4. TEAC 801 References - Center for Science, Mathematics

References (not in APA order)
1. About Problem Solving Perspective on Curriculum
Hiebert, J. Carpenter, T. P., Fennema, E., Fuson, K., Human, P., Murray, H. et al., (1996).
Problem Solving as a basis for reform in curriculum and instruction: The cases of
mathematics. Educational Researcher, 25(4), 12-21.
Prawat, R. (1997). Problematizing Dewey’s view of problem solving: A reply to Hiebert et al.
Educational Researcher, 26(2), 19-21.
Smith, J. P. (1997). Problem with problematizing mathematics: A reply to Hiebert et al.
Educational Researcher, 26(2), 22-24.
Hiebert, J. Carpenter, T. P., Fennema, E., Fuson, K., Human, P., Murray, H. et al., (1997).
Making mathematics problematic: A rejoinder to Prawat and Smith. Educational
Researcher, 26(2), 24-26.
Goldenberg, E. P., & Walter, M. I. (2003). Problem posing as a tool for teaching mathematics.
In H. Schoen (Ed.) Teaching Mathematics through Problem Solving: Grades 6-12.
Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (pp. 69-84).
2. About International Perspectives on Curriculum
Cai, J. & Moyer, J. (2008). Developing algebraic thinking in earlier grades: Some insights
from international comparative studies. In C. E. Greenes, & R. Rubenstein (Eds.)
Algebra and algebraic thinking in school mathematics (NCTM 70th year book). Reston,
VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Mayer, R. E., Sims, V., & Tajika, H. (1995). A comparison of how textbooks teach
mathematical problem solving in Japan and the United States. American Educational
Research Journal, 32, 443-460.
Schmidt, W. H., Wang, H. C., & McKnight, C. C. (2005). Curriculum coherence: An
examination of US mathematics and science content standards from an international
perspective. Curriculum Studies, 37, 525-559.
3. About National and State Standards & Curriculum
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (2009). Guiding principles for mathematics
curriculum and assessment. Retrieved from June 22, 2009
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (2006). Curriculum focal points for
prekindergarten through grade 8 mathematics: A quest for coherence. Reston, VA:
Author. (grades 5-8)
Nebraska Math Standards (2009) – Grades 5-8
4. Others
Ferrini-Mundy, J. Burrill, G., & Schmidt, W. H. (2007). Building teacher capacity for
implementing curricula coherence: Mathematics teacher professional development task.
Journal of Mathematical Teacher Education, 10, 311-324.