Outdoor Education Laboratory School Applicant Checklist Name __________________________________________ Current grade level: Sophomore Junior Date________________ Senior (Circle one) Application Form Parent and Student Information and Permission/Commitment (Signed by parents/student) Evergreen High School Teacher Preliminary Approval Form Review Interview Questions-Bring to EMS interview Returning Leader (check if applicable); To: Potential High School Outdoor Education Laboratory School Leaders From: Kirsten Sjolund, Evergreen HS Counselor Attached you will find: High School leader application High School leader roles/expectation sheet Criteria Interview Questions Evergreen High School Teacher Preliminary Approval Form 2013-2014 Outdoor Lab Dates: -Evergreen Middle School January 27-31 Points to remember: Please PRINT neatly; the sixth grade teachers will be looking at these applications. RETURNING LEADERS – IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN ATTENDING OUTDOOR LAB AGAIN, YOU STILL NEED TO COMPLETE THE APPLICATION. Applications Due to Counseling Office Friday November 15th by 2:30pm Interviews will be held on Tuesday November 19th at 3:15 pm in Mr. Woolworth’s room at EMS. It is your responsibility to attend the interview, no reminders will be given. o Fill out Interview Questions and Bring with you on Nov. 19th If you have any other questions please let me know. Thanks! -- Ms. Sjolund, Counselor High School Leader Application Packet Evergreen High School It is an honor, privilege, responsibility, and commitment to be a high school leader for the Outdoor Education Laboratory School (OELS). Students who are juniors and seniors (occasionally sophomores) have the unique opportunity to serve as high school leaders. This is a week-long, resident experience. While at OELS, the student leaders help 6th graders learn about science, history, and mountain ecosystems while also learning about themselves and their fellow human beings. To many of the 6th graders at OELS, the most important person is the high school leader. Therefore, the leader must be able to put 6th graders’ needs ahead of their own needs. Leaders serve as guides, friends, teachers, advisors, and a source of inspiration. In order to fulfill 6 th graders’ expectations, the high school leader must be emotionally mature, use good judgment and demonstrate a natural love and respect for children as well as the environment. If you want to take advantage of this opportunity, please follow the instructions below. Responsibilities of the Student: 1. It is the student’s responsibility to read all of the information in this packet and to see that all of the forms are completed and returned to the counselors’ office. 2. The deadline to turn in completed applications is Friday November 15, 2013 at 2:30 p.m. in the counseling office. No applications will be accepted after this date. 3. When the application is complete, you will be eligible for selection as a leader. The final selection of high school leaders is the 6th grade teachers’ discretion. Interviews will be held at Evergreen Middle School on Tuesday November 19th at 3:15pm in Mr. Woolworth’s room. Please remember this time, as it will be your responsibility to attend the interview. No reminder will be given to you. General information for applicants and parents: During the week of 2013- 2014 school year, we will be going with the Mountain Area middle schools. There is a ratio of approximately 1 high school leader to every 10 sixth grade students. All students selected to serve as high school leaders must attend training. It is at this training that students receive instruction regarding rules, responsibilities, expectations, supervision techniques, where classes are conducted and how to teach certain subjects. During the week of Outdoor Lab, leaders are under the supervision of the resident Principal, the Curriculum Specialist, and the 6th grade teachers. Leaders sleep in the bunkhouse with their assigned groups of students, accompany them to meals, and participate in all student learning activities. High School Leader Application Name: (print clearly!!!) Graduation Year: Gender: M F Address: Home Phone: Cell Phone #: email address: Briefly state your reason(s) for applying for the OELS High School Leader Program: List any skills, personal strengths, or special interest you have that would be an asset for you as a Leader: List any previous experience or training you have had working with children: _________________________________________________________________________ Please list any physical condition(s) which might limit your participation in some (but not all) activities at Outdoor Laboratory School (i.e. asthma, diabetes, recent accident/illness, etc.): Willing to be an OELS leader for a school other than EMS if selected as a ‘waitlisted leader for EMS’? (please circle one) YES NO Parent and Student Information and Permission/Commitment Evergreen High School I hereby give permission for to participate fully in the Outdoor Education Laboratory School Leader Program. I further authorize the staff of the Outdoor Education Laboratory School to obtain emergency medical treatment in the event he/she is injured while at OELS. I am aware that, once my student has been selected as a High School Leader, he/she has made a commitment to the elementary school and will be expected to attend the Outdoor Lab training session and to spend the necessary time working with the elementary school staff in preparation for the week at Outdoor Lab. I realize the week my student spends at Outdoor Lab will be considered as a school sanctioned activity and will be denoted on the attendance record as ACT (activity). His/her teachers will be informed of the impending absence at the beginning of the semester; additionally one week prior to leaving, leaders will be required to make up all missed assignments within a reasonable period of time as written by Jefferson County Policy. Upon successful completion of training and the week at Outdoor Lab, a grade of “Pass” will be awarded with .25 credits as a leader. Students may be a High School Leaders two times in their high school career. Leaders may choose 110 hours of Community Service over credit. Community Service hours are granted in the form of a letter not on a transcript. OELS leaders can only receive comm. Service OR credit, not both. If you are unable to fulfill your commitment, you must give two weeks written notice to Kirsten Sjolund, Counselor at Evergreen High School and the coordinating 6th grade teachers at the assigned elementary school. A failing grade will be recorded on the student’s transcript if two weeks written notice is NOT given. Students may not be invited again to participate in the High School Leader program if the student drops within two weeks of departure. Also, students may not be invited back as a returning High School Leader if they do not meet standards as a leader. **The high school student will be ineligible to participate in OELS if they are failing one or more of their classes within two weeks prior to the Outdoor Lab week. Due to the timing of this Outdoor Lab experience, students that failed one or more class on their Fall 2013 report card will also be ineligible to participate in OELS.** You must meet the following qualifications in order to apply to be a High School Leader: 1. 2. 3. Students must have at least a 2.0 GPA You must have 90% attendance Good behavior record It is up to the student to get clearance from school sports/performing arts/clubs etc. for participation in the OELS program. Please list the activities/athletics you are involved in:_________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Please receive signature/date from your sponsor and/or coach for any events you will be missing the week of Jan. 27-31, 2014: Club/Activity/Sport Signature of Sponsor Date __________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ It is your responsibility to interview with Evergreen Middle School on Tuesday November 19th at 3:15 pm in Mr. Woolworth’s Room. If I am selected as a High School leader for the Outdoor Education Laboratory School, I understand that I will be expected to meet with the elementary teachers at their school a minimum of four times to become acquainted with the students, establish communication with the teachers, and assist in the planning for the Outdoor Lab experience. I will be expected to attend the training on Sunday provided at the Outdoor Lab School. I will be expected to prepare written special interest lesson plans and completed core class outline, under the supervision of the elementary school teachers for the classes I will be teaching. While at the Outdoor Lab School, I will dedicate myself to the needs and interests of the 6th graders for whom I will be responsible. I will be expected to abide by the rules of the Jefferson County Board of Education, Dakota Ridge High School and the Outdoor Education Laboratory School. Student Signature: Date: Parent Signature: Date: Evergreen High School Teacher Preliminary Approval Form Outdoor Education Laboratory High School Leader Name:______________________________Date:____________________ Grade: (Circle one) 10 11 12 Students will need to have teacher approval from their CURRENT TEACHERS and all “yes” responses in order to be considered for a High School Leader Position. Students will also complete a Pre-Arranged Absence Form for the week of January 27-31, 2014. Class Teacher Signature Approval Per. 1 Yes No Maybe, depends on final grade Per. 2 Yes No Maybe, depends on final grade Per. 3 Yes No Maybe, depends on final grade Per. 4 Yes No Maybe, depends on final grade Per. 5 Yes No Maybe, depends on final grade Per. 6 Yes No Maybe, depends on final grade Per.7 Yes No Maybe, depends on final grade Student Signature:____________________________________Date:_________ Parent Signature:_____________________________________Date:_________ *Due- Friday November 15th , 2013 2013-2014 OELS High School Leader Interview Questions Please fill out these questions and bring them to your interview on Tuesday November 19th at 3:15pm in Mr. Woolworth’s Room at Evergreen Middle School. Name:____________________ Gender:________ Grade:_________ 1. Why are you interested in working as a High School Leader? What do you hope to gain by doing so? 2. What are some of your hobbies and accomplishments that you are proud of? 3. Give an example of a time that you were a positive role model? How would you apply your experience to your week at outdoor lab? 4. Are there other applicants that you know you work well with, or don’t work well with? 5. Since we may just be meeting you for the first time today, please draw a selfportrait below to help us connect your name with you. Be sure to emphasize anything you want us to know about you. No words please. (You may use the back of this paper)