Panhellenic Minutes 2/5/15

Panhellenic Minutes
February 5th, 2015
University of San Diego
UC 107
Order of Business:
Call meeting to order - 1:00
Panhellenic Creed
Role call (absent: Kappa Kappa Gamma delegate, Alpha Delta Pi junior
delegate, Alpha Phi junior delegate, Sigma Theta Psi junior delegate)
Officer Reports
a. President: Molly Gartland
i. Ultimate Greek Adventure registration is complete & retreat is
this weekend
ii. Amara from pi phi
iii. President’s Roundtable – Feb. 12th 12:15 – 1
iv. Danny Burkett Memorial Scholarship
1. This is not a Panhellenic scholarship, it is put on by
2. Remember to apply online!
b. VP Programming: Stephanie Linos
i. New Member Series – Feb. 18th and 19th
1. New members must attend one
ii. New Member Induction – Feb. 26th
iii. Successful meeting with Greek Week delegates
1. Possible Greek Week themes: Once Upon a Time, Out of
This World, Game Night
c. Recruitment Team
VP Recruitment Operations: Emily Fraser
i. No announcements
VP Recruitment Programming: Nichola Usher
i. Office hours Wednesdays 2:30-4 in SLIC
d. Public Relations: Alexandria Sullivan
i. Remember to send bid day photos and Public Relations contact
info to
e. VP Philanthropy/Community Service: Shelby Dern
i. Greek Philanthropy Board
1. A little new on campus, elected Greek members help put
on philanthropy events
2. Applications are online now at
ii. Email your tentative philanthropy events by Feb. 11th to
1. What day?
2. Where is it being held?
3. What is it supporting?
iii. Send in contact info for your philanthropy director and/or
specific event chairs by next Wednesday, Feb. 11th
iv. Office hours: 10 AM Mondays in the SLIC
f. VP Administration: Samantha Wallo
i. Send me your contacts for junior delegates
ii. Continue sending in your rosters! (Shout out to Sigma Theta
Psi for being on top of this)
iii. If you know someone who wants to receive meeting minutes
that doesn’t already, send me their email address
iv. In the future delegates have the option to send in chapter
reports so that info can be put on the PowerPoint; send in info
to by 10pm
Wednesday nights
g. VP Health and Wellness: Morgan Offenheiser
i. Sexual Assault Task Force went well and we will possibly have
another one in the future
1. Delegates, collect names of interested members and
send them to
2. Possible Sexual Assault Awareness event during Greek
Week that will be for points
3. Topics of discussion for the future of the task force:
a. Chapter Wide Sexual Assault Trainings (Co-Ed
discussions, multiple organizations present at
each discussion)
b. Risk Managers meet before socials and events to
discuss tactics (ground rules, actions, and
c. Greek Week event around sexual assault
d. Facilitate discussions at New Member Education
4. Sexual Assault Resources
a. Not confidential
i. C.A.R.E. Advocates
ii. Public Safety
iii. Title IX Coordinator
b. Confidential
i. Counseling Center
ii. University Ministry
iii. Public Safety Anonymous Report Form
iv. Center for Community Solutions: Rape
Crisis Center
Junior Delegate Reports
Chapter Reports
a. Alpha Delta Pi
b. Alpha Pi Sigma
i. First recruitment week! – Feb. 16th-20th
c. Alpha Phi
i. Wear red Friday, Feb. 6th for Heart Health
d. Alpha Chi Omega
i. No Announcements
e. Gamma Phi Beta
i. No Announcements
f. Kappa Alpha Theta
i. No Announcements
g. Kappa Delta
i. Shamrock and roll – Feb. 24th – more info to come
h. Kappa Kappa Gamma
i. No Announcements
i. Sigma Theta Psi
i. Paws for a Cause – Feb. 15th
ii. BSU Step Show – Feb. 25th SLP Courtyard 7-9pm
iii. Founder of Black Lives Matter will be on campus Feb. 27th 12-2
iv. Women’s Month – SD Women’s Fair – Feb. 28th in Conference
Center by Petco Park
1. Interested volunteers would be helping women in need
j. Pi Phi
i. Amara – thank you for all of your support!
ii. Last night (Thursday, Feb. 5th) there was a crafting session at
iii. Look forward to working with you this semester!
Advisor Reports
a. Jessica Garcia De Paz
i. UGA this weekend!
ii. Unanimous Agreements
iii. Reminder: Greek Disciplinary Board applications are due
Monday, Feb. 9th at 5pm
iv. Sexual Assault Campus Climate Survey: Please take it!
v. Please update your ToreroOrgs with your rosters
1. Include your legal name and status (abroad, active,
inactive, new member)
2. Remove your alums
b. Jenine Saekow
i. Counseling Center Representative
ii. Email to set up a time to meet and talk!
Old Business
a. New Member Gift Week
i. Unanimous Agreement 10 – We as a community have agreed to
abide by these agreements; we are single-sex organizations,
men should not be involved in the recruitment process
ii. Motion to discuss: Kappa Alpha Theta, second Gamma Phi Beta
iii. Kappa Alpha Theta – Good to know about unanimous
agreements and happy to support community as a whole
(some chapters bylaws); suggesting a name for the future:
inspiration week
iv. Gamma Phi Beta – our chapter didn’t agree; we want a
community, but this isn’t in every chapter bylaws
v. Alpha Chi Omega – every chapters’ guidelines is what makes
the chapters unique; we would take responsibility if something
happened while men were giving new members gifts; it’s
something new members remember and think is special
vi. Kappa Kappa Gamma – our chapter consensus is that having
these guidelines would create solidarity
vii. Kappa Alpha Theta –
1. What’s the relationship between chapter bylaws and
unanimous agreements? Everyone agrees to abide by
unanimous agreements; they are the ultimate rules
2. After initiation can we have guys sing? Talk to new
members and advisors (this may be crossing the line to
hazing and perpetuating gender roles)
viii. Gamma Phi Beta – regarding unanimous agreements, we don’t
think that this makes it a non-single sex organization
ix. Alpha Phi – we liked this and thinks it will reduce hazing (even
for boys!); this should be a time for sisterhood bonding, we
spend enough time with fraternities
x. Alpha Pi Sigma – someone may feel uncomfortable if they are a
part of the LGBT community; this could be a loss of your safe
xi. Alpha Chi Omega –
1. Are we taking any steps to talk to the guys about it? Are
they taking responsibility for it? It can be brought up
with them if necessary
xii. Alpha Chi Omega– we should talk to them about not “going
xiii. Sigma Theta Psi –
1. What happens if we vote to keep them in? Will it be
restructured? It all depends what happens, we haven’t
figured out going forward
xiv. Maybe we should have a questionnaire for new members about
what they would be comfortable with; IFC should have a say in
xv. Kappa Kappa Gamma – IFC mentioned at a meeting last year
that some men felt hazed
xvi. Emily Fraser – This also affects students outside of Greek life
xvii. Jenine – I encourage you all from an outside perspective to not
look at this as sorority vs. fraternity or men vs. women (not a
punishment) just be inclusive of diversity
xviii. Motion to close discussion: Alpha Chi Omega, second Alpha
Delta Pi
xix. Motion to vote: Kappa Alpha Theta, second Gamma Phi Beta
xx. Vote:
1. In favor of removing men from the process: Alpha Delta
Pi, Alpha Pi Sigma, Alpha Phi, Kappa Alpha Theta, Kappa
Delta, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Sigma Theta Psi
2. Opposed to removing men from the process: Alpha Chi
Omega, Gamma Phi Beta
xxi. Vote has passed to remove men from the New Member Gift
Week process
New Business
a. VP Recruitment Programming Conversation – Nichola Usher
i. Molly: Take this back to chapter executive board (not
chapters); we want to make sure that you have trust in us
ii. Motion to send: Kappa Delta, second Alpha Phi
Comments from the Audience
a. Motion: Alpha Delta Pi, second Alpha Phi - 1:43pm