Fresnel Laws of reflection Lightwaves are a form of electromagnetic oscillation for which the energy is shared equally between the oscillating E and H fields and so and therefore 1 1 𝑤𝑀 = 2 𝜇𝐻 2 = 𝑤𝐸 = 2 𝜖𝐸 2 H E (3-2.1) nE (3-2.2) n or which n is the refractive index of the material, and so H nE . The refractive index of the material is the pointer that enables us to relate to lightwaves. The factor Lightwaves and RF waves must obey laws of continuity when they traverse a boundary. The boundary will cause some waves to be reflected and some to be transmitted, as represented by figure 3-2.1. Figure 3-2.1 An incident electromagnetic wave separates into a reflected wave and a transmitted wave when it encounters a boundary. The boundary is assumed to be planar and separates two media of refractive indices n1 and n2, respectively. The E and H fields are transverse to each other, and one is perpendicular to the plane of this diagram. Courtesy of reflection at the boundary, the direction of propagation 𝑧̂ of the reflected wave is from left to right. If the E-field is perpendicular to the plane of the diagram of figure e3-2.1 it is transverse to 𝑧̂ and is then identified as a Transverse–Electric (TE) wave. Its transverse E-field amplitudes must obey causality (cause = effect) and therefore Ei E r Et (3-2.3a) And similarly for the magnetic field, the transverse amplitudes must also obey causality, for which H i cos 1 H r cos 1 H t cos 2 (3-2.3b) Applying equation (3-2.2b) to equation (3-2.1b) we will have a second E-field equation at the boundary, n1 Ei cos 1 n1 Er cos 1 n2 Et cos 2 (3-2.4) Eliminating Et between these equations (3-2.3a) and (3-2.4) we then have n1 Ei cos 1 n2 Ei cos 2 n1 Er cos 1 n2 Er cos 2 For which we define an amplitude ration = reflectivity r12 = Er/Ei r12 TE n1 cos 1 n2 cos 2 n1 cos 1 n2 cos 2 (3-2.5) Similarly, if the electromagnetic wave and figure 3.2-1 are oriented so that the magnetic field is perpendicular to the plane, or transverse the direction of propagation 𝑧̂ , then we identify it as a Transverse–Magneic (TM) wave. Its transverse amplitudes must obey causality and therefore Hi Hr Ht or equivalently n1 Ei n1 Er n2 Et (3-2.6a) Similarly for the electric field components, the transverse amplitudes must obey causality and therefore, Ei cos 1 Er cos 1 Et cos 2 (3-2.6b) Eliminating Et between equations (3-2.6a) and (3-2.6b) we have n2 Ei cos 1 n1 Ei cos 2 n2 Er cos 1 n1 Er cos 2 For which the reflectivity r12 = Er/Ei will be r12 TM n2 cos 1 n1 cos 2 n2 cos 1 n1 cos 2 (3-2.7) Equations (3-2.5) and (3-2.7) are Fresnel’s laws. If we apply the law of refraction n1 sin 1 n2 sin 2 (3-2.8) To the Fresnel laws then they can be rewritten as r12 TE sin 2 cos 1 sin 1 cos 2 sin 2 cos 1 sin 1 cos 2 sin 2 1 sin 2 1 (3-2.9) sin 1 cos 1 sin 2 cos 2 sin 1 cos 1 sin 2 cos 2 tan 2 1 tan 2 1 (3-2.10) and r12 TM where some trigonometry using the double angle formula 2 sin 1 cos 1 sin 21 and the halfangle formula sin A sin B tan A B / 2 sin A sin B tan A B / 2 has been applied. Equation (3-2.10) is informative because r12(TM) = 0 when (1 + 2) = /2. From the law of refraction, the angle for which this condition is met is given by n1 sin 1 n2 sin / 2 1 or tan 1 tan B1 n2 cos1 n2 n1 (3-2.11a) Angle B1 is called the Brewster angle. It has a complementary angle tan 2 tan B 2 n1 n2 (3-2.11b) Using cos 1 sin 2 the Fresnel equations can also be written as r12 TE n1 cos 1 n2 1 sin 2 2 n1 cos 1 n2 1 sin 2 2 1 n sin n1 cos 1 n2 1 n12 n22 sin 2 1 n1 cos 1 n2 2 1 n 2 2 2 1 (3-2.12a) r12 TM n2 cos 1 n1 1 sin 2 2 n2 cos 1 n1 1 sin 2 2 1 n sin n2 cos 1 n1 1 n12 n22 sin 2 1 n2 cos 1 n1 2 1 n 2 2 2 1 (3-2.12b) And if n1 > n2, then for sin1 > n2/n1 (note that the critical angle C is defined by sin C = n2/n1), then these equations must be written in the form r12 TE, 1 C n1 cos 1 jn2 n1 cos 1 jn2 r12 TM , 1 C n n sin 1 1 n n sin 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 n2 cos 1 jn1 n2 cos 1 jn1 n n 2 1 2 2 sin (3-2.13a) 2 1 2 1 n22 sin 2 1 1 2 1 n22 2 (3-2.13b) 1 1 Since the numerator is the complex conjugate of the denominator then the magnitudes of r12 (TE) and r12(TM) for 1 > C both = 1, i.e r12 TE , 1 C e (TE ) (3-2.14a) r12 TM , 1 C e (TM ) (3-2.14b) Where (TM ) 2 tan n (TE ) 2 tan 1 n2 1 1 n 2 1 n 2 1 1 n cos n22 sin 2 1 1 n1 cos 1 n22 sin 2 1 2 1 (3-2.15a) (3-2.15b) Normally we express these in terms of the grazing angle = /2 - and the relative refractive index n12 = n1/n2, which simplifies these relationships considerably. (TM ) 2 tan n 1 sin (TE ) 2 tan 1 n122 cos 2 1 1 n12 sin 1 1 12 2 n12 cos 2 1 1 (3-2.16a) (3-2.16b)