Evidence requirements for Meter Installer and Validator Assessing equivalence for units Types of evidence Purpose General information about the applicant To assess whether experience is relevant to the requirements of certification Profile of skills, knowledge and experience Job descriptions, roles and responsibilities Resume Training certificates and records Tickets / Licenses Qualifications Course/workshop attendance Online activities Workplace achievements such as awards or promotions Evidence required NWP201B Follow defined OHS procedures and regulatory requirements OHS Statement of Attainment from another training package at Level 2 or above Statement of Attainment that includes OHS as an Element or Performance Criteria OHS audit report conducted by applicant Site induction statement / report Ticket / license with OHS requirements NWP202B Apply environmental & licensing procedures Statement of Attainment at a higher level or from another training package with relevant tasks Workplace samples, records, reports Third party verification Candidates training records NWP226B Prepare and restore work site NWP234B Locate, identify and protect utility services Document1 Statement of Attainment from another training package Photos Third party verification Workplace samples, records, reports Third party verification NWP201B Follow defined OHS procedures and regulatory requirements Element Performance Criteria 1. Apply workplace OHS procedures 1.1 Recognise and understand workplace OHS policies and procedures 1.2 Apply OHS policies and procedures in designated workplaces 1.3 Identify personnel with OHS responsibilities and apply workplace procedures for managing OHS 2.1 Identify potential hazards relating to specific jobs and roles within the workplace and consider and assess control measures 2.2 Recognise hazards in relation to specific work or work areas and report them to designated personnel according to workplace procedures 2.3 Follow workplace procedures and work instructions for controlling risks 2.4 Follow workplace procedures for dealing with incidents, accidents and emergencies and complete appropriate reporting 3.1 Raise OHS issues with designated personnel according to workplace procedures and relevant OHS legislation 3.2 Make contributions to participative arrangements for OHS management in the workplace within organisational procedures and scope of work responsibilities. 2. Follow workplace procedures for hazard identification and risk control 3. Contribute to participative arrangements for the management of OHS. Questions - NWP201B Follow defined OHS procedures & regulatory requirements Content areas (1) Recognition of sources of OHS instruction and leadership (2) Reasons for workplace OHS policies and procedures (3) Workplace safety instructions, what and when (4) Reporting hazards or potential hazards (5) Reporting an accident or “near miss” to supervisor (6) Obligations for personal safety equipment issued (7) Personal contribution to OHS processes Document1 Question Bank 1 Who has instructed you in OHS and workplace safety? 2 Why is workplace instruction in OHS matters important? 3 What specific areas of safety have you received instruction in? 4 What are your obligations should you recognize a potential hazard? 5 How is an accident or “near miss” reported? 6 What is a workplace safety audit and who might carry it out? 7 In what ways can you contribute to improving OHS in your work? 8 What are your responsibilities for personal safety equipment issued to you? 9 What are they key safety issues and / risks in your work environment and how are these mitigated? Responses NWP202B Apply environmental and licensing procedures Element Performance Criteria 1. Relate environmental procedures to specific project or site. 1.1 Identify and apply organisation's environmental procedures 1.2 Identify and apply relevant legislative, regulatory and licensing requirements 1.3 Identify and record environmental risks and impacts at particular job sites according to organisational requirements 1.4 Plan work, incorporating appropriate control measures to overcome identified risks, and meet required environmental outcomes on specific project or site. 2. Apply established environmental procedures. 2.1 Undertake work on project or site according to organisation's established environmental procedures 2.2 Apply organisational procedures for dealing with environmental incidents 3. Report on environmental processes and incidents 3.1 Access and maintain documentation relating to environmental management 3.2 Identify environmental risks and record and report incidents according to organisational procedures and practices 3.3 Follow reporting procedures for monitoring conformity according to organisational requirements Questions - NWP202B Apply environmental and licensing procedures Content areas (1) What guidelines are available for environmental and licensing obligations (2) Assessing environmental factors for a work site (3) Environmental procedures that can be implemented (4) Dangers to local environment (5) Range of sites that may be covered by environmental policy (6) Types of environmental documents (7) Recording and reporting Document1 Questions 1 What guidelines are there for environmental management in the water industry? 2 What range of workplace sites do the environmental guidelines cover? 3 What sort of risks to the environment have to be managed by water authorities? 4 What incidents may need to recorded and reports made on them? 5 How are reports made and to whom are they sent? 6 What information might be included in an environmental report? 7 When and by whom are environmental audits carried out? Responses NWP226B Prepare and restore work site Element Performance Criteria 1 Plan and prepare for work. 1.1 Determine site preparation requirements from specifications, instructions and pre-work inspections. 1.2 Identify and report potential risks to public and environment. 1.3 Perform a site check according to legislative and organisational requirements to identify risks and prevent damage to other utilities. 1.4 Select and check work site equipment, tools and materials as appropriate to meet task and safety specifications. 1.5 Select, fit and use personal protective equipment. 2 Prepare work site. 2.1 Position safety equipment and materials as required to prevent potential risks to public and environment. 2.2 Store and secure equipment and materials as necessary. 2.3 Use work site equipment, tools and materials according to regulatory and legislative requirements. 2.4 Use manual or mechanical excavation equipment where required to achieve specifications. 2.5 Provide appropriate drainage and diversion of site inflows from work site without damage to environment. 3 Restore work site. 3.1 Use equipment, tools and materials according to regulatory and legislative requirements. 3.2 Backfill and compact excavations according to specifications. 3.3 Remove excess soil, debris and unwanted materials from site. 3.4 Restore work site to meet environmental and organisational requirements. 4 Review, record and report activities. 4.1 Check, maintain and store equipment, tools and materials according to manufacturer guidelines and organisational procedures. 4.2 Maintain workplace records as required. Questions - Unit NWP226B Content areas (1) Site preparation requirements, instructions and processes (2) Selection of appropriate equipment, tools and materials (3) Work site preparation (4) Operating equipment to achieve specifications and avoid damage (5) Range of sites that may be covered by environmental policy Document1 Questions 1 What guidelines are available for planning site work? 2 What checks are made to identify risks and prevent damage to other utilities? 3 What tasks are done during the operation to prevent risks to public and environment? 4 What precautions are taken while operating equipment, tools and materials? 5 What are the main activities in restoring a work site? Response (6) Types of environmental documents (7) Recording and reporting 6 Give an example of steps taken in a recent site restoration 7 What type of checks and/or documentation is used for checking and reporting on activities after an operation is completed? NWP234B Locate, identify and protect utility services Element Performance Criteria 1 Plan and prepare to locate utility services at work site. 1.1 Determine work site boundaries and requirements from plans, specifications and instructions. 1.2 Obtain plans and relevant information from specific utility service owners using appropriate information sources. 1.3 Determine alignment of services on site according to utility locating procedures. 1.4 Determine type, size and likely configuration of all underground and overhead services from plans and typical or local installation practices. 1.5 Identify hazards and precautions associated with excavating or working near utilities' apparatus. 1.6 Review and apply safe work method statements associated with work activity and incorporate into job planning according to legislative and organisational requirements. 2 Locate utility apparatus by excavation. 2.1 Select and safely use appropriate tools and equipment for location of all apparatus. 2.2 Identify apparatus and indicators of apparatus presence. 2.3 Determine full extent of apparatus in the ground. 3 Operate plant in close proximity to underground or overhead utility apparatus. 3.1 Monitor plant during work activities and identify potential or actual encroaches of plant on minimum clearances to apparatus. 3.2 Give instructions to plant operator using agreed signals. 4 Protect and support utility apparatus during excavation and backfilling. 4.1 Protect apparatus according to utility owner requirements to prevent damage. 4.2 Support apparatus along or across excavation according to utility owner requirements or engineering advice to prevent damage. 4.3 Report damage to apparatus to utility owner according to agreed protocols. 4.4 Reinstate apparatus during backfill according to utility owner's requirements. 5 Initiate emergency procedures. 5.1 Recognise emergency situations or events. 5.2 Implement emergency response according to procedures for particular infrastructure involved. Document1 Questions - Unit NWP234B Locate, identify and protect utility services Content areas (1) Site planning preparation to locate utility services (2) Locate utility apparatus by excavation (3) Work site preparation (4) Operating plant in close proximity to underground or overhead utility apparatus (5) Protect and support utility apparatus during excavation and backfilling (6) Initiate emergency procedures Document1 Questions 1 What utility services may be present? 2 What steps are taken to determine work site boundaries and locate utilities? 3 What checks are made to identify risks and prevent damage to other utilities associated with excavating or working near utilities apparatus? 4 What procedures are used when operating plant in close proximity of underground of overhead utility apparatus? 5 What procedures are used to protect and support apparatus and prevent damage? 6 What are the signs of a potential emergency situation or event in your workplace? 7 What are the procedures for implementing an emergency response? Example of Responses