Health Science Program Hospital Rotation/Clinical Observation

Health Science Program Hospital Rotation/Clinical Observation Student Code of Conduct
1. I understand hospital rotations/clinical observations are not a guarantee, but an earned learning opportunity
that is a vital part of the curriculum.
2. I understand that as a student participating in the hospital rotation/clinical observations, I am considered a
professional and expected to abide by all policies, procedures, and regulations.
3. I understand it is my responsibility to comply with all hospital policies/observation site policies, Denton ISD
policies, and Health Science policies, procedures, guidelines, and expectations.
4. I understand the Denton ISD school policy on tardiness, excessive absences, and truancy which by law
requires me to attend 90% of scheduled class days which includes hospital rotation/clinical observations
days each semester.
a. I will notify my Health Science instructor and/or site supervisor immediately if I will be tardy or
absent from hospital rotations/clinical observations as soon as possible.
b. I will arrive at the hospital rotation/clinical observation site ready and prepared.
c. I will remain at my assigned site and not visit other areas unless I am authorized to do so by my
instructor or mentor/supervisor in the area being observed.
i. I understand at any time I am caught leaving a site before appropriate dismissal time
without approval from my instructor, will result in disciplinary action with the possibility of
permanent removal from participating in hospital rotation/clinical observations.
ii. I understand if I do not go to my assigned site, but go to another site without permission
will result in disciplinary action with possibility of permanent removal from hospital
rotation/clinical observations.
5. I understand the importance of exhibiting a professional image at all times.
a. I will wear the appropriate attire for hospital rotations when I enter the hospital setting and remain
in appropriate attire until dismissed from the hospital setting by my instructor.
i. I understand if I am not dressed in appropriate professional attire on scheduled hospital
rotation/clinical observation days, I must attend class at the ATC.
ii. I understand on the second violation of the professional attire code disciplinary action will
be taken.
iii. I understand that on the third violation of the professional attire code, I will be permanently
removed from hospital rotations/clinical observations.
b. I will wear my ATC nametag at all times.
c. I will wear shoes that are clean, predominately white, and appropriate foot wear for the rotation
site/clinical observation site.
d. I will wear clean and neat clothing appropriate for hospital rotation (red scrubs only) or observation
site specific professional attire.
e. I will wear my hair clean and neat.
i. Hair will be secured away from my face and off my shoulders when arriving at site until
leaving site.
ii. No extreme hairstyles/colors are acceptable for males or females.
iii. Hair nets or covers will be worn according to hospital rotation requirements.
f. I will adhere to wearing appropriate jewelry according to site policy.
i. The only acceptable piercing will be one set of matching earrings in the ears.
ii. Males may not wear any type of piercing.
iii. Examples of unacceptable piercing include but are not limited to: nose, eyebrow, chin,
tongue, navel, gauges, etc.
g. I will keep my nails clean and neatly trimmed.
i. Nail polish of any kind will not be allowed.
ii. No acrylic nails will be allowed.
h. I will not eat, drink, chew gum or use tobacco while I am at the facility or outside of the facility.
6. I understand the importance of conducting myself in a professional manner at all times.
a. I will adhere to HIPAA at all times and not discuss any information about any patient, including
disease, diagnosis, history, or treatment with anyone but those authorized to receive such
b. I will make it my responsibility to make every opportunity a learning experience.
i. Realize I am not qualified to do all procedures.
ii. Realize observing and asking questions is invaluable.
iii. Realize there is always something to do, you must find it.
iv. Realize observing something several times will help commit the information to memory.
c. I will make every effort to complete any task assigned to me during my observations.
d. I will make it my responsibility to know, understand and adhere to all site guidelines and
procedures in order to protect the patients, co-workers, and myself.
e. I will make every effort to have a positive attitude, courteous, efficient, and accurate in all of the
tasks to which I am assigned.
f. I will not discuss my private life while in the presence of patients.
g. I will not make personal phone calls, text, nor answer the phone during hospital rotation unless
directed to do so.
h. I will maintain a positive attitude and smile while I am in the hospital.
i. I will behave professionally within the facility and outside the facility at all times.
j. I will not ask for food or drinks.
i. If staff offers food and/or drink, I may accept.
ii. Food and drink will not be carried outside of the designated staff lounge area
k. I will conform to any direction from my mentor/supervisor immediately and without question.
7. I understand the importance of following all facility safety rules.
a. I will observe strict infection control measures.
b. I will observe all facility safety rules.
c. I will report any accident that occurs in the hospital area and complete the required incident
report as directed by my supervisor.
d. I will respect and properly care for all equipment and supplies.
8. I understand I am responsible for my own choices and actions.
9. I understand the Denton ISD school policy on “no off campus lunch” applies to days at the hospital or
observation site.
10. I understand if I have any questions or conflicts I will consult with my instructor in private at a later time.
I understand it is mandatory to comply with the Student Code of Conduct at all times at the hospital/ clinical
observation site.
I understand that failure to comply with the Student Code of Conduct will result in disciplinary actions and possible
forfeiture of hospital rotations/clinical observations with the possibility of permanent removal from the Health Science
Denton ISD does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, or disability in providing education or providing access to benefits of
education services, activities and program, including vocation programs, in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended: Title IX of the
Educational Amendments of 1972; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Inquiries
regarding these policies should be directed to the Executive Director of Human Resources (940) 369-0000.