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Not Extinct
Dan. 2:44
By Steven F. Deaton
A. Definition of extinct: “no longer in existence”
I. Animals Once Thought Extinct Have Been Rediscovered
A. New Caledonian crested gecko:
1. Thought extinct since late 1800s.
2. Rediscovered in 1994 (island off eastern Australia).
B. La Palma giant lizard
1. Thought extinct for 500 years.
2. Rediscovered in 2007 (Canary Islands).
C. Laotian rock rat (
1. Meat market in Laos, 1996 – misclassified.
2. 2006 reclassified to species thought extinct for 11 million
D. Gracilidris ants (
1. Nocturnal ant.
2. Only known by fossil record – one preserved in amber
(thought extinct for 15-20 million years).
3. Rediscovered in 2006 (Paraguay, Brazil, Argentina).
E. Coelacanth (fish)
1. Thought extinct for 65 million years.
2. Rediscovered off cost of South Africa in 1938.
II. The Rediscovery of Animals Once Thought Extinct Has
Definite Implications
A. God made some amazing creatures (Gen. 1).
1. Creative, ingenious, design.
2. Resilient.
B. Creatures once thought to have lived and died millions of years
ago, up to 65 million, still exist.
1. Impact on evolutionary teaching.
C. Just because something cannot be found or traced in historical
records does not mean it does not exist.
1. Animals, plants, etc.
2. The Church.
III. Did Alexander Campbell Start The Church of Christ?
A. Many in the world will claim the Church of Christ was started
in the early 1800s by Thomas & Alexander Campbell.
1. Like other churches – just another denomination.
2. Not different or better than any other church.
3. No need to leave one man-made church for another.
B. The truth is Alexander Campbell & others rediscovered the
Church of Christ.
1. Barton Stone, James O’Kelly, & others.
2. Men using name, teaching doctrines of the New Testament
long before A. Campbell came to this country.
IV. A Remnant Remains
A. Once established, it would not be destroyed: never extinct
(Dan. 2:44).
B. God has always had a remnant (1 Kgs. 19:1-18).
1. Promise to Hezekiah (2 Kgs. 19:29-31).
2. Experience of Ezra (Ezra 9:8, 9).
3. Paul’s preaching (Rom. 11:1-5).
V. The Bible Doctrine of The Church
A. One true church founded by Christ (Matt. 16:18).
1. Christ the head (Eph. 1:22, 23).
2. Saints the body (Eph. 1:22, 23).
3. Church & Kingdom the same (Col. 1:13, 18).
a. Head & King.
b. Body & Citizens.
c. Law.
d. Destiny (1 Cor. 15:24-26).
B. All other religious bodies are without divine authority (Matt.
1. World religions: Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, etc.
2. Denominations: Lutheran, Episcopal, Roman Catholic,
Pentecostal, Baptist, etc.
A. Do not let others intimidate or convince you that the Church of
Christ is a man-made church.
B. There is one true Church.
1. It was established by Christ in the 1st century.
2. It has existed since then.
3. It is present today.
4. It will be here on earth until the Day of Judgment.
C. You can be a part of the Church that belongs to Christ.
1. Baptized into (1 Cor. 12:13; cf. Jn. 3:5).
2. Based on belief & repentance (Mk. 16:16; Acts 2:38).