PROGRAMME REGULATIONS TEMPLATE: POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMMES (INCLUDING CATS) (Use this template for individual degree regulations, for programmes using the Credit Accumulation and Transfer Scheme regulations and when there are variations, in addition to the dissertation, between module content of Masters, Postgraduate Diploma and Postgraduate Certificate) Programme Regulations: 2015/16 (Insert appropriate academic year) Programme Title: PGCert/PGDip/MA/MSc XXXX (It is important to include the full title of the award here in this format, e.g. PG Dip Clean Technology) Code: XXXX (This is the University’s internal programme code. Advice from Faculty Learning and Teaching Team) Notes (i) These programme regulations should be read in conjunction with the University’s Masters Progress Regulations and Examination Conventions. (Include Credit Accumulation and Transfer Scheme (CATS) Regulations if being used) (ii) A core module is a module which a student must pass; such modules are designated by the board of studies as essential for study in a further module or to the granting of an award. (iii) A compulsory module is a module which a student must take. (iv) All modules are delivered in Linear mode unless stated otherwise as Block. (Include here any other important general statement/conditions pertaining to the programme) 1. Programme Structure (a) The programme is available for study in full-time mode only OR The programme is available for study in both full-time and part-time modes OR The programme is available for study in full-time, parttime and CATS modes. The period of study for full-time mode shall be X year OR eight months for Postgraduate Diploma starting in September. The period of study for part-time mode shall normally be X years starting in September. The maximum period of study for CATS shall be X years starting at any time of the year (give alternative start dates if any and refer to University regulation E9. CATS Regulations) The programme comprises modules to a credit value of XXX. (b) (c) (d) All candidates shall take the following compulsory modules: (Note: Only list here those modules which ALL students take all the time. Any options should be listed separately. List the modules in alpha-numeric order by module code) Code Descriptive title Total Credits Credits Credits Level Credits Sem 1 Sem 2 Sem 3 Type Mode (e) Code All candidates shall take further optional modules to a value of X credits from the following: Descriptive title Total Credits Credits Credits Level Credits Sem 1 Sem 2 Sem 3 Type Mode (Use the following statement if relevant) With the approval of the Degree Programme Director and depending upon the academic background of the candidate, alternative optional modules to those listed above may be selected. (Note: Where there is a fixed part-time route, i.e. students must take modules in a particular order, then the structure must be inserted here. If the part-time mode is negotiated on an individual basis then no further details in the regulations are required. Example follows) Year 1 (part-time) (a) All candidates shall take the following compulsory modules: (List the modules in alpha-numeric order by module code) Code (b) Code Descriptive title Total Credits Credits Sem 1 Credits Sem 2 Credits Level Sem 3 Type Mode Candidates shall take further optional modules to a value of X credits from the following: Descriptive title Total Credits Credits Sem 1 Credits Sem 2 Credits Level Sem 3 Type Mode Credits Level Sem 3 Type Mode Year 2 (part-time) (a) All candidates shall take the following compulsory modules: (List the modules in alpha-numeric order by module code) Code (b) Code Descriptive title Total Credits Credits Sem 1 Credits Sem 2 Candidates shall take further optional modules to a value of X credits from the following: Descriptive title Total Credits Credits Sem 1 Credits Sem 2 Credits Level Sem 3 Type Mode (Where there is a CATS route, i.e. there may be no set order in which students must complete modules, unless necessary to comply with module pre-requisites (see CATS Regulation E.11), but there may be some compulsory modules, then any structure should be set out below) CATS (a) Candidates shall either take the following compulsory modules during their period of registration OR have passed the modules as part of the PG Certificate/PG Diploma: (List the modules in alpha-numeric order by module code) Code (b) Code 2. Descriptive title Total Credits Credits Sem 1 Credits Sem 2 Credits Level Sem 3 Type Mode Candidates shall take, OR have already received credit for, further optional modules to a value of X credits from the following: Descriptive title Total Credits Credits Sem 1 Credits Sem 2 Credits Level Sem 3 Type Mode Assessment methods Details of the assessment pattern for each module are explained in the module outline. 3. Other (Include here any specific progress/award requirements for the programme that are outwith the normal Masters Progress Regulations/Examination Conventions) (There is no need to include anything here about award of Postgraduate Diploma or Postgraduate Certificate as exit awards or Merit or Distinction or other general regulations if these are covered by the University’s Examination Conventions)