Autumn 1 Paws, Claws & Whiskers: Geography Using and Making Maps; Describing Physical Features Autumn 2 The Enchanted Woodland: Geography Making maps. Year 2 Towers, Tunnels & Turrets: Geography Amazing Structures around the World; Towers and Bridges in the Local Area History Castles and Castle Life; Significant Individuals Isambard Kingdom Brunel Walk Around The Local Community: Geography Fieldwork in the Local Area; Human and Physical Features; Using and Making Maps with Keys; Looking at Aerial Images History Changes Within Living Memory; Significant People, Places and Events in Local Area Year 3 Tremors: Geography Volcanoes and Earthquakes History Ancient Rome Pompeii Year 4 Misty Mountain Sierra: Geography Using Maps; Human and Physical Geography History Year 1 1066: Geography Human and Physical Features in the Local Area History 1066- The Norman Conquest Spring 1 Moon Zoom: Geography Satellite images. History Significant People Astronauts; Changes within Living Memory Visit a Garden Centre or Florists: Geography Plants in the Local Environment; Plants of the World Tribal Tales: Geography Fieldwork; Human and Physical Geography; Using Maps and Aerial Images History Prehistoric Britain from the Stone Age to Iron Age I Am A Warrior! Geography Comparing Britain and Italy; Using Maps; Locational Knowledge; Human and Physical Geography Spring 2 Superheroes: History Heroes/Heroines Summer 1 Memory Box: Geography Fieldwork in the Local Area History Changes within Living Memory Summer 2 Splendid Skies: Geography Seasonal and Daily Weather Patterns. History Significant Individuals - Sir Francis Beaufort A Trip to the Seaside: Geography Coastal Features Visit a Marina/ Boatyard/ RNLI Station or Boating Lake: Geography Using and Making Maps; Location Knowledge; Using and Giving Directions History Significant Historical People Captain James Cook, Grace Darling; Famous Pirates Visit a Woodland/ Grassland/ Heath/ Fen or Wetland: Geography Fieldwork Predator! Geography Fieldwork; Using Maps to Locate Countries and Continents Visit a local stream or river Geography Using Maps; Fieldwork; Water Cycle; Human and Physical Features; Rivers of the World; Counties and Cities of the UK Traders & Raiders: Geography Using Maps; Settlements; Europe History Blue Abyss: Geography Seas and Oceans of the World; The Great Barrier Reef; Environmental Issues History Historic Use of Potions Burps, Bottoms and Bile: History Anglo-Saxons and Vikings 19th Century Ocean Exploration History Year 5 & 6: Year A A Childs War: Geography Human Geography; Cities of the UK Year 5 & 6: Year B Peasants, Princes & Pestilence: Geography Using maps. History 14th Century England Frozen Kingdom: Geography Features of the Polar Regions Stargazers: Geography Locating physical features History Significant Individuals - Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton; 1960's Space Race The Roman Empire and its Impact on Britain Gallery Rebels: Geography Locational Knowledge Revolution: Geography Cities and Transport in Victorian Times; Using Maps History The Victorians Hola Mexico! Geography Using Maps; Human and Physical Geography of Mexico Allotment: Geography Land Use; Food Origin; Geographical Skills and Fieldwork; Map Work; Climate ID Geography Local Community/ Where I Live Blood Heart: Beast Creator: Geography Local Fieldwork/ Contrasting localities Time Traveller: Geography Changes in the local community. History Changes over the last Century