Introduction: Charles Dickens is said to be one of the greatest
writers that has ever lived. Before we read one of his novels, I would like you to
spend some time getting to know this man and learning what the world was like
during the Victorian Period.
 You and a partner are going to take a trip around the Web to learn more
about Charles Dickens and what life was like during the Victorian Period.
For stops 1-3 on the trip, the OLDEST partner will search the web while
the other partner writes the answers down. However – you should both
read and answer the questions together.
For stops 4-7, the YOUNGER partner will search the web while the other
partner writes the answers down.
The websites are listed in order on my wiki page. Visit the websites, read
them, and then answer the questions for each page.
If you finish early, you may spend time at the two EXTRA websites that I
list on the wiki. If I see you elsewhere on the internet/computer, you will
log off and sit quietly twiddling your thumbs. No Games!
Time to start the trip!
Stop # 1: Charles Dickens Timeline. Go To:
What was the date of Charles Dickens’ birth?
How old was Dickens when the family moved to London, England?
What was Dickens doing right before he died?
What famous story did Dickens write in 1843?
Dickens married Catherine Thompson Hogarth in 1836. How many children did
they have?
What happens between Catherine and Charles in 1858? Why?
Edgar Allan Poe died in 1849. What is going on in Dickens’ life at that time?
Stop # 2. Map of London. Go
to: http://charlesdickenspage.com/dickens_london_map.html
Here, you’ll find a map of London-as it was during Dickens’ lifetime.
Please locate and click on Camden Town. Which family from A Christmas
Carol lived in Camden Town?
Please locate and click on Bedlam. What is in Bedlam?
Please locate the area The City. What reference is made to The City in A
Christmas Carol?
Please locate Cornhill. What reference is made to Cornhill in A Christmas Carol?
Stop # 3. Victorian Era. Go
to: http://www.english.uwosh.edu/roth/VictorianEngland.htm
Dickens lived during the Victorian era. Read the first five paragraphs on this
Summarize this time period in one paragraph (5 sentences).
What made Victorians “Victorian” more than anything? In other words, what
attitude did Victorians have which made them different from people before them?
In your own words, what does this mean? (answer in paragraph # 5)
Keep scrolling down the page until you see “MONEY.” List the three types of
money used in England during this time.
(#3 Continued) A little further down, you’ll notice “DISEASES.” Please
list and define three major diseases during Dicken’s time.
A. ______________________:
Stop # 4. Workhouses. Go
to: http://www.victorianweb.org/history/poorlaw/dietwh.html
Workhouses were built to house poor Victorians, who worked for a small amount
of food and money. Name five foods (and the portion) that poor Victorians were
given here.
Stop # 5. School. Go to: http://www.logicmgmt.com/1876/schoolday.htm
Please read the list of 10 rules, which were found in a typical Victorian
classroom. In your opinion, which rules should still be used in schools
today? Explain why.
#5 continued…
Stop # 6. Reading Dickens. Go to:
In the nineteenth century, who read Dickens?
Why, as we read Dickens today, is it challenging?
Stop # 7. Wreck! Go to: http://www.mytimemachine.co.uk/dickens.htm
What major event happened in 1865?
Exactly five years later, what major event happened, and what was the date?
Congratulations, you’re done! Good job!
If you are finished with these questions, and there is still class time left, you have
two options:
A. http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/victorians/flash/start_flash.shtml This is a great
website about Victorian children. Click on “learning” under one of these
categories: work, school, play. After you watch a short video, play the game.
B. http://www.victorians.org.uk/ This cool website offers real
products/toys/writing, etc. from the Victorian era. On the left side of the screen,
click on “Etoys.” Play the games on this screen. Or, you can click on “Day in the
Life.” Here, you can read journal entries from typical Victorian days.
Webquest adapted from: http://www.desoto.k12.wi.us/srit/reading_8_files/CDWebquest.htm