Healthcare Ethics Suggested Exam

Health Care Ethics Suggested Exam
Developed by:
Ethics in HealthCare
Describe dimensions of values as they impact healthcare.
Describe basic principles of professional relationships.
Describe aspects of ethical decision making in health care.
Explain how an individual’s diversity, socioeconomic or religious
beliefs could lead to potential ethical differences with that of other
health care employees.
5. Using an ethical decision making model applied to healthcare
situations, describe how ethics influence the care of clients.
Pat Reinhart, RN, NAHHA Coordinator
Minneapolis Community and Technical College
Written Paper
Group Work
Potential Uses
Healthcare Ethics Suggested Exam
Healthcare Ethics Suggested Exam
MATCHING: Match the term in the left column with its definition from the right column.
1. ____ ethics
a. The personal beliefs held by an individual that reflect religion or
2. ____ morals
b. What a person considers of worth, indirectly impacting behavior
3. ____ values
c. The application of ethical principles to health care
4. ____ ethical principles
d. Codes that direct or govern our actions
5. ____ bioethics
e. The branch of philosophy that concerns the distinction of right and
wrong on the basis of a body of knowledge
MATCHING: Match the ethical principle in the left column with an appropriate example from
the right column.
6. ____autonomy
The nurse represents the client’s viewpoint
accurately during the interdisciplinary conference.
7. ____nonmaleficence
A client is asked to sign an informed consent form
by a physician.
8. ____beneficence
The nurse signs for a wasted narcotic only after she
sees it being discarded.
9. ____justice
The medication aide triple checks the medication
for the “right medication and right dose”.
10. ____veracity
The nurse considers whether a client should be
physically restrained.
11. ____fidelity
The client assignments on the unit are equally
divided among the nursing assistants.
MULTIPLE CHOICE: For the following items, circle the most correct response.
12. The Nightingale Pledge states that while clients are under the care of a nurse, the nurse is
to do no harm to the client. Which of the following ethical principles does this represent?
A. Justice
B. nonmaleficence
C. Fidelity
D. Beneficence
13. In which of the following steps in the ethical decision making process would the ethical
dilemma be stated?
A. Determination of claims and identification of parties.
B. Problem identification.
C. Generation of alternatives.
D. Assessing the outcome of moral actions.
14. Which of the following best defines and ethical dilemma?
A. A conflict between two or more ethical principles
B. A conflict between the interests of two or more parties in the care of an individual
C. A choice between two equally satisfactory alternatives
D. A choice between the desired action of the nurse and the client
15. Which of the following behaviors is unethical and illegal?
A. Taking narcotics from the narcotic cupboard for your own use
B. Assisting a physician in an abortion clinic to perform and abortion
C. Allowing a gay (homosexual) AIDS patient to sleep with his partner in the hospital
D. Giving out patient information to over the phone to a spouse
16. Moral issues:
A. are often concerned with issues of right and wrong, good and bad or should or ought.
B. always require the nurse to change the thinking of the client.
C. are the same as ethical issues.
D. require action on the part of the nurse.
17. Nurses:
A. rarely encounter ethical dilemmas.
B. always defer to the physician in the case of an ethical dilemma.
C. frequently encounter ethical issues around termination of life-sustaining treatments.
D. must always treat the client aggressively regardless of medical orders or client wishes.
18. An example of crossing boundary lines with patients is:
A. discussing your children’s school activities
B. telling clients your children’s ages
C. feeling you are immune from having unhealthy relationships with clients
D. all of the above
If the statement is false, change the statement to make the statement true.
20. The values of the healthcare worker have little impact on the delivery of care.
21. A nurse is bound by the ANA (American Nurses Association) Code of Ethics to preserve a
client’s right to privacy.
22. Values are learned at an unconscious level through observation and experience; as such,
they are greatly influenced by a person’s sociocultural environment.
23. A code of ethics is a formal statement about how a group actually behaves.
24. Attitudes are initial feelings about people, objects, or ideas based on gut reaction.
25. Would you agree with the following statement? One of the obligations the nursing
profession owes society is for its practitioners to behave with high ethical standards.
26. Will there be a right or wrong decision after deliberating an ethical dilemma?
COMPLETION: Give a short answer for the following items.
27 – 29. List 3 frequently occurring ethical dilemmas in health care.
1. __________
2. __________
3. __________
30 – 32. List 3 purposes of an Ethics committee.
1. __________
2. __________
3. __________
33. An 85 year old man is refusing dialysis for his kidney failure. The primary ethical principle
involved is:
34 – 37. List 4 ethical principles and explain their application to healthcare.
1. _______________
2. _______________
3. _______________
4. _______________
Healthcare Ethics – Suggested Quiz
20 points
Name __________________________
1. Explain in detail what the study of ethics is (1 point).
2. Four principles of ethics include: Autonomy, Beneficence, Justice and Scarce Resources.
Describe what each of these are (4 points).
Scarce Resources:
3. The state of Oregon has legalized a form of euthanasia, what is this called (1 point)?
4. Describe Quality of Life (1 point).
5. What is the number one ethical duty of medical personnel (1 point)?
6. List the 6 topics that were presented to the class and list a pro and con for each topic (12