Timetable Break Down Term 3 and Term 4 Term 3 Week 1 – 29 July Exam timetable Week 2 – 5 August Monday 5 August– Usual Classes Tuesday 6 August (all other classes are cancelled due to exams) Hall o o o 5-6pm IF Roses (Miss Niven) 6-7pm grade 6 Jazz (Miss Niven) 7-8pm Intermediate (Miss B) Basement 5-5.45 Grade 3 Jazz (Miss B) 5.45-6.45 I.F. Buds (Miss B) Wednesday – classes are cancelled due to exams Thursday – Classes as normal Saturday – Classes as normal NEW CONCERT TIMETABLE COMMENCES Week 3 – 12 August Concert timetable Week 4 – 19 August Concert timetable Week 5 – 26 August Concert timetable Week 6 – 2 September Concert timetable Week 7 – 9 September Concert timetable – Full Dress Rehearsal Saturday rehearsal all students required – Hair Demonstration Week 8 – 16 September Concert timetable – Full Dress Rehearsal Saturday rehearsal all students required – Make Up Demonstration Week 9 – 23 September Concert timetable All classes with Miss B on Tuesday 24 Sept. cancelled - rehearsals on Saturday 28 September instead Saturday rehearsal all students required Holiday rehearsals Wednesday 2 October and Thursday 3 October 9-12 Vocational Levels Only Friday 4 October 9-12 Vocational Levels Only – only if required Term 4 Week 1 Concert timetable Saturday rehearsal all students required Concert Week Week 2 Monday 21 October All students from Pre-Primary to Intermediate (No Pre-School classes) Location: Manurewa Methodist Church Hall, Corner Great South and Alfriston Roads, Manurewa Costumes: No Make-Up: No Hair: Ballet Bun 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.30pm 6.30pm 7.30pm All students arrive at the hall Full run through commences Pre-primary (Monday class) and Primary (excluding Primary Jazz) finish 6.30pm Pre-Primary (Saturday class) and Primary Jazz finish Finish Tuesday 22 October (please note, times are guidelines only) Location: Hawkins Theatre, 13 Ray Small Drive, Papakura Costumes: All students Make-Up: Seniors only Hair: All students 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.30pm 6.30pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm All students arrive at the theatre Full run through commences Pre-school (all Classes), Pre-primary (Monday class) and Primary (excluding Primary Jazz) Finish 6.30pm Pre-Primary (Saturday class) and Primary Jazz finish Grade 1 – Grade 2 finish Grade 3 and Grade 4, I.F. Buds finish Seniors finish Wednesday 23 October (please note, times are guidelines only) Location: Hawkins Theatre, 13 Ray Small Drive, Papakura Costumes: All students Make-Up: All students Hair: All students 4.00pm 4.30pm 5.30pm 6.30pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm All students arrive at the theatre Full run through commences Pre-school (all Classes), Pre-primary (Monday class) and Primary (excluding Primary Jazz) Finish 6.30pm Pre-Primary (Saturday class) and Primary Jazz finish Grade 1 – Grade 2 finish Grade 3 and Grade 4, I.F. Buds finish Seniors finish Thursday 24 October Afternoon reserved for senior/ lead rehearsal if required Location: Hawkins Theatre, 13 Ray Small Drive, Papakura What to wear: Leotard and tights only, no costumes or make-up Friday 4.30pm 5.30pm 6.30pm 8.30pm Theatre open for students to arrive early if they wish All students to arrive at the theatre (hair and make-up completed) Show Commences Pre-School, Pre-Primary and Primary students may be collected in between Act 1 and Act 2 or Act 2 and 3 after they have performed Show Ends Saturday 4.30pm 5.30pm 6.30pm 8.30pm Theatre open for students to arrive early if they wish All students to arrive at the theatre (hair and make-up completed) Show Commences Show Ends Pre-School, Pre-Primary and Primary students may be collected between Act 1 and Act 2 or Act 2 and 3 after they have performed. Please write your child’s name down at the theatre so the parent helpers know to get them changed and ready to be picked up. If you do not collect your child in between the acts they will be in the finale. All students Grade 1 and above will stay and participate in the finale at the end. Students Watching Students are allowed to go and sit in the audience after they have performed but you must purchase a ticket for them.