The transformation of private law Hans-W. Micklitz/Yane Svetiev/Guido Comparato First Semester 2014 This short seminar will explore key transformative influences on private law. For the purposes of the seminar we will focus principally on private law understood as the general law that facilitates and governs economic transactions. Private law traditionally encoded notions of private autonomy and over the course of the 20th century was also subjected to legislative interventions aimed at reinforcing social justice. Does this traditional notion of national private law have a future in light of the set of transformative influences discussed in the seminar? In studying the process of transformation we will focus on five principal topics: (1) the transformation of the state; (2) the process of economisation through economic globalisation; (3) the role of technology; (4) new forms of social organisation; (5) the relationship of private law to public law. The seminar will involve in depth reading of texts and seminar discussion, while for some sessions guest speakers will also be invited to join our discussion. Syllabus and Reading List Week 1 (November 3): Transformation of the state and the market state Required readings: Hans-W. Micklitz and Dennis Patterson, ‘From the Nation State to the Market: The Evolution of EU Private Law’, EUI Working Paper, LAW 2012/15, available at 02.pdf?sequence=1 Roland Axtmann, ‘The State of the State: the Model of the Modern State and its Contemporary Transformation’ International Political Science Review 25: 325279 (2004) Sabine Frerichs and Teemu Juutilainen ‘Rome Under Seven Hills? An Archeology of European Private Law’ University of Helsinki, Legal Studies Research Paper Series, Paper No 32, 2014, available at Additional readings: Christian Joerges, ’Europas Wirtschaftsverfassung in der Krise’, Der Staat 51 (3): 357-385 (2012) Week 2 (November 10): Economisation/Globalisation Required readings: Joseph Stiglitz, ‘Globalization and the Economic Role of the State in the New Millennium’ Industrial and Corporate Change 12: 3-26 (2003), available at Globalization_and_the_Economic_Role.pdf Christian Joerges, ‘The European Economic Constitution and its Transformation through the Financial Crisis’, working paper, available at Harm Schepel, Peter Muchlinski, Horatia Muir Watt, Guus Van Harten, Statement of Concern about Planned Provisions on Investment Protection and Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), (Public Consultation on investor-state arbitration in TTIP – Comment) (see ) Additional readings: Michael Hudson, ‘The Transition from Industrial Capitalism to a Financialized Bubble Economy’, Working Paper No. 627, Levy Economics Institute, October 2010, available at José Antonio Ocampo and Joseph Stiglitz, ‘From the G-20 to a Global Economic Coordination Council’ Journal of Globalization and Development 2 (2): Article 9 (2011), available at s/2012_G20_Glob_Econ_Coord.pdf Christine Overdevest and Jonathan Zeitlin, ‘Assembling an experimentalist regime: Transnational governance interactions in the forest sector’, Regulation & Governance 8(1): 22-48 (2014) Week 3 (November 17): Who is supreme: public or private law? Required Readings: J. Locke Two Treatises of Government: Second Treatise , ch. IX, ‘The Purposes of Political Society and Government’ (1689 Cambridge University Press; 3rd Student Manual 28 Oct 1988). available electronically at 34%2CB/exact&FF=ttwo+treatises+of+government+by+iohn+locke&1%2C2 %2C/indexsort=T. Hobbes, Leviathan ch. XVII ‘Of the Causes, Generation, & Definition of a Commonwealth’ (Oxford OUP 2012). Lueth judgment. BVerfGE 7, 198 I. Senate (1 BvR 400/51), available at german/case.php?id=1369 (HL) Office of Fair Trading v Abbey National plc and Others [2009] UKSC 6U (Lord Mance’s judgment only, paras. 94-118) Mattias Kumm, ‘Who is afraid of the Total Constitution? Constitutional Rights as Principles and the Constitutionalization of Private Law’, German Law Journal 7: 341-370 (2006) available at 341-370_Articles%20Kumm.pdf Additional Readings: Franz Böhm ‘Private Law Society (original: Franz Böhm, ‘Privatrechtsgesellschaft und Marktwirtschaft’, ORDO (Jahrbuch für die Ordnung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft) (1966): 75–151 Karl-Heinz Ladeur, ‘The State in International Law’, available at Martijn Hesselink, ‘Democratic Contract Law’. Amsterdam Law School Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2014-24 Centre for the Study of European Contract Law Working Paper No. 2014-03 Giovanni Commandé ‘The Fifth Freedom’, unpublished manuscript. ECJ Judgment of 14 March 2013, C-415/11 Mohamed Aziz v Caixa (not yet published) Week 4 (November 24): Technology and social organisation Guest discussion with Urs Gasser (Berkman Center for Internet & Society, Harvard) and Alexander Trechsel (EUI) Required readings: Urs Gasser, ‘Regulating Search Engines: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead’ Yale Journal of Law & Technology 9: 124 (2006) Alexander Trechsel, ‘Towards a Paparazzi Democracy’, Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Nineteenth Annual Conference of the Council for European Studies (2014) Yochai Benkler, ‘Practical Anarchism: Peer Mutualism, Market Power, and the Fallible State’ Politics and Society 4(2): 213-251 (2013), available at Roger Brownsword, ‘Whither the Law and the Law Books? From Prescription to Possibility’ Journal of Law and Society 39(2): 296–308 (2012) Additional readings: Urs Gasser, Cloud Innovation and the Law: Issues, Approaches, and Interplay (March 17, 2014). Berkman Center Research Publication No. 2014-7, available at Yochai Benkler, Law, Policy, and Cooperation, in Balleisen, Edward, and David Moss, eds. Government and Markets: Toward a New Theory of Regulation (Cambridge University Press, 2009), available at Herbert Burkert, ‘Information Law: From Discipline to Method’, Berkman Center Research Publication No. 2014-5; U. of St. Gallen Law & Economics Working Paper No. 2014-02 available at Roger Brownsword, ‘In the Year 2061: From Law to Technological Management’ (unpublished manuscript)