Образец письменной экзаменационной работы по общему

Образец письменной экзаменационной работы по общему английскому языку
на II курсе (основной язык)
Read the following text and do the assignments that follow.
Exploration through the ages
One of the key reasons for early explorations was probably the need to find food or to
move from areas where climate change caused environmental changes. While modern
technology allows water to be stored so that people can stay in areas for longer periods of time,
this would not have been so in prehistoric times. When the water ran out, it would be time to
move on.
Many of the earliest explorations were therefore probably accidental. As the hunters
followed a source of food, they may have finished in a previously unvisited area. If the new area
had adequate supplies, the hunters may even have decided to stay there.
More organized exploration began in the Middle East. The first recorded voyage into
unknown seas was a four-year expedition around 4,500 years ago, to search for and buy valuable
goods, including gold, incense and myrrh.
Some of the earliest sea voyages were undertaken by the Polynesians. The island areas
they occupied were relatively small and they also had immediate and easy contact with the
ocean. As they spread from island to island, their navigational skills and knowledge of the area
While the original Vikings – from Norway – were initially prepared to loot and plunder
throughout Northern Europe, others soon demonstrated a desire to settle in the new lands.
Settlements were soon established throughout Europe, and it was found that the previously
aggressive settlers were quite the opposite once they had some land and security.
One of the areas that Vikings explored and settled was Iceland. As they spread through
the island, they came across Irishmen who had beaten them there, but who moved away, as they
were not willing to share the place with the newcomers.
Although the Vikings managed to set foot in North America, they had little idea of what
exactly they had achieved. They, like many others, stumbled there thinking they had in fact
found another small island.
Often the explorations of a curious traveller would open the eyes of others to new things
that might then be used in their home country. Marco Polo travelled from Italy, spending a
considerable period of time in Asia, and reaching as far as China. He had a head for business and
an eye for the novel and unusual while on his journeys. He encountered and reported on many
unusual plants and animals as well as the use of petroleum-based oils in the Middle East. The
success of his expeditions inspired many others to follow in his footsteps.
Trade has provided one of the key reasons for exploration throughout the years.
Much of the exploration by Europeans in the 15th and 16th centuries was motivated by
commerce and trade in exotic goods, as well as by the need to find faster trade routes. Several
governments negotiated treaties so that their nationals could trade in other countries.
Massive changes were now taking place in Europe, with new ideas affecting many
traditional areas of life. Politics, economics, religion and social organizations were all
undergoing huge upheavals. The population grew rapidly, creating an increased demand for
food. Among the workforce, there was a trend towards developing a particular expertise, which
included a rapid growth in the number of merchants. With growing wealth, the old barter
economy was no longer efficient. Instead, there was a demand for gold and other precious
metals, some of which was turned into coins and used for buying and selling.
Probably even more prized at this time were spices, which were used for preserving and
flavouring meats. This was important at a time when even fresh food, if available, could be
rather tasteless. These items, such as pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves, were only found
growing naturally in India and certain areas of the east.
a. Complete each sentence with the correct ending A-J from the box below.
Prehistoric exploration often took place because of
Exploration in the Middle East appears to have been caused by
Polynesian exploration was encouraged by
Viking travelers illustrate
Viking settlers in Iceland were not
The Vikings of North America showed
Marco Polo’s travels encouraged
imitation by others.
a change from warlike to peaceful behaviour.
the people’s geographical location.
a misunderstanding of what they had found.
settlers in the normal sense of the word.
a lack of the basic necessities of life.
the first people to reach the area.
a suspicious attitude towards the local population.
improvements in the design of boats.
a desire for trade.
b. Complete the notes below. Choose no more than one word from the passage for
each answer.
Some factors in European exploration of 15th and 16th centuries
desire to find better (8) __________ to use when trading
need for states to sign (9) __________ permitting trade
need for (10) __________ for increasing population
increasing specialisation of (11) ___________
need for raw materials for production of (12) __________
need for various (13) _________ to use in cooking
Read the newspaper article about the launch of a new hand-held electronic
product. Complete each space with one word only.
Hand to hand
Certain shops opened their doors at one minute past midnight this morning to satisfy
demand for (0) the latest consumer craze, Sony’s PlayStation Portable. (1) __________ is
expected that we will purchase at least a million of these hand-help PSPs in Britain within four
months of the launch, and maybe more. (2) __________ this sales forecast illustrates is that we
(3) __________ become a nation of incurable consumers, perpetually eager for the next new
The PSP is just another stage in a cultural revolution that (4) __________ seen
entertainment move from outside (cinemas and concert halls) into the home (TV sets and music
systems), and is now attaching (5) __________ to people on the move. A typical PSP buyer (6)
__________ well already own an iPod, a mobile phone and a digital watch, so will now need (7)
__________ carry a fourth electronic device around – for the time being, anyway.
In the longer term, consumers (8) __________ prefer to buy a single multifunctional
device, (9) __________ this is far from certain. After all, even (10) __________ there is a clock
built into virtually every mobile phone, most people still wear watches. Sometimes, it would
appear, old technologies are simply too difficult to dislodge.
In each set of sentences, one or two are incorrect. Tick the correct sentences and
rewrite incorrect ones.
1. a. Essays must to have adequate paragraphing for clarity.
b. Essays should to be properly planned before being written.
c. Essays ought to be thoroughly checked for errors in punctuation.
2. a. The athletics team had been training at a higher altitude for the past five days and are
now ready to compete.
b. Following their five days of high-altitude training, the athletics team now appear ready
to compete.
c. Every athlete has recently attended a five-day training session at high altitude in order
to be ready to compete.
3. a. Training documents are much easier to process when they contain little or no jargon.
b. While it is true that specialist documents contain some technical terms, every effort
should be made to avoid using unnecessary jargon.
c. Jargon shouldn’t be used in training documents unless it isn’t absolutely essential.
Insert an appropriate intensifying adverb from the box into each sentence below.
Use each adverb once only.
bitterly, considerably, excessively, increasingly surprisingly widely
1. Reviews of the new generation DVD player have been proof.
2. A bigger budget has been set aside for this year’s marketing campaign in Asia.
3. The sales director was disappointed by her team’s failure to increase market
4. It is looking likely that the product will have to be withdrawn from sale.
5. The instructions for the product are complicated and this has contributed to a
number of returns.
6. It is believed that the ex-chairman was given a seven-figure payoff.
Use a word related to one in the box to complete each sentence. Sometimes you
need to use a negative prefix.
classify, consumer, efficient, imitate, predict, respond
1. Domestic animals can be very __________ to voices they recognize as familiar.
2. The __________ of parental distress calls by juvenile birds is a vital step in their
3. Fieldwork in particular can yield extremely __________ results, which may necessitate
the complete redesign of a research project.
4. One __________ system uses a ten-point scale to describe the relative hardness of rocks.
5. The __________ of organically produced vegetables in Britain has increased
substantially over the last five years.
6. Our __________ in terms of resources management is unacceptable.
Choose the correct compound noun, a, b or c.
1. Whatever the __________ of the enquiry, there will be some far-reaching changes in
a. outflow
b. outset
c. outcome
2. To go into so much detail on what is a peripheral point seems complete __________ to
a. overskill
c. overload
3. A player’s __________ of energy drinks during a match can improve performance
a. input
c. income
Choose the correct time adverbial in the following sentences.
1. By any stretch of the imagination, Dean Acheson was a significant figure worldwide, yet
within days / up until recently, he did not receive the attention he deserved.
2. Over the two-year period /At some point in the future we observed students in the lab on
almost 100 separate occasions.
3. In 2010 the rise in retail prices was under 10%; but in 2011 it was 20% and still
accelerating. At the moment / In the meantime, the rise in wage rates was also gathering
pace and had already reached 28% by the end of 2011.
4. It is first explicitly described as a shire in 1065. Its western boundaries at, before and
shortly after that date / eventually are uncertain.
5. Once upon a time / From time to time, the core in the centre of the cut is struck with a
hammer and broken off and removed.