Thought Circus Assessment Rubric Name_________________ Per___________ Date________ Total Points: _____/80 Individual Task Element Scores: #1___ #2____ #3 ____ #4____ #5___ #6___ #7___ #8____ Stations Insufficient 0-1 points Provides Research insufficient Students must find summary of a information on a scientific scientific concept concept in the book. For that stems from instance, the nature of the book. starvation or the psychological effect of the Uses a invalid source natural world on the human sources to inform the psyche. They must record theconcept. information on a class Google Records no doc and include all bibliographical information. bibliographical information in APA format. Poetry Students must write a 10 line poem illustrating a transcendentalist theme from the book. They must utilize two poetic devices in the piece. Sufficient 2-5 points Provides a summary or direct quote only of a scientific concept that stems from the book. Uses at least one sources to inform the concept. Records little of the bibliographical information in APA format. Proficient 6-8 points Provides a general paraphrase of a scientific concept that stems from the book. Distinguished 9-10 points Provides a precise paraphrase of a scientific concept that stems from the book. Uses at least one sources to inform the concept. Uses at least two sources to inform the concept. Records most the bibliographical information in APA Records all the format. bibliographical information in APA format. Poem barely illustrates theme Poem illustrates theme Poem proficiently illustrates theme Poem eloquently illustrates theme Is at least 8 lines Is at least 8 lines Is at least 10 lines Is at least 10 lines Attempts to use one poetic devices but it’s cliché. Use one poetic devices in an adequate manner Use two poetic devices in an adequate manner 1 Use two poetic devices in a nuanced and proficient manner Vocabulary Students will identify a vocabulary word from the text and add it to the Vocabulary Powerpoint. They must include all definitions of the word, a sentence in context, synonyms and antonyms, and a concept picture. Finds the definition of the word Finds the definition of the word Finds most of the definitions of the word Finds all of the definitions of the word Uses it in a sentence but it doesn’t make sense Uses it in a sentence Uses it in a sentence in context Uses it in a sentence in context Identifies most antonyms and synonyms Identifies all antonyms and synonyms Posts an adequate concept picture Posts an outstanding concept picture Doesn’t Identify an antonym or synonym Identifies an antonym and synonym Posts an concept picture Posts an inadequate concept picture . Art Collage Students can use a combination of paint and collage to illustrate a character from the book. They must write a brief explanation on the back. The collage is an illustration of the character Uses at least one elements (image, color, etc) Doesn’t writes an explanation of the concept on the back TED Talk Students will watch a brief TED talk video and write a reader response journal on how it relates to the themes in the book. Doesn’t make a connection between the video and the book The collage is an illustration of the character or his significance to the book. Uses at least two elements (image, color, etc) The collage is an adequate illustration of the character’s complexity or significance to the book. Uses at least two elements (image, color, etc) Writes an unsatisfactory explanation of the concept on the back Writes an explanation of the concept on the back Writes a weak journal on the connection between the video and the book Writes an adequate journal on the connection between the video and the book 2 The collage is an exceptional illustration of the character’s complexity or significance to the book. Uses at least three elements (image, color, etc) Writes an concise explanation of the concept on the back Writes a concise journal on the connection between the video and the book Gives an microscope read from the book. Gives an microscope read from the book. Doesn’t give a explanation of the significance of the literary device, character, scene or image in the analysis Gives a insufficient explanation of the significance of the literary device, character, scene or image in the analysis Graffiti Wall On butcher paper, students will comment on the essential question of the book: was Alex a hero or a fool? They must reference evidences from the book. They must write their names by the comments. Makes an inadequate argument Makes an argument Makes an adequate argument Makes an insightful argument Uses no evidence Uses one piece of evidence Uses two pieces of evidence Uses three pieces of evidence SHIFTT Students will read and do a SHIFT analysis on a short Emerson poem that illustrates a theme from the book then write a reader response journal determining the connection between the two. Attempts a SHIFTT analysis of the poem. Makes a mediocre SHIFTT analysis of the poem. Makes an adequate SHIFTT analysis of the poem. Makes a thorough SHIFTT analysis of the poem. Doesn’t write a journal on the connection to the book Writes a weak journal on the connection to the book Writes an adequate journal on the connection to the book Writes a concise journal on the connection to the book Microscope Reading Students will pull a microscope reading from their annotations and record their analysis. They will write the evidence, along with their names and page number on a Google Doc. 3 Gives an adequate microscope read from the book. Gives an sufficient explanation of the significance of the literary device, character, scene or image in the analysis Gives an insightful microscope read from the book. Gives a precise explanation of the significance of the literary device, character, scene or image in the analysis. 4 5