Supporting Information Methods S1, Figs S1–S3, Tables S1–S6 Does humidity trigger tree phenology? Proposal for an air humidity based framework for bud development in spring. Julia Laube, Tim H. Sparks, Nicole Estrella & Annette Menzel Methods S1 Experiment 1: Dormant cuttings (c. 25 cm length) of 9 different woody species (Table S1) were cut on 03.03.2012 from a forest near Freising (Germany), cleaned and put into 0.1 l glass bottles filled with tap water. For each species, 10 twigs (from 3 different trees) were kept in a climate chamber with 40% RH (relative air humidity), 10 twigs in an identical chamber with 90% RH for 30 d. To assure proper water supply, twigs were re-cut and water was changed every 2nd week. The temperature program in both chambers started with day 19.5°C (1.5°C night reduction), and increased 0.5°C per day until 30.5°C (with 2.5°C night reduction). Overall mean temperature was 25.3°C, photoperiod was 16 h daylight. The development stages of buds were recorded using BBCH-codes (Meier, 2001) three times per week. We analysed the time (number of days) until budburst for different phenophases (budburst, mouse-ear stage, leaf unfolding) by linear mixed effect models (function lme, RPackage nlme, Pinheiro et al., 2012). Tests on single species included tree identity as a random effect (tree identity nested within treatment). Treatment effect in the complete dataset was assessed with tree identity and species as random effects (tree identity and species nested within treatment). Normality assumptions were inspected via QQ-Plots, and in the case of departures from normality, the results were confirmed by Kruskal-Wallis tests, with largely comparable results (details not shown). Table S1 Species used in the Experiments 1–3 Species Scientific name Division Class Family Experiment Aspen Populus tremula L. Magnoliophyta Dilleniidae Salicaceae 1,2,3 Beech Fagus sylvatica L. Magnoliophyta Hamamelidae Fagaceae 2 Birch Betula pendula Roth. Magnoliophyta Hamamelidae Betulaceae 1,3 Cornel Cornus mas L. Magnoliophyta Rosidae Cornaceae 1,3 Larch Larix decidua Mill. Pinophyta Pinidae Pinaceae 1,3 Lilac Syringa vulgaris L. Magnoliophyta Asteridae Oleaceae 1,3 Locust Robinia pseudoacacia L. Magnoliophyta Rosidae Fabaceae 1,3 1 Species Scientific name Division Class Family Experiment Oak Quercus robur L. Magnoliophyta Hamamelidae Fagaceae 1,2,3 Maple Acer pseudoplatanus L. Magnoliophyta Rosidae Aceraceae 2 Snowberry Symphoricarpos albus L. Magnoliophyta Asteridae Caprifoliaceae 1,3 Spruce Picea abies (L.) H. Karst. Pinophyta Pinidae Pinaceae 1,3 Experiment 2: Cuttings (c. 15 cm length) of 4 tree species (Table S1) were cut on 15.04.2012 (fully chilled), the cut was taped to prevent water uptake via vascular tissue. Twigs were put in dry (empty) glasses within humid boxes (see Fig. S2). Development stages (Meier, 2001) and weights of the twigs (moist weight) were recorded during 3 wk using an analytical balance (Satorius, verification interval 1mg). One box was sprayed with water daily, the other box had no additional spraying. Mean temperature was 22.6°C in both boxes, relative air humidity was 99% and 94%, respectively, the number of replicates per box and species was 10. We analysed increase in mass with respect to phenological development using nonparametric statistics, since normality assumptions were not met. We used Kruskal-Wallis tests to assess the difference between treatments (spraying/non spraying), and rank correlation to test the relation between weight increase and the development phase of twigs). Analysis of winter/spring climate data: Daily climate data (1951–2009) of six meteorological stations (see Fig. S1) were obtained from the German weather service. Stations were chosen to represent the main climatic gradients in Germany (prealpine to coast, warm and humid Rhine valley to continental and dry northeast). The smoothness of temperature and air humidity increases during spring and summer was analysed. We used the coefficients of variation (C.V.), based on the deseasonalised (subtraction of moving average) daily values per year to judge the variability of the parameters. Significance of differences between absolute humidity and temperature were tested using sign tests. We additionally analysed both variables with respect to frost. Daily mean values of all stations and years were arranged relative to the last cold day occurring in spring (cold days are days with mean temperature at or below 0°C). We analysed the trend (slope) in daily values 60 d before and after the last cold day. Significance levels were assessed by linear mixed effect models with years and stations as covariates, and a first order autoregressive correlation structure to account for autocorrelation of daily values (R package nlme, Pinheiro et al., 2012). 2 Fig. S1 Meteorological stations in Germany used for the calculation of the air humidity spring signal. Experiment 3: A third experiment with 3 chilling treatments investigated the phenological development of twigs during a 6 wk forcing period. We used the same 9 species as in experiment 1 (Table S1), and cut dormant twigs at different dates throughout winter. Cuttings (10 replicates per species) were cleaned and put into 0.1 l glass bottles filled with tap water. Picea abies was included only in intermediate and high chilling conditions (hence is missing for the low chilling treatment). Different chilling treatments were achieved by different lengths of exposure to natural (outdoor) chilling conditions (see Table S2). The development stages of buds were recorded as in experiment 1 using BBCH-codes (Meier, 2001) three times per week, the phenological development of donor trees in the field was recorded weekly. The temperature program for all chilling treatments was identical, starting with 7°C and raised 0.5°C daily, until 27.5°C at the end of the experiment (end of week 6). Relative humidity was held constant at around 70%. Night time reduction of temperatures began at 11°C (day 11°C, night 9°C) and was gradually raised to a difference of 5°C day/night (12 h/12 h). For the first chilling treatment, the limited experimental period of 6 wk led to right-censored data, that is, not all twigs had developed to budburst within the treatment period. Hence medians were calculated as Kaplan-Meier survival estimates (R-Package Survival, Therneau, 2013). To 3 analyse the effects of chilling we used total forcing sums up to the dates of budburst. The total forcing sum was calculated from the forcing sums received during experimental and under field conditions, formulas for the calculation of thermal and humidity forcing sums are given in Table S3. The analysis included median forcing sums per species of experiment 1 (with 101 chill days) and medians per species and treatment in experiment 3 (33, 73, and 110 chill days), as well as median budburst dates observed in the field (with up to 116 chill days depending on species). Field climate data were obtained from the German weather service, the climate station was c. 2 km from the field sites. Table S2 Description of the different chilling treatments (Experiment 3). Chill days are given as the number of days since November 1st with mean temperatures below 5°C (Murray et al., 1989). Thermal time and humidity time received under field conditions by the start of experiments were calculated as given in Table S3. Budburst in the field occurred between 28.03.2012 and 09.05.2012, hence the number of chill days varies between species. Start of Number of chill Thermal time Humidity time experiment days (°C days) (g m-3 days) Chilling 1 (experiment 3) 14.12.2011 33 0 0 Chilling 2 (experiment 3) 30.01.2012 73 63.9 142.8 Humidity experiment (experiment 1) 03.03.2012 101 114.5 263.2 Chilling 3 (experiment 3) 14.03.2012 110 155.5 321.0 - 110-116 206.0-676.7 358.7-674.8 Treatment Field observations Table S3 Formulas for chill days, thermal time and humidity time. RCT, rate of chilling; T, mean daily air temperature; Tc, threshold of chilling value (set to 5°C); tc, starting date of chilling accumulation, set to 1st November; t1, onset date; RF, rate of forcing; F, forcing value (either mean daily temperature or mean daily absolute air humidity); Ft, threshold of forcing value (only for temperature, set to 0°C); SFcrit, critical forcing sum; tf, starting date of forcing accumulation, set to 1st January; t1, onset date. 0, πππ π > ππ π πΆπ = { 1, πππ π ≤ ππ π‘1 ππ’π πΆβππππππ¦ = ∑ π πΆ π π‘π Source (Murray et al., 1989) Source (Murray et al., 1989) 4 0, πππ πΉ ≤ πΉπ‘ π πΉ = { πΉ − πΉπ‘ , π‘1 ππΉππππ‘ = ∑ π πΉ π‘π πππ πΉ > πΉπ‘ Source (Kramer, 1994) Source (Kramer, 1994) 5 Figures Fig. S2 Twigs at the (a) beginning and (b) end of experiment 2. Fig. S3 Increase of (a) temperature and (b) absolute air humidity during winter and spring. The mean day for last cold day is DOY 74 (mid March), hence the period shown mostly ranges from mid November to mid July (relative day –120 to 120) or mid January to mid May (relative day –60 to 60). N = 336 (6 stations as given in Fig. S1, all years, except when cold day was missing). For the period 120 to 60 d before last cold day, both mean daily humidity and temperature values show a decline. For the period from 60 to 1 d before the last cold day the temperature already increases significantly (slope b=0.010, P=0.025), while no trend exists for humidity (b=-0.002, P=0.165). After the last cold day both variables show a positive trend. With respect to temperature this implies the reinforcement of an existing trend (after the last cold day: b=0.129, P<0.001), while for absolute humidity this represents the emergence of a new trend 6 (after the last cold day: b=0.042, P<0.001).These figures suggest that the air humidity spring signal marks the end of cold days more clearly than the temperature spring signal. Table S4 Effect of air humidity treatments on time (days) to reach phenological phases in experiment 1. Values were assessed by linear mixed effect models with tree identity as a random factor. Given are the degrees of freedom (df), intercept (Int) and treatment (Treat) coefficients, with the dry 40% relative humidity chamber as baseline, as well as the significance level (P), with bold: P<0.05. When QQ-Plots suggested departures from normality assumptions, significant results were confirmed by Kruskal-Wallis tests. Scientific species names are given in Table S1. Days to budburst Days to mouse-ear stage Days to leaf unfolding Species df Int Treat P df Int Treat P df Int Treat P Aspen 16 12.7 -1.9 0.002 16 15.7 -3.3 <0.001 16 17.8 -2.7 0.054 Birch 16 6.0 0.1 0.922 16 10.5 -1.5 0.044 15 11.8 -2.1 0.020 Cornel 16 7.6 -0.3 0.562 16 11.4 -2.1 0.030 13 23.1 -11.4 <0.001 Larch 16 5.3 -0.3 0.689 16 9.4 -1.7 0.058 16 14.3 -5.0 <0.001 Lilac 16 4.0 0.2 0.328 16 11.7 -3.6 0.059 13 19.4 -7.9 0.019 Locust 15 11.2 -3.8 0.009 15 16.2 -6.6 <0.001 14 29.1 -4.1 0.008 Oak 16 17.9 -1.7 0.017 15 20.7 -0.6 0.526 14 24.3 -1.1 0.415 Snowberry 16 4.5 -0.5 0.328 16 8.3 0.4 0.510 16 15.1 -4.1 0.055 Spruce 12 17.0 -0.3 0.855 11 21.8 0.6 0.668 11 24.2 0.4 0.770 7 Table S5 How is water transported to developing buds in early spring? Results reported in former studies Comments Bud water Bud water content decreases in autumn and winter, Thus buds in development need water, and authors content while non-lethal losses of up to 75% have been agree that it needs to be transported to the buds. changes reported (Burström, 1948a). In spring and with relation to bud development, a strong increase in water contents occurs (West & Salo, 1979; Essiamah & Eschrich, 1986; Rinne et al., 1994; Welling et al., 2004). Water content increase is supposed to be amongst the most important factors during bud development (de Fay et al., 2000; Yooyongwech et al., 2008). Timing of bud Initial growth and changes in bud structures often The first macroscopical change in bud development water demands occur already 3 wk before any macroscopic change occurs with onset of bud swelling, which itself takes is visible. At that time also bud respiration starts to at least 1 wk, sometimes up to 3 wk (personal increase (Burström, 1948b; Essiamah & Eschrich, observation, also (Fonti et al., 2007)). Hence the start 1986; McPherson et al., 1997). of water supply to buds must be expected to occur considerably (at least one month, up to 6 wk) before budburst. Water transport Relocation of Water content increase in Salix-catkin buds in Also stems and twigs dehydrate highly during winter stored water Alaska is reported to occur considerably before the (Welling & Palva, 2006). Hence it seems end of severe soil frost. The increase in water questionable if highly dehydrated tissue is able to contents of buds is suggested to originate from release and translocate reasonable amounts of water. storage pools within the stem (West & Salo, 1979). Changed water Water movement/mobility and dormancy are We do not doubt that a rising proportion of unbound mobility related (Kalcsits et al., 2009; Tanino et al., 2010). water contributes to bud water demands, but it seems The proportion of unbound (free) water within questionable if the amount of “freed water” is fully chilled buds increases with the state of sufficient. Water content increases during bud forcing, while the proportion of non-available, development are often close to or above 100% bound water decreases (Erez et al., 1998; (Burström, 1948b; West & Salo, 1979; Essiamah & Parmentier et al., 1998). This contributes to bud Eschrich, 1986; Welling et al., 2004), indicating that development. a net transport of water into the buds occurs during development. Vascular Xylem embolism increases during winter, the Not only reduced xylem flow rates, but also the transport maximum of cavitation is reported to occur shortly absence of connecting structures from bud to twig before budburst. Xylem embolism is caused by should hamper water supply via xylem, since at the freeze-thaw events, and heavily reduces hydraulic beginning of bud development and growth, no conductance in early spring (de Fay et al., 2000; vessels exist (Burström, 1948a; de Fay et al., 2000). Cochard et al., 2001; Cruiziat et al., 2002; Nardini Vessel growth within buds occurs parallel (and not et al., 2011). prior) to bud growth and development (de Fay et al., 2000). 8 Results reported in former studies Comments Xylem recovery and onset of xylem transport in Thus newly grown vessels should contribute to bud early spring are possible due to growth of new water supply only during advanced stages of bud vessels (Cochard et al., 2001). Growth of new development. vessels and cambial reactivation is usually reported to start at or soon after budburst (Cochard et al., 2001; Fonti et al., 2007; Cufar et al., 2008; Cuny et al., 2012), but see (de Fay et al., 2000). During spring, trees develop root and stem Regardless of hydraulic questions the timing of stem pressure which transports water upwards (Cochard pressure development with respect to budburst also et al., 2001; Miller-Rushing & Primack, 2008). It seems vague: Recovery of xylem embolism, root is still under debate whether stem and root pressure and budburst (Essiamah & Eschrich, 1986; pressure are strong enough to explain bleeding and Strati et al., 2003) or leaf unfolding (Cochard et al., xylem recovery (Cochard et al., 2001; Westhoff et 2001) are reported to occur simultaneously. al., 2008). Nevertheless, sap flow and embolism However, if the water demands of early bud recovery are reported to influence leaf unfolding development are to be fulfilled, root/stem pressure (Cochard et al., 2001), and also budburst is related and xylem recovery should advance budburst for to the timing of root pressure development (Strati several (at least 4) wk. Such a time lag has not been et al., 2003). Other reported. It has been proposed that water vapour transport also contributes to xylem recovery (Zwieniecki & Holbrook, 2009). This seems possible since at least summer foliage water uptake is able to increase stem water potential (Boucher et al., 1995), and can even reach levels that reverse xylem sap flow towards the roots (Burgess & Dawson, 2004). Conclusion An overall explanation of water transport to buds during initial development stages is not trivial. If structural changes and growth in buds occur about 4 wk before budburst, then stem or root pressure might only contribute partially. If we take into account that not only buds, but also twigs and stems are highly dehydrated, high amounts of water translocation from nearby tissue seem unlikely. As winter embolism reduces xylem transport heavily, an exclusive water supply via the stem is also questionable, since the onset of xylem transport seems not to coincide with the water demands of early bud development. Additionally, the amount of water transported upwards (regardless if transported within phloem or within the remaining, uncavitated xylem vessels) should meet the water demands for rehydration of bark and wood, full xylem recovery, onset of transpiration and bud development simultaneously. Thus spring might not only be harsh with respect to a danger of frost, but also with respect to imperfect water supply, at least if crowns of trees are considered. The ability of foliar water uptake seems to be widespread among taxonomical groups (Limm et al., 2009), and might act as an additional source of water during spring, when the primary water supply via the stem is still hampered. 9 Table S6 Are buds and twigs capable of uptaking water from the air? Results reported in former studies Bud contents Comments Usually in buds and twigs, starch content increases during At the end of winter, buds and twigs have summer and autumn, and decreases during winter. The highly dehydrated tissue that contains large decomposition of starch to sugars contributes to frost amounts of hydrophilic substances. We hence tolerance (Rinne et al., 1994; Welling & Palva, 2006). would expect high water potential differences Also sugar concentrations of twig xylem increase during between these tissues and the surrounding air. winter (Sakr et al., 2003). Highest sugar content is found before budburst (Lipavska et al., 2000). Not only sugars, but also other, strong hydrophilic substances are found in buds before budburst (Welling & Palva, 2006; Kalcsits et al., 2009). Dehydrins increase during winter and decrease during early spring (Welling et al., 2004). Amongst other factors, frost hardiness is attributed to tissue dehydration. During autumn and winter, a strong decrease in water content of buds and twigs is common, followed by drastic water content increase before budburst (West & Salo, 1979; Essiamah & Eschrich, 1986; Rinne et al., 1994; de Fay et al., 2000; Welling et al., 2004; Yooyongwech et al., 2008). Stomata During winter, ABA concentrations increase, followed by ABA is known to induce dormancy and cause a sharp decrease before budburst (Rinne et al., 1994; stomata closure. It seems likely that stomata Welling & Palva, 2006). Budburst is related to both ABA of young leaves (within the bud), bud scales, decrease and water content increase (Rinne et al., 1994). and twigs are closed during winter, while Stomata activity and the ability to open to maximum both a decrease in ABA content and increased follow a strict internal rhythm, which is independent of stomata activity might promote stomata external factors. Minimum stomata activity is reported to opening in spring. occur during winter, while afterwards (during early spring) a sharp increase in ability to open fully is reported (Seidman & Riggan, 1968). Water vapour rather than fluid water is suggested to be It seems possible that increasing humidity responsible for stomatal responses (Peak & Mott, 2011), during early spring triggers stomata opening. and water vapour also increases stomatal conductance Thus water vapour exchange between twigs, (Boucher et al., 1995). young leaves and to a lesser extent also bud Stomata occur at all aerial parts of the plant body (such as scales with stems and leaves) (Hetherington & Woodward, 2003), the promoted. highest density of stomata is found on leaves in young buds (Kozlowski & Pallardy, 1997). Bud scales (cataphylls) have fewer stomata than leaves, or no stomata at all (Romberger et al., 1993). Foliar water uptake is proposed to occur, amongst others, also via stomata (Slatyer, 1960). 10 surrounding air might be Results reported in former studies Epidermis Comments Foliar water uptake via cuticula can deliver amounts of As bud scales do not seem to prevent water sufficient to increase leaf water potential noticeably. transpiration considerably better than normal The rates of cuticular uptake increase with the presence of leaf cuticula, it seems likely that a water cracks or abrasion at cuticles (Kerstiens, 1996; Burgess & exchange in the reverse direction should be Dawson, 2004). Water uptake even via thick wax cuticles comparable to that of leaves. At the end of is possible (Burgess & Dawson, 2004). Bud scales are winter and early spring, mechanical damage usually very thin (often only one row of cells (Romberger is likely, which might further contribute to et al., 1993)), and their capacity to insulate against permeability of bud scales. transpiration loss is shown to be comparable to cuticles of ordinary leaves (Burström, 1948a). Bud water Dry, dormant buds are able to absorb water vapour from Only endodormant buds were examined. If uptake the air (Burström, 1948a; Wolter & Kozlowski, 1964). As the highly increased activity of stomata, absorption rates reached only 30% of transpiration rates, higher amounts of hydrophilic contents and this ability was suggested to be of little ecological probably increased cuticular uptake due to significance (Burström, 1948a). damage in bud scales are taken into account, absorption rates of ecodormant buds in early Diurnal variations of bud water contents can, amongst spring should exceed the reported rates others, be attributed to bud transpiration and moisture considerably. Additionally, not only buds but uptake from the atmosphere (Kozlowski & Petersen, also twigs seem to be involved in uptake 1960). Conclusion (Burström, 1948a). In early spring, aboveground tissue is highly dehydrated and filled with considerable amounts of hydrophilic substances. This would raise the expectation that strong water pressure tension differences occur between tissue and surroundings. Simultaneously, a high number of stomata within and at the budscale, twig and stem quickly regain full activity, and thus might contribute considerably to uptake of water vapour. Thin and possibly injured bud scales, not fully developed cuticula of young leaves within the buds, and bark might also absorb water. Besides uptake processes, also purely mechanical effects might contribute to an advance in bud development. Albeit no former studies were found on this point, it seems possible that moist air results in softening of bud scales and hence facilitate bud swelling and splitting. Orchards have used oil sprays for decades to delay budburst and hence reduce frost damage (Myers et al., 1996; Dami & Beam, 2004). The physiological reason for this is not well understood, reduced respiration or increased CO2 levels within the tissue are suggested to produce this effect. It might also be attributed to limited uptake of water. 11 References Boucher JF, Munson AD, Bernier PY. 1995. 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