New Jersey City University, RN to BSN program Curriculum Chart

New Jersey City University, RN to BSN program Curriculum Chart
Student Name:____________________________________ ID# _________________________
BCC Course Credits
BIOL 111 – 112 Anatomy & Physiology I & II
BIOL 213 - Microbiology
ENGL 121 – 122 English Composition I & II
MATH 151 - Intermediate Algebra
NURS 160 - Introduction to Human Needs
NURS 161 - Nursing & Human Needs I
NURS 162 - Nursing & Human Needs II
NURS 163 - Nursing & Human Needs in the
A.A.S. credits 72
NURS 165 - Issues in Nursing
NURS 261 - Nursing & Human Needs III
NURS 262 - Nursing & Human Needs IV
NURS 263 - Managing & Coord. Nursing Care
PSYC 208 - Life Span Development
PSYC 106 - Introduction to Psychology II
SOCI 101 - Principles of Sociology OR
ANTH 105 - Cultural Anthropology
Humanities Elective
Additional NJCU BS Required Courses:
 SOCI 114 - Sociology of the Family
o (BCC equivalent SOCI 215 - Marriage and the Family)
 CHEM 117 - Principles of Chemistry
o (BCC equivalent CHEM 136 - Intro. to Inorganic, Organic and Biological Chemistry)
 PSYC 230 - Statistics for the Social Sciences
o (BCC equivalent PSYC 245 - Intro. to Quantitative Methods in Social Science Research
Total credits 10
Total received:____________________
BCC Course(s) Missing:__________________________________________________________
NJCU Course Credits
Course title
NURS 351 - Health Assessment Across the Life Span
NURS 357* - BSN Transitions
NURS 450 - Theoretical Basis of Nursing
NURS 451 - Nursing Process & Health Promotion
Groups/Community Theory
NURS 452 - Nursing Process & Health Promotion
Groups/Community Laboratory
NURS 460 - Nursing Research
NURS 465 - Leadership: for the Nurse Leader/Manager
NURS 466 - Cultural Paradigms for Health Care
NURS 467 - Senior Seminar Implementation Project Senior
Thesis - Part I
NURS 468 - Senior Seminar Implementation Project Senior
Thesis - Part II
Semester taken
*Upon successful completion of NURS 452 - Nursing Process & Health Promotion Groups/Community
Laboratory, students receive 14 credits which are held in escrow