Syllabus of Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) 3 YEAR B.SC. Programme in Science (GEOLOGY) CORE COURSE (GEOLOGY) Syllabus of Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) 3 YEAR B.SC Programme in Science (GEOLOGY) CORE COURSE (GEOLOGY) FIRST YEAR SEMESTER-1 Paper No GLC-1 Course content Credits Marks Unit 1: General Geology (A) Mid sem:15 Unit 2: General Geology (B) End sem:60 Unit 3: Geomorphology (A) 6 Practical:25 Unit 4: Geomorphology (B) 100 Unit 5: Quaternary Geology GLC-2 Unit-1: Geotectonics (A) Unit-2: Geotectonics (B) Unit-3: Photogeology 6 Mid sem:15 Unit-4: Remote Sensing End sem:60 Unit-5:Marine Geology Practical:25 100 SEMESTER-2 GLC-3 Unit-1: Crystallography (A) Mid sem:15 Unit-2: Crystallography (B) End sem:60 Unit-3: Mineralogy (A) 6 Unit- 4: Mineralogy (B) Practical:25 100 Unit-5: Mineralogy (C) GLC-4 Unit-1: Mineral Optics (A) Mid sem:15 Unit-2: Mineral Optics (B) End sem:60 Unit-3: Mineral Optics (C) Unit-4: Geochemistry(A) Unit-5: Geochemistry (B) 6 Practical:25 100 DETAIL SYLLABUS 1st year SEMESTER-1 GLC-1 Unit-1 Unit-2 General Geology (A): Scope, Sub-divisions of Geology, Solar system, Origin of the Earth, Radioactivity and Age of the Earth, Seismology and Internal Structure of the Earth. General Geology(B): Volcanoes:Types , products, volcanic topography, Distributions and effects. Earthquake: Terminology,Intensity, Magnitude, Causes, Effects, Seismic belts of the Earth and prediction of Earthquake. Unit-3 Geomorphology (A): Weathering and Erosion, Mass Wasting,Geological Work of river, Rejuvenated landforms, Drainage pattern, Drainage basin analysis. Unit-4 Geomorphology (B): Geological work of wind, Glacier, ocean, and landforms produced by them, Karst topography. Unit-5 Quaternary Geology: Geological time scale, Climate change, Eustatic movement and other geological phenomena during quaternary. Landforms and deposits with special reference to India. Glaciations - Causes, recognition and glaciations through geological time. Sea Level Changes- Evidences, Mechanisms and its impact. Practical: Study of Topographic maps and drawing of profile, study of landforms, representation of landforms by contour diagram, interpretation of topo sheet, Drainage basin analysis. LAB RECORD AND VIVA VOCE GLC-2 Unit-1 Geotectonics (A): Concept of Plate Tectonics, Continental Drift, Sea floor spreading, Mid-oceanic ridge, Island Arcs, Geodynamics of Indian plate. Unit-2 Geotectonics (B): Diastrophic movement- Epeirogeny and Orogeny, Isostasy- Concept, Theories and Evidences, Gravity Anomaly, Geosyncline, Neotectonic movements. Unit-3 Photogeology: Basic principle of aerial photography, Types of aerial photographs, Limitation of aerial photogeology, Scale, Stereoscopy, Photo mosaic, Photo elements and interpretation, Application of aerial photography in Geomorphology. Unit-4 Remote Sensing: Basic principles of Remote Sensing, Electromagnetic radiation, Sensors, Platforms, FCC, Indian Remote Sensing Satellites, Application of Remote Sensing in Geomorphology. Unit-5 Marine Geology: Relief of ocean floor, Marine sediments and their classification, Marine Mineral Resources and Law of Sea, Pollution of Marine Environment, Coral reefs. Practical: Aerial Photo interpretation, Problems related to aerial photography and remote sensing, Drawing of Tectonic elements in Indian map. LAB RECORD AND VIVA VOCE SEMESTER-2 GLC-3 Unit-1 Crystallography (A): Crystalline and Non-crystalline substances. Crystals: Definition, characteristics, Parameters and Indices, Forms, symmetry elements, symmetry operation, Hermann Mauguin symbol, classification of crystals into six systems. Axial relation, symmetry elements and forms present in the Normal class of Isometric and Tetragonal system. Unit-2 Crystallography (B): Axial relation, symmetry elements, and forms presents in the normal class of Hexagonal, Tetragonal, Orthorhombic, Monoclinic and Triclinic system. Twinning, stereographic projection, Crystal imperfections . Unit-3 Mineralogy (A): Concept of unit cell and space lattice. Minerals: Definition and Physical properties of minerals, Silicate structure. Unit-4 Mineralogy (B): Physical, Chemical and Optical properties and uses of the following mineral groups: Olivine, Pyroxene, Amphibole, Garnet, Alumino silicates. Unit-5 Mineralogy (C): Physical, Chemical, Optical properties and Uses of the following mineral groups: Feldspar, Feldspathoid, Silica, Mica,Chlorite,Clay minerals, Carbonate minerals. Practical: Study and Identification of crystal models. Stereographic projection of Crystal models. Megascopic Identification of Rock- forming minerals. LAB RECORD AND VIVA VOCE Semester-2 GLC-4 Unit-1 Mineral Optics (A): Nature of light rays and their propagation.Total internal reflection and critical angle, double refraction, Polarisation, Nicol prism:Construction, principle and uses, Petrological microscope- parts and their functions. Unit-2 Mineral Optics (B): Preparation of thin section of minerals. Behaviour of light in thin section, Isotropism,Anisotropism, Pleochorism, Interference colour,Birefringence, Optic axis, Accessory plates. Unit-3 Mineral Optics (C): Extinction and Extinction angle, Uniaxial interference figures, Determination of optic sign, Outline study of optical characters of minerals in thin section. Unit-4 Geochemistry (A) : Cosmic abundance of elements, Types and composition of meteorites, structure and composition of the earth, structure and composition of the atmosphere. Unit-5 Geochemistry (B) : Geochemical classification of Elements, Geochemical cycle, Isomorphism, Polymorphism, Pseudomorphism, Atomic substitution. Practical: Microscopic Identification of rock forming minerals, Measurements of Extinction angle and Order of interference colour. LAB RECORD AND VIVA VOCE GENERIC ELECTIVE (GEOLOGY) GLGE-1 Unit-I GENERAL GEOLOGY Introduction, Origin of the earth, Internal structure of the earth, Earthquakes, volcanoes, concepts of plate tectonics. Weathering and its types. Geological work of running water. Unit-II Mineral- Definition, Physical properties of minerals, Chemical composition and physical properties of Quartz, Orthoclase, Microcline, Plagioclase, Olivine, Garnet, Muscovite, Biotite, Augite, Hornblende, Talc, Gypsum, Fluorite, Corundum, Tourmaline, Beryl, Calcite. Unit-III Brief idea about mode of formation of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. Texture and structures of igneous , sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. Petrographic notes on Granite, Pegmatite, Basalt, sandstone, Limestone, Shale, Conglomerate, Schist, Gneiss, Marble, Khondalite. Unit-IV Definition of fossil, Mode of preservation of fossils ,Uses of fossils, study of important fossils(Glossopteries, Gangamopteries, ptilophylum, Arca, Terebratula, Pecten, Physa, Cardium, Calymene, Nautilus), Geological time scale, Generalised stratigraphy of Odisha, Types of fold,fault, unconformity, Water table, Aquifers and types , Geology of Dam site. Unit-V Concept of ore mineral, Gangue, Ore, Tenor. Outline of the Process of formation of ore deposits . Elementary idea on methods of minerals prospecting, Mineral resources of Odisha, Impact of mining activities on Environment. PRACTICAL- Topographic Maps and Profile drawing, Megascopic Identification of minerals and rocks as given in theory, Study of fossils, Identification of ore minerals, Problems related to Ground water and Engineering Geology. Field Study LAB RECORD AND VIVA VOCE