140_040_beach recycling agenda item[Icon]

While the City has improved beach trash and recycling efforts by increasing the
number of bins, color-coding them, and providing some signs, contamination of
recycling bins remains problematic. As a result, large amounts of recyclable materials
are being sent to the landfill.
Every ton of recycling that can be diverted saves the landfill tipping fee (currently
$49/ton) and conserves resources. Moreover, aluminum cans are a large component
of beach recyclables and aluminum is one of the most valuable materials on the
recycling market; current local price is about $.50/lb or $1000/ton. In addition to
saving the landfill tipping fee, the City has the potential to generate more revenue
than the current single-stream recycling rebate ($5/ton; predicted to drop or be
eliminated) by collecting this material separately.
We recommend that the City Council take action to improve beach recycling.
Short-term (immediately)
● Monitor the beach and parking lots during the day, with special emphasis between
14th and 19th Streets, and proactively correct contamination early. Remove
contaminates from the recycling bins and remove recyclables (aluminum cans and
plastic bottles) from trash bins. This can be done safely with aluminum grabbers. For
an additional level of safety, special gloves are available that protect from needle
sticks and cuts.
● Ensure recycling signs and messages are clear. The blue recycling bins are for
aluminum cans and plastic bottles. Plastic bags and styrofoam are contaminates; they
are not accepted in the single stream recycling program and can cause entire loads to
be rejected.
● Ensure every beach and parking lot station contains clearly marked and paired
trash and recycling containers so visitors can separate materials in one location.
Medium-term (within next 3 months)
● Perform a cost/benefit analysis on separate aluminum collection.
Long-term (within next year)
● Develop a plan to collect and sort all recyclables and reusable materials. See the
following for information about a program in Gulf Shores, AL:
● Develop a plan to track actual recycling rates by category of recyclable items (cans,
plastics, other metals) to continuously monitor performance and make adjustments
in signage, collection, and sorting