~My family tree poster shows the genetic history of the _____________ family. Because Potato Heads reproduce _sexually_, Potato heads get _half__ of their genetic information from one parent and the other _half_ from the other parent. This passing of traits from parent to offspring is called __heredity___. Coiled structures of DNA called __chromosomes___ contain all of their genetic information. These structures are found inside a cell’s __nucleus__. In order for _________ to be born (offspring name), __________’s and ___________’s (parent names) sex cells had to go through __meiosis__ . The female’s sex cell is called an _egg__ and male’s sex cell is called a _sperm__. When these two different sex cells join _fertilization__ occurs and the offspring starts to develop from the genetic information in the parents’ sex cells. All Asexually Chromosome(s) Word Bank Cytoplasm Genes Egg Half Fertilization Heredity Meiosis Mitosis Nucleus Sexually Sperm * My family tree poster shows the genetic history of the _____________ family. Coiled structures of DNA called _chromosomes__ contain all of their genetic information. These structures are found inside a cell’s __nucleus___. Because Potato Heads reproduce _sexually_, Potato heads get _half_ of their genetic information from one parent and the other _half_ from the other parent. This passing of traits from parent to offspring is called _heredity__. In order for _________ to be born (offspring name), __________’s and ___________’s (parent names) sex cells had to go through _meiosis__ . The female’s sex cell is called an _egg__ and male’s sex cell is called a _sperm__. When these two different sex cells join _fertilization__ occurs and the offspring starts to develop from the genetic information in the parents’ sex cells. All Asexually Chromosome(s) Word Bank Cytoplasm Genes Egg Half Fertilization Heredity Meiosis Mitosis Nucleus Sexually Sperm ^ My family tree poster shows the genetic history of the _____________ family. Because Potato Heads reproduce _sexually_, Potato heads get _half__ of their genetic information from one parent and the other _half_ from the other parent. This passing of traits from parent to offspring is called _heredity____. In order for _________ to be born (offspring name), __________’s and ___________’s (parent names) sex cells had to go through _meiosis___ . The female’s sex cell is called an _egg__ and male’s sex cell is called a _sperm___. When these two different sex cells join _fertilization__ occurs and the offspring starts to develop from the genetic information in the parents’ sex cells. Coiled structures of DNA called _chromosomes_ contain all of their genetic information. These structures are found inside a cell’s _nucleus__. All Asexually Chromosome(s) Word Bank Cytoplasm Genes Egg Half Fertilization Heredity Meiosis Mitosis Nucleus Sexually Sperm ` Coiled sructures of DNA called _chromosomes__ contain all of the genetic information for Potato Heads. These structures are found inside a cell’s _nucleus_. In order for _________ to be born (offspring name), __________’s and ___________’s (parent names) sex cells had to go through __meiosis__ . The female’s sex cell is called an _egg__ and male’s sex cell is called a _sperm__. When these two different sex cells join __fertilization__ occurs and the offspring starts to develop from the genetic information in the parents’ sex cells. My family tree poster shows the genetic history of the _____________ family. Because Potato Heads reproduce _sexually_, Potato heads get _half_ of their genetic information from one parent and the other _half_ from the other parent. This passing of traits from parent to offspring is called _heredity_. All Asexually Chromosome(s) Word Bank Cytoplasm Genes Egg Half Fertilization Heredity Meiosis Mitosis Nucleus Sexually Sperm