Ecology Home Project Directions Harris and Watters

Ecology Home Project Directions
Name_____________________ Due Date ___________
Our study in ecology centers on the topic of how organisms perform a variety of roles in an
ecosystem. Each organism’s role is important to their ecosystem. Your project will be to
investigate a locally threatened or endangered species (plant or animal). The Ohio Department
of Natural Resources (ODNR) has a website listing endangered and threatened species in Ohio.
It has lots of great information too. Of course, you should also use other resources in addition
to the ODNR website!
You must pick an animal or plant that is considered endangered or threatened in Ohio.
Explain the reasons why your species has become threatened or endangered.
Explain what is being done to help your species (special laws, protected land, etc.).
Explain how this has affected the whole ecosystem and why it is important to protect
your species.
***There are links on the fifth grade science website if you are having trouble finding
Be prepared to share your project with the class with a 3-5 minute presentation that
includes a visual (poster board, report with a tagxedo, Power Point, Prezi, or other visual
Cite your sources of information in your presentation
There are many ways to find the list of endangered/threatened species in Ohio. One ways is to do a google
search. Another way is to go to the fifth grade science website and click on the ecology tab to find a link to the
list: I have included a shortcut here to the ODNR website: and here are some more specific directions to find the list on the ODNR website:
 Follow these directions to choose an animal: Click on the “OHIO DNR” heading towards the top left of
the website. From the drop down menu, click on the 2nd link entitled “Wildlife home”. Scroll down the
contents on the left side, click on "Species and Habitats". From the drop down, click on the "State
Listed Species." This page has a link to a PDF file listing all the endangered and threatened species in
Ohio. Here is a direct link if you’re having trouble navigating the website:
You can pick from this list. Once you have decided on a species, go back to the web page "State Listed
Species." From the contents listed on the left, click on "Species Guide Index." Then click on the
category for your species, i.e. mammals. Finally, you should click on the specific species, i.e. black
bear, and you will find important information on your species.
Follow these directions to choose a plant: Click on the “OHIO DNR” heading towards the top left of
the website. From the drop down menu, click on the link entitled “Nature Preserves Home”. Scroll
down the contents on the left side, click on “Rare Plants of Ohio”. Now you can see a list of endangered
and threatened plants in Ohio. Here is a direct link if you’re having trouble navigating the website:
Ecology Home Project Grading Rubric
Academic Grade
Science facts and results in your project can
be completely understood
Science facts and results in your project are
scientifically accurate
The way you show your information helps
people to understand
Cite your sources (show where you found
your information)
Effort Grade
Project was finished on time
Presentation to class was clear and
Your project is creative
Time and effort was put into your project
3 Points
5 Points
2 Points
3 Points
13 Points
1 Point
2 Points
3 Points
4 Points
10 Points
23 Points