Noun Review Project – Quarter 4 Latin 2 Nomen mihi est Date Block

Noun Review Project – Quarter 4 Latin 2
Nomen mihi est _______________________
Date ________________ Block ___________
Blocks 2/4 – work on projects May 1,3,7 – due at end of class May 7th (with automatic extension if
needed until May 9th).
Block 6 – work on projects April 30, May 2, 6 – due at end of class May 6th (with automatic extension if
needed until May 8th).
This project will review declining as well as case usage. You will give examples of declining, you will
provide explanations about how to decline, you will explain the different uses of the 6 cases we have
studied, and you will provide examples along with translations.
Part I – Find one noun from the stories from Stage 19 for each category. Decline each one of these
nouns. The categories are:
1st declension
3rd declension
2 declension
3rd declension neuter
2nd declension neuter
4th declension
5th declension
Part II – Explain how to decline. Be sure to include the following in your explanations:
 what the endings are for each category
 how to decide which endings to use
 how to tell which declension a noun belongs to
 how to find the stem
 any stem changes that occur within the chart
 special characteristics of neuter nouns
Part III – Explain the functions of each case. For nominative, genitive, dative, and accusative you will
need to provide 2 functions with explanations. For vocative and ablative you will only need to provide 1
function with explanation. Be sure to discuss prepositions and which ones require which case.
Part IV – Find 2 examples of each function from the stories in Stage 19. Provide the sentence in Latin,
provide a smooth English translation, underline the relevant noun in both the Latin and English
sentences, and indicate the page number where the example sentence can be found in the book. You
may not use model sentences or sentences from the practice activities. Sentences must come from the
stories in Stage 19.
Nominative Subject
hic vir est Aristo.
This man is Aristo.
p. 138
You may not use the same sentence twice. So while you could use this same sentence as an example of
a predicate nominative (by underlining Aristo instead), if you did so, you would then not be able to use it
as your example of a subject.
**Please turn in these project guidelines with your finished project. If you misplace them, you can
print another copy from my website.
Grading Rubric: 20 Points Total
Nomen mihi est _________________________
Part I – Declining – 4 points
0 points
1 point
2 points
3 points
4 points
Declensions are
incomplete, missing
some or all of the
Most declensions are
incorrect. Labels are
incorrect or missing.
Most or no nouns are
from Stage 19 stories.
Some declensions are
correct, some errors occur.
Labels are incorrect or
missing. Some nouns are
not from Stage 19 stories.
Most declensions are
correct and labeled. The
number of errors is
minimal. All/most nouns
are from Stage 19 stories.
All declensions are correct
and labeled. All nouns are
from Stage 19 stories.
Part II – Explanations of Declining – 4 points
0 points
1 point
2 points
3 points
4 points
Explanations are
inaccurate or missing.
Many explanations are
missing or inaccurate.
Many errors occur in
the explanations
An explanation is included
but some items are missing
and/or incorrect. Some
errors and/or lack of clarity
occur in the explanations.
A complete explanation is
included. Most of the
explanations are accurate,
detailed, and clear but
there are some minor
A well-written explanation
is included. Explanations
are accurate, detailed, and
Part III – Explanations of Functions – 4 Points
0 points
1 point
2 points
3 points
4 points
Explanations are
inaccurate or missing.
Explanations are
missing or inaccurate.
Many errors occur in
the explanations
An explanation is included
for most functions but
some are missing and/or
incorrect. Some errors
and/or lack of clarity occur
in the explanations.
Prepositions have not been
An explanation is included
for each function. Most
explanations are accurate,
detailed, and clear but
there may be some minor
errors. Prepositions may be
only partially explained.
A well-written explanation
is included for each
function. Explanations are
accurate, detailed, and
clear. Prepositions are
included in the explanation.
Part IV – Examples of Functions – 8 Points
Choice of Sentences Used as Examples
0 points
1 point
2 points
3 points
4 points
Examples are
incomplete or missing
for some or all of the
functions. Page
numbers are not
Most examples are
incorrect. Underlined
nouns are incorrect or
missing. Page numbers
are inaccurate or
Some examples are correct,
some errors occur. Some
underlined nouns are
incorrect or missing. Some
page numbers may be
Most examples and
underlined nouns are
correct. The number of
errors is minimal. Most
page numbers are included.
All examples and
underlined nouns are
correct and labeled with
page numbers.
Translations of Sentences Used as Examples
0 points
1 point
2 points
3 points
4 points
Translations are
incomplete or
Most translations are
incorrect or several are
Some translations are
correct; some have errors
or are partially missing.
English is awkward or
Translations are mostly
accurate with few incorrect
translations or only minor
errors. English is mostly
All translations are
accurate. English is fluid.
Number of Points Earned _______________ out of 20 Points Total = _____________%