Northern Arizona University

Katerina Soldanova
(2013-current) PhD. Student at Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ, USA
(2012) B.S. Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ, USA (Microbiology)
(2012) B.A. Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ, USA (French)
(2008) College Diploma, College Sismondi, Geneva, Switzerland (Ancient Greek,
Music Schools
(2006-2008) Conservatory of Music, Geneva, Switzerland (Classical guitar)
(2000-2006) Music School Croqu 'Notes, Versoix, Switzerland (Classical guitar)
(1999-2000) Music School Ricany, Czech Republic (Classical guitar)
Czech: native language
French: fully fluent
English: fully fluent
German: spoken, read, written
Spanish: studied (1 year)
Ancient Greek: advanced study (4 years)
Latin: advanced study (7 years)
Work Experience
(2012-current) Research Associate at TGen North, Flagstaff, AZ
(2011-2012) Part-time Intern at TGen North, Flagstaff, AZ
(2011) Helios Scholar during the Helios Internship at TGen
(2009-2010) Tutor at SLC (Student Learning Center), NAU, Flagstaff, AZ
(2006-2008) Tutor at ARA (Association des Repetiteurs Ajeta), Geneva, Switzerland
Academic Honors and Awards
(2011) James R. Wick Scholarship, NAU, Flagstaff, AZ
(2011) Vesto M.Slipher Biology Scholarship, NAU, Flagstaff, AZ
(2011) Junior Scholastic Award, NAU, Flagstaff, AZ
(2008-2012) International Student Waiver, NAU, Flagstaff, AZ
(2010) Member of Phi Kappa Phi Society, NAU, Flagstaff, AZ
(2008) Best Student of German language, College Sismondi, Geneva, Switzerland
(2008) Best Student of Bellevue Region, College Sismondi, Geneva, Switzerland
(2013) Marc Stegger; Cindy M. Liu; Jesper Larsen; Katerina Soldanova; Maliha
Aziz; Tania Contente-Cuomo; Andreas Petersen; Stien Vandendriessche; Judy N.
Jimnez; Caterina Mammina; Alex van Belkum; Saara Salmenlinna; Robert L. Skov;
Anders R. Larsen; Paal S. Andersen; Lance B. Price. Rapid differentiation between
livestock-associated and livestock-independent Staphylococcus aureus CC398 clades.
PLOS ONE, (in press)
(2013) Cindy M. Liu, Katerina Soldanova, Lora Nordstrom, Michael G. Dwan, Owain
L. Moss, Tania L. Contente-Cuomo, Paul Keim, Lance B. Price, Andrew P. Lane.
Medical therapy reduces microbiota diversity and evenness in surgically recalcitrant
chronic rhinosinusitis. International Forum of Allergy and Rhinology, (in review)
(2013) Katerina Soldanova, Cindy M. Liu, Tania Contente-Cuomo, Maliha Aziz,
Brian Johnston, James R. Johnson, Jordan Buchhagen, Owain Moss, Lori Gauld and
Lance B. Price. Design and validation of real-time PCR assays for the identification
of extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli. BMC Microbiology, (in review)
(2012) 19th International Microbial Genomes Conference, UCLA Conference Center,
Lake Arrowhead, CA. Design and validation of real-time PCR assays for the detection
of extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli. K.Soldanova, T. Contente-Cuomo, M. Aziz, J.L.
Buchhagen, O. Moss, C.M. Liu, L.B. Price and P.S. Keim
(2012) UnderGraduate Research and Design Symposium (UGRADS), NAU,
Flagstaff, AZ.16SrRNA gene-based analysis of microbial communities in human
paranasal sinuses from Chronic Rhinosinusitis and healthy individuals. K.Soldanova,
M. Dwan, T. Contente-Cuomo, M. Aziz and C.M. Liu
(2011) Helios Scholar Research Symposium, Phoenix, AZ. Detecting antibioticresistant extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli in poultry products. K. Soldanova, J.D.
Horwinski, J.L. Buchhagen, T. Contente-Cuomo, C.M. Liu and L.B. Price
(2012) Conference Center, Lake Arrowhead, CA. In silico identification of cladespecific canonical SNPs for the Staphylococcus aureus CC398. M. Aziz, C.M. Liu,
M. Stegger, T. Contente-Cuomo, K. Soldanova and L.B. Price
(2011) TGen/Van Andel Research Institute Scientific Retreat, Phoenix, AZ.
Identifying complex microbial communities in clinical specimens using the Roche GS
Junior. T. Contente-Cuomo, C.M. Liu, K. Soldanova, M. Aziz, M. Dwan and L.B.
(2011) TGen/Van Andel Research Institute Scientific Retreat, Phoenix, AZ.
Revealing the microbial landscape of the sinonasal microbiome in health and disease.
C.M. Liu, K. Soldanova, T. Contente-Cuomo, M. Aziz, M. Dwan, P.S. Keim, L.B.
Price and A.P. Lane