H2020 Partner Searches – European Commission CORDIS website @ 18-02-2014 MG.3.6 – 2015 Safe and connected automation in road transport Description of the project offered: *Communication systems for ADAS-Components ** Automotive-Ethernet (BroadR-Reach) ** CAN – BroadR-Reach-Gateway ** Mediaconverter Standard Ethernet – BroadR-Reach * Realtime-Communication ** Ethernet in connection with IEEE 802.1 Audio Video Bridging or IEEE 802.1 Time Sensitive Networking ** CAN ** LIN ** MOST * Customer driven development of EV charging stations and other electronic components * Software-development for microcontrollers * Development of prototypes including automated circuit board assembly and soldering of small-scale series * Evaluation of prototypes under test conditions and in the vehicle * Smart grid integration of charging stations and electric vehicles (OCPP and ISO/IEC 15118) Project proposer: Rainer Poeschl (Germany) Partner role: Project participant Partner organisation: Research Call for proposal title: MOBILITY for GROWTH 2014-2015 Call for proposal identifier: H2020-MG-2015_TwoStages Description of the collaboration sought: Expertise sought: Scientific research, Evaluation, Security, Information. Media, Environmental protection, Safety, Measurement methods, Energy saving, Other technology, Network technologies, ICT Applications, Transport, Telecommunications, Information processing. Information systems, Electronics. Microelectronics, Industrial manufacture, Roles sought: Project participant, Project coordinator, Organisation types sought: Consultancy, Research, Education, Industry, Public administration, Technology transfer, Non-governmental organisation (NGO), Small or medium-sized enterprise (SME), , Countries sought: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Iceland, Israel, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of, Montenegro, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey, Call for proposal specific information 1. Open call with multiple deadlines 2015-03-31 +17:00:00 Stage 1 2. Themes covered by this call MG-3.6a-2015: Safe and connected automation in road transport 3. Funding schemes applicable for this call (Please see call fiche for full details) RIA (Research and Innovation action) Supporting Joint Actions on demonstration and validation of innovative energy solutions Description of the project offered: Project proposer: Charles NGOMIRAKIZA () Partner role: Project participant Partner organisation: Small or medium-sized enterprise (SME) Call for proposal title: CALL FOR COMPETITIVE LOW-CARBON ENERGY Call for proposal identifier: H2020-LCE-2014-3 Description of the collaboration sought: Expertise sought: Energy saving, Energy storage. Energy. Transport, Renewable sources of energy, Robotics, Automation, Network technologies, Construction technology, Industrial manufacture, Roles sought: Project participant, Project coordinator, Organisation types sought: Countries sought: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, Luxembourg, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Romania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Israel, Norway, Switzerland, Call for proposal specific information 1. Themes covered by this call LCE-18-2014: Supporting Joint Actions on demonstration and validation of innovative energy solutions 2. Funding schemes applicable for this call (Please see call fiche for full details) ERA-NET Cofund (ERA-NET Cofund) Smart Cities and Communities solutions integrating energy, transport, ICT sectors through lighthouse (large scale demonstration - first of the kind) p Description of the project offered: Project proposer: Charles NGOMIRAKIZA () Partner role: Project participant Partner organisation: Small or medium-sized enterprise (SME) Call for proposal title: CALL – SMART CITIES AND COMMUNITIES Call for proposal identifier: H2020-SCC-2014 Description of the collaboration sought: Expertise sought: Sustainable development, Other energy topics, Hydrogen and fuel cells, Biofuels, Energy saving, Energy storage. Energy. Transport, Renewable sources of energy, Automation, ICT Applications, Construction technology, Telecommunications, Information processing. Information systems, Industrial manufacture, Roles sought: Project coordinator, Project participant, Organisation types sought: Consultancy, Education, Research, Industry, Technology transfer, Non-governmental organisation (NGO), Small or medium-sized enterprise (SME), Countries sought: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Iceland, Israel, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of, Montenegro, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey, Call for proposal specific information 1. Funding schemes applicable for this call (Please see call fiche for full details) CSA (Coordination & support action) 2. Themes covered by this call SCC-01-2014: Smart Cities and Communities solutions integrating energy, transport, ICT sectors through lighthouse (large scale demonstration - first of the kind) projects A systems approach for the reduction, recycling and reuse of food waste Description of the project offered: Project proposer: Charles NGOMIRAKIZA () Partner role: Project participant Partner organisation: Small or medium-sized enterprise (SME) Call for proposal title: Waste: A resource to recycle, reuse and recover raw materials Call for proposal identifier: H2020-WASTE-2014-two-stage Description of the collaboration sought: Expertise sought: Roles sought: Project coordinator, Project participant, Organisation types sought: Consultancy, Industry, Technology transfer, Non-governmental organisation (NGO), Research, Small or medium-sized enterprise (SME), Countries sought: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Iceland, Israel, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of, Montenegro, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey, Call for proposal specific information 1. Themes covered by this call WASTE-2-2014: A systems approach for the reduction, recycling and reuse of food waste 2. Funding schemes applicable for this call (Please see call fiche for full details) IA (Innovation action) Energy Efficiency and Integrated Retrofitting for Cultural Heritage Districts. Description of the project offered: Consortium consisting of: ASM Market Research and Analysis Centre Ltd., University of Genoa,Lublin University of Technology and Architect Marta Franzini Tibaldeo is working on proposal : Call EE3 - 2014 Energy strategies and solutions for deep renovation of historic buildings Research and Innovation Action - Deadline 20th of March 2014 Title proposal: Energy Efficiency and Integrated Retrofitting for Cultural Heritage Districts. Project goal: •DEVELOPMENT OF INNOVATIVE AND AFFORDABLE BUILDING RENOVATION SOLUTIONS for historic buildings that can deliver significant improvements in energy performance while ensuring indoor comfort requirements and non-invasive, reversible solutions. Proposed WP: WP1 Identification of the state of the art and methodology development WP2 Development of new solutions WP3 Integration of existing and new solutions WP4 Demonstartion of solution developed in WP3 WP5 Buisness models, exploitation and replication WP6 Dissemination, education and training Project proposer: Agnieszka Kowalska (Poland) Partner role: Project participant Partner organisation: Research Call for proposal title: Energy Efficiency - PPP EeB and SPIRE topics Call for proposal identifier: H2020-EE-2014-1-PPP Description of the collaboration sought: Technical Partners needed who are able to undertake the tasks under this project. Expertise sought: - innovative energy and environmental assessment methodologies, - evaluation of the effectiveness and sustainability of energy efficiency measures, - tools for planning and implementing the renovation of historic buildings, - monitoring and control technologies and systems, - non-invasive and non-destructive methods of surveying and diagnosis - information management for building maintenance - Integration of innovative technologies, standards and methodologies in the renovation scheme Expertise sought: Other energy topics, Energy saving, Energy storage. Energy. Transport, Roles sought: Project participant, Organisation types sought: Countries sought: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Iceland, Israel, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of, Montenegro, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey, Call for proposal specific information 1. Themes covered by this call EE-03-2014: Energy strategies and solutions for deep renovation of historic buildings 2. Funding schemes applicable for this cal (Please see call fiche for full details) RIA (Research and Innovation action) System to reduce dust emission from braking system of automotive vehicles. Description of the project offered: The subject of low environmental impact brake systems to reduce micro and nano particles emissions has also been a priority in the research and development works undertaken by the Automotive Industry Institute (PIMOT). One of the outcomes of such works is an innovative and PIMOT-patented technology and system to reduce dust emission from disc brake and drum brake mechanisms of motor vehicles. It has been proven by scientific research that air pollution leads to many dangerous diseases. One of the most important air pollutants is dust and a significant share in the dust emission from road transport is taken by brake mechanisms of automotive vehicles. Statistical surveys show that an average motor vehicle annually consumes as much as about 0.5 kg of the friction material incorporated in vehicle brakes! This translates into liberation of harmful dusts, which include toxic organic compounds and heavy metals, to the environment. Investigations carried out at PIMOT have revealed that an overwhelming majority of the particulate matter emitted from brake mechanisms consists of respirable dust with an equivalent particle diameter smaller than 2 µm. Such a particle size fraction is most dangerous for human health. This serious hazard posed by the dusts generated during braking processes has confirmed the advisability of undertaking an initiative to develop a system that would reduce the emission of particulate matter from vehicle braking mechanisms. In the method developed at PIMOT, the dust emitted from a braking mechanism is absorbed by a filter thanks to the use of forced air flow around friction linings. Within the research and development works, prototype systems were engineered and built to reduce dust emissions from disc brake and drum brake mechanisms. These systems were tested with satisfactory results on laboratory test stands, on a chassis dynamometer, and in the conditions of real operation in road traffic. The effectiveness of operation of the systems having been built was found to be good. In result of the experimental tests, the emission of the particulate matter generated during the braking process was found to be reduced by as much as about 50–70%. The project involves the develop the system to the different type of vehicles: passanger car and bus. The system research on the real traffic condition at least a 50% reduction of particle emissions should be demonstrated. Thereby the project can contribute to improving urban air quality in the midterm and strengthen the competitiveness of the EU car industry in this growingly significant market segment. Project proposer: Pawel Goller (Poland) Partner role: Project coordinator Partner organisation: Research Call for proposal title: MOBILITY for GROWTH 2014-2015 Call for proposal identifier: H2020-MG-2014_TwoStages Description of the collaboration sought: We are expecting from our partners production possibility of automotive brake systems. Vehicle manufacturers are welcome. We are also expect the knowlage and experience in the selection and pneumatic control system from our partner. Expertise sought: Transport, Industrial manufacture, Roles sought: Project participant, Organisation types sought: Countries sought: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Iceland, Israel, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of, Montenegro, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey, Call for proposal specific information 1. Open call with multiple deadlines 2014-03-18 +17:00:00 Stage 1 2. Themes covered by this call MG-3.1-2014: Technologies for "super" low "real world" CO2 and polluting emissions 3. Funding schemes applicable for this call (Please see call fiche for full details) IA (Innovation action) A Novel Tri-generation System Powered by Semi-Parabolic Linear Fresnel Reflector Solar Concentrator Description of the project offered: The proposed research is to develop a tri-generation technology that can be used to provide decentralized electricity, heating and cooling powered by solar energy – the titanium dioxide coated semi-parabolic linear Fresnel reflector with membrane units. The tri-generation is achieved by integration of scroll engine with desiccant evaporative cooling/heating technologies. A semiparabolic linear Fresnel reflector concentrator will be developed, which has the same concentrating efficiency as the parabolic trough concentrator’s, but lower manufacture cost. A nanofluid will be used in solar energy collection cycle for collecting efficiency improvement. Surfactant additive will be mixed with desiccant working fluid to enhance dehumidification effect by lowering the surface tension of the working fluid. The desiccant evaporative cooling/heating system will adopt an innovative membrane technology to maximise heat and mass transfer between the air and the desiccant solution and also eliminate the carryover issue associated with liquid desiccant system. The membrane evaporative cooling/heating system has the dual functions, it can be used as indirect evaporative cooling component in cooling mode or as heat recovery unit in heating mode. The titanium dioxide coated reflector has a long time high reflecting ability for solar energy capturing because of its self-cleaning function. The proposed research will investigate electricity output, heat and mass transfer properties through theoretical and experimental measures. A small scale prototype system will be designed and constructed and tested under a range of conditions. The proposed programme of work will take a maximum of 24 months to complete. Project proposer: ZHUJIE Zhu () Partner role: Project coordinator Partner organisation: Education Call for proposal title: CALL FOR COMPETITIVE LOW-CARBON ENERGY Call for proposal identifier: H2020-LCE-2014-1 Description of the collaboration sought: Project partners from EU universities and industries in solar co-generation, tri-generation, CHP, desiccant dehumidify, solar reflector concentrator, nanofluid and membrane techologies. Expertise sought: Renewable sources of energy, Nanotechnology and Nanosciences, Materials technology, Industrial manufacture, Roles sought: Project participant, Organisation types sought: Research, Education, Industry, Small or medium-sized enterprise (SME), Countries sought: Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, Call for proposal specific information 1. Open call with multiple deadlines 2014-04-01 +17:00:00 Stage 1 2. Themes covered by this call LCE-01-2014: New knowledge and technologies 3. Funding schemes applicable for this call (Please see call fiche for full details) RIA (Research and Innovation action) Improvement of anti-erosion management for agricultural land (water erosion) Description of the project offered: The project envisages the development of management technology of erosion control measures that could through detailed account of the relief and the properties of the Earth's surface identify and map the lands erosion risk, select appropriate and most cost-effective methods and techniques to protect them from water erosion at the level of detail specific agricultural fields (soil protection occupancy of crop rotations; the choice of optimal processing directions, as well as orchards and vineyards; spatial optimization of specific agricultural methods of soil conservation and other methods). Main technological project solutions are protected by patents of Ukraine. Project proposer: Valeriy Kolyada (Ukraine) Partner role: Project participant Partner organisation: Research Call for proposal title: N/A Description of the collaboration sought: We are looking for an appropriate consortium to conduct our projects dedicated to the topic of SFS4-20014 (2015): Soil quality and functions (or similar ). Interested in long-lasting or short initiatives to protect soil from erosion, desertification, degradation. Two of proposal (projects) described as part of soil erosion control lab.activities, more information on ( http://www.issar.com.ua/en/content/soil-erosion-control-laboratory) Expertise sought: Scientific research, Forecasting, Security, Regional development, Education. Training, Climate change and Carbon cycle research, Sustainable development, Radiation protection, Environmental protection, Safety, Project management methodologies, Water resource management, Food, Agriculture, Life sciences, Mathematics. Statistics, Earth sciences, Information processing. Information systems, Roles sought: Project coordinator, Organisation types sought: Education, Consultancy, Research, Non-governmental organisation (NGO), Countries sought: Poland, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Netherlands, Sweden, United Kingdom, Iceland, Israel, Norway, Switzerland, Turkey, Water harvesting and reutilization and water cycle research in urban areas. Description of the project offered: I'm looking for partners to apply to the ITN Marie Curie Call. The subject proposed is about water harvesting and reutilization in urban areas and about the research of how to recuperate the water cycle in urban areas through the sustainable urban design systems. Any topic in this line is welcome. Mar Pérez Cambra Department of Architectural Technology. School or Architecture of Barcelona , ETSAB. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya , UPC Project proposer: Mar Pérez () Partner role: Project participant Partner organisation: Public administration Call for proposal title: MARIE SKŁODOWSKA-CURIE ACTION: INNOVATIVE TRAINING NETWORKS (ITN) Call for proposal identifier: H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014 Description of the collaboration sought: Partners with the same topic research interest in water cycle in urban areas to apply to the Marie Curie ITN call. Expertise sought: Materials technology, Construction technology, Roles sought: Project participant, Organisation types sought: Research, Education, Countries sought: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, Call for proposal specific information 1. Themes covered by this call MSCA-ITN-2014-ETN: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (ITN-ETN) 2. Funding schemes applicable for this call (Please see call fiche for full details) MSCA-ITN-ETN (Training Networks) SmartCityApp Description of the project offered: Based on the Citizen Service Platform implemented for the Cluster of Cities in "PRIOS" we want to develop a SmartCityApp offering personalized service for the citizen. Project proposer: Per Åke Andersson (Sweden) Partner role: Project coordinator Partner organisation: Consultancy Call for proposal title: NEW FORMS OF INNOVATION Call for proposal identifier: H2020-INSO-2014 Description of the collaboration sought: We are searching for cities (individuals or clursters) and firms with innovative programmers. Expertise sought: Innovation. Technology transfer, ICT Applications, Roles sought: Project participant, Organisation types sought: Public administration, Small or medium-sized enterprise (SME), Consultancy, Countries sought: United Kingdom, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Iceland, Israel, Liechtenstein, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of, Montenegro, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey, Call for proposal specific information 1. Funding schemes applicable for this call (Please see call fiche for full details) IA (Innovation action) 2. Themes covered by this call INSO-1-2014: ICT-enabled open government Multiphysics benchmark of electrical machines for efficiency optimization Description of the project offered: The design optimization of electrical machines, and particularly the optimization of the efficiency of large MW generators (e.g. for wind turbine applications) and traction machines (e.g. railway and automotive applications) requires to build accurate models of their electromagnetic, thermal and vibro-acoustic behavior. The coupling between the physics can be illustrated by two simple examples : firstly, the winding Joule losses increase with the winding temperature increase, making it necessary to run coupled thermal and electromagnetic simulations when calculating efficiency ; secondly, the optimization of the efficiency in a given volume can lead to external rotor topologies, with lower mechanical strength than an external stator topology, leading to higher vibration and noise due to electromagnetic forces. Thermal models include analytical models, nodal thermal networks, hydraulic networks, and CFD ; electro-vibro-acoustic models of Maxwell force excitations also include analytical and semi-analytical models, electromagnetic and structural FEM, etc. However, there is a clear lack in the scientific community of extensive multiphysics measurements and simulations on a known geometry of electrical machines. This project therefore aims at stimulating research in the field of electrical machines noise and vibrations (NVH) design and thermal design by - defining a clear benchmark of electrical machines vibroacoustic behavior due to Maxwell forces, including synchronous and asynchronous topologies, internal & external rotor - defining a clear benchmark of self-ventilated electrical machines thermal behaviour, including synchronous and asynchronous topologies, internal & external rotor - running extensive electrical, thermal, acoustic and vibration measurements on these benchmark cases - running extensive simulations on these benchmark cases using the latest simulation tools, from analytical to fully numerical methods (FEM & BEM) - post-processing all the data and publishing the results, including the full benchmark data (CAD files, simulation results, experimental results) to allow all the researchers to evaluate their own simulation methods and models on this standard benchmark Project proposer: Jean Le Besnerais (France) Partner role: Project participant Partner organisation: Small or medium-sized enterprise (SME) Call for proposal title: N/A Description of the collaboration sought: The collaboration should include several laboratories with different simulation models and experimental skills, and some industrial partners ready to fully publish their design data. If the open access to this data is a problem, the project will include the manufacturing of some specific prototypes where all the dimensions, tolerances, material thermal, magnetic and mechanical characteristics are known and controlled by the partners. Expertise sought: Scientific research, Coordination. Cooperation, Sustainable development, Reference materials, Energy storage. Energy. Transport, Renewable sources of energy, Other technology, Transport, Electronics. Microelectronics, Industrial manufacture, Roles sought: Project participant, Organisation types sought: Countries sought: Evaluation of integrating Renewable-H2 microgrid to achieve high performance energy supply in building environment Description of the project offered: The aim of the project is to improve the reliability, quality, efficiency and management of power systems based on fuel cells and renewable energy for build environment applications. Buildings account for more than 40% of energy consumption in Europe. Increasing energy efficiency and using renewable energy resources are the most sustainable solutions for cutting consumption. However, the intermittent nature of renewable energy such as wind, solar, etc.. pose new challenges in including them in the current electrical system. The major concern is related to the stability and reliability of the electrical supply caused by natural fluctuations of this type of energy. The use of hydrogen-based energy systems to store excess power and fuel cells to produce electricity from the stored hydrogen is proposed solution to solve this problem. Project proposer: Luis Valverde-Isorna () Partner role: Project participant Partner organisation: Education Call for proposal title: FCH JU Call for Proposals 2013 Part II Call for proposal identifier: FCH-JU-2013-2 Description of the collaboration sought: Distributed generation, Fuel cells, electrolyzers, system integrators, hydrogen storage, hydrogen production, power management, control, solar PV , wind turbines, batteries, flywheels, supercapacitors. Expertise sought: Sustainable development, Hydrogen and fuel cells, Energy storage. Energy. Transport, Renewable sources of energy, Roles sought: Project coordinator, Project participant, Organisation types sought: Countries sought: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, Call for proposal specific information 1. Themes covered by this call SP1-JTI-FCH-2: Hydrogen Production and Distribution 2. Funding schemes applicable for this call (Please see call fiche for full details) JTI-CP-FCH Call GV.8-2015: Electric vehicles enhanced performance and integration into the transport system and the grid Description of the project offered: * Smart grid integration of EV charging stations and electric vehicles ** Experience with the new smart grid communication protocols for EV charge stations and electric vehicles OCPP 2.0 and ISO/IEC 15118 ** Development and evaluation of charge point prototypes ** Integration of charge points in a central system ** Generation of intuitive user interfaces e.g. for charge points and central systems *Communication systems for ECU interconnection ** CAN, especially Partial and Pretended Networking *** Prototypes *** Verification and testing ** Automotive-Ethernet (BroadR-Reach) *** CAN – BroadR-Reach-Gateway *** Mediaconverter Standard Ethernet – BroadR-Reach *** Several national projects in the scope of smart grid integration of electric vehicles and communication networks, with the focus on energy saving, CAN and Automotive Ethernet Possible contributions to the project * Using of Automotive Ethernet and CAN as central communication systems in the future electric vehicle. * Systematically use of Partial and Pretended Networking in combination with CAN- and EthernetNetworks. This can help to reduce the energy consumption of the ICT-system as well as extending the lifetime of ECUs. * A further point can be the implementation and test of smart grid integration into electric vehicle. This can be realized by using the new (and currently developed) standards OCPP 2.0 and ISO/IEC15118. * Consequent realization of these smart grid techniques in conjunction with local and central energy managers can help to avoid load peaks in the electric distribution network by controlling the charging time and in combination with the implementation of energetic recovery systems. * Extension of the smart grid integration from electric cars to trucks and buses * Improvement of the attractiveness of EVs ** Using of location based services (for example reservation of local charge points) ** Standardization of accounting systems Project proposer: Rainer Poeschl (Germany) Partner role: Project participant Partner organisation: Research Call for proposal title: GREEN VEHICLES 2015 Call for proposal identifier: H2020-GV-2015 Description of the collaboration sought: Expertise sought: Roles sought: Project coordinator, Project participant, Organisation types sought: Consultancy, Research, Education, Industry, Public administration, Technology transfer, Non-governmental organisation (NGO), Small or medium-sized enterprise (SME), , Countries sought: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Iceland, Israel, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of, Montenegro, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey, Call for proposal specific information 1. Themes covered by this call GV-8-2015: Electric vehicles' enhanced performance and integration into the transport system and the grid 2. Funding schemes applicable for this call (Please see call fiche for full details) RIA (Research and Innovation action) Materials for building envelope Description of the project offered: "Kvarit" (thermo-insulating construction material) sustainable industrial production innovation project. The manufacturing method and technology have been duly patented and registered. Indoor volatile organic compounds (VOCs) have posed significant risks to human health since people have both shifted to a life spent, for the most part, indoors. Further, changes in materials used in the construction of buildings, furnishings, and tools either leak or encourage the production of VOCs. Whether these enclosed areas are residences, hospitals or workplaces (specifically composting facilities or closed farm buildings for raising livestock), VOCs can rise to levels that threaten people’s health. VOCs can either originate from phenolic and benzene-like compounds in building materials and office furniture or from molds (fungi) growing inside improperly ventilated or sealed buildings. Regardless of the source, exposure to VOCs could lead to significant health concerns from sickbuilding syndrome, ‘leukemia houses,’ in-hospital fungemia cases or occupation-associated cancer epidemics due to aflatoxicosis. Innovative 21st-century building materials could offer solutions to these challenges. We propose that volcanic materials, clays and minerals (volcanic tuff, modified clay montmorillonite and mineral clinoptilolite), in their original or chemically modified form, could act like synthetic lungs in building walls, breathing and filtering VOCs, and thus limiting human exposure to disease. "Kvarit", actually, is a pumice or volcanic tuff with ability to change shape and density. Its primary use is thermo-insulating construction material, also it may be helpful other areas of usage: • fire-resistant • reduce microbial contaminants and airborne fungal carcinogens of indoor environments • helps to maintain soil moisture • corrosion-resistant • noncorroding with water, flightless with wind Product costs are competitive: 1. technology under review requires no cement. 2. technology involved provides for no water consumption. 3. No careful treatment of the fractionated raw stock being required. 4. the total energy consumption of 3.14 times less than the theoretical energy requirements for the production of expanded clay (power consumption in the laboratory – 270 KVA/cbm of production with density 500 kg/cbm.). Summary: 1. Output is controlled easily; 2. The range of finished products and their volume weight are easily adjusted; 3. Studies can be conducted and additives used for manufacturing products; 4. Energy can be obtained from renewable sources, and unstable power supply affects output, but not the quality of products. 5. Raw materials for "Kvarit" is widespread around the world: quarries wastes, mudslides and landslides, construction and demolition wastes, slate or shale quarries. 6. The manufacturing method/technology precludes: noise, evaporated water, nitrogen and nitrogen oxides liberation. 7. A product of any desired density (in the range of 300-800 kg/m3) can be obtained. 8. Flushing tailings contain humus and dust-like clay shale having up to 3% potassium and can be used for land reclamation. 9. No dust present, the plant can dispense with ventilation and suction equipment. 10. Manufacturing enterprise annual production capacity of 50,000 cubic meters (alternative to claydite blocks) allows preclusion of 8000 – 10000 tons of CO2. The main technical barrier - high temperature -1250 ° C Project proposer: Eduard Kokaia (Russian Federation) Partner role: Project participant Partner organisation: Small or medium-sized enterprise (SME) Call for proposal title: CALL FOR ENERGY-EFFICIENT BUILDINGS Call for proposal identifier: H2020-EeB-2014 Description of the collaboration sought: Expertise sought: Robotics, Automation, Materials technology, Construction technology, Roles sought: Project coordinator, Project participant, Organisation types sought: Countries sought: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, Call for proposal specific information 1. Themes covered by this call EeB-01-2014: Materials for building envelope 2. Funding schemes applicable for this call (Please see call fiche for full details) CSA (Coordination & support action) GREEN MANURE AS A SOURCE OF MICROELEMENT NUTRITION FOR CROPS Description of the project offered: Green manure (GM) is an important factor in regulation of mineral nutrition for crops, especially in organic farming conditions. GM of different plant species varies both in accumulation-ability for proper micro-elements (ME), and in tempos of organic matter mineralization in soil, due to an essential difference in their chemical compositions. As a result, green cropped mass of different plants is characterized by different composition and speed of nutrient’s’ release, including microelements as well. Determination of promising plants species, in terms of their efficient quality as a green fertilizer (the source of micro-elements), is proposed. Of a certain scientific and practical interest is a velocity of floral residuals’ transformations in soil that defines speed of nutrients’ release, and time needed for their availability to the follow-on plant-link of cropping- rotation. Results of these studies shall help nominating a list of prospective crops and various combinations hereof to be of maximal effect as a green bulk manure capable to meet the crops’ demand for micro-elements. Release of micro-elements in the process of GM decomposition is expected to coincide in time with critical phases of crops development, i.e., when plants are especially responsive to ME nutrition. Special- purpose studies with various plant species, in different soil & climate conditions shall be implemented to determine an extent of MEs concentrations availability in plant residues during critical phases of main crop development. Contacts: Prof. Dr. Anatoliy Fateev E-mail: fateev_ohrana@rambler.ru Dr, PhD Katerina Smirnova E-mail: smirnova_katerina@myrambler.ru Dr, PhD Dmitriy Semenov E-mail: pochva@meta.ua Project proposer: Anatoliy Fateev (Ukraine) Partner role: Project participant Partner organisation: Research Call for proposal title: Sustainable Food Security Call for proposal identifier: H2020-SFS-2015-2 Description of the collaboration sought: We are looking for an expirienced coordinator and partners to promote our proposal to Consortium in charge of Project to Call "SFS-2-2015 Sustainable crop production". Expertise sought: Scientific research, Sustainable development, Environmental protection, Agricultural biotechnology, Food, Agriculture, Roles sought: Project coordinator, Project participant, Organisation types sought: Research, Consultancy, Countries sought: Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden, Poland, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Ireland, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Spain, United Kingdom, Norway, Switzerland, Call for proposal specific information 1. Open call with multiple deadlines 2015-02-24 +17:00:00 Stage 1 2. Themes covered by this call SFS-02b-2015: Assessing soil-improving cropping systems 3. Funding schemes applicable for this call (Please see call fiche for full details) RIA (Research and Innovation action) Lightweight ceramics. Development of lightweight ceramic materials with food and packaging wastes Description of the project offered: The project’s main objective is to investigate ways of using wastes from packaging classification plants and food waste in the production of lightweight ceramic materials. ITC has been working for many years in the development of lightweight ceramics (from high porosity bricks to cellular ceramics) with controlled porosity. One way commonly used in the development of lightweight ceramics is the addition of organic compounds to typical ceramic raw materials (clays, feldspars, quartz,…). Selectively collected organic waste can be a source of organic matter, being coffee grounds especially adequate for the intended use. The same thing happens with the wastes from packaging classification plants (there is a small percentage of packaging materials that cannot be separated and recycled). The project will focus on the development of lightweight ceramic materials for different uses (from insulating building materials and lightweight ceramic tiles for façades or ceilings to ceramic containers for food products). The key research challenges will be: selecting the suitable types of wastes from packaging classification plants and food wastes and developing highcontent-waste ceramics with controlled porosity that provide the required properties for each intended use. The selection of the most suitable wastes must be performed taking into account not only principles of ceramic processing but also concepts of waste hierarchy (recycling only what cannot be reduced or reused) and the environmental sustainability of the different products developed (from a LCA perspective). The development of systems for food waste sorting (for example selective collection of coffee grounds) can be a necessary step, depending on the results of the project. Project proposer: Quereda María Francisca (Spain) Partner role: Project participant Partner organisation: Research Call for proposal title: Waste: A resource to recycle, reuse and recover raw materials Call for proposal identifier: H2020-WASTE-2014-two-stage Description of the collaboration sought: We are looking for an experienced coordinator and partners to integrate our idea in a proposal for the topic "A systems approach for the reduction, recycling and reuse of food waste". Expertise sought: Scientific research, Coordination. Cooperation, Legislation. Regulations, Sustainable development, Waste management, Food, Roles sought: Project coordinator, Project participant, Organisation types sought: Countries sought: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Iceland, Israel, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of, Montenegro, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey, Call for proposal specific information 1. Themes covered by this call WASTE-2-2014: A systems approach for the reduction, recycling and reuse of food waste 2. Funding schemes applicable for this call (Please see call fiche for full details) RIA (Research and Innovation action) Development of new self-inspection techniques and quality check methodologies for efficient construction processes Description of the project offered: We are looking for partners who are interested in working for this call. Project proposer: Gulcin Tanil (Italy) Partner role: Project participant Partner organisation: Education Call for proposal title: CALL FOR ENERGY-EFFICIENT BUILDINGS Call for proposal identifier: H2020-EeB-2014 Description of the collaboration sought: we are looking for technical universities that can work for us. this kind of call requires min. 3 partners from different countries. Expertise sought: Security, Economic aspects, Education. Training, Sustainable development, Environmental protection, Safety, Project management methodologies, Standards, Reference materials, Measurement methods, Materials technology, Industrial manufacture, Roles sought: Organisation types sought: Countries sought: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Hungary, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Poland, Israel, Switzerland, Turkey, Call for proposal specific information 1. Themes covered by this call EeB-03-2014: Development of new self-inspection techniques and quality check methodologies for efficient construction processes 2. Funding schemes applicable for this call (Please see call fiche for full details) RIA (Research and Innovation action) Smart and Integrated battery–free electronic system for Container Identification Monitoring and Tracking in Intermodal Transport (SICIMT) Description of the project offered: Project coordinator: UNIVERSITY OF LAS PALMAS DE GRAN CANARIA (SPAIN) The market of goods transportation is crucial for the worldwide trade. In spite of it, there is a lack of practical applications of new technologies applied to the logistics, organization and management in the sector of merchandise transport. In particular, the implantation of the automatic systems for containers positioning, tracking and status would result in an important reduction of the costs, a better service and in special, an improvement in the security of the transport. The implementation of mechanisms for goods identification, and measurement of special–interest parameters, such as temperature and possible damages indicators —temperature and impact sensors— is the first step in the application of intelligent systems and new technologies of application to the transport field. The automatic identification of the goods transported in each container, using the new UHF long range passive tags, is an attractive solution. In this way, a continuous traceability of the merchandises may be possible. In this project, we will implement and test a full system for intermodal transport applications including for each container: 1) A GNSS module and applications. 2) An external communication subsystem and applications. 3) An internal RFID reader (to identify the tags of the transported goods) and applications. 4) A temperature and an impact sensor to monitor the status of the container and applications. 5) Custom digital certificates and applications. Project proposer: Javier Rodriguez () Partner role: Project coordinator Partner organisation: Research Call for proposal title: MOBILITY for GROWTH 2014-2015 Call for proposal identifier: H2020-MG-2014_TwoStages Description of the collaboration sought: Expertise sought: Other technology, Robotics, Automation, Network technologies, ICT Applications, Transport, Telecommunications, Information processing. Information systems, Electronics. Microelectronics, Roles sought: Project participant, Organisation types sought: Countries sought: Croatia, Iceland, Israel, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of, Montenegro, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Call for proposal specific information 1. Open call with multiple deadlines 2014-03-18 +17:00:00 Stage 1 2. Themes covered by this call MG-8.2a-2014: Next generation transport infrastructure: resource efficient, smarter and safer 3. Funding schemes applicable for this call (Please see call fiche for full details) RIA (Research and Innovation action) nanoporous structure formation and creating the effective hydrogen storages for the fuel cells. Description of the project offered: The purpose of offered project is to form the materials that are capable of retaining hydrogen both in its molecular and atomic states. Our work experience gained during the last years shows that the best results can be achieved due to the use of radiation technologies. These technologies allow for maximum increase in the degree of nonequilibrium process of materials production, which is mandatory for nanostructures formation. We have developed and use now the ion beam-assisted deposition technology (IBAD method) for creation of thin-film hydrogen adsorbents. It is known that this method is based on intensive bombardment of deposited material with high energy gas ion beams, which leads to the cardinal change in the mechanisms of grain nucleation and growth. The formed nanostructures in combination with intergranular nanoporosity are ideal objects for hydrogen adsorption. We created nanoporous compounds and studied their structural and phase changes at all the stages of film growth as well as their electrophysical, mechanical and adsorption properties. It is shown that the variation of basic parameters of the process of ion beam –assisted deposition allows for formation of pores of a different size that are filled with gases to a different degree. The adsorption capacity of pores was changed from 4.5 to 7.4 wt.% H2. It should be noted that nitrogen ion bombardment during deposition provides formation of nanoporous structures and nitrides as well. Such combination gives an opportunity to simultaneously use both physical and chemical adsorption mechanisms. The obtained results give us grounds to define the key goals of the offered project, in particular, we are looking for project partners for developing the radiation-induced technology for nanoporous structure formation and creating the effective hydrogen storages for the fuel cells. Project proposer: Sergii Pugach () Partner role: Project participant Partner organisation: Research Call for proposal title: N/A Description of the collaboration sought: We are looking for partners which can be a project coordinator and partners in the area of hydrogen storage development. Expertise sought: Hydrogen and fuel cells, Energy storage. Energy. Transport, Transport, Roles sought: Project coordinator, Project participant, Organisation types sought: Countries sought: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Iceland, Israel, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of, Montenegro, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey, Regional Smart Markets for distributed electricity production, storage and flexible consumption. Description of the project offered: We intend to create regional market places for electricity, flexibility as well as demand reduction based on a real-time, high-performance software technology. The technology allows controlling and managing millions of producers, storages and flexible consumers of electricity. Our vision is a regional and transparent supply of 100% green power. To that end, we are building market places in which consumers and producers from the same region come together. Project proposer: Christian Chudoba () Partner role: Project participant Partner organisation: Small or medium-sized enterprise (SME) Call for proposal title: CALL FOR COMPETITIVE LOW-CARBON ENERGY Call for proposal identifier: H2020-LCE-2014-3 Description of the collaboration sought: Expertise sought: Roles sought: Organisation types sought: Countries sought: Call for proposal specific information 1. Themes covered by this call LCE-07-2014: Distribution grid and retail market 2. Funding schemes applicable for this call (Please see call fiche for full details) RIA (Research and Innovation action) High accuracy GPS and map based ITS for safe and congestion free mobility Description of the project offered: The project aims at development of technology that will involve highly accurate dynamic maps and very precise GNSS combined with the vehicular communications, that will help to reduce the urban traffic congestions and traffic accidents. Project proposer: François Anton (Denmark) Partner role: Project coordinator Partner organisation: Research Call for proposal title: MOBILITY for GROWTH 2014-2015 Call for proposal identifier: H2020-MG-2014_TwoStages Description of the collaboration sought: Research and industry partners from automotive industry, transport, car navigation systems. Expertise sought: Innovation. Technology transfer, Transport, Roles sought: Project participant, Project coordinator, Organisation types sought: Consultancy, Research, Industry, Public administration, Technology transfer, Small or medium-sized enterprise (SME), Countries sought: Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Call for proposal specific information 1. Open call with multiple deadlines 2014-03-18 +17:00:00 Stage 1 2. Themes covered by this call MG-3.5a-2014: Cooperative ITS for safe, congestion-free and sustainable mobility 3. Funding schemes applicable for this call (Please see call fiche for full details) RIA (Research and Innovation action) Assessing the biodiversity value of agricultural lands in Europe Description of the project offered: Agricultural lands provide habitat for many plant and animal species. The abandonment of traditionally managed farmlands in Europe, particularly in Mediterranean Europe, has led to the loss of many rare species from the landscape. Because Europe is still largely dominated by agricultural land uses, traditional farming has an important role in conserving Europe's biodiversity. Accordingly, economic incentives have recently been developed to keep High Nature Value (HNV) farmlands in operation. HNV farmland is determined based on the presence of key land cover features and the intensity of the farming operation. However, the exact contribution of different HNV farmlands to European biodiversity have not been assessed. For example, what species assemblages benefit from low intensity grazing pastures versus mixed cropping systems? What proportion of these species are rare or endangered? and how do these relationships vary spatially from region to region? By answering these and related questions, this project seeks to asses the biodiversity value of HNV farmlands in Europe in order to better inform future agricultural incentivization programs. Project proposer: Burak Pekin (United States) Partner role: Project coordinator Partner organisation: Non-governmental organisation (NGO) Call for proposal title: N/A Description of the collaboration sought: Expertise sought: Scientific research, Coordination. Cooperation, Legislation. Regulations, Regional development, Social aspects, Sustainable development, Environmental protection, Life sciences, Mathematics. Statistics, Earth sciences, Roles sought: Project participant, Project coordinator, Organisation types sought: Research, Consultancy, Non-governmental organisation (NGO), Education, Countries sought: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Iceland, Israel, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of, Montenegro, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey, United States, EE management without border Description of the project offered: Motivation: All over the world Residential buildings are of the most energy consumers and the main target for EE improvement toward EU energy policy and strategy. Most of the owners are not familiar with the opportunities of the new technologies and materials, new computing models and energy audit of building process. It’s still difficult to start any EE initiatives in multifamily buildings because of luck of money, understanding, experience, information. Most of the SMEs and municipalities do not have the capacity to keep energy management on the site and its still expensive for them to use the services of the professional energy manager or a energy auditing company. Economy crysis - lost of people (in different age, experience and self performance) are on the labour market without any opportunities to work and develop its capacity. Objective: EE management without border. EE capacity building without limits. Synhronization of the EU iniatives, policies and instruments toward EE in one user friendly tool. Improvement of the EE building envelope & energy performance of residential buildings, SMEs, local authorities EE audit and management of energy performance of residential buildings by the owners. A comprehensive user friendly computer model (software) for identification of EE performance of residential buildings, demonstrated by user friendly interface, intuitive navigation, comparative analysis, energy & financial data. Equal working places to all. Equal access to experts support for all. Project proposer: Sonya Petkova (Bulgaria) Partner role: Project participant Partner organisation: Small or medium-sized enterprise (SME) Call for proposal title: N/A Description of the collaboration sought: Expertise sought: Intellectual property rights, Business aspects, Innovation. Technology transfer, Legislation. Regulations, Employment issues, Regional development, Information. Media, Education. Training, Social aspects, Project management methodologies, Standards, Reference materials, Other energy topics, Energy saving, Network technologies, Information processing. Information systems, Roles sought: Project coordinator, Project participant, Organisation types sought: Consultancy, Research, Education, Industry, Technology transfer, Nongovernmental organisation (NGO), Small or medium-sized enterprise (SME), Public administration, Countries sought: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, LCE-15-2014-1 - Enabling decarbonisation of the fossil fuel-based power sector and energy intensive industry through CCS Description of the project offered: We are looking for partners to complete a consortium for submission of a proposal to the LCE-152014-1 call for carbon capture and storage (CCS). The objective of the proposal is to develop an adsorption process to capture CO2 and its application to industrial sectors other than power (steel, cement, lime, chemical industry, refining, etc.); it will take take advantage of recent advances in the area of multifunctional porous materials by using them as adsorbents. As required by the call, final product will be a pilot-plant scale demonstration unit. The proposal aims at integrating CCS technology in the best possible way so as to optimise the use of energy in the capture process, minimise process efficiency losses, achieve a suitable CO2 purity for transport and storage, and maintain the quality of the industrial end product. The main objectives of the project are: 1) Develop novel adsorbent materials suitable for CO2 capture 2) Scale-up of these materials using environmentally friendly techniques 3) Assessment of the CO2 capture capabilities for the selected adsorbents 4) Prototype design, construction and integration of the technology under pilot-scale conditions to industrial partner Project proposer: Dr. Gerard Tobias (Spain) Partner role: Project coordinator Partner organisation: Research Call for proposal title: N/A Description of the collaboration sought: We're looking for the following partner profiles (industrial partners are preferred due to H2020 policy): (i) Industrial partner(s) which will play the leading role as required by the project. Companies from the steel, cement, chemical sector which are interested in reducing CO2 emissions and industrial end users related to these sectors. (ii) Industrial partner(s) and/or research groups with expertise in large-scale manufacture of crystalline and/or amorphous porous materials and their characterisation. (iii) Industrial partner(s) and/or research groups with expertise in process design and modeling. (iv) Anyone who thinks can contribute to the project. If you are interested in participating in this proposal, please send an email to jperez@icmab.es with a summary of your expertise and how you can contribute to the success of the proposal. Expertise sought: Intellectual property rights, Scientific research, Innovation. Technology transfer, Policies, Climate change and Carbon cycle research, Sustainable development, Energy saving, Nanotechnology and Nanosciences, Roles sought: Project participant, Organisation types sought: Countries sought: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom Gravity Engine - Renewable Energy Description of the project offered: [Technical Field] The present invention relates to a field of physics and mechanical engineering, the creation of new alternative renevable energy sources. Gravity Engine converts the potential energy of the gravitational field of the Earth into mechanical energy and through the turbine and the generator produces electricity. [Background Art] A well-known way to use the force of gravity is hydroelectric power station, which by means of hydraulic structures and forces of water pressure supplied to the blade turbine drives generators producing electricity. This method has great power, but is limited in use due to spesial condition and high costs. [Forming tasks] Our task was to create a fundamentally new system of selection of gravitational energy of the Earth. And it should not be limited either by hydraulic structures or seasonal factors, or great financial cost. Since the gravity is everywhere on the planet Earth , it would be logical to assume that it can be selected and used everywhere too. So far there exist neither autonomous nor portable systems which would allow using the force of gravity in private homes, on transport and completely without any restrictions in all industries. It would be reasonable to refuse transmitting electric power via transmission lines with numerous and bulky resistances and avoid huge losses due to active resistance of the metal conductor. Instead, electricity could be produced by force of gravity in any place and unlimited quantity. It should be noted that the invention of gravitational engine is completely new technical device based on the basic laws of phisics. The present invention is not only a theoretical research but innovation as well because we have found its practical application and made another working model which is perfect enough. But we want to use the experience of European science and to improve those parts of our invention as : electronics, electrical, pneumatic, hidraulic, automation, security, remote control. And also to prepare Gravity Engine to industrial production. This is great , but projected volume of work. I have already registered with the EPO (European Patent Office) as inventor - Mr.Igor Tsebenko 34901. I am also an owner of a smart card and deposit account with number 280400176 from the EPO. And now I'm ready to patent my invention (Description, Claims, Abstract - PDF, and Drawings PDF). Unfortunatelly in my country in Ukraine my project cannot be realized . I'll work on this topic in the EU. I am looking for partners for cooperation in the European Union. I am ready to move my lab, equipment, research model and work together. I want to take part in the program Horizon 2020. Project proposer: Igor Tsebenko (Ukraine) Partner role: Project coordinator Partner organisation: Research Call for proposal title: CALL FOR PROPOSALS FOR ERC STARTING GRANT Call for proposal identifier: ERC-2014-STG Description of the collaboration sought: 1. The possibility of placing laboratory. 2. To create necessary conditions for moving. 3. The availability staff to collaborate. 4. Help with fundraising for the project. 5. Prospects for the future of the project implementation Expertise sought: Other energy topics, Energy saving, Renewable sources of energy, Roles sought: Project coordinator, Project participant, Organisation types sought: Countries sought: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, Norway, Switzerland, Call for proposal specific information 1. Funding schemes applicable for this call (Please see call fiche for full details) ERC-STG (Starting Grant) 2. Themes covered by this call Physical Sciences & Engineering (Panels: PE1 – PE10)