Rock Lobster Eastern Zone Fishery – 25 July 2014 Cost Recoverable Fisheries Regulatory Services for the Rock Lobster Eastern Zone Fishery Research Services Function Data collection, monitoring and analysis for stock assessment. Key Performance Indicators Description Management of field operations: • Annual fishery independent fixed site survey. • On-board observer program Management and analysis of catch & effort data, fishery independent data and puerulus data Stock assessment modelling to determine annual TACC output Fixed site surveys completed by September. Collection of observer data completed by 15 September. All field data entered, edited and archived in SAS with all processing completed by 30 November. Annual fishery status report completed by October. Data report provided to the RLRAG by November Ad hoc requests as requested by the Department Annual stock assessment report completed by February. Presentation of stock assessment to DEPI and RLRAG by February All stock assessment analyses and model outputs presented at the TACC workshop (held before the end of April). FTEs Operating Total* $ ($) Rec. %** Tot. Rec. $*** 0 269,691 90 242,722 269,691 Research services are delivered under contract by the South Australia Research and Development Institute * Total cost of FTEs and Operating 1 Rock Lobster Eastern Zone Fishery – 25 July 2014 ** Recoverability % *** Total Recoverable Cost Note – The amounts contained in this schedule are based on 2014/15 projected costs (i.e. not phased-in). DEPI will provide advice to the Fisheries Cost Recovery Standing Committee on the status of deliverables/milestones on a quarterly basis. Education & Enforcement Services Function Description Key Performance Indicators Inspections of licenced commercial fisheries Inspections are undertaken at any time in any location to ensure compliance. This involves: - Enforcement of size limits. - Enforcement of take-area reporting. - Enforcement of take when allocated quota holding is reached. Using intelligence, targeted inspections conducted: at sea, on land and at processor Integrity of the quota management system maintained. FTEs Operating Total ($) ($) Rec. % Tot. Rec. $ .4877 Included in FTE cost 100 83,265 FTEs Operating Total ($) ($) Rec. % Tot. Rec. $ .14 3,366 90 20,516 83,265 Fisheries Management Services Function Setting quota and harvest limits Key Performance Indicators Description Prepare for and participate in the annual TACC advisory forum. Document and distribute a comprehensive summary of the TACC forum outcomes to industry associations. Prepare the Further Quota Order to set the annual TACC. Administration of statutory consultation process related to the Further Quota Order. This includes consideration and review of public submissions. The annual TACC advisory workshop is held by the end of April. DEPI Management staff attend annual TACC advisory forum. The annual TACC established and stakeholders notified by 30 June each year. Public Submissions received on the proposed TACC summarised and published on DEPI website by 30 June. 22,795 2 Rock Lobster Eastern Zone Fishery – 25 July 2014 Operational management of marine fisheries Prepare briefs, interpret information, attend meetings and develop discussion papers to inform the fisheries executive and the Minister on issues related to the management of the commercial fishery. Legislative and/or regulatory changes, including Fisheries Notices, implemented as required. All written industry requests or enquiries responded to within 20 working days. Assess, advise on and respond to emerging issues. Respond to industry queries including requests for information and updates on catch. Applications for general permits, including for research, responded to within 20 working days. Liaise with other government agencies and industry as required. .21 5,079 34,400 90 30,960 Consider permit applications for industry research and other activities. Licence Administration Services Function Catch and Effort Quota catch recording services Description Operation of the C&E Unit (Monitoring receipt of C&E returns; entering of details in the database; checking accuracy; printing C&E reports as required). Administration of fisheries quota accounting (Monitoring and adjustment of quota balances via in-person reporting and IVR). monitoring and adjustment of quota (follow up on over quota, incomplete reports, and receive calls from fishers when they experience difficulties with IVR) supply documentation to licence FTEs Operating Total ($) ($) Rec. % Tot. Rec. $ All data entered in the data base within 3 working days of receipt of dockets. All requests for rock lobster data provided within 5 working days. .22 1,207 29,691 65 19,299 All quota balances adjusted within 24 hours of receipt of documentation. .129 681 16,870 100 16,870 Key Performance Indicators 3 Rock Lobster Eastern Zone Fishery – 25 July 2014 holders and operators throughout the season (CDR books, coff register books, quota statements) Send out new documentation to licence holders at completion of licence renewal. Process quota transfers and provide clearance to commercial licensing for licence variations (operators, coffs etc) Assist compliance officers by providing reports and information, also prepare documentation of court procedures. Cost Recovery Administration Services Function Cost recovery administration Key Performance Indicators Description Operational costs only for the provision of secretariat service for the FCRSC (e.g. Chair’s services, meeting room hire, and committee allowances for travel, accommodation and meals). FCRSC meeting agenda and papers circulated two weeks in advance of meetings. FCRSC minutes prepared and circulated within 7 working days of meetings. Science Prospective cost recovery system Education & Enforcement Management Licence Administration Cost Recovery Administration FTEs Operating Total ($) ($) Rec. % Tot. Rec. $ 0 1,032 100 1,032 1,032 $ $ 242,722 83,265 $ $ $ $ 51,476 36,169 1,032 414,664 Total Note – This schedule relates to the provision of cost recoverable services only. 4