HPC 3540-101: Advanced Life and Career Planning Fall 2009 T/R 12:30-1:45 Edwin Duncan 200 HPC Office: 828-262-2055 Shannon Dixon sd65309@appstate.edu Office Hours: By appointment only Meagan Ashby Cell: 919-608-1087 ashbyme@appstate.edu *E-mail is the best way to reach both instructors. Calling an instructor should be reserved for emergencies only between 10am and 10pm!!!* Course Description: This individually oriented course helps students consider those career choices and related factors contributing to satisfaction and happiness in life. The process of decision making, goal setting and selfmanagement by objectives will be studied in order for the student to plan systematically for a career. Emphasis will be placed on preparing the student for issues related to job searching, resume building, work place environment/requirements, and graduate admissions. Required Text: Sukiennik, D., Bendat, W., & Raufman, L. (2004). The career fitness program: Exercising your options, 8th ed. Columbus: Pearson. Attendance Policy/Tardiness: Prompt attendance is REQUIRED for this course, and will be calculated as part of your final grade. You are allowed no more than 2 absences over the semester; any classes missed beyond the allowed 2 will result in the loss of 5 attendance/participation points per day missed. Tardiness is not an example of professionalism; therefore, 3 tardies will count as 1 absence. *In the event of emergency, please notify us through e-mail before class starts that you will not be able to attend class.* Academic Integrity Code: Students are expected to be familiar with and adhere to policies and procedures outlined in the Appalachian State University Code of Conduct and Academic Integrity booklet. Students will refrain from plagiarism, cheating, lying, accepting of unauthorized assistance, etc. Please refer to the ASU Handbook or website for requirements: http://studentconduct.appstate.edu Accommodating Students with Special Learning Needs: Students with a documented disability, in need of accommodations, should contact and register with The Office of Disability Services (ODS) at http://www.ods.appstate.edu or 828-262-3056. Inclement Weather Policy: In the event of bad weather, we will make every effort to notify you by e-mail no later than 11am as to whether we will have to reschedule that day’s class. Campus closings can be found on ASU’s home page. Electronic Devices: Any electronic devices should be TURNED OFF or SILENCED during class time. If you are text messaging or engaging in any other forms of electronic communication during class, we reserve the right to deduct points from your final participation grade and/or confiscate the device until the end of class. Course Requirements: *All assignments will be due at the beginning of class and late work will NOT be accepted!!* *All written work should be typed, 12pt font, double spaced* Resumes: Students are expected to complete 2 final resumes by the end of this course. The first resume will be tailored to one of the job fairs held here at ASU. Students will be responsible for setting up an appointment with the Career Development Center (3rd floor JET building) to have their resume reviewed and corrected by a career counselor. The final copy, including original version and corrected version, will be due on Tuesday, September 15th. The second resume will be tailored to a current job description or graduate program of the student’s interest. A cover letter should be included along with a job description or graduate school admission form. The final copy will be due on Thursday, November 12th. Career Fairs: Students will attend one of three career fairs held on ASU’s campus. Students will have the option to choose between: JobFest: Tuesday, September 22nd, from 1pm-4pm at Broyhill Inn and Conference Center Graduate and Professional School Fair: Thursday, October 1st, from 10am-2pm at Grandfather Mountain Ball Room, Student Union Education Fair: Monday, October 19th, 9am-12pm at Broyhill Inn and Conference Center Students are expected to write a 1-2 page reflection paper describing their experience at the fair, something new that they learned, and who they met at the fair. This paper will be due the next class period after the fair. CareerGear/Homework: Students will set up a CareerGear account on the second day of class. The instructors will periodically ask students to give updates on their accounts. This will be included in the participation grade. Students are expected to read the required chapters from the text before class. In addition, students are expected to demonstrate that they have read by completing assigned activities in the workbook. This will also be included in the participation grade and checked on a weekly basis. Interview Reaction Paper: Students will be responsible for setting up an interview at the Career Development Center. Students will have the option to choose between an interview with a career counselor or online through Perfect Interview. It is imperative that you set up this interview as soon as possible to ensure that it is done before the due date. Students are expected to write a 1-2 page reflection paper describing the interview experience and their strengths and weaknesses during the interview process. If students decide to interview with a career counselor, the counselor must sign a form that the instructors will provide. If students decide to interview online through Perfect Interview, they must e-mail their interview to one of the instructors. The reflection paper and the documentation are due Thursday, October 22nd. Career Presentation: Students will work in groups of two to three to develop a presentation on a career field of interest. This presentation should be 15-20 minutes and should include the following: overview of career field, education required, expected growth within the next 10 years, current salary, job requirements, and other pertinent information. Each group will prepare a handout to give to each member of the class, including the instructors. Creativity is encouraged! The presentations will be scheduled throughout the semester. Diversity Project: Students will work in groups of two to three to develop a presentation on a diverse topic in the workforce. Suggested topics include: Disabilities, Sexual Harassment, Discrimination, GLBTQ, Women, Affirmative Action, Ageism, Veterans, Cultural Differences, or any other relevant topic of your choice. This presentation should be 30-40 minutes long and should include the following: overview of topic, relevance to work environment, difficulties your selected population encounters when applying for job, suggestions for overcoming difficulties and/or available support networks, and any other relevant information. Group members are expected to provide a handout to classmates and instructors and also include a hands-on activity during the presentation. This presentation will be scheduled throughout the semester. Grading Scale: Attendance/Participation/Hmk Career Fair Reflection 1st Resume 2nd Resume and Cover Letter Interview Reaction Paper Career Presentation Diversity Project Total Possible Points: 450 450-360: A 359- 270: B 269- 180: C 179- 90: D 89- 0: F 150 points 50 points 40 points 60 points 45 points 45 points 60 points Tentative Course Outline/Schedule August 25th ……………………………………………………………………………………Introduction Syllabus overview th August 27 ……………………………………………………………………………………CareerGear sign-up Myers-Briggs Assessment HW: Chapter 3 st September 1 …………………………………………………………………………………Chapter 3 Assessment results Resumes HW: Chapter 4 rd September 3 ………………………………………………………………………………..Peer Career (2nd Floor Student Union) September 8th ……………………………………………………………………………….Chapter 4 September 10th………………………………………………………………………………Attend Convocation HW: Resume with CDC th September 15 ………………………………………………………………………………Resumes with Corrections DUE Chapter 4 HW: Chapter 5 th September 17 ……………………………………………………………………………….Chapter 5 September 22nd………………………………………………………………………………Attend JobFest September 24th……………………………………………………………………………….JobFest Reflection DUE Cover Letters HW: Chapter 10 th September 29 ……………………………………………………………………………….Presentations Career Presentation____________________________ Diversity Presentation__________________________ October 1st……………………………………………………………………………………..Attend Grad/Prof School Fair October 6th……………………………………………………………………………………..Grad/Prof Reflection DUE Career Development Center th October 8 ……………………………………………………………………………………..Presentations HW: Chapter 8 Career Presentation______________________________ Diversity Presentation____________________________ th October 13 …………………………………………………………………………………..Chapter 8 Presentation HW: Chapter 2 Career Presentation____________________________ th October 15 ……………………………………………………………………………………University Break-No Class!!! ** Monday October 19th: Education Fair, Broyhill Inn** October 20th……………………………………………………………………………………Chapter 2 Interview Skills HW: Chapter 11 Career Presentation_____________________________ nd October 22 ……………………………………………………………………………………Interview Reaction Paper DUE Chapter 11 HW: Chapter 9 th October 27 ……………………………………………………………………………………Chapter 9 Targeting your Job Search Diversity Presentation__________________________________ th October 29 ……………………………………………………………………………………Presentations Career Presentation_______________________________ Diversity Presentation______________________________ rd November 3 ………………………………………………………………………………….Resumes and the Job Search Graduate School Review Chapter 10 Diversity Presentation________________________________ th November 5 ………………………………………………………………………………….Out of class workday November 10th………………………………………………………………………………..Resume Rough Draft DUE November 12th………………………………………………………………………………..Presentations Career Presentation________________________________ Diversity Presentation______________________________ th November 17 ………………………………………………………………………………..Resumes DUE Presentations Career Presentation______________________________ Diversity Presentation_____________________________ November 19th………………………………………………………………………………..Presentations Career Presentation______________________________ Diversity Presentation____________________________ th November 24 ………………………………………………………………………………..Presentations HW: Chapter 12 Career Presentations____________________________ Diversity Presentation___________________________ th November 26 …………………………………………………………………………………Turkey Day-NO CLASS!!! December 1st…………………………………………………………………………………..Chapter 12 Dining Etiquette rd December 3 …………………………………………………………………………………..Wrap-Up Class Evaluations