CHECKLIST MINIMAL REQUIREMENTS NAME: ………………………………………. RESEARCH GROUP: ……………………. Please indicate how you fulfilled the minimal requirements of the doctoral school by listing the title and date of the relevant courses/workshops/seminars in the second column of the table below. Certificates need to be added as proof. Publications and presentations can be listed in Addendum A and B respectively. Specific requirements for separate disciplines are indicated in the table below. For the info sessions with a (+), the following rule counts: you need to follow at least 3 info sessions of the following list (or an equivalent) in order to fulfill the minimal requirements of the DS S&T Introduction to computational science/supercomputer Literature searching skills Reviewing skills (Funding) possibilities to perform research abroad Writing a successful grant proposal 1 SCIENTIFIC OUTPUT Publications & Patents Experimental Biology Addendum A At least one publication as first author, in the top 50% of the research domain. More Publications are recommended Theoretical Chemistry One top publication or 2-3 publications Experimental Chemistry At least one accepted A1-publication as first author Expected: three A1-publications Theoretical Computer Science Three publications on peer reviewed and international workshops, conferences or in journals Applied Computer Science One to three A1/C1 publications as first author Theoretical Physics One top publication or 2-3 publications Experimental Physics At least one accepted A1-publication as first author Expected: three A1-publications Mathematics Two submitted papers in A1/A2 journals or one submitted paper in an A1 journal within the first 25% of the research domain 2 Statistics Two to four A1-publications (at least submitted or in revision, preferably accepted) Engineering Technology At least one accepted A1-publication as first author. Expected: three A1-publications IMOB At least one accepted A1-publication as first author. Expected: three A1-publications Poster & Oral Presentations Experimental Biology Addendum B Active participation in at least two conferences (at least one international) with a poster or oral presentation Theoretical Chemistry Active participation in at least one international conference or workshop with a poster presentation Experimental Chemistry Active participation in one (or more) international conferences/workshops with a poster or oral presentation as first author Theoretical Computer Science Active participation in at least two peer reviewed and international workshops or conferences Applied Computer Science Active participation in two to three conferences with an oral presentation (poster presentations are an exception) 3 Theoretical Physics Active participation in at least one international conference or workshop with a poster presentation Experimental Physics Active participation in one (or more) international conference/workshops with a poster or oral presentation as first author Mathematics Active participation in at least one international meeting with a poster or oral presentation Statistics Active participation in four conferences with a poster or oral presentation Engineering Technology Active participation in one (expected more) international conferences/workshops with a poster or oral presentation as first author. IMOB Active participation in two (or more) international conferences/workshops with a poster or oral presentation as first author 4 DISCIPLINE SPECIFIC ACTIVITIES Teaching Fulfillment of at least 4 teaching assignments throughout your PhD (e.g. giving a course, supervising an exercise or practical session, guiding a bachelor or master student,…) List here + add certificate Modules on education: 3 options Option 1: Follow 4 modules related to professionalization (at least 1 module should be a module on education) throughout your PhD Option 2: Follow 1 module on education and 1 extra course on scientific & generic communication (see below) Option 3: Follow ‘Onderwijsprofessionaliseringstraject BEW’ (only if your faculty has an agreement with the faculty BEW) List here + add certificate(s) Internationalisation & Global citizenship Follow an info session about (funding) possibilities to perform research abroad (+) List here + add certificates International stay (summer school, visiting a research group, stage/internship,…) (Optional) List here + add certificates Seminars & Advanced courses Follow at least 12 Seminars/research presentations from international speakers throughout your PhD List here + add certificates Follow 1 info session about ‘Computational science/supercomputer’ or an equivalent (+) List here + add certificates 5 Follow at least 1 advanced course (a master course, a tutorial, a technical course,…) List here + add certificates IP & Valorisation Follow an info session about Intellectual property/patents, search for patents or an equivalent List here + add certificates Info sessions/ courses about valorization of innovation, how to protect innovation, …. (optional) List here NON-DISCIPLINE SPECIFIC ACTIVITIES Scientific & Generic Communication Follow an info session about Literature Searching skills or an equivalent (preferably year 1) (+) List here + add certificates Follow at least 1 course about scientific and generic communication List here + add certificates Follow an info session about reviewing skills or an equivalent (preferably year 2, 3) (+) List here + add certificates Research Management Follow at least one of the 2 sessions about PhD management or an equivalent List here + add certificates Follow an info session on writing a successful project proposal (preferably year 3) or an equivalent (+) List here + add certificates Organisation of lectures, symposia,… (optional) List here 6 Ethics & Research Integrity Follow an info session about ethics & research integrity or an equivalent (preferably year 2) List here + add certificates Career & Personal development Follow at least 1 course / info session about Career & Personal development List here + add certificates Addendum A: Publications Addendum B: Presentations 7