Rocks & Rock Cycle Simulation

Interactive Rock Cycle Animation
Name ____________________________________________ Class Pd. ___
Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic Rocks
The three types of rocks—igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic—are all subject to processes that change one rock
type into another. The images below show several types of rocks undergoing these processes
Just as evaporation and precipitation are processes that move water through the water cycle, igneous, sedimentary, and
metamorphic rock-forming processes move rocks through the rock cycle. In this investigation, you’ll examine a detailed
example of a rock traveling through the rock cycle
This cutaway view of Earth shows where some common rock-forming processes occur. Embedded animations will
illustrate the path of a rock moving through the rock cycle.
Click the image to start the animation. Each time the main animation stops, click the blinking feature to see a
visualization. After you’ve seen the visualization, close the pop up window and click Continue.
1. When you have clicked on the lava flow, what crystallization occurred? Describe the process in terms of time and air
bubbles trapped! ________________________________________________________________________________
2. When you have clicked on the cloud, describe 3 types of erosion and products produced:
3. When you have clicked on the river, what is happening to the sediments in the river?
4. When you have clicked on the sediments in the ocean the 1st time, what is happening to :
gravel sized particles_______________________________________________________________________
sand sized particles ________________________________________________________________________
clay sized particles _________________________________________________________________________
5. When you have clicked on the sediments in the ocean the 2nd time, what is happening to the sediments?
6. When you have clicked on the rocks that are dragged down under the continental plate, what is happening to the
rocks? What finally happens to rocks as they are dragged
Click NEXT at the bottom of the webpage!
Move your cursor over the arrows
to see a list of the rock-forming
processes involved in forming the
three types of rocks. The
animations on the previous page
show just one example of a rock
moving through the rock cycle. The
rock started as an igneous rock.
Think about what the path of the
example rock would look like in this
diagram of the rock cycle.
1. Put the name of each process illustrated in the animation on the appropriate arrow.
Keep in mind that the example on the previous page didn't show all the ways rocks move through the rock cycle. For
instance, igneous rocks can become metamorphic rocks without reaching Earth's surface or becoming sedimentary
rocks. Another variation from the example is that any type of rock can become a new rock of the same type.
2. Use your own words to describe the sequence of processes that result in igneous rocks. Describe a specific example of
a sedimentary rock becoming an igneous rock.
3. Use your own words to describe the sequence of processes that result in sedimentary rocks. Describe a specific
example of a sedimentary rock becoming a new type of sedimentary rock.
4. Use your own words to describe the sequence of processes that result in metamorphic rocks. Describe a specific
example of a sedimentary rock becoming a metamorphic rock.