Professional Learning Community Essentials & Survey for Teachers, 2.0 (2015-16): School:____________________PLC “name”: _______________________________ Members: _____________________________________________________ 3 Core Beliefs Collaborative Culture Focus on Learning Results Orientation Work is Centered around 4 Questions: 1. What knowledge and skills should every student master as a result of this unit of instruction? 2. How will we know when each student has mastered the essential knowledge and skills? 3. How will we respond when some students do not learn? 4. How will we extend, enrich and personalize learning for students already proficient? Rating Essentials Optimizing Possible Look-Fors & Artifacts N/A = Doesn’t Fit 1 = we need to work on this 2 = partially in place, occasional 3 = In place, frequently observed Team survey data Minutes from meetings Team Observation Vision and Culture Binder Copy of Norms Copy of weekly agenda Timeline for all meetings Copies of Protocols the teams use SMART goals SMART goals status update Intervention plan Collaborative Structures Collaborative Culture Our PLC provides the ideal environment for a) Professional learning b) Purposeful collaboration around student work c) Delivering upon the promise that all students can learn at high levels when provided the opportunity, extra time, support and enrichment. We work in collaborative teams with processes and structures designed to make meetings efficient and effective a) Norms are Established, Followed and Reviewed b) Address violations of norms in appropriate, professional and humorous ways so violations don’t become the norm c) Set and follow clear agendas aligned to 4 PLC questions: What do we want all students to know and be able to do? How will we know if they learned it? What will we do if they don’t learn it? What will we do if they do learn it? d) Select/Develop and use Protocols to guide professional discussions and data conversations e) Set SMART goals f) Monitor SMART goals at least quarterly d) Innovating responsibly through action research e) Integrating ideas from “noncontent experts” and specialists who join the team, regarding: instructional approaches, differentiated teaching strategies, and knowledge of the “whole child”. g) Maintain a team “site” or "binder" (virtual or physical) of all the above materials h) Share the binder with principal, department chair and content facilitator. a) b) c) d) e) a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Professional Learning Community Essentials & Survey for Teachers, 2.0 (2015-16): School:____________________PLC “name”: _______________________________ Members: _____________________________________________________ Question 1 & 2 (Focus on Learning with a Results Orientation) 1) What knowledge and skills should every student master as a result of this unit of instruction, and 2) How will we know when each student has mastered the essential knowledge and skills? Clarify and Prioritize the knowledge, skills, understandings, and e) Share with students, parents, Essential Learnings Clarify & Prioritize Essential competencies all students must acquire (those that meet the REAL administrators, interventionists, by Unit Learning criteria: Relevance, Endurance, Assessed & Leverage) vertical teams and others: Pacing Guide a) Develop and maintain an understanding of the Priority Examples of a) N/A 1 2 3 the prioritized essential Standards and the Supporting Standards through unpacking mastery b) N/A 1 2 3 learnings Standards, curricular materials, pacing guides and state c) N/A 1 2 3 what mastery looks like assessment frameworks. d) N/A 1 2 3 the pacing of the unit b) Identify the concepts, skills and competencies embedded in e) N/A 1 2 3 each standard and the appropriate level of rigor and Depth of Knowledge (DOK) for each. c) Determine what mastery looks d) Determine when each standard will be taught, utilizing pacing guides and curricular materials when appropriate Share various teaching ideas and approaches that f) Monitor the learning of each Observation Teach, Monitor, Reflect, a) Align to the standards student in a timely fashion and Agendas that list Respond & Innovate b) Are engaging and inclusive adjust instruction accordingly strategies being a) N/A 1 2 3 c) Are research and/or evidence based used b) N/A 1 2 3 d) Integrate authentic problem solving g) Utilize peer observation or lesson c) N/A 1 2 3 e) Allow for responsible innovation study with time for reflection. d) N/A 1 2 3 e) N/A 1 2 3 f) N/A 1 2 3 g) N/A 1 2 3 Construct and Administer Common Formative Assessments that e)Common assessments are named Copy of Common Common Formative a) Measure mastery of the Priority Standards at various levels of and entered commonly in Assessments Assessments DOK (cognitive complexity) gradebooks Assessment a) N/A 1 2 3 b) Have common agreements around what mastery looks like schedule b) N/A 1 2 3 c) Have common approaches to grading f) “Grades” assigned to the Copy of gradebook c) N/A 1 2 3 d) Are administered about every 2-4 weeks assessment are standards Exemplars and d) N/A 1 2 3 referenced, standards based or examples at each e) N/A 1 2 3 competency based performance level f) N/A 1 2 3 Professional Learning Community Essentials & Survey for Teachers, 2.0 (2015-16): School:____________________PLC “name”: _______________________________ Members: _____________________________________________________ Questions 3 and 4 (Focus on Learning with a Results Orientation) 3) How will we respond when some students do not learn, and 4) How will we extend, enrich and personalize learning for students already proficient? Focus on Results from Common Formative Assessments a) Use a data protocol to analyze and respond to the data from Common Assessments: Identify areas for adjustment to curriculum, assessment, environment, and/or instruction: What should we Retain, Refine or Replace? b) Learn from one another, based on student results, to improve instruction c) Plan for interventions by name and need d) Plan for enrichment opportunities Provide systematic, timely, and directive interventions when students don’t learn. The support is a) Embedded into the school day b) Focused on intervention, not remediation* (though remediation should also be provided, but it is meant to fill larger holes and be formally scheduled) c) Directive (non-optional to student) e) Adjust process as needed f) Celebrate results d) Student response to intervention is monitored and support is adjusted accordingly Extend, enrich and personalize learning opportunities for a) Students already proficient b) And those not yet proficient Determine the greatest areas of need, factoring in urgency and capacity: 1. 2. 3. Specific Actions team will take Minutes/notes on data Protocol Identified areas for improvement Intervention plan Enrichment plan Focus on Results a) N/A 1 2 b) N/A 1 2 c) N/A 1 2 d) N/A 1 2 e) N/A 1 2 f) N/A 1 2 Intervention and Remediation Schedule Intervention Description Pyramid of Interventions, remediation Enrichment plan Provide Interventions a) N/A 1 2 3 b) N/A 1 2 3 c) N/A 1 2 3 d) N/A 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Extend, Enrich & Personalize a) N/A 1 2 3 b) N/A 1 2 3 Support/Resources needed Professional Learning Community Essentials & Survey for Teachers, 2.0 (2015-16): School:____________________PLC “name”: _______________________________ Members: _____________________________________________________ Cover Sheet to Summarize Team Totals: Collaborative Culture Our PLC provides the ideal environment… Vision and Culture TOTAL: ______________ (15) We work in collaborative teams with processes and structures designed to make meetings efficient and effective Collaborative Structures TOTAL: ______________ (24) Question 1 & 2 (Focus on Learning with a Results Orientation) 2) What knowledge and skills should every student master as a result of this unit of instruction, and 2) How will we know when each student has mastered the essential knowledge and skills? Clarify and Prioritize the knowledge, skills, understandings, and Clarify & Prioritize Essential Learning competencies all students must acquire TOTAL: ______________ (15) Share various teaching ideas and approaches Teach, Monitor, Reflect, Respond & Innovate TOTAL: ______________ (21) Construct and Administer Common Formative Assessments Common Formative Assessments TOTAL: ______________ (18) Questions 3 and 4 (Focus on Learning with a Results Orientation) 3) How will we respond when some students do not learn, and 4) How will we extend, enrich and personalize learning for students already proficient? Focus on Results from Common Formative Assessments Focus on Results TOTAL: ______________ (18) Provide systematic, timely, and directive interventions when students don’t learn. Provide Interventions Extend and personalize learning opportunities Extend and Personalize TOTAL: ______________ (12) TOTAL: ______________ (6)