Christianity: Leaders in the Bible

Christianity – Leaders – Who are the leaders in the Bible? Who are my leaders?
KS1 Year 2 or Year 1/2 on a two year rolling programme
Background Story/ Information
Jesus’ own model of leadership was that of a servant/shepherd. He called others to follow him and equipped them to become the leaders of the early
Cross Curricular Links
Literacy and Drama History
Art and Craft
Key Questions
What is a leader?
Who is a leader?
Key Vocabulary
Leader, Christian, qualities, rule
Who is a leader in my life?
Who do Christians believe is a leader?
Assessment opportunities are indicated by a  throughout the document
Learning Objectives
Learn about the
characteristics of a leader
PossibleTeaching/Learning Activities
Learning Outcomes
Lesson 1
Play a game of Simon Says or Follow my Leader where
children take it in turns to be a leader. Ask the children how it
feels to be a leader or to be a follower. Why do most children
want to have a turn as leader? What makes a good leader?
I can identify what qualities
make a good leader
Leaders – Ask the children to identify any people or
characters in a book or film that they would describe as a
Verbally – who do they see as leaders in their life.
Show pictures of leaders from different walks of life
 sport
 music pop/classical etc
 film
 T.V presenters (whatever current at the time)
 book characters
 kings/queens
 politics
Look at the picture(s) - What is known about them?
Sort them into what the group considers order of importance
– give reasons for choices made. Write down words used to
describe the people.
Assessment - photo of sorted pictures - words written on
board 
Lesson 2/3
 Show photo and words from last week.
Introduce new words that may not have been used
 bossy, boss, great, teacher, captain, ruler, president,
governor, champion, master, expert, director,
important, a listener, kind, thoughtful etc
I can identify different
leaders that I know
Pictures of different famous
Learn about the story of
Moses and consider why
and how he was a great
leader of the Jewish nation
What words would children think important? Does it describe
a leader that they know?
What makes a leader?
Identify Moses’ qualities of
leadership and retell the
Story of Moses leading people out of Egypt to the
Red Sea. Why did the Israelites follow Moses? Why
did they trust him?
Act out the story. Use outside the classroom (if
appropriate) Take pictures of drama. 
Story of Moses - compare Moses and Pharaoh. Make
list of comparisons. Characters? Actions? 
Lesson 4/5
Make up an advert for a leader e.g. for a leader to head up
an expedition to discover a hidden kingdom in a geographical
region of your choice. Alternatively devise a list of qualities
for a Headteacher in your school. Use words already thought
of to help. (ICT) Display adverts.
I can identify what qualities
make a leader
Digital camera.
Story of Moses from either
the Lion Storyteller Bible by
Bob Hartman
ISBN 0 7459 2921 4 or the
Lion First Bible by Pat
ISBN 0 7459 3210
List of words, pictures of
famous people
Use the chapters about
Moses from either the Lion
Storyteller Bible or the Lion
First Bible
Recap words about leaders and qualities that the class
decided made Moses a leader.
Moses was a special leader in the Old Testament. Who is a
special leader in the New Testament?
Think of some of the stories you have heard about Jesus What qualities does He have? Which of the words that have
been thought of best apply to Jesus? Discuss in pairs. In
pairs complete the statement ‘Jesus was a good leader
because…., ‘.Place all the statements on a wall/display board
and decide as a class which are the 5 statements which most
accurately describe Jesus’ leadership.
Learn about Jesus as a
leader and his importance to
Lesson 6
Christians believe Jesus is a great leader because He
showed His disciples what they had to do. He led by example
and prepared them for what they had to do.
I can give reasons why
Christians believe Jesus is
a great leader
Words, Bible or New
Testament, newspapers
Learn about the Baptism
and Temptations of Jesus
as events that shaped
Jesus’ ministry
Learn about stories that
show Jesus as a leader.
Read an account of the baptism of Jesus by John the
Baptist. What did the writer want us to know about Jesus as
a leader? The writer believed that he was chosen by God for
a special mission to help people find God’s Kingdom. To
work out what kind of leader he would be Jesus went into the
desert to be alone with God. Read an account of the
temptation story and discuss the kind of leader Jesus
decided to be.
I can identify how the
Baptism and Temptation
helped Jesus to decide
how he would serve God
In groups ask the children to look at 3 separate passages
/stories about the life of Jesus [use Children’s Bible]. Ask the
children to decide how these stories show him to be a good
leader. e.g.
I can identify Bible stories
that show what kind of
leader Jesus was
Lion First Bible p 338; p 332; p396-397 
Lion First Bible by Pat
ISBN 0 7459 3210 X
Read the story of the entry into Jerusalem in The Lion
Children’s Bible p 276. Imagine yourself as a bystander in the
crowd explaining what you saw, what you felt and what you
might have expected to happen 
The Lion Children’s Bible
By Pat Alexander
ISBN 0 7459 1939 1
Assessment Opportunities 
I can identify qualities that make a leader
I can retell the story of Moses leading the people out of Egypt and identify his qualities of leadership
I can give reasons why Christians believe Jesus is a great leader
I can identify a story from the Bible that shows what kind of leader Jesus was