7 17 14 APPROVED COUNCIL minutes 2014 WF – Copy

Village of Gibsonburg
Minutes for Regular Session of Council July 17, 2014
Call to order: Mayor Gerwin at 7:30 pm
The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.
Roll call: Balsizer here, Cantrell here, Gerwin here, Herman absent, Kirwen here, Maynard here.
Others in attendance: Fiscal officer Robert Schroeder, Chief of Police Paul Whitaker, Village
Administrator Marc Glotzbecker, James Lee, Scott Heilman, Denis Bruns and Tim Self.
A motion to excuse Mr. Herman from this July 17, 2014 council meeting was made by Kerwin.
Seconded by Cantrell.
Roll Call: Balsizer yes, Cantrell yes, Gerwin yes, Herman Absent, Kirwen yes, Maynard yes.
Motion Passed.
Recognition of Visitors/Special Reports for council meeting.
James Lee from Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) – was here to discuss cutting cost of
our Electric bills. There is a new website that shows you all of the information which is:
A motion by was made by Cantrell to approve July 1, 2014 regular Council Minutes
as written, seconded by Balsizer.
Roll call: Cantrell yes, Gerwin yes, Balsizer yes, Herman absent, Kirwen yes, Maynard yes.
Motion Passed.
Invite to become a member of the Ohio Mayors Association, The Mayor doesn’t feel he
needs to join.
Received a letter from the Sheriff’s Office regarding the funding of community service
workers. If in the future we wish to use them, we may have to pay to use the work
Letter from EPA Notice of a Permit Discharge for Chad Thompson US 20 and US 23 for a
retail business.
Surprise Retirement party for Chris Mock from the Sandusky Co. EMA on July 30 1:45 to
Agenda for Health Dept. meeting July 18, 2014.
Motion to approve payment of invoices by Maynard, seconded by Balsizer.
Roll call: Balsizer yes, Cantrell yes, Herman absent, Kirwen yes, Maynard yes, Gerwin yes.
Motion Passed.
Minutes for Village Council Meeting July 17, 2014
Village of Gibsonburg
Minutes for Regular Session of Council July 17, 2014
Old Business:
1) Charge for electric at Central park for the ball lights $772.67 last month, current
month is $773.63 plus the late fee $10.84 current bill total is = $1507.14. Received
a check for $1270.00 from the Ball association leaving a balance of $237.14. Not
sure if season is over. Still have some bills coming in. Marc stated that for 2015
they will have an agreement with the ball organizations to spell everything out.
2) There is a copy of the Fire Dept. lease of the building with Madison Township at
everyone’s place. The PEP insurance is up Sept 1 for another $1600.00. This should
be the Fire Departments bill. After some discussion the Mayor stated he would
attend the next Township meeting and get the agreement resolved. The utilities
company should have someone here tomorrow to work on the utility split.
New Business:
Motion to suspend the rules, waived the 3 reading and pass as an emergency on Resolution
No.09- 2014 by Cantrell, seconded by Gerwin.
Roll call: Maynard yes, Cantrell yes, Herman absent, Gerwin yes, Kirwen yes, Balsizer yes.
Motion Passed.
Motion to adopt RESOLUTION No.9-2014 by Maynard, seconded by Gerwin.
Roll call: Gerwin yes, Balsizer yes, Cantrell yes, Herman absent, Kirwen yes, Maynard yes.
Motion Passed.
2. Motion to go into executive session at end of meeting.
3. Guadalupe Castillo would like to purchase the lot he has been maintaining per a lease
agreement across the alley of 502 W Stone street. Is the Village willing to sell the lot?
After some discussion it was decided to measure it out and see what we will need to
keep maintaining the sewer lines. We will continue discussion at the next council
Mayor’s Report: G Gerwin
Phil Ritter has agreed to sit on the planning committee.
Does Council have any objections to giving out the yard waste bags all year around?
Minutes for Village Council Meeting July 17, 2014
Village of Gibsonburg
Minutes for Regular Session of Council July 17, 2014
Administrator’s Report: Glotzbecker
Playground Equipment- The Playground Equipment Project is very near to being
completed. The new swing set is installed and in operation in Central Park and the large
play structure will be finished early next week (concrete will be poured Monday
morning). In addition, we’ll be installing two other pieces (Spring Toy and Ball Game)
next week as well. These were obtained through the efforts of Scott Heilman. It needs
to be noted that the project simply could not have been done without the help of some
really great community volunteers: Scott Heilman, Chris Heilman, Randy Maynard, Tim
Self and Denis Bruns.
Tree Farm- We have the start of a small Tree Farm behind the Street Dept. Garage. We’ll
continue to work on the plan and see where it takes us.
OSS Solid Waste Funds- We’ll be making a request for reimbursement from our annual
funds in the amount of $3,000.00 to be used towards the cost of Yard Waste Disposal
and Leaf Bags.
219 N. Main Demolition- The house is scheduled to come down in the near future as a
part of the “Moving Ohio Ahead Program” that is being administered by the Health
Edison Inspection- We received notice that Edison will be doing aerial “thermo vision”
inspections of their high voltage transmission lines in the area. A black and silver
helicopter will be used to do this and it will hover or move slowly over the transmission
towers and lines.
Geese- We have a geese problem at Williams Park and are working to address the issue
as quickly as we can.
Curb Painting/Hydrant Painting- We will begin curb painting and hydrant painting next
Thursday (July 24th).
Fiscal Officer’s Report:-Schroeder
1. 2015 Tax Budget Hearing set for 7:00 pm July 17, 2014 @ 7:00 pm in council chambers
was held.
2. Payroll wage changes will go into effect July 6 and 7 for hourly workers.
Committee Reports:
Finance- Maynard. Meeting was held on July 14, 2014 to discuss monthly business. Minutes
have been sent to everyone. Next meeting scheduled for Aug. 4, 2014 at 7 pm.
Public Service Parks- Gerwin- Next meeting scheduled for July 31, 2014 @ 7pm Village Hall.
Tree Committee- Deb Johnson-Absent –No Report. Next meeting scheduled for July 21, 2014
7:00pm Village Hall.
Minutes for Village Council Meeting July 17, 2014
Village of Gibsonburg
Minutes for Regular Session of Council July 17, 2014
Laws & Rules - Cantrell- Meeting was held on July 15, 2014 at 7:00 pm Village Hall.
Next meeting is scheduled August 5, 2014 @7 pm @ Village Hall.
Public Utilities: - Herman-Absent - No Report.
Economic Development: Kirwen- Meeting held July 14, 2014. Discussed zoning for industrial
park and sent it off to Sandusky County Regional Planning it will then go to the Solicitor. We
also reviewed the water flow and decided the landscape needs some modifications. No meeting
is scheduled.
Planning Commission: Balsizer Meeting scheduled for? Zoning procedure for Industrial Park
Joint Cemetery Board: Herman – No Report. Next meeting August 6, 2014, Township Hall.
Individual Council Member ReportsKirwen- No Report
Maynard- No Report
Cantrell- The old Sunoco station is looking bad still. The Mayor will try to meet with the owner
and see what the status is. Mr. Cantrell was asked by a resident why we were cutting down
trees on private property. The tree was in the right a-way so we took it down.
Balsizer- Sidewalks, how soon is Matt Tille going to get going on it? Marc stated probably
around another week, Matt Tille is trying to finish up some other things first.
Gerwin- Spoke to some residents on W. Stone St. House that had ducks, now they have goats.
They are complaining of smell and noise.
Herman- Absent
Report of Officials:
Police Chief- Whitaker
1. Part-time Patrolman Jeremy Salaz has been released from field training status to active duty
2. Part-time Patrolman Donald Karr is still undergoing field training.
3. PD has been slowly developing crime-prevention initiatives and public awareness programs
to educate the community on common threats such as strangers, break-ins, theft prevention as
so far is through one-on-one education/awareness, advertising (posters) handouts on Sexting,
Anger texting and bullying.
4. Attended Chiefs of Police Meeting and guest was Assistant Attorney General Bob Fiatal.
5. Learned about the Ohio Safe Neighborhoods Initiative. Law enforcement and probation
Minutes for Village Council Meeting July 17, 2014
Village of Gibsonburg
Minutes for Regular Session of Council July 17, 2014
contact known violent offenders, gang members and subjects with known firearms
crimes. Subjects are compelled to attend a Safe Neighborhood Conference at the County
Courthouse. They are given a presentation on what shooting someone “is really like” and
what the consequences “really are”. First conference will be in August 2014. To be
6. Receiving assistance from the Ohio Dept. of Public Safety Office of Traffic Safety for
training our officers on teaching traffic safety, interdiction such as drugs and OVI. Will
be receiving educational material for the public on Texting and Driving, Motorcycle
Safety Awareness, Drinking and Driving and other issues. I met with Frank Arvay of
ODPS this week and meeting was very productive.
7. Bicycle safety reflector program very successful. Almost half handed out already.
Officers are seeing them at night after dark. Positive comments on Facebook.
Available at the PD and the Village Hall. Officers are also handing them out to kids and
adults in the field.
8. City of Toledo currently working on a “Blighted Neighborhood” program to deal with
weeds, high grass, junk and dilapidated housing. City legal staff is exploring the
legal side of how far you can go in determining what is acceptable and what is not.
We aren't alone on this. It’s a problem everywhere.
9. Tasers are deployed and all officers are trained and certified. Policy is in place and
One situation already occurred where officer defeated resist without having to use force
because the defendant knew he was about to be lighted.
Solicitor–Ruck Presence not required.
Residence- Open Forum/Comment:
Tim Self- Keep up the good work on the playground, it is looking good. He would like to have
the girls paint for community service. He also has had some complaints about the grass. He is a
resident of this Village and he doesn’t want the town looking bad.
We have planted 10 oaks and 10 maples so far. We are not sure what else to plant so when we
get the plan we can continue. He stated that there were some kids all gathering at the park and
painted on the slide. Mr. Gerwin asked where the money from the Color Race is going. He
would like to see it go to the GCC. No decision has been made on where it will go at this time.
All of the records have been kept in the Villages books. SCRAP is having a 5K run.
A motion was made by Kirwen to go into executive session to discuss purchase/sale of real
estate for 20 minutes, maybe action taken; seconded by.
Roll call: Balsizer yes, Cantrell yes, Gerwin yes, Herman absent, Kirwen yes, Maynard yes.
Motion Passed.
Minutes for Village Council Meeting July 17, 2014
Village of Gibsonburg
Minutes for Regular Session of Council July 17, 2014
Motion by Kirwen to return to regular session of village council meeting at 9:31 pm; seconded
by Balsizer.
No roll call needed.
A motion to adjourn at 9:32 pm was made by Balsizer; seconded by Maynard.
Roll call: Balsizer yes, Cantrell yes, Gerwin yes, Herman absent, Kirwen yes, Maynard yes.
Motion Passed.
Robert Schroeder
Fiscal Officer Village of Gibsonburg
Gregory S. Gerwin
Mayor Village of Gibsonburg
Minutes for Village Council Meeting July 17, 2014