
District 6 Officer Candidate Nomination Form
Chapter # _______________nominates__________________________________ as a candidate for the
2016 – 2017 SkillsUSA Texas District 6 officer team.
We have verified his/her grades and attest that he/she is duly qualified and deserving of this honor and
trust that he/she will perform their duties in a professional and dignified manner.
Minimum Grade Requirements:
President, Vice President and Secretary 80+ average & passing all classes
Treasurer, Reporter, Parliamentarian and Sgt. at Arms passing all classes (six week grade) (Grades are based upon the
first semester report card or official transcript,
Chapter Advisor: _____________________________Print Date____________________
Signature Chapter President: ___________________ Print Date____________________
Signature School Principal: ___________________ Print Date____________________
Signature Parent/Guardian: _____________________Print Date___________________
Officer ‘s Signature _______________________________________
If elected I understand that I must attend the State Leadership Conference
(June), Initial__________
 If elected I must attend District Leadership (Fall), the District Conference
(Spring) and the State Conference (Spring)
 My advisor must also attend these events
If I don’t attend the Events State Leadership, District Leadership, and State
Conference I will forfeit my office if elected.
School Administrators Signature______________________________________
Officer Candidate Signature_______________________ Print Date_________
Chapter Advisor: _____________________________Print Date____________________
District President, I am strongly encouraged to attend the Washington Leadership Training Institute (Fall). The
Chapter Advisor is also strongly encouraged to attend each of these functions.
Officer Candidate Signature_______________________ Print Date_________
Chapter Advisor: _____________________________Print Date____________________
Candidate Information: School Information:
________________________ _______________________
________________________ _______________________
________________________ _______________________
Home Address School
Contact Phone # _________________________Viable Email Address ___________________