Reactivate Physiotherapy & Massage 905.231.1418 FITforeGOLF™ HOW TO STOMACH A GOOD SWING By David Lindsay PT MSc The golf swing involves virtually a full rotation of the body. The main muscles responsible for twisting the trunk from side to side, are the abdominals, in particular the oblique and transverse abdominal muscles. The abdominal are some of the strongest muscles in the body. Increasing their role in the golf swing can help increase clubhead speed. In addition to rotating the trunk, contracting the abdominals has the additional benefit of bracing the spine thus protecting it from injury. The POWER and PROTECTION offered by the abdominal muscles makes them the most important golf muscles in the body. While every golfer uses their abdominal muscles to some degree, learning to use these muscles more effectively is very important for optimal performance. An effective way of training the abdominal muscles during the golf swing is by using an inexpensive exercise device such as the FITforeGOLF Swing Trainer. The Swing Trainer is a loop of elastic tubing attached to a normal golf grip. The elastic tubing provides resistance against which the abdominal muscles contract during the back- and downswings. In addition to these exercises, it is important to practice using your abdominal muscles when hitting golf balls. To increase the amount of abdominal activity during the golf swing, gently tighten your abdominal muscles just before starting your backswing. Your low back and pelvis SHOULD NOT MOVE when the stomach muscles contract. The correct contraction should feel as though you are lightly drawing in your belly button towards your spine. This contraction reduces the amount of stress on the spine as well as pre-sets these muscles to fire on the downswing and follow-through. For more information visit our web site ( or contact your FITforeGOLF™ Physical Therapy Clinic: 81 Middlecote Drive Ajax ON, L1T 0K3