USE OF FTIR TO EVALUATE THE ABSORPTION AND SOLUBILITY IN DIET FOOD OF DENTAL COMPOSITE Rosemarie R. Rezende 1, Hermes S. Costa1, Ezequiel S. Costa Jr.1 1Department of Materials, Federal Center of Technological Education of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte (MG), Brasil E-mail: Summary. The components present in food can cause alteration in the properties of dental composites. The objective of this study was to evaluate the absorption and solubility of two nanohybrid composite in alcoholic and non alcoholic media of the diet. 130 specimens of rectangular shape, with 24mm x 4mm x 0,4mm, prepared from two light cured dental composite were stored at 37ºC for 48h. Measures were taken of the volume and mass, and immersed for 7 and 14 days in one of the study medias (water, cachaça, beer, soft drink and wine). After this period, news measures were taken in 120 specimens to check the inclusion/deletion of elements of the media and again stored at 37ºC for 48h to obtain its ending mass. Ten specimens immersed for 7 days were analyzed by FTIR to determine the addition/removal elements of the media. The spectra obtained were compared with the spectra of the samples before immersion in the media studied. The alcoholic media promoted absorption from 24,4µm/mm³ and the non alcoholic media of 13,4µm/mm³. A greater absorption of water for greater period of immersion. The reduced mass of the specimens was similar to the alcoholic media (3.5µm/mm³) and non alcoholic media (3,5µm/mm³). The FTIR showed a change in the intensity of hydroxyl groups after immersion in beer, soft drink and wine. The immersion of dental composites in the media, that are present in human diet, is capable of promoting the reaction in the structure of these materials being such changes dependents on media and time that these materials are exposed to these medias. Keywords: Composites, Degradation, Diet 1. INTRODUCTION Several materials have been research and used to replace missing parts of the teeth. Currently, a composite is used as an aesthetic restorative material. This composite is formed by inorganic particles and organic matrix that are bonded with bonding agents (WILLEMS, 1995; PEUTZFELD, 1997; MORAES et al., 2003a; MCCABE & WALLS, 2006; ZIMMERLI et al., 2010). Performing its function, the composite is subjected the presence of liquids, from food and oral hygienic, which can be absorbed or induces the releases of elements of the composites (SIDERIDOU et al., 2004; AKOVA et al., 2006; LUIZ, 2007). The organic matrix type is responsible for absorption, as a good bond with the inorganic particle prevent that water penetrating between the matrix and particle (MORAES et al., 2003b; RAWLS & ESQUIVEL-UPSHAW, 2005). The hydroxyl groups’ presents in the organic matrix increase the absorption of water (ADA, 2003). The solubility and absorption of the composite cause reduction of resistance to wear and abrasion, color instability and leakage of inorganic particle (ADA, 2003). It’s possible to use infrared spectroscopy in Fourier transform (FTIR) to determine the functional groups of material (PICCOLI et al., 2006). Thus, the objective of this study was to determine the absorption and solubility of two composites with different organic matrix, using the ISO4049 recommendations and FTIR. 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS Were used two commercial composites: Composite A - with the organic matrix consisting of Urethane Bis-GMA modified, Bis-EMA (ethoxylated bisphenol A dimethacrylate) and TEGDMA (triethylene-glycol dimethacrylate) and Composite B with Bis-GMA (bisphenol A dimethacrylate), and TEGDMA in their matrix. The media used were distilled water (1), cachaça (2), beer (3), soft drink (4) and wine (5). 65 rectangular specimens of each composite, with dimensions of 24mm x 4mm x 0,4mm, were placed in glass containers and keep dry at 37°C for 48h, had its volume calculate and were weighed in a digital scale to obtained the initial mass (m1) e subjected to the media for 7 and 14 days, being measures at the final of these periods to obtain the satured mass (m2). After this second measures, 60 specimens of each composite were placed again dried at 37°C for 48h to evaporated the liquids absorbed and the ending mass (m3) were obtained. The absorption was obtained but the difference between the satured mass (m2) and the ending mass (m3), while the solubility was given by the difference between initial mass (m1) and ending mass (m3). 5 specimens of each composite immersed for 7 days were dried on paper towels and analyzed by FTIR. Absorption = Solubility = (m2 – m3 ) V (m1 – m3 ) V in µg/mm3 in µg/mm3 Where: m1 = weight of specimens before immersion in water; m2 = weight of specimens after immersion in water; m3 = weight of specimens after immersion in water and drying; V = specimens volume in mm3 The FTIR was performed on equipment IRPrestige-21 model, Shimadzu, with a resolution of 4cm-1, using a wavelength in the range 4000 to 400cm-1. The material was placed on the ATR crystal. The medias were changed every 24 hours. 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The table 1 shows the average of the absorption and solubility with the medias (alcoholic and non alcoholic) used and the FTIR spectra for the Composite A are shows in the figure 1A and for the composite Composite B in the figure 1B, including the range between 3.750 to 750cm-1. It is possible to relate the chemical groups presents in the composite using correlation tables and wave numbers, however, this identification is not without error (COSTA, 2005). The various peaks presents in the spectra were associated to the presence of compounds identified in table 2 according to literature (SKOOG et al., 2002; ORÉFICE et al., 2003; MORAES, 2004; COSTA, 2005; ROCHA, 2006; BEUN et al., 2007). According to the ADA (2003) the composites must have absorption less than 40µg/mm3 and solubility less than 7,5µg/mm3 after immersion for seven days in water. The results presented on immersion in water, shows that absorption and solubility are consistent with the ADA(2003), in seven days, but the solubility of Composite B showed an inspected increase in 14 days, therefore, Archegas (2005) observed that solubility was higher in the first 24 hours. Table 1 - Average results of absorption and solubility in µg/mm3 Tests Absorption µg/mm³ Composite Time Water Soft drink Cachaça Wine Beer Composite A 7 7,33 7,7 49,12 26,94 18,77 14 7,59 3,82 21,57 7,29 7,31 7 24,41 27,49 51,68 17,62 25,11 14 28,06 0 24,51 16,79 22,59 7 -2,48 -3,2 11,21 0,57 -7.32 14 3,79 0,17 0 0 0 7 2,8 13,55 18,57 0 7,26 14 16,82 -3,21 7,12 -10,11 16,04 Composite B Composite A Solubility µg/mm³ Composite B 10 9 8 7654 32 1 A wine Intensity (u.a.) soft drink beer cachaça water without immersion 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 8 7654 32 1 -1 Wavelenght(cm ) 10 9 B wine Intensity (u.a.) soft drink beer cachaça water without immersion 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 -1 Wavelenght(cm ) Figure 1 - FTIR spectra of Composite A and Composite B before and after immersion in the medias . Table 2 – Identification of chemical groups of composite Absorption in (cm-1) Chemical groups 1 2 3 4,5,6 7 8 9 10 940 1234 1294 1454, 1509, 1608 1635 1716 2922 3335 C-C and CH2 Si-O C-O C=C of the aromatic rings C=C of aliphatic chain C=O C-H O-H Comparing alcoholic media and non alcoholic, it is observed that alcoholic media shows higher absorption that non alcoholic media, which is suggest by Ferracane et al. (1998), that the water may be less aggressive. The solubility was greater in alcoholic media for the composite Composite A, which is in accordance with Pfeifer et al., (2009), but for the composite Composite B the solubility in the soft drink was higher than in wine and beer. With variance analysis, it’s observed that for absorptions the media (p=0,005) and time (p= 0,015) were significant (p<0,05) and not the composite (p=0,194). For the solubility, no factor is significant (composite p=0,051, time p=0,764 and media p=0,282). The interactions between the factors aren’t significant for absorption and solubility. The solubility occurs mainly by the release of unreached components and degradation products of the composite (FERRACANE, 2006). Different results are probably related to the composition and polymerization of the composite used, because the composites exhibit differences in the composition of the organic matrix and inorganic filler similar (BERGER et al., 2009; ÖRTENGREN et al., 2001). The commercially available resins, including those used in this study, are combinations of Bis-GMA, TEGDMA, UDMA and Bis-EMA. Based on the characteristics of each one of the monomers, it is expected that the composite Composite A having less absorption, because Bis-EMA has a structure similar to Bis-GMA, but less two hydroxyl groups (PEUTZFELD, 1997; ÖRTENGREN et al., 2001; ADA, 2003), which was confirmed by this test. The presence of Bis-GMA and TEGDMA in the composition of the composite Composite B may be responsible for the increased absorption according Sideridou et al. (2004). Besides the composition of the matrix, the amount of each monomer and the effectiveness of silanization, must be consider (ASAOKA & HIRANO, 2003; NOORT, 2004; RAWLS & ESQUIVEL-UPSHAW, 2005; FERRACANE, 2006). Can be seen, in the spectra shown in Figure 1, chemical modifications of the samples after immersion in the media tested. When water or chemical solvents, such as ethanol, penetrate the polymer, can cause swelling and start the chemical degradation creating oligomers and monomers, which gradually change the microstructure of the polymer, forming pores which release the components (GÖPFERICH, 2005; FERRACANE, 2006; PFEIFER et al., 2009). In their work, using Raman spectroscopy, Luiz (2007) observed no reaction between the resin and the components of the beverage, but in this study using the FTIR, it was possible to observe the emergence of peaks between the bands 3700 to 3000cm-1, especially after immersion in beer, soft drink and wine. The only media that this change was not caused is the water. This difference suggests the presence of hydroxyl groups absorbed the media or resulting from changes in the polymer chain. CONCLUSIONS The water absorption of the composite tested were the according the Standards required by ADA, but the composite Composite B has solubility above the standards in 14 days. Immersion of dental composite in that medias present in human food can cause alterations in the structure of these materials, such modifications dependents on the media and time that the composite are exposed to such medias. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors gratefully acknowledge CAPES, CNPq, FAPEMIG and CEFET/MG. 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