Comparing Social Networks: Comparing Multiple Social Networks using MultiDimensional Scaling. John Stevens Abstract Exploring the comparison of social networks and giving a description of the method I developed for comparing many social networks. I develop a new technique by using multidimensional scaling to differentiate between several social networks. Others have used various methods and factors for comparing these social Networks, such as comparing degree of node, density of the social network, path length and the number of triads in a network. This technique works better if more than THREE social Networks are compared. Keywords: Network comparison, Social Network Analysis, Multi Dimensional Scaling. 1 Introduction In this methodological paper I explore using multi-dimension scaling to compare social networks. I have discovered from my own experience that most British trained sociologists do not like numbers and prefer either text or graphics. For this reason I have developed this graphical technique for comparing social networks. In this paper I describe the relevant areas of social network analysis to my research before investigating other academics’ work on the comparison of social networks, following on with a description on the methods I developed for completing many social networks. I then explore a new technique by using multidimensional scaling to differentiate between several social networks. Following on from this I then give an example of using the multidimensional scaling techniques to express graphically the comparison of seven social Networks. In the final section of this paper I highlight and summarize my findings. 2 What is Network Analysis The following sub-section provides formal network definitions that are used in the rest of the paper. If the reader is familiar with the subject area of social networks please feel free to skip this sub-section. 2.1 The Basics Social Network analysis as defined by Elizabeth Bott (1957) and Linton Freeman (1968) is the symbol of a friendship network between individuals represented as points and friendships link between them represented by lines. An example of this is shown in figure 1 with nodes A, B and C and links X and Y. In this example the nodes represent individuals and the links in this case, are friendship links. It should also be noted from figure 1 that line X is a directed line while line Y is an undirected line. Figure 1 – An Example of a small Social Network A realistic image of a social network is reproduced bellow in figure 2 Figure 2 – Plot of friendships on the rural estate (Source: Output from graph UCINET and NetDRAW) 2.3 Density One of the first network measures to be investigated by researchers was the network density. This measure was used to provide a rough measure of the connectedness of the network. A point’s density counts the number of complete triangles emanating from a given point. An example of this is shown in the following diagram. Figure 3 – An Example of point density Network density is then calculated by averaging all the individual point densities across the whole network. The denominator in this equation is the number of nodes in the network. 2.2 Shortest Path length Path length is calculated as the shortest non-circular number of edges between 2 nodes. An example of this n=4 is shown bellow in figure 4. The average path length is the average path length of all the pairs of nodes in a network. Figure 4 – An example of a path of length (size = 3) 2.5 Global Centrality Global centrality is similar to local centrality that was also initially developed by Freeman (1979, 1980). Global centrality is calculated for each node as the distance to all other nodes from that nodes point in the network. An example of this is given below in Figure 5 and Table 1. Figure 5 – An example of global centrality Node Global centrality A,C 19 B 16 All other points 26 Table 1 – An example of global centrality 2.6 Betweeness The concept of betweeness was also initially developed by Freeman (1979) and is related to global centrality. This subject describes the detection of brokers or gatekeepers in social network analysis or locating gateways in computer networks as described in electronics or computing. In figure 6, shown below node B fulfils this role, as it is a gatekeeper between the networks centred round nodes A and C Figure 6 – An Example of betweeness 3 Others Work Comparing Social Networks Using exponential random graph models as explored by Wasserman and Patterson, (1996), in which they compare the direction and magnitudes of parameters characterizing local Comparing Social Networks: Size, Density, and Local Structure in graphs, allows for calculated measures of dissimilarity between graphs for a variety of social Networks. Results have shown the differences in the “structural signatures” of different kinds of relations, notably antagonistic relations such as fighting and dominance on the one hand, and relations of affection (friendship, liking) and affiliation on the other. Differences between species became apparent only for the first kind of relation, where humans showed tendencies toward mutuality and instars and away from transitivity, compared to non-human primates who showed tendencies in the opposite direction on these properties Skvoretz and Faust, (2002). The current work continues the line of inquiry initiated by Skvoretz and Faust. In particular, it uses the triples or triad census [reference original triad reference: Davis, Holland, Leinhardt] as a vehicle for comparisons to investigate local structural similarities among a collection of 51 Networks of different relational contents and measured on different species. The method of triad census was also used in Faust, K & J. Skvoretz. (2007) in “Comparing Networks Across Space and Time, Sizes and Species.” They managed to study 42 Networks from 4 types of species, human, nonhuman primates, non primate mammals, and birds. Their aim was to assess whether two, three… or many differing Networks were similarly structured despite their surface differences. One of the pieces of work on comparing social networks is the work reported in a recent paper by Katherine Faust (2006) based on the fact of where she also uses a “Triad census “to compare different social Networks of, amongst other species, chimpanzees she comes to the conclusion that “caution should be taken in interpreting higher order structural properties when they are explained by local network features”. The majority of social network studies are case studies of a single group or setting. Relatively less attention has been paid to comparisons using Networks from multiple settings or longitudinal comparisons. Studies employing multiple Networks focus on one of two distinct general questions. The first asks whether a network of a specific relational content, in aggregate, exhibit common structural tendencies. The second enquires as to what structural features are distinguished among different kinds of social relations. In approaching the first sort of question, some studies have examined the same relation measured in multiple settings. Empirical examples include friendships in schools or classrooms see Bearman, Jones, and Udry, (1997); Hallinan, (1974) and Leinhardt, (1972); Snijders. T & Baerveldt. C (2003) uses a Multilevel Network Study of the Effects of Delinquent Behaviour on Friendship Evolution. They use a similar multi level approach to propose the study of the evolution of multiple Networks. Actor orientated models of 10 school classes, looking at delinquency and friendship Networks and network evolution within those classes (Snijders and Baerveldt, 2003), social interactions in workplaces, Johnson villages Laumann and Pappi, (1976); Rindfuss et al., (2004); and so on. Wasserman (1987) and Patterson and Wasserman (1999) describe methodology for these comparisons. In addition, there are studies in which roughly similar relations are compared across different settings. Killworth & Bernard, conducted studies on Sailor’s of informant accuracy, by using observations and verbal reports of interactions. A good example of such applications is by Bernard et al., (1984) as is Freeman’s (1992) study of group structure of social interactions in different settings (Freeman 1972). This review focuses on problems of informant accuracy in reporting past events, behaviour, and circumstances. This paper is concerned with validity and accuracy in what we call their native senses, the literature on informant accuracy, Childcare, Health care, communication and social interactions. Many questions regarding accuracy could be asked of the seven data sets. 4 Methods In order to help me investigate social Networks, I will examine several different network variables including the number of nodes in a network, the degree of node, the density of Networks, the average shortest path length, and network centralization, the number of triads and finally the number and size of cliques. I produced this data using UCINET to compare results and to find, among other things if there is a relationship between density of the network, the degree of nodes, number of triads and the number of cliques. I will then analyse this data using techniques described in Marsh Catherine, (1988), and in Upton, Graham and Cook, Ian, (1996) which are implemented in SPSS. In anticipation of the failures to find a single variable leads me to investigate the following methods. Secondly to compare several different social Networks, I produced a metadata table detailing five network variables across all 7 datasets for the number of nodes in a given social Networks, the density of social network, network centralization and the average shortest path length between nodes. This data will then be analysed using multi-dimensional scaling techniques that are implemented in SPSS and also described in Coxon (1982). The metadata table is an input to the following procedures implemented in SPSS. The ALSCAL multidimensional scaling procedure is implemented as part of SPSS. I discounted that it has 2 main problems those of which are firstly, it allows for the plotting of rows and columns in the same model space which is confusing for the viewer, and secondly this procedure has its faults with small value differences in the data identified in Ramsey (1982). I similarly discounted the next two multidimensional scaling procedures Proxscal and Minissa as they are designed to work only on square matrix and not rectangle matrix data. I finally chose to use the multidimensional scaling techniques of Prefmap detailed by Frank Busing, M.T.A, (2006) and Hiclus as these are implemented in SPSS for ease of use. The scaling procedure Prefmap, although designed for preference data, gives a virtually identical output to the multidimensional scaling procedure Minirsa detailed in Katrijn Van Deun, Willem J. Heiser, Luc Delbeke, (2007). In the past I have found it to be more preferable as it meant for a more general use but not implemented in SPSS. I will then integrate the respective outputs using techniques described in Coxon (1982). 5 Variables that effect comparing social Networks I investigated the comparison of social Networks by concentrating on which social network variables that would be most useful to differentiate between differing social Networks and their structures. The social network variables I compare are the number of nodes, the degree of a node, the density of a social network, the shortest path length between nodes, network centralisation and betweeness 5.1 Number of nodes The first and most obvious variable to investigate when comparing social Networks is the size of the social network (number of nodes). The following table gives the number of nodes in each of the social Networks used in the paper. Data set Rural housing social network Urban housing social network Student social network wave 1 Student social network wave 2 Student social network wave 3 Surname data No of nodes 24 27 60 65 64 95 Student email social 324 network Staff email social 833 network Mean 186.5 Table 2 degree of node within social Networks (Source: Figures given by UCINET for all the papers data sets) Displaying the data contained in Table 2, as a figure would be pointless as there is only one dimension to the data. This output is only of very limited use for comparing the structure of social Networks. 5.2 Density The density of a social network is a commonly used concept within social network analysis. There are many researchers such as for example Favavo and Sunshine (1968), Anderson B. et al. (1999) and Lin et al (1999) have all been interested in the density of social Networks to see how tight or weak a community is. I am going to compare and contrast several different social Networks of differing types in differing location in this paper. A commonly used measure of the density of a friendship social network is the clustering coefficient. I will be using the clustering coefficient interchangeably with density in this paper. In plain language, these are representations of a person but shaped as triangles, X friends called Y and Z who know each other as well. The clustering coefficient is used regularly when describing friendship and social Networks within literature with whole sections dedicated to it in books by John Scott (1991:73-84), Stanley Wassermann and Katherine Frast (1994:101-103) To add to the confusion, some academics call this simple concept the clustering coefficient or reciprocity amongst friends. This is confused further by Claude Fischer (1982) introducing the concept on page 139 to 143 of multistrandedness that is by my reading very similar if not identical to density. In Scott (1991: pg 77) the scalability of the clustering coefficient is analysed expressing an opinion that the clustering coefficient is unable to scale for differing sizes of social Networks. I take the view that the clustering coefficient can be used for comparing social Networks of similar sizes (+- 10%). To examine this, the table below has listed the number of nodes in each of my real world social Networks with there is corresponding social network density. Data set No of nodes The density of social Networks 0.0451 Rural housing social 24 network Urban housing social 27 0.0116 network Student social network 60 0.0370 wave 1 Student social network 65 0.0938 wave 2 Student social network 64 0.1796 wave 3 Student email social 324 0.0118 network Staff email social 833 0.0051 network Mean 199.5 0.048 Table 3– Comparing social network size and density (Source: Calculated using UCINET using all the papers datasets) It should be noted from the above table that the mean density does not increase linearly with the number of nodes in a network. However an experimenter could compare two social Networks of similar sizes that have been collected using the same data collection technique and methodology. It can also be seen from this figure that the average degree of a node is not relative to the size of the social network. 0.2 0.18 0.16 0.14 Density 0.12 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 No of nodes Figure 7 – Number of nodes against social network density (Source: Output from MS EXCEL XP when plotting no nodes against social network density) 5.3 Path Length (small world social Networks) The next variable is the shortest path length that is unrelated to network density between 2 nodes. This is also a popular area for social network studies. The research area for this section is also called Small World Social network Studies that was first detailed in Milgram (1967). The following table details some of these studies Type of experiment Number of targets Size of community Initial sample size Completed chains Mean links in chains Experiment al Theoretical 2 1967 (Milgram) Post out / post back 1 per sample group 180 million 1 128 Not applicable 500 1 18 1 1 5.5 2.53 50 approximate 4 1 1989 (Tjaden) Database 2002 (Dobbs) Internet Not applicable 2000 (Wiseman) Post out / post back 1 35,000 56 million 1 billion (estimate) 24,163 Table 4 – Summary Details of Selected Small World Studies 18 384 6 600000000 500000000 400000000 300000000 200000000 Population 100000000 0 -100000000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Number of steps Figure 8- Plot of number steps against population (Source: Table 7) The small world literature contains some significant gaps because I have discovered there is no published work on the sampling for small world studies that can address the question of how many cases you need to collect to make a reasonable model from the data. Likewise, I found no published work that examines the effects of response rates of data or resulting model quality. Duncan Watts and Steven Strogatz (1998) show that the addition of a handful of “random links” can turn a disconnected social network into a highly connected one. These “links” can generate social networks with significant social consequences (as happened through the spread of infectious disease such as AIDS and SARS). Similarly, key people may facilitate constructive links, such as the extensive fundraising achieved by the political outsider Howard Dean through Internet social networks rather than conventional advertising in the 2004 US presidential election. Gladwell (2000) argues that the six-degree phenomenon is dependent on a few extraordinary people (connectors) with large social networks of contacts and friends. These people mediate the connections between the vast majorities of otherwise weakly-connected individuals. To this extent, these “connectors” can mediate social network interactions- a process Gladwell calls “funnelling”. The opposite of the shortest path between 2 nodes is the less used average longest path as referred to in Alon, N., Yuster, R., and Zwick, U. (1994). This measurement gives a good approximation of the maximum distance across a social network by tacking an average to remove the return path. I used both measurements in the following table. Data set Rural housing social network Urban housing social No of nodes 24 Shortest Path 3.160 27 1.547 network Student social network 60 2.924 wave 1 Student social network 65 2.535 wave 2 Student social network 64 2.053 wave 3 Student email social 324 4.442 network Staff email social 833 3.618 network Mean 199.5 2.534 Table 5– number of nodes and path length (Source: Calculated using UCINET using all the papers datasets) It can also be seen from this figure that the average degree of a node is not relative to the shortest or longest path length in the social network. 5 4.5 Shortest Path Length 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 No of Nodes Figure 9 – Number of nodes against path lengths (Source: Output from MS EXCEL XP when plotting no nodes against average shortest path length) 5.4 Centrality The next variable to be investigated was the network known as centrality. The following table, as above gives the network centrality for the 7 datasets I collected. Data set No of nodes Mean centralization Network % centralization Rural housing 24 7.737 19.84 social network Urban housing 27 3.250 5.78 social network Student social 60 3.157 14.80 network wave 1 Student social 65 6.514 20.12 network wave 2 Student social 64 12.000 32.80 network wave 3 Student email 324 3.834 18.06 social network Staff email social 833 4.223 4.88 network Mean 199.5 5.852 16.60 Table 6- Number of nodes and network centrality (Source: Calculated using UCINET using all the papers datasets) The data in this table is represented in figure 10 as a graph plotting the number of nodes against the network centrality. 35 Network % Centralization 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 No of Nodes Figure 10 – Number of nodes against path lengths (Source: Output from MS EXCEL XP when plotting no nodes against centrality) It can also be seen from this figure that similar to the previous comparisons the degree of a node is not relative to the centrality of the social network. 5.5 Betweeness It has appeared to me that the next natural step to be investigated is the network variable of betweeness, which once again also appears to have been overlooked by researchers working on comparing Networks. The following table has provided the values for the average betweeness for the 7 data sets. Data set No of nodes Betweeness Rural housing social 24 20.404 network Urban housing social 27 0.604 Network Student social network 60 75.458 wave 1 Student social network 65 91.200 wave 2 Student social network 64 63.373 wave 3 Student email social 324 221.775 Network Staff email social 833 1072.264 Network Mean 199.5 220.725 Table 7- Number of nodes and betweeness (Source: Calculated using UCINET using all the papers dataset) This data is represented differently in figure 11. It can be seen from this figure that the average degree of a node is not relative to betweeness in the social network. Betweeness is affected by at least 2 variables of the age of the social network and the physical location of its nodes. This variability is highlighted in the following figure, which plots the number of nodes against betweeness. 1200 1000 Betweeness 800 600 400 200 0 24 27 60 65 64 324 833 No of Nodes Figure 11 – Number of nodes plotted against betweeness (Source: Output from MS EXCEL XP when plotting no nodes against betweeness) 5.6 Summary As seen in the previous sections, there are many possible factors to think about when comparing social Networks. These include the average degree of node, the social network density, the number of triads. It should be noted that these plots are very similar as the variables chosen are all related to the density of the social network to a greater or lesser extent. A second point that should also be noted is that the graphs describing the network variables network centralization and the shortest path length is quite different and is not related to network density. The variable that I have chosen, as the above sections highlight, are the most relevant variable when comparing these networks are the number of nodes, density of the graph, the shortest path length and network centrality. I will use these network variables in the following section of this paper. I am certain this is not a complete list of variables but it should be considered from the above work that no one network variable is the best for comparing social Networks. 6 Comparing many social Networks As I previously stated, I have found no single variable that adequately defines a social network completely therefore comparing social Networks is a difficult task. Traditionally the most commonly used quantities way of comparing social Networks was to compare the density of different social Networks but this is a very broadbrush approach. As a way forward K, Faust and J. Skvoretz (2007) compared the number of triads between different social Networks (triads being cliques of 3 nodes). I chose to ignore Cliques as I anticipated using the Multidimensional scaling technique as described by Prof A P M Coxon (1982) because it is a way of analysing several variables of the social network together and not just the number of cliques. 6.1 Metadata table To compare many social Networks, I have used Multidimensional-scaling procedures on a metadata table of variables, which I have selected and described in section 5.6. I then followed on from this by using the multidimensional scaling tools of Prefmap and Hiclus on the metadata table. This produced a graphical output to compare the social Networks when the procedures outputs are combined together. Data set No of nodes Rural housing social network Urban housing social network Student social network wave 1 Student social network wave 2 Student social network wave 3 Student email social network Staff email social network 24 Density Average Network % the of Shortest centralization social Path network 0.0451 3.160 19.84 Betweeness ???? 27 0.0116 1.547 5.78 ???? 60 0.0370 2.924 14.80 75.458 65 0.0938 2.535 20.12 91.200 64 0.1796 2.053 32.80 63.373 324 0.0118 4.442 18.06 221.775 833 0.0051 3.618 4.88 ???? Table 8 - Metadata table (Source: Values calculated using UCINET using all the papers dataset) As can easily be seen from this table, which was has also been mentioned in the previous section, I have found there is no single variable that can be used for comparing social Networks. 6.2 Alscal, Proxscal and Minissa Firstly I investigate the metadata table as input for the Alscal multidimensional scaling procedure that is implemented as part of SPSS. A fault with this procedure is that it dose analyses both rows and column in the same model space and the dis-advantage that it dose not handle small value differences correctly as explored in Ramsay. J. 0. (1982). Because of this feature I chose not to proceed with the procedure any further. The next two multidimensional scaling procedures I investigate will be Proxscal and Manissa. However I have decided to discount these procedures because they only use square data matrix data as input and they are similar to Allscal in analysing both rows and column in the same model space but with the advantage they handle small value differences correctly. 6.3 Prefmap The fourth multidimensional scaling technique I will explore is the Prefmap procedure that is also implemented in SPSS14 (and up). The table 13 below shows the output for this procedure. This procedure has the notable advantage that the user can select to output rows or columns in the model space and use a rectangular input data matrix. Figure 13 - Prefmap output (Final Stress: 0.0000: Penalty 4.5677) (Source: Scaling output of Prefmap as implemented in SPSS when computing metadata Table 8) The output of Prefmap is similar to that of Alscal with the notable exceptions that the graph has no major grouping. 6.4 Hierarchical clustering Next I am going to use the Hiclus procedure also implemented in SPSS on the metadata table above to find a dendrogram of the hierarchical clustering of the table. I found this graph has the advantage over other graphs as the output, being graphical was simple and easy to understand. It has worked well for the computer program that I used to create the output being implemented in SPSS. ****HIERARCHICAL CLUSTER ANALYSIS** Dendrogram using Average Linkage (Between Groups) Rescalde Distancie Cluster Combine CASE 0 5 10 15 20 25 Label Num +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ Urban wave1 rural wave2 wave3 Student staff 2 3 1 4 5 6 7 ─┐ ─┤ ─┼───┐ ─┤ ├───────────────────────────────────────────┐ ─┘ │ │ ─────┘ │ ────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ Figure 14 - Hiclus output (Source: Scaling output of Hiclus as implemented in SPSS when computing metadata Table 8) The output of the Hiclus procedure gives the similar results as the Prefscal procedure grouping the 5 data-set waves 1, 2 and 3, the urban and the rural Networks together while differentiating them from the other 2 data sets. 6.5 Interpreting results Multidimensional scaling by its nature does not easily allow for a scale to be applied to its output as the procedure folds multi dimensions into a 2 dimensional work space. To interpret the output I am going to combine the results of the Prefscal and Hierarchical clustering producers shown in figure 13 and figure 14 using the techniques described in Coxon, T (1982). This is shown below in figure 15 Figure 15 - Combined output (Final Stress: 0.0000: Penalty 4.5677) (Source: Combined output of Prefscal and Hiclus as implemented in SPSS when computing metadata Table 8) When it comes to comparing many social Networks, the above techniques are successful for showing the differences and similarities for comparing many social Networks. A minimum of 3 social Networks should be compared using the above method. An area for further investigation would be to access the accuracy of the minimum number of social Networks to be compared. To summarize comparing social Networks using multidimensional scaling on a meta-data table is one way I have discovered that works well when many social Networks need to be compared. 7 Summary As I have already stated in the previous section, there are many factors to consider when comparing social Networks. Others have used various methods and factors for comparing these social Networks, such as comparing degree of node, density of the social network, path length and the number of triads in a network. The technique I developed, which was far more successful for comparing several social Networks was achieved by creating a Metadata table of many social network variables and using multidimensional scaling techniques such as Prefscal and Hiclus. When the output of these procedures was combined and analysed, a graphical representation of the differences between several social Networks is shown. This technique works better if more than 3 social Networks are compared. 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