C.V - Safar Khan Gallery

Place of Birth
Academic Qualification
Farouk Abdel Aziz Hosny
Farouk Hosny
Former Minister of Culture, Arab Republic of Egypt
BA; Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Alexandria, 1964
Music – Theatre – Archaeology
Arabic - very good
French - very good
Italian - very good
English - fair
He is guided by comprehensive vision in life and work founded on the following basic components:
Cultural wealth of Egypt
Leading role of Egypt derived from factors related to history, geography and human resources
Leading role of Egypt derived from factors related to history, geography and human resources
Importance of cultural development in the progress of peoples
Faith in youth
Importance of children's upbringing and education
Policy of Work
Guided by the above principals his policy in the cultural field focused on the following themes:
Innovation and creativity
Decentralization of work
Finding innovative solutions for funding problems
Development of cultural institutions
Interaction and openness to different cultures in the world
He applied this policy in managing the Egyptian Ministry of Culture which is composed of the following units:
17 institutions including organs, councils, academies or sectors
Two funds for financing archeological and cultural projects
6 national centers
The above outlets include 90000 experts and employees
The management of these units require special skills which are indispensable for high ranking position and
major responsibilities on the basis of which he was nominated by Egypt as candidate for the post of DirectorGeneral of UNESCO.
Key Credentials
Management of budgets
Management of large-scale institutions
Structuring and restructuring
Development of work
Spirit of Innovation and Creativity
Cultural, and Educational and Cognitive Experience
Administration Planning and Diagnosis
Increasing the efficiency of organizations
Fund raising in the form of donations or extra-budgetary funds
Spirit of Initiative
International interaction
Spirit of leadership
Organized and harmonious working environment
Establishing relations with the media
Ability to develop activities and modern mechanisms
Farouk Hosny applied these skills through a consistent management methodology in all his work and major
Management Methodology
To identify work requirements
Efficient planning for clear, tangible and measurable objectives
To formulate and structure organizational abilities to achieve the objectives
Procedural planning to guarantee the quality of services
Choosing administrative qualified cadres to guarantee the smooth running of work
To offer incentives and train workers to realize outstanding performance
To take management, and development work initiatives with a view to maximizing proceeds and
To maintain long-term relations of strategic partnership to achieve sustainable efficiency
To monitor and measure the use of available means to improve the efficiency, productivity and cost
effectiveness of work
Continuing verification of work plans and measurement of performance with a view to achieving
common objectives
Developing corrective measures to direct the work towards achieving the right objectives
To encourage efficient leadership at all organizational levels
To review and streamline operational procedures to achieve organizational efficiency
To encourage development of second line staff to ensure managerial succession
Job Experience
Cultural Animator in the General Department of Fine Arts, Ministry of Culture (1964-1969)
Director, Anfoushy Cultural Palace, Alexandria (1969-1971)
Cultural Attaché and Director of the Egyptian Cultural Centre , Paris, France (1971-1978)
Director of Cultural Administration and Director, Children's Cultural Centre, Cairo, and Technical
Advisor to the Minister of Culture (1978-1979)
Deputy Director, Egyptian Arts Academy, Rome (1979-1982)
Director, Egyptian Art Academy and Cultural Counselor, Egyptian Embassy, Rome (1982-1987),
after which he was appointed to the post of Minister of Culture till of Egypt which he still assumes
Part-time Professor of Aesthetics at the University of Soka Gakkai, Japan, where he was offered on
honorary Ph.D. in 1993
Part-time Professor in the Faculty of Fine Arts, Alexandria University since 1999 till to-date
Prizes, Awards and Accreditation Merits
Prize, Cagne-sur-mer Festival, France
Honorary Ph.D., Soka Gakkai University, Japan, 1993
Culture and Peace Award, Soka Gakkai University, Japan, 1993
Grand Official Award, Government of Italy, 1999
Mediterranean Arts Award of the Lazio region for 2005
Mediterranean Sea Award of Arts for 2006
Grand Audio-Visual Award, International Council of Films, Television and Audio-Visuals, UNESCO
Paris, July 2007
Grand Audio-Visual Award, International Council of Films, Television and Audio-Visuals, UNESCO
Paris, July 2007
Mediterranean Forum Peace Award, Lecce, Italy, 2008
Other Positions and Responsibilities
Chairman, Supreme Council of Antiquities, Egypt
Chairman, Supreme Council of Culture, Egypt
Member of the Board of Trustees, Bibliotheca Alexandria
Member, International Committee, Qatar Museums Board
Member, Plastic Artists Union, Egypt
Member, Alexandria Atelier Group for Artists and Writers
When Farouk Hosny assumed his position as Minister of Culture, he restructured the Ministry by
establishing and chairing the Supreme Council of Antiquities.
He also established several higher institutes at the Arts Academy (University of Arts) including the
 The Higher Institute for Environmental Architecture
 The Higher Institute for Children's Arts
 The Higher Institute for Restoration
 He arranged for sending missions and providing scholarships abroad to obtain academic
degrees for graduates of the Arts Academy and employees in the fields of archeology,
culture and arts in addition to providing grants for specialized training of employees in
cultural activities and management locally and abroad
He played an active role in the Egyptian National Project for Eradication of Illiteracy by opening
classes for males and females in addition to adult literacy classes in cultural establishments which
total 530 units in different parts of Egypt
He took part in enhancing the quality of education and linking it to the entire cultural system by
offering courses and providing cultural services in relevant cultural establishments, creativity
centers, specialized artistic and cultural centers and Arts Academy with a view to raising the
standard of arts appreciation and reinforcing cognitive integration for students
He opened a school for non-degree courses to teach, music to children and youth at the Egyptian
Opera House
He opened classes for teaching Egyptian and World history at the museums of the Supreme
Council of Antiquities
He established the Cinema School within the Cultural Development Fund to offer non-degree
courses to amateurs in various specializations including directing, editing, script-writing and
photography. Moreover, he opened classes for teaching the use of Information and Communication
Technology at cultural establishments and specialized Creativity Centers
Farouk Hosny was specially interested in archeology museums:
He turned the Egyptian Antiquities Authority into the Supreme Council for Antiquities. This change
was accompanied by a major excavation and restoration movement as well as the construction of
new museums for antiquities from different eras: Pharaonic, Greek, Roman, Jewish, Coptic and
Islamic. This movement involved the great restoration projects including the Sphinx, the Pyramid of
Kephren, the protection and development of the Pyramids area, the Dahshour Pyramids, the tombs
of the valley of the Kings, Luxor and Karnak Temples. The Ramesseum , the temples of Madinet
Habu, Deir Al-Bahari, Seti I, the rocky temples in Kalabsha island, as well as important excavation
works in the temples of Amenhotep III, Al-Ras Al-Sawda'a and Dandara, the salvage of underwater
monuments on the coast of Alexandria, the restoration of hundreds of monuments belonging to
different periods such as the Jewish Synagogue, the Virgin's Church, the Red Monastery, the White
Monastery, the Citadel of Salaheddin, Al-Hakem's mosque, Al-Zaher Beibars mosque, entire
Islamic cities such as Fowah and Rosetta. This in addition to the major restoration and
development project of the historical area in Cairo comprising the restoration and preservation of
146 archeological buildings in this area throughout the four phases of the project, as well as the
restoration and development of the Coptic and Islamic Museums in Cairo
He also embarked on the renovation and modernization of all state theaters in addition to five new
ones. This involved the Sayed Darwish Opera House in Alexandria, the Roman theater in
Alexandria, the Damanhour Opera House in Lower Egypt. These buildings had deteriorated as a
result of neglect for a very long time. He also arranged for the construction of a new open-air
theater known as "Mahka Al-Qala'a" at Cairo Citadel
Moreover He decided to build and develop many national, regional and specialized museums:
The Grand Egyptian Museum which is the largest in the world and is now being built in the vicinity
of the Pyramids
The civilization Museum in Al-Fostat, old Cairo which aims at exhibiting all periods of Egyptian
The Historical Cairo project which is meant to be the largest open museum in the world. It was
inaugurated after the restoration of Islamic monuments of Al Moezz Li-din Allah Al-Fatemy street
and developing it touristically, commercially and sociallyً
The Luxor "Cachette" museum
The Luxor Embalmment museum
The Nubia museum in Aswan
The Akhenaton museum which is almost completed in Menia
The Royal Jewelry museum in Alexandria
The museum of the Mohamed Ali’s Palace
The Egyptian Textile museum
The Islamic Pottery museum
The construction of a number of regional museums in the New-Valley, Port-Said, Al-Arish and Taba
The construction of a new building of the Egyptian Modern Art Museum as well as other arts and
historical museums such as the Taha Hussein museum, the Arts palace, the Nations Home (Saad
Zaghloul House), Saad Al-Khadem and Effat Naguy, One Horizon Gallery and Contemporary Arts
Center. Moreover a number of existing museums were renovated and modernized such as those of
Mansura and Denshaway and that of Mahmoud Said
Farouk Hosny established several cultural palaces and specialized creativity centers within
archeological sites after their restoration and development, proceeding from his vision that an
archaeological site lives by being used and deteriorates if neglected. These include: Al-Manasteril
Palaces, Al-Harraoui House, Zeinab Khatoun House, Al-Seheimi House, Prince Taz
Palace,Alexandria Creativity Centre, Cairo Creativity Centre, Al-Gazirah Arts Centre, Arts Complex,
the Arab School for Cinema and Television
He established 28 new cultural houses and palaces in different parts of Egypt which are affiliated to
the General Authority for Cultural Palaces which issues two monthly reviews in addition to eleven
series of specialized books
He also established specialized cultural palaces such as: Al-Ghouri Heritage Palace, the Cinema
Palace, the Environmental Handicraft Palace, the Art Appreciation Palace in Alexandria, the
Children's Cultural Garden and the Children's Cultural Palace
He established the Greater Cairo Library
He established the Greater Cairo Library
He launched the national project of the Family Library and the project of Reading for All which
publishes millions of books annually sold at nominal prices
ًHe initiated the Village Library Project to serve the under-privileged and rural villages located far
from urban centers. There are 120 village libraries at present in addition to ten new libraries to be
opened every year
The Egyptian National Library (Dar Al-Kutub) was completely developed, reformulated and
digitalized. It includes millions of manuscripts and documents. He also established two centers for
documentation and restoration of manuscripts
He introduced new artistic activities namely:
 The Youth Saloon
 Cairo Biennale
 The Free Experimental Theatre and Al-Hanager Theatre
Farouk Hosny established new organs and sectors including:
The National Agency for Civicscape
The National Centre for Translation which translates famous foreign works from 30 languages into
The cultural Production Sector
He launched several festivals including:
The Egyptian National Film Festival
Cairo International Festival for Experimental Theatre
Cairo International Film Festival for children
Short Documentary Film Festival
Arabic Music Festival
Aswan International Symposium for Stone Sculpture
Annual Citadel Music and Song Festival
Farouk Hosny is well-known for his unique abstract style in art. His works were exhibited in the most
important museums, exhibitions and art centers in the world where he was introduced by the most important
art critics including Jessica Winegar,Dan Cameron, Philippe de Montebello of the USA, Michel Nuridsany
from France, Enzo Bilardello, Giovanni Carladente, Lorenza Troki and Maria Trenga Benedetti from Italy.
His works were exhibited in several international museums including the Metropolitan museum, Houston
museum of Fine Arts, Fort Lauderdale in Miami, the National Museum of Vienna, le Vittoriano Museum in
Rome, Carrousel du Louvre in Paris, Tokyo Art Museum in addition to several Arab and Egyptian Museums.