, J-P. Roy and D.
Scholl. The National Cohort of Dairy Farms A Research Platform for Mastitis Management, Planning and
Control in Canada. NMC 48th Annual Meeting. Charlotte, NC. January 26-28, 2009. p.134-135.
Reyher, K. K., Dufour, S., Barkema, H. W., Des Côteaux, L., DeVries, T. J., Dohoo, I. R., Keefe, G. P., Roy,
J.-P., and Scholl, D. T. The core research platform for the Canadian Bovine Mastitis Research Network - a
national and international resource. 5th IDF International Mastitis Conference. March 21-24, 2010.
Christchurch New Zeeland.
Reyher, K., and Scholl, D. A national resource platform for mastitis management, planning and control in
Canada. In: Mastitis Control: From science to practice. Proceedings of international conference. September
30 - October 2, 2008. The Hague, Netherlands. p. 439.
Reyher, K., and Scholl, D. Une plateforme nationale de recherche sur la surveillance et le contrôle de la
mammite bovine au Canada. 4e Colloque international francophone de microbiologie animale. September
21-24, 2008. Saint-Hyacinthe, Québec, Canada. P. 53.
Rezamand, P., M. A. McGuire, and S. M. Andrew. 2009. Interaction among energy status, retinol-binding
protein and intra-mammary infections in periparturient dairy cows. In: Proceedings of the 44th Annual
Pacific Northwest Animal Nutrition Conference. pp. 71-83.
Rezamand. P., K. M. Hunt, R. D. Schramm, and M. A. McGuire. 2010. Bovine hepatic and adipose retinol
binding protein gene expression. J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93 (E-Suppl. 1):313 (Abstr.).
Rezamand. P., K. M. Hunt, R. D. Schramm, and M. A. McGuire. 2010. Bovine hepatic and adipose retinol
binding protein gene expression. ADSA- ASAS joint annual meeting, Denver CO
Ringen D, Marshall T, Middleton JR. 2009. Utility of pre-partum udder secretions for predicting
intramammary infections in dairy heifers at calving. Phi Zeta Research Day, March 13, 2009, Columbia,
Ringen DR, Middleton JR, Marshall TS. 2010. Utility of Pre-partum Parameters for Predicting
Intramammary Infection at Calving in Heifers on a Grazing Dairy. Phi Zeta Research Day, March 19, 2010,
Columbia, MO.
Ringen DR, Middleton JR, Marshall TS. 2010. Utility of Pre-partum Parameters for Predicting
Intramammary Infection at Calving in Heifers on a Grazing Dairy. MU Life Sciences Week, April 12-17. W106.
Ringen DR, Middleton JR, Marshall TS. 2010. Utility of Pre-partum Parameters for Predicting
Intramammary Infection at Calving in Heifers on a Grazing Dairy. ACVIM Forum, Anaheim, CA. June 9.
Ringen DR, Middleton JR, Marshall TS. 2010. Utility of pre-partum parameters for predicting
intramammary infection at calving in first calf heifers on a grazing dairy. Proc. 49th Annual Meeting of the
Natl. Mast. Counc. Albuquerque, NM. 212-213
Ringen DR, Middleton JR, Suntrup D, Markovich T. 2011. Epidemiology of mastitis pathogens in heifers on
a grazing dairy. Abstract FA-2. ACVIM Forum. Denver, Colorado June. 15-18, 2011.
Ringen DR, Middleton JR, Suntrup D, Markovich T. 2011. Epidemiology of mastitis pathogens in heifers on
a grazing dairy. Proc. 3rd Intl. Mastitis and Milk Quality Symposium. St. Louis, MO. Sept 22-24, 2011.
Ringen DR, Suntrup D, Middleton JR. 2011. Molecular characterization of isolates from pre-partum
secretions, teat skin swabs and post-partum milk samples from replacement heifers on a grazing dairy. Proc.
50th Annual Meeting of the Natl. Mast. Counc. Arlington, VA. Jan 23-26, 2010. 127-128.
Rodrigues, A. C. O., J. C. F. Pantoja, C. M. Hulland, P. L. Ruegg. Bulk tank bacteria and selected foodborne
pathogens in raw milk of Wisconsin farmstead dairy producers. 2010. Conference Research Workers Animal
Disease. Chicago, IL Dec 4-6.
Rollin, E., S. C. Nickerson, D. T. Ensley, and R .D. Berghaus. Mastitis outbreak in beef bulls on a feeding
test. American Association of Bovine Practitioners. Sept 25-27, Charlotte, NC. 2008.
Ruegg, P.L. 2009. Risk factors for recurrence of clinical mastitis. 48th Ann. Proceedings NMC, Charlotte
NC, Jan 25-28.
Ruegg, P.L., C. Hulland and H. Khatib. 2010. Relationship between intramammary treatment using
pirlimycin hydrochloride and lincosamide resistance. Pp 633-638 In Mastitis Research into Practice, Proc.
5th IDF Mastitis Conference, March 21-24, 2010, Christchurch, NZ. Edited by J.E. Hillerton.
SA Wagner and RJ Erskine. Decision making in mastitis therapy, in Current Veterinary Therapy-Food
Animal Practice, fifth edition, D. Anderson and M. Rings, ed. pp. 502-509 Saunders, St Louis, Missouri,
Scheneider, C.S., L,K. Fox, and A. N. Hristov. 2011. The effects of lauric acid on mastitis pathogens.
Proceedings of the NMC 50th Annual Meeting, Arlington, VA. pages 199-200.
Scholl, D., Messier, S., Oliver, S.P., and Paradis, M.-E. Validate Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction
Assays for Common Intramammary Pathogens. Annual Scientific Meeting, Canadian Bovine Mastitis
Research Network. October 26-28, 2009. Montreal, QC. Canada.
Scholl, D., Messier, S., Tomita, G., Dohoo, I., Des Côteaux. L., Roy, J.-P., DeVries, T., Barkema, H., Keefe,
G., Ngeleka, M., Reyher, K., DuTremblay, D., Dufour, S., Paradis, M.-E. Core Research Platform of the
Canadian Bovine Mastitis Research Network. Annual Scientific Meeting, Canadian Bovine Mastitis
Research Network. October 26-28, 2009. Montreal, QC. Canada.
Scholl, D.T., Barkema H.W., Lacasse, P., and Tomita, G.M. Successes and Pitfalls of the Canadian IndustryPartnership Approach to Mastitis Research. 5th IDF International Mastitis Conference. March 21-24, 2010.
Christchurch New Zeeland. Accepted
Scholl, D.T., Barkema H.W., Lacasse, P., and Tomita, G.M. Successes and Pitfalls of the Canadian IndustryPartnership Approach to Mastitis Research. 5th IDF International Mastitis Conference. March 21-24, 2010.
Christchurch New Zeeland.
Scholl, Daniel, Serge Messier, and Stephen Oliver. 2008. Validate a multiplex polymerase chain reaction
assay for common Gram-positive intramammary pathogens. pp. 10-11 In: Proc. 2008 Canadian Bovine
Mastitis Research Network-Mastitis Research Workers Conference Joint Scientific Meeting.
Siebert LJ, J Lippolis, and GM Pighetti. 2011. Expression of CXCR1 and CXCR2 in bovine mammary
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Smith, E. A. Masters Thesis: A porcine model for polymicrobial respiratory infections with swine influenza
virus and Staphylococcus aureus. Dec. 2010
Sobreira, N. M., J. C. F. Pantoja and P. Ruegg. 2009. Daily Variability in Somatic Cell Count of Dairy Goats
and Cows. 48th Ann. Proceedings NMC, Charlotte NC, Jan 25-28.
Sordillo L.M. Presented invited seminar entitled Inflammation in the transition cow: Is it harmful or helpful
at the Pacific Northwest Animal Nutrition and Management Conference, Portland, Oregon. October 2011.
Sordillo L.M. Presented invited seminar entitled Nutrient metabolism and oxidative stress in periparturient
dairy cows: impact on disease susceptibility at the Annual Conference of the Japan Veterinary Medical
Association, Gifu, Japan. February 2011.
Sordillo L.M. Presented invited seminar entitled Oxidative stress and mastitis susceptibility: The
immunology Link at the Pacific Northwest Animal Nutrition and Management Conference, Portland,
Oregon. October 2011.
Sordillo, L.M. 2010. Impact of Nutrition on Mammary Immunity and Susceptibility to Mastitis in Transition
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Sordillo, L.M. and S. L. Aitken. 2010 Mammary Resistance Mechanisms - Endogenous. in Encyclopedia of
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Sordillo, L.M., J.C. Gandy, and C.M. Corl. 2010. Thioredoxin reductase attenuates vascular inflammatory
responses during oxidative stress. Proc. Nutrition. Soc. 69:E317.
Spanu, C., D. Thomas, Y. Berger and P. Ruegg. 2009. Performance of the Direct Cell Counter on Ovine
Milk Samples 48th Ann. Proceedings NMC, Charlotte NC, Jan 25-28.
Stenske, K.S, B. E Gillespie, S. P. Oliver, D. A. Bemis, K. J. Matteson, F. A. Draughon, and J. W. Bartges.
2008. Comparison of clonal relatedness of fecal Escherichia coli isolates from dogs and their owners and
epidemiological analysis of within-household sharing of bacteria. J. Vet. Intern Med. 22:785.
Stenske, Katherine A., Barbara. E. Gillespie, Stephen P. Oliver, David A. Bemis, Karla J. Matteson, F. Ann
Draughon, and Joseph W. Bartges. 2008. Comparison of clonal relatedness of fecal Escherichia coli from
dogs and their owners and epidemiological analysis of within household sharing of bacteria. Abstract 2, p. 12
In: Proc. 2nd Annual Comparative and Experimental Medicine Research Symposium, College of Veterinary
Medicine, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
Sterrett, A.E. and J.M. Bewley. 2011. Characterization of management practices utilized by low somatic cell
count Kentucky dairy herds. Abstract M160. American Dairy Science Association Annual Meeting. New
Orleans, Louisiana.
Stewart, B. A., T. H. Yang, J. S. Hogan, and C. S. Petersson-Wolfe. 2009. Genotypic profiling of enterococci
isolated from bovine origin. J. Dairy Sci. 92(E-suppl 1): 174.
Stewart, B., S. N. Masiello, J. S. Hogan and C. S. Petersson-Wolfe. 2010. Genotypic profiling of enterococci
from bovine origin. Pp 369-372 In Mastitis Research into Practice, Proc. 5th IDF Mastitis Conference,
March 21-24, 2010, Christchurch, NZ. Edited by J.E. Hillerton.
Stewart, B.A., T. H. Yang, J. S. Hogan , and C. S. Petersson-Wolfe. 2009. Genotypic profiling of enterococci
isolated from bovine origin. J. Dairy Sci 92(1):196.
Suntrup D, Ringen DR, Perry J, Middleton JR. 2010. Genotypic evaluation of staphylococcal isolates from
pre-partum lacteal secretions and post-calving milk of primiparous dairy heifers. Merial Veterinary Research
Scholars National Symposium, Atlanta, Georgia. Aug 5-8, 2010.
Timms, L. 2008. Characteristics and use of separated manure solids following anaerobic digestion for dairy
freestall bedding in three Iowa dairy herds. J. Dairy Sci. 91. E-Suppl.1:323.
Timms, L. 2008. Evaluation of a novel chlorine dioxide teat dip on teat end and teat skin health. J. Dairy Sci.
91. E-Suppl.1:302.
Timms,L. and J. Morelli. 2008. Teat end and skin conditioning evaluation of two experimental heptanoic
acid teat dips during winter. J. Dairy Sci. 91. E-Suppl.1:302.
Trujillo J, Justice-Allen A, Morley T, Wilson D: SYBR green real-time PCR detection and differentiation
assay for Mycoplasma species in biological samples. Proc 52nd Ann Conf AAVLD: 97, 2009. (Published
since last NE-1028 report.)
Upchurch M, M., F. Kautz, and S.C. Nickerson. Local leukocyte response of the heifer mammary gland to
mastitis- causing bacterial pathogens. (Poster) CAES Young Scholars Program. July 6, 2011.
Wang Q, Wang L-H, and Schultz BD. Cholera Toxin Enhances ENaC-Mediated Sodium Absorption Across
Cultured Human Mammary Epithelial Cells. FASEB J 24: 999.992 (Abstract), 2010.
Warren, J O. Kerro Dego, R.A. Almeida, S.P. Oliver, and G.M. Pighetti. 2011. Identification of
Streptococcus uberis mutants susceptible to neutrophil killing. 92th CRWAD Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL
Weiss WP, Hogan JS, Wyatt DJ. 2009. Relative bioavailability of all-rac and RRR vitamin E based on
neutrophil function and total alpha-tocopherol and isomer concentrations in periparturient dairy cows and
their calves. J Dairy Sci. 92:720-31
Wenz, J.R. , T. E. Besser, L.K. Fox, and Y. Zhang. Comparison of 16sRNA gene sequence analysis with
aerobic milk culture for the identification of potential bacterial etiologies of bovine clinical mastitis. J. Dairy
Science 92 (Suppl. 1): 98.
Wilson D, Justice-Allen A, Maddox J: Reduction in mycoplasma mastitis in Utah dairy herds participating in
a follow-up project. Proc 52nd Ann Conf AAVLD: 98, 2009.
Wilson D, Trujillo J, Justice-Allen A, Goodell G: Mycoplasma found in bedding of dairy herds with
associated mycoplasma mastitis in dairy cattle. Proc 52nd Ann Conf AAVLD: 94, 2009.
Wilson DJ, González RN, Sears PM, Southwick LH, Schulte HF, Bennett GJ: Intramammary pathogens
from 3755 dairy goats and sheep and farm characteristics from New York State. J Dairy Sci Vol. 91, E-
Suppl. 1:301, 2008.
Wilson DJ, Justice-Allen A, Baldwin TJ, Skirpstunas RT, Cavender KB, Goodell G: An experiment in
transmission of Mycoplasma bovis in sand bedding to naive dairy calves. J Dy Sci Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1:253,
Wilson DJ, Justice-Allen A, Goodell G, Baldwin TJ, Skirpstunas RT, Cavender KB: Is Mycoplasma bovis in
bedding sand transmissible to naive dairy calves? Proc 43rd Ann Conv Am Assoc Bov Pract: 201, 2010.
Wilson DJ, Justice-Allen A, Goodell G, Baldwin TJ, Skirpstunas RT, Cavender KB: Experimental exposure
of naive dairy calves to Mycoplasma bovis in naturally contaminated bedding sand risk of transmission. Proc
53rd Ann Conf Am Assoc Vet Lab Diag: 131, 2010.
Wilson DJ, Justice-Allen A, Trujillo JD, Goodell G: Multiple Mycoplasma spp. detected in bulk tank milk
samples using real-time PCR and conventional culture, and agreement between test methods. J Dy Sci Vol.
94, E-Suppl. 1:701, 2011.
Wilson DJ, Justice-Allen AE, Trujillo JD, Goodell G: Detection of Mycoplasma spp. in bulk tank milk
samples using conventional culture and real-time PCR. Proc Natl Mast Council - Am Assoc Bov Pract 3rd
International Symposium on Mastitis and Milk Quality, 125-129, 2011.
Wilson DJ, Trujillo JD, Skirpstunas RT, Cavender KB: Sodium chlorite lactic acid teat dip contaminated
with Serratia liquefaciens. Journ Dairy Sci Vol. 91, E-Suppl. 1:302, 2008.
Wilson DJ: Mycoplasma mastitis-management strategies and likelihood of eliminating it from dairy herds in
Utah. Proc Utah Vet Med Assoc:1-21, 2010.
Yeiser, E. E., K. E. Leslie and C. S. Petersson-Wolfe. 2011. The effects of flunixin meglumine treatment on
activity measures and feed intake during experimentally induced Escherichia coli mastitis. National Mastitis
Council 3rd International Symposium on Mastitis and Milk Quality, St. Louis, MO. Pp. 32-36.
Yeiser, E. E., K. E. Leslie and C. S. Petersson-Wolfe. 2011. The effects of flunixin meglumine treatment on
activity measures and feed intake during experimentally induced Escherichia coli mastitis. National Mastitis
Council Annual Meeting 2011, Arlington, VA. Pg 133-134.
Zadoks, R., Munoz, M., Griffiths, H., Bennett, G., Schukken, Y., 2008. Klebsiella Not by bedding alone.
Proc.Natl.Mastitis Counc.Annu.Meet.Natl.Mastitis Counc.Inc., Verona, WI 240 241.
Zimov. J.L., N. A. Botheras, and J. S. Hogan. 2009. Behavioral and physiological responses to
lipopolysaccharide induced clinical mastitis. J. Dairy Sci. 92(1):174.