22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Version 2, 2014 Th e co u r se h as b e e n accr e d it e d u n d e r Par t s 4.4 an d 4.6 o f t h e Ed u cat i o n an d t r ain in g Re f o r m Act 2006. It h as b e e n e n t e r e d o n t h e State Register of Accredited Courses and Recognised Qualifications an d t h e National Register. Accredited for the period 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2016 Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority Document Status: This document is an exact copy of the document which is listed on the State Register of Accredited Courses and Recognised Qualifications and the National Register Version 1: Accredited from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2016 © State of Victoria (Department of Education and Early Childhood Development) 2011. Copyright of this material is reserved to the Crown in the right of the State of Victoria. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Australia licence (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/3.0/au/). You are free to use, copy and distribute to anyone in its original form as long as you attribute Department of Education and Early Childhood Development as the author, and you license any derivative work you make available under the same licence. Disclaimer In compiling the information contained in and accessed through this resource, the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) has used its best endeavours to ensure that the information is correct and current at the time of publication but takes no responsibility for any error, omission or defect therein. To the extent permitted by law DEECD, its employees, agents and consultants exclude all liability for any loss or damage (including indirect, special or consequential loss or damage) arising from the use of, or reliance on the information contained herein, whether caused or not by any negligent act or omission. If any law prohibits the exclusion of such liability, DEECD limits its liability to the extent permitted by law, for the resupply of the information. Third party sites This resource may contain links to third party websites and resources. DEECD is not responsible for the condition or content of these sites or resources as they are not under its control. Third party material linked from this resource is subject to the copyright conditions of the third party. Users will need to consult the copyright notice of the third party sites for conditions of usage. Version History Version 2 Copyright Owner contact details updated The following imported units update to the most current version Version 2 Version 1 BSB07 Business Services Training Package BSB07 Business Services Training Package BSBPMG522A Undertake project work BSBPMG510A Manage projects CUV11 Visual Arts, Craft and Design Training Package CUV03 Visual Arts Craft and Design Training Package CUVPRP404A Develop self as artist CUVPRP01B Develop self as artist CUVDRA301A Produce drawings CUVVSP15B Produce drawings CUVPAI301A Produce paintings CUVVSP35B Produce paintings CUVPHI520A Produce an innovative presentation of professional work CUVPHI505A Produce an innovative presentation of professional work 22219VIC Certificate III in Science 21857VIC Certificate III in Science VU21058 Use a range of techniques to solve mathematical problems VPAU073 Use a range of techniques to solve mathematical problems 22258VIC Certificate IV in EAL (Further Study) 21940VIC Certificate IV in ESL (Further Study). VU21513 Use critical reading and writing skills for further study VPAU533 Use a range of critical reading and writing skills for further study 22187VIC Certificate IV in Liberal Arts 21793VIC Certificate IV in Liberal Arts VU20746 Apply essential further study skills VBQU226 Apply essential further study skills Table of Contents Section A: Copyright and course classification information ....................................... 7 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Copyright owner of the course ................................................................................................................ 7 Address ................................................................................................................................................... 7 Type of submission ................................................................................................................................. 7 Copyright acknowledgement .................................................................................................................. 7 Licensing and franchise .......................................................................................................................... 8 Course accrediting body ......................................................................................................................... 8 AVETMISS information ........................................................................................................................... 8 Period of accreditation ............................................................................................................................ 8 Section B: Course Information ..................................................................................... 11 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Nomenclature........................................................................................................................................ 11 Vocational or educational outcomes of the course ............................................................................... 11 Development of the course ................................................................................................................... 11 3.1 Industry/ enterprise/ community needs ................................................................................ 11 3.2 Review for reaccreditation .................................................................................................... 14 Course outcomes .................................................................................................................................. 16 Course rules.......................................................................................................................................... 18 Assessment .......................................................................................................................................... 21 Delivery ................................................................................................................................................. 24 Pathways and articulation ..................................................................................................................... 25 Ongoing monitoring and evaluation ...................................................................................................... 26 Appendix A..................................................................................................................... 27 Employability Skills Summary............................................................................................................ 27 Appendix B ..................................................................................................................... 28 Skills and Knowledge profile.............................................................................................................. 28 Section C: Unit Information .......................................................................................... 31 SECTION A Copyright and course classification information 22182VICCertificate IV in Tertiar y Preparation Section A: Copyright and course classification information 1. Copyright owner of the course Copyright of this document is held by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, Victoria. © State of Victoria Day to day contact: Service Industries Curriculum Maintenance Manager - General Studies and Further Education Victoria University PO Box 14428 Melbourne VIC 8001 Tel: 03 9919 5300 Tel: 03 9919 5302 Email: sicmm.generalstudies@vu.edu.au 2. Address Department of Education and Early Childhood Development Executive Director, Training Participation and Facilitation Division, GPO Box 4367 Melbourne 3001 3. Type of submission The 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation is submitted for re-accreditation replacing 21695VIC Certificate IV in Further Education and 21696VIC Diploma of Further Education. 4. Copyright acknowledgement Copyright of this material is reserved to the Crown in the right of the State of Victoria. © State of Victoria (Department of Education and Early Childhood Development) 2011 The following units of competency have been imported from endorsed Training Packages administered by the Commonwealth of Australia and can be accessed from the national register at http://training.gov.au © Commonwealth of Australia BSB07 Business Services Training Package: BSBPMG522A Undertake project work BSBCMM401A Make a presentation BSBITU404A Produce complex desktop published documents BSBITU304A Produce spreadsheets CUV11 Visual Arts Craft and Design Training Package: CUVPRP404A Develop self as artist CUVDRA301A Produce drawings CUVPAI301A Produce paintings CUVPHI520A Produce an innovative presentation of professional work PSP11 Public Sector Training Package: Section A: Copyright and course classification information © State of Victoria Version 2, 2014 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Page 7 22182VICCertificate IV in Tertiar y Preparation PSPGOV406B Gather and analyse information TLI10 Transport and Logistics Training Package: TLIE4013A Apply workplace statistics Copyright of the following units of competency is administered by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development Victoria. © State of Victoria: 5. Licensing and franchise VU20746 Apply essential further study skills from 22187VIC Certificate IV in Liberal Arts VU21058 Use a range of techniques to solve mathematical problems from the 22219VIC Certificate III in Science VU21513 Use critical reading and writing skills for further study from the 22258VIC Certificate IV in EAL (Further Study). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Australia licence (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/bynd/3.0/au/). You are free to use, copy and distribute to anyone in its original form as long as you attribute the, Department of Education and Early Childhood Development as the author, and you license any derivative work you make available under the same licence Copies of this publication can be downloaded free of charge from the Training Support Network website: http://trainingsupport.skills.vic.gov.au 6. Course accrediting body Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority Tel: 03 9637 2806 Website www.vrqa.vic.gov.au 7. AVETMISS information Classification codes for: ANZSCO code: (Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations) Not applicable. ANZSIC code: 8. Period of accreditation (Australia and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification - industry type) 8432 Technical and Further Education. ASCED code – 4 digit (Field of Education) 1201 General Education Programs. National course code 22182VIC 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2016 Section A: Copyright and course classification information © State of Victoria Version 2, 2014 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Page 8 SECTION B Course Information 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiar y Preparation Section B: Course Information 1. Nomenclature Standard 1 for Accredited Courses 1.1 Name of the qualifications Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation 1.2 Nominal duration of the courses 380 – 710 hours 2. Vocational or Standard 1 for Accredited Courses educational outcomes of This is a preparatory course which provides the skills and knowledge the course to develop study and academic skills to access tertiary education and training pathways. Australia’s tertiary education sector comprises higher (university) education and vocational education and training (VET). Source: Tom Karmel Australia’s tertiary education sector (NCVER) 2003. Completion of the course enables a number of pathway outcomes including: vocational study at the same or higher AQF level higher education undergraduate programs further study options such as the Diploma of Liberal Arts The term ‘Tertiary Studies’ as used within the context of this submission refers to both higher education and higher level vocational (VET) courses of study. Such courses of study have their own entry requirements and this course is not intended to either replace those requirements or to guarantee access to individual courses of study, However in undertaking this course students will be better prepared for future training and education options. The following summarises possible further study outcomes for the course. Units from the qualification may be incorporated into industry training as electives to support skills development within Certificate IV or Diploma qualifications. Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Vocational qualifications such as Certificate IV, Diploma, Advanced Diploma Higher education degree courses 3. Development of the course 3.1 Industry/ enterprise/ community needs Standard 1 and 2 for Accredited Courses 21695VIC Certificate IV in Further Education and 21696VIC Diploma of Further Education were first accredited in 1999 specifically to provide an alternative pathway for adults returning to study. Both qualifications were re-developed in 2005. The course outcomes for the 21695VIC Certificate IV focus on entry to a Diploma level vocational course or entry to the Diploma of Further Education. The 21696VIC Diploma of Further Education focuses on entry to tertiary studies. Enrolment data shows there has been steady interest in the Section B Course information © State of Victoria Version 2, 2014 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Page 11 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiar y Preparation qualifications (2007 - 105 students; 2008 - 158 students: 2009 131). Of the two qualifications, the 21696VIC Diploma of Further Education was more widely used and was largely concentrated in the TAFE sector. In 2011 4 RTOs had the 21695VIC Certificate IV in Further Education on scope and 5 RTOs had the 21696VIC Diploma of Further Education on scope. During the period of accreditation ongoing course monitoring was conducted using feedback from providers. This was used as background in an initial report to ACFE in December 2009 on the need to review the qualifications in particular the entry requirements, the course flexibility and the relationship between the qualifications and other general studies curricula. In 2010 ACFE funded an initial Research phase which was conducted by the CMM General Studies and Further Education and reported to ACFE on 27 May 2010. The report found there is a continuing need for a qualification which includes the skills and knowledge required by specific learner groups to enhance their further education prospects. In particular, there is a need to provide a pathway for those who have not studied for some years and who do not meet entry requirements such as a senior secondary certificate to access higher level qualifications. State Government policy encourages the development of sound foundation skills to enable learners to access higher qualifications such as Diploma and Advanced Diploma level VET qualifications to meet industry demand for a qualified workforce. ACFE policy outlined in A stronger ACFE: delivering skills for Victoria states that 'ACE organisations ….will design and deliver a range of innovative programs across the qualification levels…’ The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Compact with Young Australians aims to increase the number of young people with higher qualifications with a target of 90% of young people attaining year 12 or equivalent by 2015. The Bradley review, undertaken for the Commonwealth Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, identifies a target for the proportion of the population that has attained a higher education qualification by 2020. The target proposed is that 40 per cent of 25 - to 34-year-olds will have attained at least a bachelor-level qualification by 2020. It also states that ’Another important target is one to ensure that those from disadvantaged backgrounds aspire to and are able to participate in Higher Education. By 2020, 20 per cent of undergraduate enrolments in Higher Education should be students from low socioeconomic backgrounds’ Recent research into participation in VET and higher education argues that ‘it is of enormous importance that opportunities are created to enable... [socially and educationally disadvantaged mature learners]...to enter university and succeed. Alternative entry programs...create such opportunities’ (Stone, C. ‘Listening to individual voices and stories—the mature age student experience’, Australian Journal of Adult Learning, 48(2):263–290. 2008). An alternative qualification which incorporates the skills and knowledge required to return to study and access further education opportunities needs to take into account the study skills or ‘study competence’ required by learners who have been out of education for some time, including learning technology skills. This qualification Section B Course information © State of Victoria Version 2, 2014 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Page 12 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiar y Preparation provides the base knowledge and skills which are needed to access and participate in higher level qualifications. Consideration of available qualifications indicates there are no Training Package qualifications which provide further study skills competencies. The Certificate IV and Diploma of Liberal Arts qualifications provide pathway into arts / psychology whereas the Further Education curriculum has a broader focus for both higher level VET and higher education pathways. A course development Project Steering Committee was established to guide the re-accreditation of the Certificate IV in and Diploma of Further Education into the renamed single qualification covering all competencies: the 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation. The new course title was selected to more accurately reflect the competencies and course purpose. Members of the PSC comprised: Kate Chanock, Chair Associate Professor in Academic Language and Learning La Trobe University Kanchana Jayasuriya Coordinator: Academic Transition Victoria University Julianne Krusche Head, Department of Humanities and Further Education School of Human Services SMB Campus University of Ballarat Nick Montgomery Further Education teacher Diversitat, Geelong Baia Tsakouridou Student Affairs Coordinator English and Further Study School of Education RMIT University Anne Cosentino Director Vocational Pathways, Chisholm Institute Chisholm Institute Three PSC Meetings were held on 29 November 2010 4 April 2011 16 May 2011 Section B Course information © State of Victoria Version 2, 2014 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Page 13 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiar y Preparation 3.2 Review for reaccreditation Standards 1 and 2 Accredited Courses The intended purpose of the qualification has been to provide a range of study skills and knowledge to access further study pathways, and subject specific skills and knowledge. The review of the current qualifications undertook to: determine if there was a need for both qualifications. During consultation and development it was identified that the needs of learners undertaking the two existing courses could be addressed in the re-development of a flexible Certificate IV qualification. The Certificate IV provides a suitable entry point and exit point for learners preparing to enter tertiary study. examine the current qualifications framework to establish whether a more flexible restructure was appropriate examine educational outcomes of the course including updating study skills competencies to meet current requirements identify ways to strengthen the relationship between this course and vocational courses to provide more options for participants to build qualifications and pathways to ‘mainstream’ vocational qualifications. The methodology used in the project included the following: analysis of enrolment figures across 2007, 2008 and 2009 ACFE area managers consultation 11/3/2010 provider online survey provider focus group 19/4/2010 telephone interviews with ACE providers desktop review of literature and ACFE, state and commonwealth policy research into tertiary entry requirements for mature aged students mapping of Further Studies skills across General Studies and Further Education qualifications using the Australian Core Skills Framework as a benchmark. review of Training Package units. The review, overseen by the Project Steering Committee determined that the current core / elective structure be retained but with expanded elective options to broaden areas of focus and with greater flexibility and choice. Units from the two qualifications were reviewed and redeveloped to include updated and new skills. Three new units for oral communication skills, collaborative learning and online learning have been added. The mapping of units to the ACSF was used to select units at an appropriate level, and to revise content in the current units. A new unit to include online research skills needed to be developed as the replacement unit in the BSB07 Business Skills Training Package describes research skills for business. The new unit includes skills and knowledge with a broad Section B Course information © State of Victoria Version 2, 2014 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Page 14 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiar y Preparation application. Transition arrangements: Enrolments in the 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation may commence at any time from the beginning date of the accreditation period, that is, 1st July 2011. There is a transition period from this date in which learners may be enrolled in the 21695VIC Certificate IV in Further Education / 21696VIC Diploma of Further Education or the new qualification. There must be no enrolments in the 21695VIC Certificate IV in Further Education or 21696VIC Diploma of Further Education after the expiry date (30 June 2012). Students are able to complete the 21695 VIC Certificate IV in Further Education / 21696 Diploma of Further Education or units in which they are enrolled beyond that date, provided they are enrolled before 30 June 2012. Wherever possible, training providers should give currently enrolled students the opportunity to transfer to the most recent qualification. This course replaces and is deemed equivalent to the 21695VIC Certificate IV of Further Education and the 21696VIC Diploma of Further Education. Learners who have partially completed units within either 21695VIC Certificate IV in Further Education and the 21696VIC Diploma of Further Education may be eligible for recognition of their prior learning. The table below lists the units from the 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation and describes their relationship to superseded units from the 21695VIC Certificate IV in Further Education and the 21696VIC Diploma of Further Education where this relationship exists. This may also assist Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) with implementing RPL processes for learners who have undertaken all or part of these existing qualifications, where these learners are seeking to transfer to the new qualification. Section B Course information © State of Victoria Version 2, 2014 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Page 15 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiar y Preparation Replaced unit 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Credit transfer or recognition in part. Unit Code Unit Title Unit Code Unit Title VBP712 Prepare for Further Study VU20760 Set study goals and plan education pathway Partial equivalence- The scope of the new unit now includes additional outcomes related to implementing a study pathway plan and writing an impact statement VBP713 Set Goals and Plan Study Pathways VU20760 Set study goals and plan education pathway Partial equivalence- The scope of the new unit now includes additional outcomes related to design, implementation, presentation and collaborative review of a study pathway plan. It also includes the construction of an impact statement. VBP714 Prepare for Tertiary Research and Study VU20761 Prepare for tertiary reading and writing Partial equivalence- The scope of the new unit now includes additional outcomes related to range of academic genres and application of analytical and critical thinking skills VU20762 Communicat e verbally in a further study context New unit VU20763 Participate in collaborative learning New unit Conduct online research VU20764 Conduct online research for further study New unit Preparing Portfolios and Applications VU20765 Prepare a portfolio and application Partial equivalence- The scope of the new unit now includes additional outcomes in element 3 focusing on responding to questions about the portfolio and providing a response to feedback. VU20766 Participate in online collaborative learning New unit BSBEBUS401A VBP714 The new unit focuses on the online research process in the further study context rather than using online research to prepare business reports Section B Course information © State of Victoria Version 2, 2014 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Page 16 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiar y Preparation 4. Course outcomes 4.1 Qualification level Standards 1 and 2 for Accredited Courses The 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation is consistent with the AQF as defined in the AQF Implementation Handbook. The Certificate IV qualifies individuals who apply a broad range of specialized knowledge and skills in varied contexts to undertake skilled work and as a pathway for further learning. Depending on the elective choices, graduates will develop specialised skills and knowledge which meet AQF level 4 outcomes. Knowledge Graduates of a Certificate IV will have broad factual, technical and theoretical knowledge in a specialized field of work and learning incorporating some theoretical concepts through completion of academic verbal and written communication research tasks Skills Graduates of a Certificate IV will have: cognitive skills to identify, analyse, compare and act on information from a range of sources as in assessing the suitability of research material from a variety of sources to prepare for tertiary reading and writing through the acquisition of critical thinking skills, academic reading and writing and referencing skills cognitive, technical and communications skills to apply and communicate technical solutions of a non-routine or contingency nature to a defined range of predictable and unpredictable problems through pathway planning, application of critical thinking in academic tasks and planning research specialist technical skills to complete routine and non-routine tasks and functions such as using technology to engage in online research to locate credible sources of information communication skills to guide activities and provide technical advice in the area of work and learning such as engaging in collaborative learning and using verbal and written communication skills in a variety of academic contexts to present research Application of knowledge and skills Graduates of a Certificate IV will demonstrate the application of knowledge and skills: to specialized tasks or functions in known or changing contexts such as analysing and synthesizing information with responsibility for own functions and outputs, and may have limited responsibility for organisation of others such as setting goals, planning and reviewing a study pathway in a selected tertiary field and working independently on academic tasks Section B Course information © State of Victoria Version 2, 2014 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Page 17 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiar y Preparation 4.2 Employability skills with limited responsibility for the quantity and quality of the output of others in a team within limited parameters through working collaboratively on academic tasks including using teamwork skills, allocating tasks and using problem solving skills as well as through peer evaluation and online collaboration tasks in an academic context Standard 4 for Accredited Courses This course has been mapped to a national Employability Skills Framework. A summary of the Employability Skills that are reflected in the course is included in Appendix A 4.3 Recognition given to Standard 5 for Accredited Courses the course (if Not applicable applicable) 4.4 Licensing/regulatory Standard 5 for Accredited Courses requirements (if Not applicable applicable) 5. Course rules Successful completion of the 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation requires the successful completion of 10 units: 5 core units 5 elective units as follows: A maximum of 2 elective units may be selected from Group A Electives - accredited curriculum to support skills development in a particular area, for example literacy, ESL or indigenous, science or numeracy units. Accredited curriculum units may be selected from the electives listed in this qualification or from any accredited curriculum. A minimum of 3 elective units must be selected from Group B Electives - nationally endorsed Training Packages and related to one or more specific industries, for example: visual art, design, photography, multimedia or performance arts; information technology, business services; engineering or other relevant fields. Training Package units may be selected from the elective units listed in this qualification or from any nationally endorsed Training Package. Elective units must be selected from: units not previously completed units first packaged in Certificate III, Certificate IV or Diploma qualifications in endorsed Training Packages or accredited curricula. Note: no more than 2 units first packaged at Certificate III and no more than 2 units first packaged at Diploma level may be selected for inclusion in the qualification. Selection of electives must reflect the integrity and intent of the qualification. When selecting elective units of competency imported from a Training Package, the RTO does not need to have the parent Section B Course information © State of Victoria Version 2, 2014 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Page 18 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiar y Preparation Training Package on their Scope of Registration, unless they are advertising and delivering them separately. When delivering and assessing Training Package units, RTOs must follow the assessment guidelines in the parent Training Package. Where the course is not completed, a Statement of Attainment will be issued for any completed units. Section B Course information © State of Victoria Version 2, 2014 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Page 19 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiar y Preparation 5.1 Course structure 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Unit of competency code Field of Education code Unit of competency title Prerequisite Nominal hours Core units VU20760 120199 Set study goals and plan education pathway nil 40 VU20761 120199 Prepare for tertiary reading and writing nil 80 VU20762 120199 Communicate verbally in a further study context nil 40 VU20763 120199 Participate in collaborative learning nil 30 VU20764 120199 Conduct online research for further study nil 40 Total Core 230 Elective units Select 5 Units: • Up to 2 units may be selected from GROUP A accredited curriculum • A minimum of 3 elective units must be selected from GROUP B nationally endorsed Training Packages GROUP A Accredited curriculum units: Unit of competency code Field of Education code Unit of competency title Prerequisite Nominal hours VU20765 120199 Prepare a portfolio and application nil 40 VU20766 120199 Participate in online collaborative learning nil 30 VU21058 120183 Use a range of techniques to solve mathematical problems nil 110 VU21513 120103 Use critical reading and writing skills for further study nil 40 VU20746 120105 Apply essential further study skills nil 90 Section B Course information © State of Victoria Version 2, 2014 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Page 20 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiar y Preparation GROUP B Training Package units: CUVPRP404A Develop self as artist 60 CUVDRA301A Produce drawings 50 CUVPAI301A Produce paintings 50 CUVPHI520A Produce an innovative presentation of professional work 70 TLIE4013A Apply workplace statistics 20 PSPGOV406B Gather and analyse information 30 BSBPMG522A Undertake project work 60 BSBCMM401A Make a presentation 30 BSBITU404A Produce complex desktop published documents 50 BSBITU304A Produce spreadsheets 35 Total nominal hours 380 - 710 5.2 Entry requirements Standard 9 for Accredited Courses Participants seeking to enter the 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation are expected to have the ability to: select and apply a range of reading strategies to research and critically analyse information for academic study purposes (Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF 3) produce a range of familiar text types communicating relationships between ideas and information in a style appropriate to an academic setting (ACSF 3) select and use appropriate strategies to establish and maintain spoken communication in formal and informal contexts in an academic setting such as tutorials, giving presentations, and conducting research. (ACSF 3) select and interpret mathematical information that may be partly embedded in research texts and academic writing tasks requiring analysis of data. (ACSF 3). Training providers delivering the 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation should ensure that appropriate support is provided for participants who require specific language, literacy and numeracy skills development. 6. Assessment Section B Course information © State of Victoria Version 2, 2014 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Page 21 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiar y Preparation 6.1 Assessment strategy Standard 10 for Accredited Courses Course assessment should be consistent with the requirements of Standard 1 of the AQTF Essential Standards for Registration. Assessment methods should be flexible, valid, reliable and fair. Assessment of units requires evidence of satisfactory performance for each element of competency and its performance criteria through a variety of tasks depending on the criteria specified. Assessment of units requires evidence of satisfactory performance for each learning outcome and its assessment criteria through a variety of tasks depending on the criteria specified. The following principles should be used as a guide to the assessment approach: assessment tasks/activities should be grounded in a relevant context and be culturally sensitive students should be assessed across a wide range of tasks integrated into practice, in order to increase reliability and validity of assessment. One-off assessment tasks do not provide a reliable and valid measure of competence instructions for assessment tasks should be clear, explicit and ordered. Students must know what is expected and the criteria by which they will be judged time allowed to complete a task should be reasonable and specified, and should allow for preparation and redrafting as appropriate to the task assessment tools should be validated. Moderation is likely to be a critical tool in the validation process. A range of validation and moderation strategies should be used, for example, consensus meetings, mentoring, client satisfaction surveys, peer review and co-assessments appropriate reference materials should be available to students during assessment, e.g. personal word lists, dictionaries, thesaurus, calculators. (adapted from National Reporting System, © Commonwealth of Australia & ANTA, 1994-1995) Assessment tools must meet the rules of evidence. To meet the rules of evidence, evidence must be: valid, for example, assessing the elements to the standard identified in the Performance Criteria, reflecting the skills and knowledge described in the unit of competency, showing application in the context described in the Range Statement current, for example, demonstrate the candidate's current skills and knowledge sufficient, for example, demonstrate competence over a period of time, demonstrate repeatable competence Section B Course information © State of Victoria Version 2, 2014 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Page 22 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiar y Preparation authentic, for example: be the work of the learner, be corroborated / verified. Evidence gathering methods and assessment procedures must: be equitable to all groups of participants be culturally appropriate for the individual and the situation ensure students will be provided with qualitative feedback for assessments enable reasonable adjustments to be made to assessment procedures for people with special needs such as people with disabilities or with language or literacy difficulties ensure the language and literacy requirements of the assessment process do not exceed the language and literacy requirements of the particular level and type of work in the industry Assessment methods may include more than one of the following: evaluation of written reports evaluation of case studies evaluation of verbal presentation evaluation of e-portfolio questioning to establish required knowledge observation and third party reports Appropriate assessment methods and tools are identified in each unit. Assessment tools must take into account the requirements of the unit in terms of skills, knowledge and performance. The Critical Aspects of Evidence section of each unit provides essential guidance on acceptable evidence. Where appropriate, training providers are encouraged to take a holistic approach to assessment, by assessing more than one element concurrently, or combining the final assessment for more than one unit. Codelivery and co-assessment advice is provided in each unit. The evidence collected must relate to a number of performances assessed at different points in time, and, in a learning and assessment pathway, these must be separated by further learning and practice. When assessing units of competency from Training Packages, this must be carried out in accordance with the relevant Training Package guidelines. The guidelines include the necessary qualifications for those conducting assessments and provide for situations where more than one person may contribute to the assessment and where the required technical and assessment competencies may not all be held by any one person. Section B Course information © State of Victoria Version 2, 2014 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Page 23 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiar y Preparation 6.2 Assessor competencies Standard 12 for Accredited Courses Staff involved in the assessment of the program must meet the requirements of Element 1.4 of the AQTF Essential Conditions and Standards for Initial and Continuing Registration; that is: Standard 1.4 requires trainers and assessors to have: the training and assessment competencies determined by the National Quality Council and its successors and the relevant vocational competencies at least to the level being delivered or assessed, and continue to develop their vocational and training and assessment competencies to support continuous improvements in the delivery of RTO services. 7. Delivery 7.1 Delivery modes Standard 11 for Accredited Courses Skills of learners in the 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation may be diverse and delivery strategies and context of delivery should be selected to reflect the nature of the competencies / elements and the needs of the learners. Delivery strategies should foster a collaborative and co-operative relationship between learner and assessor. Wherever appropriate, co-delivery of units is recommended. Delivery options, including grouping of learners, should recognise the varying learning needs, educational backgrounds, preferred learning styles and constraints of the individual learner. Additional support should also be provided through such programs as mentoring and peer support. The course may be varied to reflect the needs of learner groups through the contextualisation of units. Contextualisation of units is possible under the following rules: Elements and associated Performance Criteria must not be altered in any way The Range Statement may be expanded as long as it does not increase the complexity of the unit The Evidence Guide may be expanded as long as it retains the integrity of the unit and does not jeopardise the student’s potential to achieve competency The program allows for full or part–time delivery in a variety of modes including classroom-based delivery. Classroom based delivery should include a mixture of whole class, group work, and individual activities. 7.2 Resources Standard 11 for Accredited Courses The following resources are required for delivery and assessment of the core units: Section B Course information © State of Victoria Version 2, 2014 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Page 24 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiar y Preparation computer facilities with online access academic library resources Access to a range of supporting resources will enhance the outcomes for learners facing a range of life issues. Such resources include access to: personal support services including counselling services educational / vocational counselling services language, literacy and numeracy support mentoring Training providers delivering the qualification should ensure that staff are aware of the location and referral procedures for the above services. Note that a list of resources is contained within each unit. Human resources Staff involved in the delivery of the qualification must meet the requirements of Element 1.4 of the AQTF Essential Conditions and Standards for Initial and Continuing Registration. In addition they must meet the vocational competency requirements as specified below. Vocational competency requirements of teachers: Units of competency that have been imported from Training Packages must reflect the requirements for trainers specified in that Training Package. Modules and units imported from accredited curricula must reflect the requirements specified in the course documents. 8. Pathways and articulation Standard 8 for Accredited Courses As this is a preparatory course, there are no formal articulation arrangements in place, however the course is designed to provide a pathway into VET qualifications and undergraduate higher education courses by developing the study skills and attributes required to participate effectively in learning within such qualifications. A range of potential pathways are possible when Training Package or accredited course units of competency are utilised as electives. Successful completion of these units within this Certificate will be eligible for Credit Transfer into other Training Package or accredited course qualifications. RTOs may design courses which contain a number of elective units from a particular Training Package or accredited course qualification to provide a specific pathway to that qualification on completion. Section B Course information © State of Victoria Version 2, 2014 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Page 25 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiar y Preparation 9. Ongoing monitoring and evaluation Standard 13 for Accredited Courses The Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM), General Studies and Further Education, has responsibility for the ongoing monitoring and maintenance of this course to ensure currency and relevance. The CMM will consult with key stakeholders during the accreditation period to seek and provide ongoing advice on the following: permissible changes to the Training Package units contained in the course improvements required to existing units unit updates resulting from Training Package reviews which have implications for the course delivery and/or assessment issues changes in government policy which impact on the content or delivery of the course A formal review of the course will take place once during the period of accreditation. The review will be conducted by the CMM in consultation with training providers and ACFE. Any recommended changes to the course structure, additional units or modifications to existing units will be forwarded to the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority for approval. Changes that would be reported to the VRQA include changes to: the course structure, by adding or deleting units from the core or electives, whether to reflect local industry needs or to reflect changes to Training Packages and the availability of new or revised nationally endorsed units of competency required pre-requisites and/or co-requisites the nominal duration of the course and of units copyright ownership articulation and/or credit transfer arrangements Section B Course information © State of Victoria Version 2, 2014 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Page 26 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiar y Preparation Appendix A Employability Skills Summary Employability Skill Industry requirements for this qualification include Communication: • using a range of communication skills to participate effectively in a study context such as listening, questioning, discussing, interpreting and writing • using effective formal presentation skills • giving, receiving and using feedback and advice, e.g. peer evaluation, receiving feedback on academic tasks • accessing support and expertise • working with peers to plan, evaluate, collaborate on academic tasks, manage group activities • working with peers to conduct peer evaluations • using time management and planning skills in completing academic requirements • accessing support • locating information • using a range of critical analysis skills to work out answers / responses / evaluate solutions to academic tasks • working out solutions in collaborative activities • interpreting academic requirements and using research skills to locate material • arranging interviews, attending tertiary open days • working out questions to ask, following up • learning independently • planning and prioritising study tasks to meet deadlines • setting study goals • collecting, organising and synthesising information • planning study pathway, arrange applications and interviews • working to meet deadlines • undertaking self evaluation and reflection practices • researching information • working in a collaborative learning environment • eliciting and responding to feedback • using technology to do research, access learning management systems • using appropriate software packages in completion of assessment tasks • using technology to manage and record research and manage referencing • using technology to communicate with others Teamwork: Problem solving: Initiative and enterprise: Planning and organising: Self management: Learning: Technology: Section B Course information © State of Victoria Version 2, 2014 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Page 27 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiar y Preparation Appendix B Skills and Knowledge profile The committee members suggested the following skills and knowledge requirements for participants undertaking the qualification. Knowledge of plagiarism – paraphrasing Analysing essay questions Working in teams / pairs Learning styles Cultural aspects of learning Working in the online environment – blackboard LMS etc Working with eportfolios Examination techniques Patterns in tasks given – different genres Awareness of purpose and variation in forms Knowing how to approach lectures / tutors Understanding university structures – research units in universities Expectations at university Understanding assessment – requirements of a course Presenting information orally Critical thinking Accessing support services Independent learning Monitoring and reviewing learning progress Time management Reflection/reflective learning Section B Course information © State of Victoria Version 2, 2014 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Page 28 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiar y Preparation Section C: Unit Information Section Unit Code Unit Title Core VU20760 Set study goals and plan education pathway VU20761 Prepare for tertiary reading and writing VU20762 Communicate verbally in a further study context VU20763 Participate in collaborative learning VU20764 Conduct online research for further study Electives VU20765 Prepare a portfolio and application VU20766 Participate in online collaborative learning VU21058 Use a range of techniques to solve mathematical problems VU21513 Use critical reading and writing skills for further study VU20746 Apply essential further study skills Section C: Unit Information © State of Victoria Version 2, 2014 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Page 31 VU20760 Set study goals and plan education pathways Unit Code VU20760 Unit Title Set study goals and plan education pathway Unit Descriptor This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to research, plan and review a study pathway and application for tertiary study. Employability skills This unit contains employability skills. An Employability Skills Summary for the qualification in which this unit is included is included as Appendix A. No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication. Application of the Unit Persons seeking to enter tertiary study through alternative pathways will need to familiarise themselves with the range of options and requirements for further study in order to make appropriate choices. This unit provides the skills and knowledge necessary to research and prepare applications for further study. ELEMENT PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Elements describe the essential outcomes of a unit of competency. Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element. Where bold italicised text is used, further information is detailed in the required skills and knowledge and/or the range statement. Assessment of performance is to be consistent with the evidence guide. 1 Research a selected field of study to establish eligibility 1.1 Identify and access appropriate resources and select relevant information 1.2 Select field of study from a range of options 1.3 Examine entry requirements from a range of institutions 1.4 Review personal circumstances, skills and achievements against entry requirements 1.5 Rank study options 2 Design and implement a study pathway plan 2.1 Research and select preferred study option according to own goals 2.2 Use selected study option to plan long term pathway 2.3 Establish a timeline of priorities and activities according to required deadlines 2.4 Gather required documentation and arrange to complete additional requirements where necessary 2.5 Complete activities according to plan 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Version 2, 2014 © State of Victoria Page: 1 VU20760 Set study goals and plan education pathways 2.6 Review study pathway plan and relevant documents with others and make necessary adjustments 3 Write an impact statement 3.1 Review personal circumstances according to impact statement requirements 3.2 Review own educational history and current skills 3.3 Construct an impact statement according to guidelines 3.4 Review impact statement with others and make necessary adjustment to final copy for submission 4 Present study pathway plan and evaluate progress towards achievement 4.1 Select presentation format and parameters 4.2 Gather supporting artefacts and information 4.3 Develop strategy for collaborative evaluation of the study pathway plan 4.4 Conduct presentation and collaborative review of presentation and study plan REQUIRED SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE This describes the essential skills and knowledge and their level, required for this unit. Required Skills: • literacy skills to o locate and interpret study information and entry requirements in online and paper based texts o analyse case studies in light of own circumstances • computer skills to o access online information o record and manage information online, e.g. pathway diagrams, e-portfolios • planning and organising skills to: o summarise ideas and information o collect and organise information o design a study pathway plan o meet deadlines and obligations • problem solving skills to o locate relevant information o locate and approach relevant personnel e.g. careers advisors o complete application according to guidelines o match course outcomes to long term goals for future employment or study pathways • communication skills to 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Version 2, 2014 © State of Victoria Page: 2 VU20760 Set study goals and plan education pathways o seek feedback and review study plan o present a case verbally and in writing o access support services • self-management skills to plan an individual study pathway, attend university open days, arrange interviews • team work skills to collaborate on review Required knowledge: • higher educational institutions: structure, course and entry requirements • higher education course outcomes – e.g. vocational or research pathways • Tertiary Admissions Centres, such as VTAC; SEAS (Special Entry Access Schemes) • eligibility categories • TAFE Pathways to higher education RANGE STATEMENT The Range Statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different situations that may affect performance, e.g. access to resources; regional contexts. Bold italicised wording in the Performance Criteria is detailed below. Appropriate resources may include: • university and TAFE websites • on-line data bases, e.g. for employment options • career counsellors • training organisation materials and open days • education/ careers sections in newspaper • Tertiary Admission Centre Guides such as VTAC Guide Field of study may include: • engineering • law • fine arts • performance art • commerce • biomedicine • science 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Version 2, 2014 © State of Victoria Page: 3 VU20760 Set study goals and plan education pathways Entry requirements may include: • Tertiary Admission Centre guidelines, e.g. VTAC • SEAS (Special Entry Access Scheme) • minimum requirements • age limits • those for special entry categories such as difficult family circumstances, disability or long term medical condition − impact statement − statement of support from health professional, responsible person − certificated copies of documents − interviews • STAT (Special Tertiary Admissions Test) Review of personal circumstances, skills and achievements may include: • researching any additional skills requirements of learning options • personal circumstances – educational, financial social or medical barriers to accessing education pathways • review of work, volunteer or recreational experience • formal and informal learning experiences • identifying gaps in own underpinning skills and knowledge • identifying referees or champions • collection of artefacts, documents to support application • arranging interviews with career advisors, course coordinators • documenting employability skills • completion of study Rank may include: • deciding on preferences • seeking professional advice to determine best options • matching course outcomes to personal goals (short and 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Version 2, 2014 © State of Victoria Page: 4 VU20760 Set study goals and plan education pathways long term), aptitudes and interests Timeline of priorities and activities • short and long term goals on a timeline related to dates due for applications • actions and activities to be undertaken, including open days to attend, information to collect • personnel to approach for advice • contingency plans Required documentation and additional requirements • personal impact statement • portfolio of samples • e-portfolio • references • forms requiring completion • statutory declarations • special requirements, e.g. need for a note-taker Review with others may include • peer evaluation • seeking guidance and advice from careers advisers • working with mentors • arranging interviews with university personnel to clarify requirements • seeking advice from teachers / family members / current university students • asking someone to help with editing / correction of grammar Impact Statement may include: • disability impact statement • description of personal circumstances which have affected past and present study Guidelines may include: • those required by educational institution, e.g. completion of a form • specific categories, e.g. disability Presentation format may include: 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Version 2, 2014 © State of Victoria • formal presentation with PowerPoint, Page: 5 VU20760 Set study goals and plan education pathways • interview / panel • group discussion Parameters may include: • time limit • collaborative or solo presentation • scheduling / date(s) Artefacts and information may include: • CV • certificates • portfolio pieces • documents • samples • third party reports, references • personal philosophy Strategy for collaborative review may include: • peer evaluation • asking for feedback from careers advisers, other support persons • filling in observation sheet • post presentation discussion • recording session and conducting post review EVIDENCE GUIDE The evidence guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the Performance Criteria, Required Skills and Knowledge, the Range Statement and the Assessment section in Section B of the accreditation submission. Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit Context of and specific resources 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Version 2, 2014 © State of Victoria Evidence of ability to: • research pathway options • assess eligibility and make course selection • research application procedures using support as required • write an impact statement • present and review study pathway plan in collaboration with others • access to careers information and advice Page: 6 VU20760 Set study goals and plan education pathways for assessment • access to online resources • access to university open days and information Method of assessment A range of appropriate methods of assessment should be used to determine competency. The following examples are appropriate for this unit: • evaluation of portfolio comprising artefacts, education documents, references and other supporting documents • evaluation of documented pathway and timeline • impact statement • review of reflective journal, notes from open days, career interviews • review of third party report, peer evaluation • verbal questioning about study pathway • evaluation of presentation Guidance information for assessment 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Version 2, 2014 © State of Victoria This unit may be co-delivered and co-assessed with the elective unit VU20765 Prepare a portfolio and application. Page: 7 VU20761 Prepare for tertiary reading and writing Unit Code VU20761 Unit Title Prepare for tertiary reading and writing Unit Descriptor This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to prepare to undertake entry level study at a tertiary level. Employability Skills This unit contains employability skills. An Employability Skills Summary for the qualification in which this unit is included is included as Appendix A. Application of the Unit Persons seeking to enter tertiary study through alternative pathways will need to acquire generic study skills in order to successfully complete their tertiary studies. This unit addresses the basic skills of tertiary study in analysis and critical thinking, research, and academic writing. Online research skills are addressed in the unit VU20764 Conduct online research for further study. Oral communication skills are addressed in the unit VU20762 Communicate verbally in a further study context. ELEMENT PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Elements describe the essential outcomes of a unit of competency. Elements describe actions or outcomes that are demonstrable and assessable. Performance criteria indicate the standard of performance required to demonstrate achievement of the element. Terms requiring explanation or further definition should be bolded and italicised and detail provided in the range statement. 1 1.1 Determine the purpose and audience for the task 1.2 Identify key terms and concepts 1.3 Determine types of input needed to complete the task 1.4 Analyse concepts using critical thinking skills 1.5 Consider advice from others in determining response to the task 2.1 Determine information needs 2.2 Access resources from a variety of sources 2.3 Evaluate and sort sources 2.4 Summarise and record relevant information 2.5 Record sources of information 2.5 according to reliability and relevance 2. Apply analytical and critical thinking skills to responding to study tasks Synthesise information from a variety of sources for academic purposes Assessment of performance is to be consistent with the evidence guide. 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Version 2, 2014 © State of Victoria Page :1 VU20761 Prepare for tertiary reading and writing 3 4 Produce written responses to academic tasks Reference sources effectively using appropriate conventions 3.1 Analyse task requirements and assessment criteria and plan response 3.2 Identify the features and language of academic writing style required 3.3 Construct coherent response integrating sources effectively to meet task requirements 3.4 Review writing with others and adjust accordingly 3.5 Revise final draft for logic, relevance, structure, and effective use of sources according to assessment criteria 3.6 Proofread and edit final draft to meet task requirements 4.1 Select appropriate system of referencing 4.2 Accurately record reference information for each citation 4.3 Use conventions and word processing formatting appropriately 4.4 Proof read for accuracy REQUIRED SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE This describes the essential skills and knowledge and their level, required for this unit. Required skills: • Analytical and critical skills to − effectively analyse questions − understand assessment requirements − brainstorm − reason from evidence − determine reliability of information − provide evidence to support ideas − reflect on lectures / tutorials / readings / research − communication skills to: − take effective notes from lectures − discuss topics with peers − ask and answer questions about topics − request clarification and advice from lecturers • Literacy skills to 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Version 2, 2014 © State of Victoria Page :2 VU20761 Prepare for tertiary reading and writing − locate sources in a database − conduct research and take effective notes − synthesise notes and paraphrase − analyse questions − construct written responses appropriate to context and requirements using conventions of academic writing − edit and proof read − integrate sources effectively • Numeracy skills to analyse and reason from data presented numerically • Problem solving skills to − negotiate and manage academic activities − work out answers to complex questions − determine purpose and audience − sort notes and ideas from sources − devise strategies to research and understand a topic − follow up resources and ask questions − use models to support learning − meet layout and presentation requirements in academic context − identify and evaluate solutions − seek assistance and request feedback − learn independently • Planning and organising skills to manage tasks, workload and deadlines • Computer skills to − access library catalogue, − word process essays / reports − manage resources and store research − format a reference list − use email to communicate with lecturers and seek advice Required knowledge: • Topic knowledge • Analysis of academic writing questions − process or directive words − content words and phrases − limiting words and phrases 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Version 2, 2014 © State of Victoria Page :3 VU20761 Prepare for tertiary reading and writing − question words, such as define, explain, outline, discuss, examine, to what extent • Academic texts – purpose, types and genre / discourse patterns − essay − report − examination responses − deductive and inductive − description v analysis − abstract, synopsis • Features of strong essays, reports, reflective writing and conclusions, including − position v opinion − language of academic writing − voice – direct and indirect − nominalisation − transitions – words and phrases for coherence − qualification − discipline specific − presenting evidence − establishing relationship between conclusion and body of text − structure of sentences including syntax, appropriate grammar features and logical order of ideas − how to revise and edit text • referencing systems, e.g. APA, Harvard − how to acknowledge electronic (web based material, e-books) and non print sources − how to acknowledge books − how to acknowledge journal articles − how to develop reference lists to acknowledge all sources − how to cite references internally (within text) − footnotes and endnotes • paraphrasing published text • plagiarism and policies and consequences of submitting plagiarised work • referencing systems, e.g. APA, Harvard − how to acknowledge electronic and non print sources − how to acknowledge books − how to acknowledge articles − footnotes and endnotes 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Version 2, 2014 © State of Victoria Page :4 VU20761 Prepare for tertiary reading and writing • paraphrasing • plagiarism and policies • primary and secondary sources • library systems • examination test protocols and techniques • communication protocols in the academic context. RANGE STATEMENT The Range Statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Tasks may include: Key terms and concepts may include: Types of input may include: Critical thinking skills may include: 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Version 2, 2014 © State of Victoria • independent and group tasks • quantitative and qualitative research activities • gathering primary data • text response • comprehension questions • online responses • multiple choice or other examination techniques • tutorial preparation • academic terms such as task instructions • academic content such as concepts, key questions • main ideas • notes from lectures • tutorial discussions and activities • collaboration with peers • drafting and planning • collection of primary source data • personal reflection • evaluation of statements and claims • comparing and contrasting • identifying implications • investigating application of a theory to a context • investigating validity of statements • identifying strengths and weaknesses • analysing data • problem, solution Page :5 VU20761 Prepare for tertiary reading and writing Others may include: Variety of sources may include: Evaluate may include: Task requirements and assessment criteria may include: Academic writing style may include: Integrating sources may include: 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Version 2, 2014 © State of Victoria • determining type of response required • peers • lecturers and tutors • mentors • library books and journals • lecture notes • online resources, e.g. journal articles • interview questions • field notes • assessing reliability of information • selection of relevant information • discussion of material with others • comparing and contrasting • detecting bias • checking status of author, source material • assessing evidence for a position • due date • word limit • formatting requirements (e.g. double spacing, large margins) • involvement of others • collection of data • number of parts to a question • impersonal constructions • avoidance of personal voice • use of personal voice when discussing your own research • use of passive voice • nominalisation • modals • technical language • formal expressions • avoiding gendered pronouns if person referred to is of unknown gender • paraphrasing Page :6 VU20761 Prepare for tertiary reading and writing System of referencing may include: • citing direct quotes correctly • balancing own ideas with ideas of others • use of footnotes as appropriate • Harvard • Oxford • APA EVIDENCE GUIDE The evidence guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the Elements, Performance Criteria, Required Skills and Knowledge, the Range Statement and the Assessment section in Section B of the accreditation submission. Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit Evidence of: • critical thinking and analysis in response to academic tasks • ability to synthesise information from a range of sources using correct referencing • ability to write responses to academic tasks using appropriate writing style • ability to accurately integrate and reference sources into academic writing Context of and specific resources for assessment • access to library resources • computer access for word processing Method of assessment Evaluation of a portfolio of evidence comprising • draft planning material • research notes • completed written pieces • reference lists Guidance information for assessment This unit may be co-delivered and co-assessed with the units: VU20764 Conduct online research for further study and VU20762 Communicate verbally in a further study context. 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Version 2, 2014 © State of Victoria Page :7 VU20762 Communicate verbally in a further study context Unit Code VU20762 Unit Title Communicate verbally in a further study context Unit Descriptor This unit describes the verbal communication skills required to participate in tertiary study. Employability Skills This unit contains employability skills. An Employability Skills Summary for the qualification in which this unit is included is included as Appendix A. Application of the Unit This unit applies to verbal communication in a tertiary study context and covers individual and group activities using formal and informal verbal communication skills. This may involve collaborative activity where some responsibility is required to delegate aspects of these tasks to others. ELEMENT PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Elements describe the essential outcomes of a unit of competency. Elements describe actions or outcomes that are demonstrable and assessable. Performance criteria indicate the standard of performance required to demonstrate achievement of the element. Terms requiring explanation or further definition should be bolded and italicised and detail provided in the range statement. 1 1.1 Determine the participation requirements and topic of the tutorial 1.2 Allocate tasks with others as required 1.3 Complete required preparation for tutorial 1.4 Apply tutorial participation techniques to discuss academic topics 1.5 Apply critical thinking in response to questions 1.6 Ask questions of others to further explore topic 2.1 Determine the communication requirements of the project 2.2 Prepare questions / prompts and supporting documentation 2.3 Check appropriateness of questions with others 2.4 Complete the communication requirements 2.5 Evaluate the effectiveness of the activity with others 3.1 Determine purpose and audience for presentation 3.2 Research the features of successful academic presentations 2 3 Use verbal communication skills in tutorials Apply verbal communication skills to academic projects Make a formal presentation in an Assessment of performance is to be consistent with the evidence guide. 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Version 2, 2014 © State of Victoria Page:1 VU20762 Communicate verbally in a further study context academic context 3.3 Structure presentation according to agreed criteria and academic presentation format 3.4 Prepare visual, written and verbal content 3.5 Deliver presentation effectively using supports 3.6 Invite and respond to questions 3.7 Evaluate effectiveness of presentation with others REQUIRED SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE This describes the essential skills and knowledge and their level, required for this unit. Required skills • communications skills to o negotiate requirements in academic tasks and activities o present a point of view and listen and respond to others o participate in tutorial using appropriate etiquette for example, disagreeing politely o participate in review and evaluation of activities o arrange and conduct interviews to gather information for academic tasks o formally present in an academic context o ask questions and elicit feedback • literacy skills to prepare tutorial papers, research information, prepare presentation material and interview questions • problem solving skills to − analyse task requirements − determine structure and response to academic tasks − find models − deal with communication breakdowns − manage collaborative tasks − develop contingency plans − seek assistance when needed − evaluate effectiveness of activities undertaken • team work skills to allocate tasks and conduct peer evaluation activities • planning and organising skills to prioritise and manage tasks Required knowledge • academic communication skills 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Version 2, 2014 © State of Victoria Page:2 VU20762 Communicate verbally in a further study context • protocols for academic tutorials • privacy requirements in relation to telephone and interviews for academic research purposes • plagiarism policies • language and style of academic presentations RANGE STATEMENT The Range Statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Participation requirements may include: Allocate tasks may include: Techniques may include: • attendance • preparation and presentation of a topic • weekly tutorial questions and readings • questioning and feedback • group and pair work • communications strategy with tutor and peers, e.g. email protocols, privacy requirements • negotiating suitable times • volunteering to take a role • appointing a leader • appointing a note taker • active listening • evaluating what is being said • thinking of questions as you listen. • taking notes • participation techniques such as: o agree with what someone has said o ask someone to expand on their point o prepare a question to ask beforehand. o answering a question put to the group o providing an example for a point under discussion o disagreeing with a point Critical thinking may include: 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Version 2, 2014 © State of Victoria • evaluation of statements and claims • comparing and contrasting • identifying implications • investigating application of a theory to a context • investigating validity of statements Page:3 VU20762 Communicate verbally in a further study context Communication requirements may include: Evaluate may include: Purpose and audience may include: Features of successful academic presentations may include: Format may include: 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Version 2, 2014 © State of Victoria • identifying strengths and weaknesses • analysing data • problem, solution • determining type of response required • allocation of tasks and responsibilities • presentation by group members • pair activities and reporting back to group • interview or survey with selected subjects • sourcing information outside the classroom from experts • locating and requesting information • written supporting documents such as questions, report findings, PowerPoint slides • using questions and prompts effectively • peer feedback using feedback sheet • tutor feedback using assessment criteria • discussion • peers • lecturers and tutors • wider public audience • documentary for viewing by other students • assessment under exam conditions • use of academic discourse markers • ordering information effectively, use of outlines, summarizing main points • using technical vocabulary • use of visuals/ PowerPoint / handouts • communicating purpose / asking appropriate questions • responding to questions • lecture with PowerPoint • short talk • practical demonstration • video presentation • wiki or blog • e-portfolio Page:4 VU20762 Communicate verbally in a further study context Supports may include: • visual aids • demonstrations EVIDENCE GUIDE The evidence guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the Elements, Performance Criteria, Required Skills and Knowledge, the Range Statement and the Assessment section in Section B of the accreditation submission. Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit Context of and specific resources for assessment Method of assessment Guidance information for assessment 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Version 2, 2014 © State of Victoria Evidence of ability to: • use a range of communication strategies to participate effectively in tutorial discussions • prepare content for communication activities in academic contexts • use academic communication skills in collaborative projects • deliver a formal presentation effectively and review its effectiveness Access to the following is required for assessment of this unit: • tutorial participants • resources for academic tasks and projects such as presentation technology, computer access A range of appropriate methods of assessment should be used to determine competency. The following examples are appropriate for this unit: • evaluation of tutorial participation over a period of time • review of study journal notes and self-evaluation (online or paper based) • evaluation of communication in group project • observation of performance in giving a presentation • review of supporting documentation and supports • evaluation of peer review This unit may be co-delivered and co-assessed with the units VU20763Participate in collaborative learning and VU20761Prepare for tertiary reading and writing. Page:5 VU20763 Participate in collaborative learning Unit Code VU20763 Unit Title Participate in collaborative learning Unit Descriptor This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to participate in collaborative learning environments. Employability Skills This unit contains employability skills. An Employability Skills Summary for the qualification in which this unit is included is included as Appendix A. Application of the Unit Persons seeking to enter tertiary study through alternative pathways will need to be able to participate effectively in collaborative learning skills. This unit addresses the basic skills of group activities, peer evaluation and discussion. ELEMENT PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Elements describe the essential outcomes of a unit of competency. Elements describe actions or outcomes that are demonstrable and assessable. Performance criteria indicate the standard of performance required to demonstrate achievement of the element. Terms requiring explanation or further definition should be bolded and italicised and detail provided in the range statement. 1 1.1 Devise a contract or agreed procedures for the activity 1.2 Discuss learning styles and preferences 1.3 Apply collaborative techniques to analyse task requirements 1.4 Allocate roles and responsibilities 1.5 Produce a timeline for stages of completion 1.6 Establish group work protocols 2.1 Carry out allocated individual tasks according to plan 2.2 Complete collaborative tasks 2.3 Evaluate group activity using agreed criteria 3.1 Determine criteria and purpose of evaluation 3.2 Agree to protocols for feedback 3.3 Ensure each participant is provided with written feedback 3.4 Provide response to peer evaluation 2 3 Plan group work to complete an academic task Conduct group activity Conduct peer evaluation Assessment of performance is to be consistent with the evidence guide. REQUIRED SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Version 2, 2014 © State of Victoria Page:1 VU20763 Participate in collaborative learning This describes the essential skills and knowledge and their level, required for this unit. Required skills • Communication skills to: o participate in group activities o participate in formal tutorials o develop planning tools o ask for and give feedback verbally o conduct interviews o respond in discussion • Literacy skills to: o prepare tutorial questions and answers o devise questionnaires and surveys • Critical thinking skills to: o develop strategies and tasks in collaborative activities o respond to tutorial tasks o use reflective processes to evaluate learning • Problem solving skills to o determine appropriate language to use to meet the purpose o deal with possible break downs in group activity o seek assistance as required o prioritise activities and work to agreed to timelines Required knowledge • learning styles and preferences • planning tools e.g. Gantt charts • peer evaluation protocols • privacy principles • learning styles and preferences • topic knowledge RANGE STATEMENT The Range Statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Activity may include • field investigation and report • survey / questionnaire data collection, analysis and presentation 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Version 2, 2014 © State of Victoria Page:2 VU20763 Participate in collaborative learning • investigative report • peer evaluation • feedback on presentation • tutorial paper • group project, e.g. research • online discussion contributions • formal presentation using PowerPoint and other supports • study revision group participation • mentoring, coaching Learning styles and preferences may include Collaborative techniques may include • personal styles such as: auditory, visual, kinesthetic, global/analytical etc • Kolb’s theory – activist, reflector, theorist, pragmatist • brainstorming topic and task – e.g. o listing any ideas triggered by the question and questions you need to answer o possible lines of thought, research or argument o any evidence you are aware of to support possible arguments o agreeing on words you must define. Allocate roles and responsibilities may include 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Version 2, 2014 © State of Victoria • listening to others • asking questions • allowing others time to respond • rewording questions • problem solving • supporting others • agreeing on a communication strategy in tutorial and outside class • team based learning • peer assisted study sessions • consideration of learning styles • matching roles to learner strengths and preferences • mutual agreement • volunteering • work load balance Page:3 VU20763 Participate in collaborative learning Group work protocols may include: Protocols may include • features of a successful activity • acceptable and unacceptable behaviour • improvement guidelines • evaluation process • predetermined questions • roles of peers • criteria to be followed • language to use in giving negative feedback • constructive feedback techniques EVIDENCE GUIDE The evidence guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the Elements, Performance Criteria, Required Skills and Knowledge, the Range Statement and the Assessment section in Section B of the accreditation submission. Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit Context of and specific resources for assessment Method of assessment Evidence of ability to: • complete academic tasks in collaboration with others • participate in a peer evaluation • observe and use collaborative protocols to complete tasks • access to peers for collaborative activity is required for assessment in this unit. A range of appropriate methods of assessment should be used to determine competency. The following examples are appropriate for this unit: • direct observation of group collaboration • evaluation of online posts • review of third party reports • evaluation of peer evaluations Guidance information for assessment 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Version 2, 2014 © State of Victoria This unit may be co-delivered and co-assessed with the elective unit VU20766 Participate in online collaborative learning Page:4 VU20764 Conduct online research for further study Unit Code VU20764 Unit Title Conduct online research for further study Unit Descriptor This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to gather, critically analyse, organise and present information in online research Employability Skills The required outcomes described in this unit of competency contain applicable facets of Employability Skills. An Employability Skills Summary for the qualification in which this unit is included is included as Appendix A. Application of the Unit This unit applies to learners who need to carry out research and analysis tasks in a tertiary study context. This may involve collaborative activity where some responsibility is required to delegate aspects of these tasks to others. ELEMENT PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Elements describe the essential outcomes of a unit of competency. Elements describe actions or outcomes that are demonstrable and assessable. Performance criteria indicate the standard of performance required to demonstrate achievement of the element. Terms requiring explanation or further definition should be bolded and italicised and detail provided in the range statement. 1 1.1 Access online web search tutorials to gather effective search techniques 1.2 Identify search engines and databases relevant to research needs in consultation with expert personnel 1.3 Determine method and process for collecting and recording information gathered with others if required 2.1 Determine purpose and scope of the research according to requirements and clarify with others if required 2.2 Identify key words and phrases for the search according to appropriate techniques 2.3 Access a range of websites and databases using relevant search engines 3.1 Critically examine material for relevance and suitability 3.2 Identify references from texts to follow up in further search 3.3 Gather, organise and manage information in a format suitable for analysis and interpretation 2 3 Prepare for online research Research information Analyse information Assessment of performance is to be consistent with the evidence guide. 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Version 2, 2014 © State of Victoria Page :1 VU20764 Conduct online research for further study REQUIRED SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE This describes the essential skills and knowledge and their level, required for this unit. Required Skills • critical thinking skills to analyse websites • computer skills to access, manage and store information • problem solving skills to deal with information that is contradictory, ambiguous, inadequate • communication skills to access support and advice when required • organizing skills to manage volume of material and prioritise reading • ability to use initiative to find alternative sources of information in further searches. Required knowledge: • search techniques • Boolean operators • American, British and Australian spelling • organisational computer use rules • citation of internet sources RANGE STATEMENT The Range Statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Search engines and databases may include: Expert personnel may include people who can help: Method and process for collecting and recording information may include: 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Version 2, 2014 © State of Victoria • free online sites such as Google Scholar, Dewy Browse, I-Seek, ipl2, Academic Index • university / institute websites • university / institute library catalogues • with your search strategies • with getting the most out of databases • to track down information held in other libraries • to access rare and archived material • to organise information • to use techniques for selection of references • to advise on citing sources. • hand writing summaries • marking up photocopies • recording notes online Page :2 VU20764 Conduct online research for further study Others may include Critically examine may include Organise and manage information may include • saving pdf files onto computer • keeping reference lists • keeping quotations on system cards • using online referencing tools, library user records • lecturers • peers • mentors • library staff, research training staff • authorship of website – credentials • URL affiliation • bias • currency • noting page number of each quote • noting author next to each paraphrase • use of online referencing tools, e.g. EndNote to manage references • adding critical comments • discarding irrelevant or unreliable information EVIDENCE GUIDE The evidence guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the Elements, Performance Criteria, Required Skills and Knowledge, the Range Statement and the Assessment section in Section B of the accreditation submission. Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit Context of and specific resources for assessment Method of assessment Evidence of ability to: • critically use internet online information for research purposes • analyse and manage material accessed • access expert advice in academic research activities • access to a computer / laptop • access to an academic library and internet • access to library personnel A range of appropriate methods of assessment should be used to determine competency. The following examples are appropriate for this unit: • 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Version 2, 2014 © State of Victoria observation Page :3 VU20764 Conduct online research for further study Guidance information for assessment 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Version 2, 2014 © State of Victoria • evaluation of third party report • portfolio of research information • questioning to establish required knowledge This unit is suited to co delivery and co-assessment with VU20761 Prepare for tertiary reading and writing Page :4 VU20765 Prepare a portfolio and application Unit Code VU20765 Unit Title Prepare a portfolio and application Unit Descriptor This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to prepare, produce and present a portfolio to assist in application for entry to a course of tertiary study. Employability Skills This unit contains employability skills. An Employability Skills Summary for the qualification in which this unit is included is included as Appendix A. Application of the Unit The unit may apply to the presentation of a folio as part of an application in such fields as visual art, design, photography, multimedia or performance arts. It may also refer to more general portfolios of learning from a range of fields which could include creative written expression, information technology, business services and engineering. ELEMENT PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Elements describe the essential outcomes of a unit of competency. Elements describe actions or outcomes that are demonstrable and assessable. Performance criteria indicate the standard of performance required to demonstrate achievement of the element. Terms requiring explanation or further definition should be bolded and italicised and detail provided in the range statement. 1 1.1 Analyse selection criteria for proposed course of study and special entry requirements 1.2 Determine timeline and arrangements for application and portfolio presentation with others 1.3 Gather and select supporting documentation 1.4 Identify RPL assessment potential where appropriate 1.5 Appraise own pieces of work or performances 1.6 Select work appropriate to selection criteria and requirements 2.1 Investigate and select from a range of presentation options 2.2 Prepare portfolio in chosen presentation option 2.3 Complete required written documentation 2.3 Review portfolio with others and adjust where necessary prior to presentation 2.4 Use knowledge of technical language and the field to prepare 2 Analyse portfolio requirements and select documents/works/ work samples appropriate to proposed pathway Construct a portfolio appropriate to identified purpose and criteria Assessment of performance is to be consistent with the evidence guide. 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Version 2, 2014 © State of Victoria Page:1 VU20765 Prepare a portfolio and application presentation according to requirements. 3 Present portfolio 3.1 selection to application body Discuss selection of particular pieces with reference to proposed course of study in accordance with presentation requirements 3.2 Describe any technical processes and creative processes underpinning portfolio 3.3 Use language and register appropriate to proposed course of study and audience 3.4 Link presentation of portfolio to personal goals and aptitude for the course 3.5 Respond to questions from the audience on portfolio 3.6 Acknowledge feedback and provide a response as appropriate REQUIRED SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE This describes the essential skills and knowledge and their level, required for this unit. Required Skills • Initiative and enterprise to develop an individual portfolio to meet requirements • Communication skills to o negotiate with others o obtain RPL or other request information o seek advice from others, including experts o discuss review of portfolio o present portfolio in a formal interview • problem solving skills to design a portfolio, select pieces, work to deadlines, work out responses to complex questions • technical skills to collate a presentation and portfolio in selected media • computer skills to prepare resources • literacy skills to research and prepare written documentation Required Knowledge • RPL purposes and processes • awareness of culture of learning of chosen field of tertiary study • specialist terminology, jargon and content of tertiary field of study • current and past styles and approaches RANGE STATEMENT 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Version 2, 2014 © State of Victoria Page:2 VU20765 Prepare a portfolio and application The Range Statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Others may include Supporting documentation may include Appraisal may include • practitioners from the selected field /industry • peers • teachers • university lecturers • university students • mentors • qualifications • certificates of participation • CV / resume • references • brochures, programs, exhibition notes • press articles • Assessment of pieces against o case study samples o selection criteria o industry standards o published literature Selection criteria and requirements may include Presentation options may include • seeking expert or peer opinion • consideration of technical quality, aesthetic appeal • analysis of originality and creative qualities • personal and educational information • pre-selection application requirements such as written statement on aspirations • set number of pieces • specific topic or theme • representative samples • recent samples • level of creative potential • level of technical ability • conceptual thinking skills • restrictions on types of media and formats (eg software compatible) • one of or a combination of 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Version 2, 2014 © State of Victoria Page:3 VU20765 Prepare a portfolio and application o collections of artefacts o word processed documents o visual or creative diary o work diary and project samples o photographs of works o film of performances o third party appraisals o e portfolios o works or performances on CD, DVD, PowerPoint presentations o performance o website / blog/ Written documentation may include Pieces may include: Presentation requirements • applicant statement • reference • third party appraisal • visual essays • visual diaries • art work including works on paper, textiles, sculpture and other installations • dance or theatre presentations / demonstrations • photography • film • creative writing pieces including fiction, poetry, reporting pieces • set criteria such as number of samples, size and format text to support visual items • specific requirements e.g. visual diary representative of a period of time • representative samples of a range of styles • restrictions on format - e.g. allowable formats such as PowerPoint, USB / CD Rom • time limit allowed per interview EVIDENCE GUIDE The evidence guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the Elements, Performance Criteria, Required Skills and Knowledge, the Range Statement and the Assessment section in Section B of the accreditation submission. Critical aspects for assessment 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Version 2, 2014 © State of Victoria Evidence of the ability to: Page:4 VU20765 Prepare a portfolio and application and evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit Context of and specific resources for assessment • construct a portfolio containing all available learning records and a representative range of relevant student pieces according to set guidelines and timelines • apply knowledge of the selected field and presentation options in preparing a suitable presentation • seek and respond to feedback and advice from others • present the portfolio according to requirements and respond to questions and feedback • this unit may be assessed in a range of learning environments including formal classrooms, structured learning groups or individual mentoring arrangements. Opportunity should be made to present the portfolio to an audience which can provide suitable feedback. Assessment should ensure access to Method of assessment Guidance information for assessment • expert advice and knowledge of the tertiary programs being applied to • suitable computer programs and online resources essential for e-portfolio presentations A range of appropriate methods of assessment should be used to determine competency. The following examples are appropriate for this unit: • observation and review of practical demonstration • co-assessment of interview performance • review of written and other documentation The overall purpose of assessment in this unit is to ensure that the student produces a portfolio fit for purpose. The assessor will need be familiar with the standard and type of work presented for application at universities. In cases where this is not possible expert assistance should be called upon to assist in the assessment. This unit may be co-delivered and co-assessed with the unit VU20760 Set study goals and plan education pathway. 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Version 2, 2014 © State of Victoria Page:5 VU20766 Participate in online collaborative learning Unit Code VU20766 Unit Title Participate in online collaborative learning Unit Descriptor This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to participate effectively in an online collaborative learning environment. Employability Skills This unit contains employability skills. An Employability Skills Summary for the qualification in which this unit is included is included as Appendix A. Application of the Unit Persons seeking to enter tertiary study through alternative pathways will need to be able to participate effectively in collaborative learning skills in online environments. This unit addresses the basic skills of online group activities and discussions. ELEMENT PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Elements describe the essential outcomes of a unit of competency. Elements describe actions or outcomes that are demonstrable and assessable. Performance criteria indicate the standard of performance required to demonstrate achievement of the element. Terms requiring explanation or further definition should be bolded and italicised and detail provided in the range statement. 1 1.1 Determine purpose, criteria and topic of online activity 1.2 Access and use online learning technology to participate in activity according to criteria 1.3 Prepare and document considered responses to online activity 2.1 Post responses using appropriate online etiquette 2.2 Acknowledge contributions of others using appropriate techniques 3.1 Establish purpose of evaluation 3.2 Use reflective processes to determine strengths and weaknesses of online contributions 3.3 Access support of others in evaluation of online contributions and activities 3.4 Use evaluation outcomes to improve contributions and online activities 2 3 Prepare for online collaborative learning environment Conduct collaborative online activity Evaluate effectiveness of online participation Assessment of performance is to be consistent with the evidence guide. REQUIRED SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE This describes the essential skills and knowledge and their level, required for this unit. 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Version 2, 2014 © State of Victoria Page:1 VU20766 Participate in online collaborative learning Required skills • Communication skills to: o respond in online discussion o ask for and give feedback o use online tools such as email to communicate effectively • Computer skills to o access and use features of Learning Management Systems such as Moodle, Janisons or Blackboard o access and use online tools such as blogs, wikis, Elluminate o send and reply to emails, SMS • Literacy skills to: o compose online posts o prepare questions and answers • Problem solving skills to o determine appropriate language to use to meet the purpose o deal with possible break downs in group activity o use reflective processes to evaluate learning o seek assistance as required o prioritise activities and meet deadlines Required knowledge • online discussion protocols and etiquette • privacy principles • topic knowledge RANGE STATEMENT The Range Statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Criteria may include: • how many times to post • how long each post should be • appropriate language to use • expectations of each participant in responding to online content of peers Online activity may include: • blog • using a wiki • online discussion group, discussion forum, message 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Version 2, 2014 © State of Victoria Page:2 VU20766 Participate in online collaborative learning board, and online forum • online journal Online etiquette may include • avoiding personal language, keeping to the academic task • respecting views of others, e.g. avoiding language that may come across as strong or offensive • disagreeing politely • using language of internet communication appropriate to academic context e.g. avoiding use of emoticons, abbreviations used in casual communication • keep writing to a point and stay on topic • brevity • taking care to read other’s posts carefully before responding • review, including spelling, punctuation before sending / posting • considering the privacy of others, e.g. not sending personal information via online discussions • avoiding inappropriate material, not forwarding jokes, chain letters, unimportant information to group • avoiding plagiarism Purpose of evaluation may include • review of online activity to determine most effective online activities / feedback to teacher • collaborative evaluation of online activities as effective learning tools • peer evaluation • self evaluation • evidence for formal assessment EVIDENCE GUIDE The evidence guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the Elements, Performance Criteria, Required Skills and Knowledge, the Range Statement and the Assessment section in Section B of the accreditation submission. Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Version 2, 2014 © State of Victoria Evidence of ability to: • participate in collaborative academic online environment • observe and use communication protocols • review effectiveness of online participation Page:3 VU20766 Participate in online collaborative learning Context of and specific resources for assessment Method of assessment • access to an online Learning Management System is required for assessment of this unit. • access to peer participants A range of appropriate methods of assessment should be used to determine competency. The following examples are appropriate for this unit: • direct observation of group collaboration • evaluation of online posts • review of third party reports • review of peer evaluations Guidance information for assessment 22182VIC Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation Version 2, 2014 © State of Victoria This unit may be co-delivered and co-assessed with the elective unit VU20763 Participate in collaborative learning Page:4 VU21058 Use a range of techniques to solve mathematical problems Unit Code VU21058 Unit Title Use a range of techniques to solve mathematical problems Unit Descriptor The purpose of this unit is to provide learners with the knowledge and skills to use a range of specialist techniques and concepts to solve mathematical problems. Employability skills This unit contains employability skills. Refer to the employability skills summary to identify employability skill requirements. Application of the unit The unit may apply to a number of science streams. ELEMENT PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Elements describe the essential outcomes of a unit of competency. Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element. Where bold/italicised test is used, further information is detailed in the required skills and knowledge and/or the range statement. Assessment of performance is to be consistent with the evidence guide. 1 Use ratio, proportion and percent to solve problems 1.1 Determine a ratio from information in a practical problem and express it in simplest form 1.2 Divide a quantity into a given ratio 1.3 Convert between fractions, decimals and percent forms 1.4 Calculate a percentage increase or decrease of a quantity 2 Use trigonometry to determine lengths and angles 3 Use basic indices to solve problems 2.1 Use Pythagoras’ Theorem to determine an unknown side of a right angled triangle 2.2 Use Pythagoras’ Theorem and trigonometric ratios to find unknown side lengths and angles in right-angled triangles 3.1 Evaluate simple index form expressions 3.2 Simplify simple exponential expressions using the first two index laws 3.3 Convert between decimal numbers and numbers expressed in Standard Notation 3.4 Perform calculations with numbers expressed in Standard Notation, using a calculator 4 Use measurements to solve mensuration problems in two and three dimensions 4.1 Determine lengths and perimeters of rectangles, triangles, circles and simple combined shapes using appropriate and correct units Imported from : 22219VIC Certificate III in Science © State of Victoria Version 1 2013 Page 1 VU21058 Use a range of techniques to solve mathematical problems 4.2 Determine areas of rectangles, triangles, circles and simple combined shapes using appropriate and correct units 4.3 Determine volumes of prisms and pyramids with rectangular, triangular and circular cross-sections and with simple combined shapes as cross sections using appropriate and correct units 5 Substitute into and transpose simple equations and formulae 5.1 Substitute given values into simple equations and formulae 5.2 Write equations to solve simple problems 5.3 Transpose simple formulae 5.4 Solve simple linear equations 6 Solve problems by plotting points 6.1 Plot given points and points determined from the general formula y = mx on the Cartesian plane 6.2 Determine the gradient of a straight line 6.3 Determine the equation of a straight line, where the equation has the general form y = mx, y = a and x = b 6.4 Use interpolation and extrapolation to make predictions from the line of best fit, noting limitations 7 Present and evaluate statistical information 7.1 Collect, organise and graphically represent statistical data 7.2 Interpret, analyse and describe statistical information 8 Identify connections between formulae and graphical representations 8.1 Use graphical techniques to draw linear and simple non-linear graphs 8.2 Develop equations for given linear graphs, including lines of best fit 9 Use algebraic techniques to analyse and solve problems 9.1 Develop formulae to describe relationships between variables and substitute into formulae to find particular values 9.2 Use a range of techniques to solve a range of algebraic problems and perform algebraic manipulations REQUIRED SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE This describes the essential skills and knowledge and their level, required for this unit. Imported from : 22219VIC Certificate III in Science © State of Victoria Version 1 2013 Page 2 VU21058 Use a range of techniques to solve mathematical problems Ability to: • perform calculations involving fractions and mixed numbers • perform calculations involving decimals and directed numbers • round a decimal to a given number of decimal places • use simple geometry to determine angles in triangles (including non-right angled) • convert the unit of a quantity to a unit with a different prefix • write a number correct to a given number of significant figures • calculate systematic, random and percentage errors • read off values in a table, chart or graph • describe the general shape of a given or plotted scatter diagram • identify general shapes and major characteristics of linear and simple non-linear graphs • locate embedded information necessary to solve a problem or analyse quantitative information • estimating skills to check calculations and reasonableness of outcomes • use mathematical symbolism, charts, diagrams and graphs as appropriate to convey mathematical thinking and processing • use specialised calculator functions relevant to mathematical needs. RANGE STATEMENT The Range Statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Formulae include: • simple formulae with powers Simple means: • limited to one- and two-step operations Straight line includes: • line of best fit for empirical data Statistical data may include: • grouped data • using standard graphing conventions • using central tendencies such as mean, median, mode • percentiles • measures of spread Graphical techniques should include: • sketching from known main features of linear functions Simple non-linear graphs may include: • exponential, inverse and quadratic relationships Lines of best fit may be: • drawn by eye only for experimental data Statistical information may include: Imported from : 22219VIC Certificate III in Science © State of Victoria Version 1 2013 Page 3 VU21058 Use a range of techniques to solve mathematical problems Substitute into formulae should include: • unfamiliar formulae including where the unknown is not necessarily the subject Range of techniques should include: • simplifying, expanding, and simple factorisation of polynomial expressions • simplification of expressions in index form including negative indices • linear (involving multiple operations) and simultaneous linear, and may include quadratic Range of algebraic problems should include: EVIDENCE GUIDE The evidence guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the Performance Criteria, Required Skills and Knowledge, the Range Statement and the Assessment section in Section B of the accreditation submission. Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to assess competency in this unit The learner must be able to: • apply a wide range of strategies and techniques to solve mathematical problems including: − − − − − − − − − Context of and specific resources for assessment Method of assessment using ratio, proportion and percent using trigonometry to determine lengths and angles using basic indices using measurements to solve mensuration problems in two and three dimensions substituting into and transposing simple equations and formulae solving problems by plotting points presenting and evaluating statistical information identifying connections between formulae and graphical representations using algebraic techniques to analyse and solve problems • demonstrate estimating skills to check calculations and reasonableness of outcomes • use mathematical symbolism, charts, diagrams and graphs as appropriate to convey mathematical thinking and processing. Access to: • calculators, computers for word processing or spreadsheets as appropriate. Calculations may be performed using pen and paper or on a calculator • real/authentic or simulated tasks, materials and texts in context relevant to learners goals • a computer and internet for information. • Oral or written questioning, online responses Imported from : 22219VIC Certificate III in Science © State of Victoria Version 1 2013 Page 4 VU21058 Use a range of techniques to solve mathematical problems • Pictures, diagrams, models created by the learner • Practical demonstration • Products or samples compiled by the learner with supporting documentation • Records of teacher observations of learner's activities, discussions and practical tasks • Self-assessment sheets, reflections, journal entries • Written or verbal reports of investigations or problemsolving activities. Imported from : 22219VIC Certificate III in Science © State of Victoria Version 1 2013 Page 5 VU21513 Use critical reading and writing skills for further study Unit Code VU21513 Unit Title Use critical reading and writing skills for further study Unit Descriptor This unit describes the reading and writing performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required by adult learners of English as an additional language for further study purposes. The focus of this unit is on using critical analysis skills for a range of study tasks, and using and creating non-continuous formatted texts e.g. for collecting and presenting data in further study contexts. The outcomes described in this unit relate to: • The ISLPR (International Second Language Proficiency Ratings) descriptors for Reading and Writing. They contribute directly to the achievement of ISLPR Reading 3/3+ and Writing 3/3+ and • the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) They contribute directly to the achievement of ACSF indicators of competence for Reading and Writing at Level 4 Employability Skills This unit contains employability skills. Application of the Unit This unit applies to learners wishing to develop their English language reading and writing skills to satisfy further study needs. The study situations in which these skills are applied are varied, and can be related to a range of further study or higher education contexts and across disciplines. Element Performance Criteria Elements describe the essential outcomes of a unit of competency. Elements describe actions or outcomes that are demonstrable and assessable. Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element – they identify the standard for the element. Where bold/italicised text is used, further information or explanation is detailed in the required skills and knowledge and/or the range statement. Assessment of performance is to be consistent with the evidence guide. 1 Critically analyse formal instructional and/or advisory texts 1.1 Determine the purpose of a range of further study texts containing instructions or advice 1.2 Locate the key information and supporting details 1.3 Paraphrase the requirements of the instructions or advice 1.4 Assess the importance and appropriateness of the requirements expressed Imported from 22258VIC Certificate IV in EAL (Further Study) Version 1, January 2014 © State of Victoria Page 1 VU21513 Use critical reading and writing skills for further study 2 Analyse and apply information from noncontinuous texts found in study contexts 3 Construct noncontinuous texts for study purposes 1.5 Indicate an appropriate response 2.1 Outline the purposes, design and conventions of a range of non-continuous formatted documents required in a further study context 2.2 Locate, sort information and draw conclusions relevant to purpose 2.3 Use the analysed information in a written or spoken text 3.1 Clarify the purposes of the non-continuous texts and the information required 3.2 Design a process for collecting required information 3.3 Locate, record and synthesise complex information and ideas from required sources to meet purpose 3.4 Determine format for presentation of information 3.5 Use language and formatting conventions appropriate to the document and the context 3.6 Review and amend final draft Required Knowledge and Skills This describes the essential skills and knowledge and their level required for this unit. Required Linguistic Knowledge and Skills • vocabulary and expressions including jargon and some specialist terminology for a range of topics related to vocational or study needs • linguistic structures and features of a range of instructional, advisory and non-continuous texts used in further study • a wide range of texts for further study purposes which include simple, compound and complex sentences with a range of subordinate clauses and which communicate complex relationships between ideas • a wide range of verb tenses and forms, conditionals and modals which are used in advisory or instructional texts e.g. Answers should contain at least three examples… • reported speech, questions and instructions using a range of verbs required to report on information and data from formatted texts • a wide range of phrasal verbs,(e.g. do not leave out any sections) adverbs, adverbial phrases and adjectives used in advisory, instructional texts relevant to further study • a wide range of discourse markers, connectives, pronouns and cohesive devices to link ideas and concepts, add information or contrast ideas, e.g. in spite of the fact that Imported from 22258VIC Certificate IV in EAL (Further Study) Version 1, January 2014 © State of Victoria Page 2 VU21513 Use critical reading and writing skills for further study • a wide range of common collocations Required Sociolinguistic and Cultural Knowledge and Skills • recognize and use specific registers related to further study • different roles required of the author in further study texts e.g. the author’s direct involvement or impersonal style • ways of detecting the writer’s tone, intention and attitude • recognition of a range of cues for inferred meaning, e.g. logical, contextual and visual • distinguish fact and opinion, irony, understatement, exaggeration in texts • referencing conventions and formats for relevant study fields Required Numeracy knowledge and skills • a range of mathematical terms and concepts relevant to data in formatted texts e.g. percentages in graphs Range Statement The Range Statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Bold / italicised wording in the Performance Criteria is detailed below. Further study texts containing instructions or advice may include: • instructions for further study tasks e.g. − computer tasks − essay questions − exam questions − experiments / field trip reports − formal presentations − learning logs − multiple choice questions − short answers • instructions e.g. on using the library either online or in brochures to reserve a text, access online journal articles • instructions on using technology e.g. how to present a PowerPoint show or format a report • advice or instructions in an article or text use in a course of study • advice or instructions about how to participate in collaborative online learning sites Assessing the importance and appropriateness of the requirements may include: • identifying lexical and other discourse items to determine importance • analysing formatting features, emphasis on non linguistic features Imported from 22258VIC Certificate IV in EAL (Further Study) Version 1, January 2014 © State of Victoria Page 3 VU21513 Use critical reading and writing skills for further study • determining whether the instructions are clear • determining whether the instructions or request are fair and reasonable • determining whether a negative or positive response is required Non-continuous formatted documents may include documents which integrate: • graphs • charts • questionnaires / surveys • tables • visuals • complex diagrams Purposes may include: • presenting information on data collected as part of a study report • analysis of information for a presentation Design and conventions may include: • formatting e.g. labelling conventions Sort information may include: • using the processes of calculation, creating percentages and collation • using appropriate software programs to create tables, graphs, diagrammatic representation • comparison and contrast • drawing inferences, e.g. the most popular fast food is…. • using the language of comparison e.g. comparative and superlative adjectives e.g. more / most distant, safer / safest • using conjunctions e.g. while, so that, whereas Written or spoken text may include: • written text may be for any further study writing task which requires data e.g. an essay or report • a presentation as part of a group or individual performance Process may include: • survey • questionnaire • other measuring methods e.g. collection of samples Imported from 22258VIC Certificate IV in EAL (Further Study) Version 1, January 2014 © State of Victoria Page 4 VU21513 Use critical reading and writing skills for further study Review may include: • accessing support from teacher or others to check that the text − clearly conveys the main ideas and supporting detail − uses language appropriate for the audience − uses language, format and content appropriate to the purpose • checking EAL resources and dictionaries to review language items • checking correct spelling and punctuation, capitalization, dates and numbers (and their abbreviations) using word processing tools where available Evidence Guide The evidence guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the Elements, Performance Criteria, Required Skills and Knowledge, the Range Statement and the Assessment section in Section B of the Accreditation Submission. Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit Assessment must confirm the ability to: • use appropriate conventions and apply linguistic knowledge to: − critically analyse a range of instructional and advisory texts used in further study contexts − analyse and use a range of information from noncontinuous formatted texts used in a range of further study contexts − create non-continuous formatted texts for further study purposes Context of and specific resources for assessment Assessment must ensure: • access to a range of EAL resources including: − bilingual resources and other digital or paper based resources for support e.g. texts as models − a bilingual dictionary, and / or an English-English dictionary • acknowledgement of the L2 user e.g. cultural differences in written texts • access to computers for internet research and production of word processed documents Assessment practices consider the learner’s need to initiate support from a range of established resources for − contextual support, e.g. in relation to unfamiliar jargon, some aspects of the local culture, and cultural influences and expectations Imported from 22258VIC Certificate IV in EAL (Further Study) Version 1, January 2014 © State of Victoria Page 5 VU21513 Use critical reading and writing skills for further study − assistance in reviewing texts prior to the final draft Assessment takes into consideration − time to read and analyse texts − time to complete written texts Method(s) of assessment The following assessment methods are suitable for this unit: • records of discussion of texts • review of written analysis of advisory and noncontinuous texts • portfolio documenting evidence of analysis and effective use of instructional and advisory texts, and samples of non-continuous formatted texts e.g. questionnaires, graphs, maps, complex diagrams • questioning to confirm linguistic, socio-linguistic and cultural knowledge used in critical analysis of a range of instructional and advisory texts, and for creating non-continuous formatted texts in further study contexts Imported from 22258VIC Certificate IV in EAL (Further Study) Version 1, January 2014 © State of Victoria Page 6 VU20746 Apply essential further study skills VU20746 Apply essential further study skills Unit Descriptor This unit covers the knowledge and skills required to study and participate effectively in a tertiary learning environment within an arts or arts related discipline. Employability skills The required outcomes described in this unit of competency contain applicable facets of Employability Skills. The Employability Skills Summary of the qualification in which this unit of competency is packaged will assist in identifying Employability Skill requirements. Application of the Unit The skills and knowledge covered in this unit are applied when studying at a university, specifically when studying arts or arts related disciplines. The unit focuses on assisting students understand the nature of study in a tertiary education environment and the skills involved in learning in this environment. ELEMENT PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Elements describe the essential outcomes of a unit of competency. Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element. W here bold/italicised test is used, further information is detailed in the required skills and knowledge and/or the range statement. Assessment of performance is to be consistent with the evidence guide. 1 Use a range of learning strategies 1.1 A range of popular views about learning are compared 1.2 A range of learning strategies are defined 1.3 The main learning contexts that may be experienced in a tertiary learning environment are considered 1.4 Learning strategies are used for a range of learning contexts. 1.5 Individual strengths, weaknesses and preferences in the use of different learning strategies in different contexts are considered. 2.1 The main services of a library are described 2.2 The range of sources for obtaining information in a library are identified 2.3 Appropriateness of information is assessed. 2.4 Accurate records are made and stored appropriately 3.1 A range of academic reading strategies are described and applied 3.2 The significance of context for the meaning of a text is identified and discussed 2 Use a range of library and online sources to access information 3 Use effective reading strategies for complex texts Imported from 22187VIC Certificate IV in Liberal Arts Version 1, December 2011 © State of Victoria Page. 1 VU20746 Apply essential further study skills 4 Use academic writing skills to produce complex texts 5 Participate effectively in collaborative learning 3.3 Techniques for note-taking, summarising and synthesising information are applied 3.4 Text structure, technical vocabulary, wording and syntax are used to assist interpretation of meaning 3.5 Dictionaries and other references are used to assist interpretation of texts 4.1 Main features of different academic texts are identified 4.2 Main phases of the academic writing process are identified 4.3 The significance of audience and context are reflected in the conventions of academic writing 4.4 Appropriate citation is used for references and quoted work 4.5 Academic standards on plagiarism and collusion are observed 5.1 The key features of collaborative learning are identified 5.2 Characteristics of effective collaborative learning are described 5.3 Verbal, interpersonal and participatory skills necessary for effective learning collaboration are used. 5.4 Appropriate planning processes are negotiated with fellow students to achieve agreed outcomes REQUIRED SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE This describes the essential skills and knowledge and their level, required for this unit. Required Skills • verbal communication such as skills in argument, participation and debate • writing skills appropriate for the completion of complex texts including correct use of citations • collaborative learning skills • reading skills such as skimming, scanning, reading for meaning • note-taking skills including summarising, synthesising and record keeping • information access using library resources including internet and online searches • assessing appropriateness of information for specific purposes • ability to work in groups • negotiation skills Required Knowledge Imported from 22187VIC Certificate IV in Liberal Arts Version 1, December 2011 © State of Victoria Page. 2 VU20746 Apply essential further study skills • range of learning strategies • library services • online services • reading strategies • writing processes • text structures • usage and syntax • conventions of academic referencing • plagiarism and collusion RANGE STATEMENT The Range Statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Learning strategies may include but are not limited to : Learning contexts may include but are not limited to: Services of a library may include but are not limited to : • self-monitoring • note-taking • revision • partnerships with other students • questioning • tracking • research • lectures • on-line learning • tutorials • seminars • field work • group work • independent projects • examinations • loans - long and short-term, interlibrary and counter reserve • on-line access - catalogue, internet, email, chat facilities, journals • catalogue assistance • binding, laminating and copying • reader services • reference collections • reserve collections • study areas Imported from 22187VIC Certificate IV in Liberal Arts Version 1, December 2011 © State of Victoria Page. 3 VU20746 Apply essential further study skills Appropriateness of information may include but is not limited to : Context includes but is not limited to : Text structure includes but is not limited to: Academic texts include but are not limited to : The writing process includes but is not limited to : Collaborative learning may include but is not limited to : • relevance to topic • level of detail • nature of media • currency • authenticity • complexity or difficulty of material • implied readers of the text • historical period of text • other texts cited or debated • chapter headings • paragraph headings and sub-headings • diagrams and illustrations • tables and charts • bibliographies and references • narratives • expository and argumentative essays • journal articles • reports • theses • monographs • archival documents • encyclopaedias • indexes • planning • researching • drafting • revising • editing • proof reading • study groups • learning partnerships • group presentations • tutorials • workshops Imported from 22187VIC Certificate IV in Liberal Arts Version 1, December 2011 © State of Victoria Page. 4 VU20746 Apply essential further study skills EVIDENCE GUIDE The evidence guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the Performance Criteria, Required Skills and Knowledge, the Range Statement and the Assessment section in Section B of the accreditation submission. Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to assess competency in this unit Context of and specific resources for assessment Method of assessment • ability to source information from print based sources, online sources and expert personnel • ability to write complex documents • ability to identify key aspects of information and summarise them effectively • ability to work effectively in a collaborative learning environment Assessment of performance requirements in this unit may be undertaken in a classroom or other structure learning environment, informal study settings or workplace. Resources required include but are not limited to : • library • course directories • field of study guides • internet access and printing facilities • computers and word processing software There can be multiple assessment tasks. These can include but are not restricted to: • a portfolio of essays, reports, and reflective writing • a collaborative publication by students • contributions to threaded discussions or bulletin boards. For the purpose of supporting credit transfer arrangements, it is recommended that assessment tasks total 2000 words. Imported from 22187VIC Certificate IV in Liberal Arts Version 1, December 2011 © State of Victoria Page. 5