Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences School of Business, Departments Economics, Political Science and Sociology Application Form - Erasmus and International Exchanges 2013/2014 Please complete this form electronically and return it via email only to reiltin.oconnor@tcd.ie no later than 11/01/2013. Earlier applications would be appreciated. INCOMPLETE/ HANDWRITTEN AND LATE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED! Please read section 7 of this form very carefully before deciding to submit an application. Please ensure that, when submitting your application, the structure remains exactly as it is below (i.e. that your entries do not run over into additional pages) 1. Personal Details Name: Student No: TCD E-mail: @tcd.ie 2. Please specify your exact degree programme Degree programme (e.g. BESS/PPES) Subject 1 (e.g. Economics) Subject 2 (e.g. Sociology) 3. Results to Date in College • Please list your JF modules and exact results, and provide the relevant supporting documentation • List all of your SF modules and your results to date in each of these modules. JF Courses Results (%) SF Term Tests (if applicable) Results (%) Language Average mark & overall grade: Comments (if any) on results: Results (%) Language Average mark (to date): Results (%) Rank Ordering of Choices Please indicate your first five preferences using rankings from 1 (highest) to 5 (lowest). Consult the table at the end of this application form (p.4) when making your choices: 1. ________________________________ 2. ________________________________ 3. ________________________________ 4. ________________________________ 5. ________________________________ 4. Choice Selection Criteria Please indicate in respect of each of your top three exchange partner choices, the main reasons (academic and other) why you would like to study there. First Choice: Second Choice: Third Choice: 4.2. Choice of Study Abroad Period Please tick when you would prefer to go on an exchange. Note that while every effort will be made to accommodate your preference, this cannot be guaranteed: Full year Michaelmas Term only Hilary Term only 5. International Language Experience If you are NOT a BSL student, please provide details of any extended visits to France/Germany/Spain etc. 6. Questions and Further Information Please provide brief details regarding any additional information that you think may assist the panel in processing your application (this may be explained in greater detail at a later stage (e.g. during interview, if any). Also please list any questions you may have for the interview panel: 7. Important considerations, conditions and statements Please read these carefully, IN FULL, before signing and submitting your application 7.1 . PERSONAL AND ACADEMIC CHALLENGES / OBTAINING II.2 WHILE ABROAD Study abroad does not suit everyone. Before applying, students should reflect carefully on their individual academic goals, learning styles, personal circumstances etc. You should have confidence in answering ‘YES’ to the following statements: (a) I am aware of the exceptional academic and personal challenges that regularly arise during study abroad; and (b) in acknowledging these challenges, I am not aware of any issue(s) or factor(s) that would adversely affect my ability (i) to integrate smoothly into a different academic, cultural and – where applicable – language environment, and (ii) to successfully complete the academic programmes and examinations, at a minimum II.2 level overall (the minimum grade necessary for proceeding to the SS year), of the institutions I have nominated in Section 4 above. 7.2 MEETING DEGREE PROGRAMME REQUIREMENTS AND SS SUBJECT PRE-REQUISITES a) Prior to submitting this application, I have conducted extensive research (on websites, in box-files and among students) on the institutions I have selected, and b) on the basis of this research, I am satisfied that these institutions offer courses, at an appropriate level, that will a. satisfy my programme requirements [e.g. BA(Mod), BBS, BS&L etc], and b. act as appropriate subject pre-requisites for the specific courses I intend to choose in my Senior Sophister year in TCD. 7.3 COMPLIANCE WITH INSTITUTIONAL, NATIONAL, EU & INTERNATIONAL REGULATIONS I understand and accept that study abroad is governed by regulations and procedures set out in ERASMUS and other relevant literature published by: • the EU, the Higher Education Authority (Ireland) and other relevant national and supranational bodies; • TCD - by the International Office, the BESS Course Office, Departmental offices, as well as – for BS&L students – literature published by the Departments of French, Germanic Studies, Hispanic Studies and Russian & Slavonic Studies; • partner universities. 8. Student’s Signature I confirm that I have read and accept IN FULL the content of Section 7 above and I confirm that the information provided by me in this application form is correct. Name: Date: Exchange programme BUSINESS STUDIES German LanguageA Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Germany Wissenschaftl. Hochs. für Unternehmensführung, Koblenz, Germany Universität Mannheim, Germany Universität Regensburg Germany Universität Trier, Germany Leopolds-Franzens Universität Innsbruck, Austria Johannes-Kepler Universität Linz, Austria French LanguageA ESCP-EAP, Paris, FranceA,B EPSCI-ESSEC, Cergy-Pontoise, FranceA,B Strasbourg Mgmt School, Univ. de Strasbourg III Robert Schumann, France Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Rouen, France SpanishA Universidad de Alcalå Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain Universidad de Salamanca Polish Cracow University of Economics Russian St Petersburg State University (Graduate School of Management) English Language Universiteit Maastricht, the NetherlandsB Uppsala University, Sweden Erasmus University Rotterdam Solvay Brussels School, Economics & Management North AmericaC Goizueta Business School, Emory University, Georgia, USAC Website www.uni-duesseldorf.de/ www.whu.edu http://www.bwl.uni-mannheim.de/incoming www.uni-regensburg.de www.uni-trier.de/ www.uibk.ac.at www.jku.at/ Places 2 places x 9 mths 2 places x 9 mths 4 places x 9 mths 3 places x 9 mths 3 places x 9 mths 4 places x 9 mths 3 places x 9 mths www.escp-eap.net/ www.epsci.com /www.essec.fr/essec/ http://www.em-strasbourg.eu/index.php www.esc-rouen.fr/ 5 places x 9 mths 3-4 places x 9 mths 5 places x 9 mths 5 places x 9 mths BBS/JT Bus.-Econ. BBS BBS/ Bus &Politics BBS www.uah.es www.uc3m.es/ http://www.usal.es/~rrii/ 4-5 places x 9 mths 4 places x 9 mths 5 places x 10 mths BBS (Spanish) BBS/JT Bus.-Econ/Soc BBS (Spanish) http://nowa.uek.krakow.pl/en 2-3 places x 9 mths 5-7 places x 9 mths www.unimaas.nl/ www.inter.uadm.uu.se/ http://www.eur.nl/english/ http://www.solvay.edu/international goizueta.emory.edu/degree/undergra_p_int.html 2 places x 9 mths 3 places x 5mths (HT) 2 places x 5 mths 4 places x 5mths BBS/JT Bus.-Econ. BBS/JT Bus-Econ BBS only Fisher College of Business Ohio State University, USAC intundergrad.osu.edu/index.html 4 places x 4 mths (min II.1 grade) 1 place x 4 mths Babson College, Massachusetts, USAC www.babson.edu/gps 2 places x 4 mths Queens School of Business, Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada C www.queensu.ca/ AsiaC Senshu University, Japan C Possible eligibilities http://www.senshu-u.ac.jp/Welcome.html Tongji University, Shanghai, ChinaB,C sem-int.tongji.edu.cn. CUHK, Hong KongC www.cuhk.edu.hk/v5/en/ 2-3 places x 4 mths 5 places x 3 mths (MT) 2 places x 9 mths [or 4 x 4 mths] 2 places x 5 mths [01/-06/2012] BBS BBS/JT Bus.-Econ. BBS only/Bus & Law (min II.1 grade) BBS only (min II.1 grade) BBS only (min II.1 grade) BBS only BBS/JT Bus.-Econ. BBS only ECONOMICS UCL - Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium IEP - Institut d'Études Politiques de Paris, France www.sciences-po.fr/ 3 places x 6 mths [HT] 6 places x 9 mths HEC School of Management, Paris, France http://www.hec.edu/ 2 places x 9 mths Universität zu Köln, Germany www.uni-koeln.de/ KUB - Katholieke Universiteit Brabant - Tilburg Universiteit, Netherl. www.tilburguniversity.nl/ QUT Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia www.qut.edu.au/ 4 places x 6 mths [HT] 5 places x 6 mths [HT] 2 places x 6 mths [HT] POLITICAL SCIENCE IEP - Institut d'Études Politiques de Paris, France www.ucl.be/en/intro.html JT Hons Econ+Pol or Bus JT Hons Econ + Bus www.sciences-po.fr/ 2 places x 9 mths Université de Strasbourg III Robert Schuman, France http://www-urs.u-strasbg.fr/ 6 places x 9 mths JT Hons and Single Hons Politics As above University of Bologna, Italy http://www.spbo.unibo.it/spbo/default.htm 2 places x 9 mths As above University of Zurich (in conjunction with ETH Zurich), Switzerland http://www.ipz.uzh.ch/index_en.html 3 places x 10 mths As above Mannheim University, Germany http://www.uni-mannheim.de 3 places x 9 mths http://www.cuni.cz/UKENG-1.html 2 places x 9 mths University of Copenhagen, Denmark http://www.ku.dk/English/ 3 places x 9 mths University of Helsinki, Finland http://www.helsinki.fi/university/ 2 places x 9 mths Istanbul Bilgi University, Turkey http://international.bilgi.edu.tr/ 2 places x 9 mths Ludwig Maximilians University Munich, Germany http://www.en.uni-muenchen.de/index.html 2 places x 9 mths University of Malta, Malta http://www.um.edu.mt/ 2 places x 9 mths Umeå University, Sweden http://www.umu.se/english 6 places x 9 mths University Lille 1 (Sciences et Technologies), France http://www.univ-lille1.fr/ 3 places x 9 mths University of Utrecht, Netherlands http://www.uu.nl/en/pages/default.aspx 2 places x 9 mths SOCIOLOGY Charles University Prague, Czech Republic Notes. A – preferential treatment will be given to students of BSL degree. B – preferential treatment will be given to students of Business and Economics degree. Studies students only. C – for BBS, Business