ITSKATZÚ EDUCACIÓN INTEGRAL ENGLISH DEPARTMENT PROJECT 3 / Bimester 2 / Beginners 9th SENT: April 19, 2013 / Due: April 26, 2013 Topic: Athletes and Musicians. Objective: Talk about life and achievements of famous musicians in Costa Rica and around the world. Instructions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Choose your favorite Costa Rican athlete. Look for an original reading that talks about his /her achievements. Take out 30 keywords. Put the 30 keywords in alphabetical order. Translate the 30 keywords into Spanish. Prepare a short oral report for the class. Illustrate with seven pictures. EVALUATION CRITERIA Total points: 50 Cover 5 points Format (APA-Times New Roman or Arial 12) 5 points Originality 5 points Content 5 points Spelling 5 points Presentation 5 points Structure 10 points Oral report 10 points ITSKATZÚ EDUCACIÓN INTEGRAL ENGLISH DEPARTMENT PROJECT 3 SENT: April 19, 2013 / Due: April 26, 2013 II Bimester Intermediate 1-2 / Advanced 9th Topic: Athletes and Musicians Objective: Talk about life and achievements of famous musicians in Costa Rica and around the world. Instructions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Choose your favorite Costa Rican musician. Look for an original reading that talks about his /her achievements. Take out 30 keywords. Put the 30 keywords in alphabetical order. Translate the 30 keywords into Spanish. Prepare a short oral report for the class. Include an outline based on the reading. Illustrate with pictures. Create four conceptual maps based on the reading and explain them to the class. EVALUATION CRITERIA Total points: 50 Cover 5 points Format (APA-Times New Roman or Arial 12) 5 points Originality 5 points Content 5 points Spelling 5 points Presentation 10 points Oral call 15 points. ITSKATZÚ EDUCACIÓN INTEGRAL ENGLISH DEPARTMENT PROJECT 1 / Bimester 2 / Beginners 9th SENT: April 5, 2013 / Due: April 12, 2013 Topic: Athletes and Musicians. Objective: Talk about life and achievements of famous musicians in Costa Rica and around the world. Instructions 1. Download the English song you were given in class. 2. Download its lyrics, too. 3. Take the lyrics and delete six keywords, so your classmates can listen and complete it at the same time. 4. Take out 10 keywords from the lyrics and translate then into Spanish. 5. Tell the topic of the song. 6. Illustrate with seven pictures. EVALUATION CRITERIA Total points: 46 Cover 3 points Format (APA-Times New Roman or Arial 12) 5 points Originality 5 points Content 5 points Spelling 3 points Presentation 5 points Structure 10 points Oral report 10 points ITSKATZÚ EDUCACIÓN INTEGRAL ENGLISH DEPARTMENT PROJECT 1 SENT: April 12, 2013 / Due: April 19 , 2013 Intermediate 1-2 / Advanced 9th Bimester 2 Topic: Athletes and Musicians Objective: Talk about life and achievements of famous musicians in Costa Rica and around the world. Instructions 1. Download the English song you were given in class. 2. Download its lyrics. 3. Take the lyrics and delete six keywords, so your classmates can listen and complete it at the same time. 4. Take out 10 keywords from the lyrics and explain why they are considered keywords. 5. Describe the singer (or some members of the band) physically. 6. Explain the topic or message of the song (illustrate with pictures). EVALUATION CRITERIA Total points: 36 Cover 3 points Format (APA-Times New Roman or Arial 12) 5 points Originality 5 points Content 5 points Spelling 3 points Presentation 5 points Oral call 10 points. ITSKATZÚ EDUCACIÓN INTEGRAL ENGLISH DEPARTMENT PROJECT 1 Intermediate 1-2 / Advanced 9th SENT: April 5, 2013 / Due: April 12 , 2013 Topic: Athletes and Musicians Objective: Talk about life and achievements of famous musicians in Costa Rica and around the world. Instructions 1. Think about your favorite musician. 2. Research about his or her biography (written report- two pages) 3. Create a vocabulary checklist of 30 keywords related to the text. 4. Put the keywords in alphabetical order. 5. Look for pictures to illustrate. 6. Create an oral report to talk about your musician. Concentrate on his or her achievements. Use Prezi or any other program. EVALUATION CRITERIA Total points: 36 Cover 3 points Format (APA-Times New Roman or Arial 12) 5 points Originality 5 points Content 5 points Spelling 3 points Presentation 5 points Oral call 10 points. IKSKATZÚ EDUCACIÓN INTEGRAL ENGLISH DEPARTMENT PROJECT 4 Beginners 9th SENT: March 22, 2013 / Due: April 5, 2013 Topic: Athletes and Musicians. Objective: Talk about life and achievements of famous athletes and musicians in Costa Rica and around the world. Instructions 1. 2. Think about your favorite athletes and musicians in Costa Rica or around the world. Create a vocabulary checklist of 25 keywords related to your athlete or musician. 3. 4. Put the keywords in alphabetical order Write 15 sentences about his / her achievements. 5. Look for pictures to illustrate EVALUATION CRITERIA Total points: 36 Cover 3 points Format (APA-Times New Roman or Arial 12) 5 points Originality 5 points Content 5 points Spelling 3 points Presentation 5 points Structure 10 points IKSKATZÚ EDUCACIÓN INTEGRAL ENGLISH DEPARTMENT PROJECT 4 Intermediate 1-2 / Advanced 9th SENT: March 22, 2013 / Due: April 5 , 2013 Topic: Athletes and Musicians Objective: world. Talk about life and achievements of famous athletes and musicians in Costa Rica and around the Instructions 1. Think about your favorite athlete or musician. 2. Create a vocabulary checklist of 35 keywords 3. 4. Put the keywords in alphabetical order Create an oral report to talk about your favorite athlete or musician. Concentrate on his or her achievements. Use Prezi or any other program. 5. Provide a written report (two pages, double space). EVALUATION CRITERIA Total points: 36 Cover 3 points Format (APA-Times New Roman or Arial 12) 5 points Originality 5 points Content 5 points Spelling 3 points Presentation 5 points Oral call 10 points. IKSKATZÚ EDUCACIÓN INTEGRAL ENGLISH DEPARTMENT PROJECT 3 Beginners 9th SENT: March 15, 2013 / Due: March 22, 2013 Topic: Sports and leisure activities Objective: To talk about my favorite group sports. Instructions 6. 7. Think about your favorite individual sport. Create a vocabulary checklist of 25 keywords 8. 9. Put the keywords in alphabetical order Create two letter soups using some words (15 -20 keywords) 10. Provide an answer key for each letter soup. EVALUATION CRITERIA Total points: 26 Cover 3 points Format (APA-Times New Roman or Arial 12) 5 points Originality 5 points Content 5 points Spelling 3 points Presentation 5 points IKSKATZÚ EDUCACIÓN INTEGRAL ENGLISH DEPARTMENT PROJECT 3 Intermediate / Advanced 9th SENT: March 15, 2013 / Due: March 22, 2013 Topic: Sports and leisure activities Objective: To talk about my favorite group sports. Instructions 9. 6. Think about your favorite individual sport. 7. Create a vocabulary checklist of 25 keywords 8. Put the keywords in alphabetical order Create two letter soups using some words (15 -20 keywords) 10. Provide an answer key for each letter soup. 11. Prepare an oral report. EVALUATION CRITERIA Total points: 36 Cover 3 points Format (APA-Times New Roman or Arial 12) 5 points Originality 5 points Content 5 points Spelling 3 points Presentation 5 points Oral call 10 points. IKSKATZÚ EDUCACIÓN INTEGRAL ENGLISH DEPARTMENT PROJECT 2 Intermediate / Advanced SENT: March 8, 2013 9th / Due: March 15, 2013 Topic: Sports and leisure activities Objective: To talk about my favorite group sports. Instructions 11. Think about your favorite group sport. 12. Look for interesting information about it and write a summary. 13. Create an outline based on that specific sport. 14. Make an oral report based on your outline. 15. Use visuals to illustrate your report. EVALUATION CRITERIA Total points: 36 Cover 3 points Format (APA-Times New Roman or Arial 12) 5 points Originality 5 points Content 5 points Spelling 3 points Presentation 5 points Oral call 10 points. IKSKATZÚ EDUCACIÓN INTEGRAL ENGLISH DEPARTMENT PROJECT 2 / 9th (Beginners) SENT: March 8, 2013 / Due: March 15, 2013 Topic: Sports and leisure activities Objective: To talk about my favorite group sports. Instructions 1. Think about your favorite sports. 2. Make a list of Individual and group sport 3. Use visuals to illustrate all the sports. 4. Write five sentences to illustrate five sports. EVALUATION CRITERIA Total points: 26 Cover 3 points Format (APA-Times New Roman or Arial 12) 5 points Originality 5 points Content 5 points Spelling 3 points Presentation 5 points IKSKATZÚ EDUCACIÓN INTEGRAL ENGLISH DEPARTMENT PROJECT 9th SENT: March 1, 2013 / Due: March 8, 2013 Topic: Sports and leisure activities Objective: Create a Pictionary using keywords related to sports and leisure activities. Instructions: Based on the vocabulary checklist that you copied on your notebooks: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Write the keywords in alphabetical order. Illustrate each word using a picture. On a different piece of paper, provide a definition in English for each word. Copy all the words on a flash card. Memorize each word for the oral call in class ( Monday, March 11) Keywords: Soccer shoes fishing cane goggles roller skate shorts skateboard socks ball t-shirt helmet surf board gloves bike Horseback basketball soccer aerobics lifting weights award field score tournament win weak listen to music gold medal boxing run tennis football biking dancing compete fighting sword track loose strong cooking scuba diving boat swimming surfing baseball champion cricket sailor team trainer wrestle watch TV reading marathon rafting EVALUATION CRITERIA Total points: 36 Cover 3 points Format (APA-Times New Roman or Arial 12) 5 points Originality 5 points Content 5 points Spelling 3 points Presentation 5 points Oral call 10 points.