Příloha č. 5: Předmět plnění – technická specifikace Dílčí část veřejné zakázky č. 1 Summary: The Contracting authority is undertaking the ELI project with the objective of building a facility using cutting-edge laser technologies and to implement research and application projects in the field of laser-matter interaction using ultra-short laser pulses at high repetition rates and/or with high energy. Part of the project realization is the purchase and development of high stability, large optical tables. The purpose of this part of public contract is to procure high stability optical tables for the construction of pump laser of L1 beamline (“SET1”) and to procure a set of tables to be used for housing L1 pump laser diagnostics (“SET2”). The laser parameters can be supplied upon request if relevant to the public contract. Technical requirements: [RQ1] Performance requirements for table “SET1” and “SET2” within this Separate part No 1 of this contract. [RQ1.1] Parameter [RQ1.6] Vibration supports [RQ1.2] Requested Value [RQ1.3] Offered value isolator Rigid structure without active or passive vibration isolation, supplied with each set of tables. [RQ1.4] Does offered value comply with requested value? [RQ1.5] Verification method Visual inspection upon delivery Levelling capability allowing height adjustment within at least 25 mm range with lock function. [RQ1.7] Anti-vibration system All table tops must include internal vibration damping (tuned damper) Technical description supplied by manufacturer [RQ1.8] Material of top and Ferromagnetic bottom surface plates of stainless steel, tabletops Inspection delivery 1 upon brushed, finish non-glare [RQ1.9] Thickness of top and Min. 4.5 mm bottom surface plates of tabletops Inspection delivery [RQ1.10] Internal tabletop construction Technical description supplied by manufacturer Honeycomb structure with internal cell size not exceeding 5 cm2 [RQ1.11] Grid of Tapped M6 holes, mounting holes on top min. depth 4.5 mm; surface sealed; upon Inspection delivery upon Rectangular grid with 25 mm separation between centres of tapped holes Inspection delivery upon Extending the whole table top surface except table edges Inspection delivery upon The mounting holes must not be further than 40 mm from table edge. Inspection delivery upon Inspection delivery upon Tapped thread Grid shape Grid coverage Grid coverage at table edges >15 mm Depth of threads [RQ10.6.1] [RQ1.12] Table top Max deviation from flatness over any area of flatness ± 0.15 mm 1 m2 [RQ1.13] Minimum permitted load on any area of 1 m2 [RQ1.14] First resonance frequency of the tabletop [RQ1.15] Laboratory environment Technical description and verification supplied by manufacturer Certification manufacturer 200 kg by Technical description and verification supplied by manufacturer Min. 100 Hz The tables must fulfil criteria for Inspection delivery 2 upon and cleanrooms up to class 10000 (ISO7) and maintain the required parameters in an environment stabilized to a set temperature within ±0.5 degC. description of manufacturing process supplied by the manufacturer The tables must be supplied cleaned and free from oils on surfaces (e.g. residues of cutting oils). 3 [RQ2] Specification of “SET1” of optical tables [RQ2.1] Parameter Requested Value Offered value Does offered value comply with requested value? Verification method [RQ2.2] Set consisting of three separate tables of width and length as sketched below: Inspection delivery [RQ2.3] Tabletop width and length dimensions of individual tables offered in the bid can differ from those shown in sketch [RQ2.2] by ± 50 mm [RQ2.4] Minimum tabletop thickness [RQ2.5] Static [mm/N] upon Inspection delivery upon 300 mm Inspection delivery upon deflection Max. 1x10-5 mm/N Technical description and verification supplied by manufacturer. [RQ2.6] Dynamic deflection above 100 Hz (Compliance) Max. 1x10-4 mm/N Technical and supplied (provided that tables 1 and 2 are identical) 4 description verification by manufacturer. [RQ2.7] Nominal height of tabletop above floor level [RQ2.8] Information on a manufacturer and a product 1000 mm Inspection delivery upon [Business name of a manufacturer and name of a product (if relevant) – i.e. catalogue number etc.] 5 [RQ3] Specification of “SET2” of optical tables Parameter Requested Value Offered value Does offered value comply with requested value? Verification method [RQ3.1] Set consisting of two tables of width and length as sketched below: Inspection upon delivery [RQ3.2] Tabletop width and length dimensions offered in the bid can differ from those shown in sketch [RQ3.1] by ± 50 mm Inspection upon delivery [RQ3.3] Minimum thickness 300 mm Inspection upon delivery tabletop [RQ3.4] Static deflection [mm/N] Max. 1x10-5 mm/N Technical description and verification supplied by manufacturer. [RQ3.5] Dynamic deflection above 100 Hz (Compliance) Max. 1x10-4 mm/N Technical description and verification supplied by manufacturer. [RQ3.6] Nominal height of tabletop above floor level TABLE 1: 1000 mm height Inspection delivery TABLE 2: 850 mm 6 upon height [RQ3.7] Information on manufacturer and on product [RQ4] a a [Business name of a manufacturer and name of a product (if relevant) – i.e. catalogue number etc.] Operational requirements Requirement [RQ4.1] Documentation Verification Inspection of documents upon delivery Bid must include a document describing offered technical parameters of the optical tables. Each table set must be supplied with a specification sheet including factory test documentation. Each table set must be supplied with a dimensioned drawing showing the recommended positions of the table supports [RQ1.6] Each table must be supplied with description of proper handling, storage, maintenance and transport procedures. [RQ5] Delivery and installation Requirement Verification [RQ5.1] All three sets of optical tables must be delivered within 14 weeks from the date of contract signature. Verification of elapsed weeks between contract signature and system delivery. [RQ5.2] Part of the delivery must be also table installation in the Contracting authority´s cleanroom laboratory in Prague. Inspection of installed tables 7 Předmět plnění – technická specifikace Dílčí část veřejné zakázky č. 2 Summary: The Contracting authority is undertaking the ELI project with the objective of building a facility using cutting-edge laser technologies and to implement research and application projects in the field of lasermatter interaction using ultra-short laser pulses at high repetition rates and/or with high energy. Part of the project realization is the purchase and development of high stability, large optical tables. The purpose of this part of public contract is to procure high stability optical tables for the construction and testing of experiential stations (HELL and ELIMAIA) and general laser laboratory work both in and out of the cleanroom environment. Technical requirements: [RQ6] Performance requirements for table “SET3” within this Separate part No 2 of this contract. Parameter [RQ6.1] Vibration supports Requested Value isolator Offered value Rigid structure without active or passive vibration isolation, supplied with each set of tables. Does offered value comply with requested value? Verification method Visual inspection upon delivery Levelling capability allowing height adjustment within at least 25 mm range with lock function. 8 [RQ6.2] Anti-vibration system All table tops must include internal vibration damping Technical description supplied manufacturer [RQ6.3] Material of top and bottom surface plates of tabletops Ferromagnetic stainless steel, brushed, nonglare finish Inspection delivery upon [RQ6.4] Thickness of top and bottom surface plates of tabletops Min. 4.5 mm Inspection delivery upon [RQ6.5] Internal construction Honeycomb structure with internal cell size not exceeding 5 cm2 Technical description supplied by manufacturer tabletop [RQ6.6] Grid of mounting holes on top surface Tapped by Inspection delivery upon Rectangular grid with 25 mm separation between centres of tapped holes Inspection delivery upon Extending the whole table top surface except table edges Inspection delivery upon The mounting holes must not be further than 40 mm from table edge. Inspection delivery upon Tapped M6 holes, sealed; thread Grid shape Grid coverage Grid coverage at table edges Depth of threads [RQ6.7] Table top flatness over any area of 1 m2 ≥15 mm Inspection delivery Max deviation from flatness ± 0.15 mm Technical description verification 9 upon and [RQ6.8] Minimum permitted load on any area of 1 m2 [RQ6.9] First frequency tabletop supplied manufacturer by Certification manufacturer by 200 kg Min. 100 Hz Technical description verification supplied manufacturer resonance of the [RQ6.10] Laboratory environment The tables must fulfil criteria for cleanrooms up to class 10000 (ISO7) and maintain the required parameters in an environment stabilized to a set temperature within ±0.5 degC. and by Inspection upon delivery and description of manufacturing process supplied by the manufacturer The tables must be supplied cleaned and free from oils on surfaces (e.g. residues of cutting oils). 1 0 [RQ7] Specification of “SET3” of optical tables Parameter Requested Value Offered value Does offered value comply with requested value? Verification method [RQ7.1] Set consisting of two identical tables of width and length as sketched below: Inspection upon delivery [RQ7.2] Tabletop width and length dimensions offered in the bid can differ from those shown in sketch [RQ3.1] by ± 50 mm Inspection upon delivery [RQ7.3] Minimum tabletop thickness 150 mm Inspection upon delivery [RQ7.4] Static [mm/N] deflection Max. 5x10-5 mm/N Technical description and verification supplied by manufacturer. [RQ7.5] Dynamic deflection above 100 Hz (Compliance) Max. 5x10-4 mm/N Technical description and verification supplied by manufacturer. [RQ7.6] Nominal height of tabletop above floor level 900 height Inspection upon delivery mm 1 1 [RQ7.7] Information on a manufacturer and on a product [RQ8] [Business name of a manufacturer and name of a product (if relevant) – i.e. catalogue number etc.] Operational requirements Requirement [RQ8.1] Documentation Verification Inspection of documents upon delivery Bid must include a document describing offered technical parameters of the optical tables. The table set must be supplied with a specification sheet including factory test documentation. The table set must be supplied with a dimensioned drawing showing the recommended positions of the table supports Each table must be supplied with description of proper handling, storage, maintenance and transport procedures. 1 2 [RQ9] Delivery and installation Requirement Verification [RQ9.1] All three sets of optical tables must be delivered within 14 weeks from the date of contract signature. Verification of elapsed weeks between contract signature and system delivery. [RQ9.2] Part of the delivery must be also table installation in the Contracting authority´s cleanroom laboratory in Prague. Inspection of installed tables 1 3 Předmět plnění – technická specifikace Dílčí část veřejné zakázky č. 3 Technical requirements: [RQ10] Performance requirements for table within this Separate part No 3 of this contract. Parameter [RQ10.1] Vibration isolator supports Requested Value Offered value Stabilizing pneumatic isolators with automatic levelling (horizontally and vertically isolated) supplied with each table; incl. self-levelling valves and tubing; height min. 590 mm; height adjustment min. 30 mm; min. load of 3000 kg. A suitable air compressor and all the equipment required for pneumatic isolator system operation must be supplied. Does offered value comply with requested value? Verification method Inspection upon delivery and description of manufacturing process supplied by the manufacturer 1 4 Air compressor must be compact and quiet (operating sound level max. 34 dB) with automatic turn-off switch. [RQ10.2] Antivibration system All table tops must include internal vibration damping [RQ10.3] Material of top and bottom surface plates of tabletops Ferromagnetic stainless steel, brushed, nonglare finish Inspection delivery upon [RQ10.4] Thickness of top and bottom surface plates of tabletops Min. 4.5 mm Inspection delivery upon [RQ10.5] Internal tabletop construction Honeycomb structure with internal cell size not exceeding 5 cm2 Technical description supplied by manufacturer [RQ10.6] Grid of mounting holes on top surface Tapped thread Grid shape Grid coverage Inspection delivery upon Rectangular grid with 25 mm separation between centres of tapped holes Inspection delivery upon Extending the whole table top surface except table edges Inspection delivery upon Tapped M6 holes, sealed; 1 5 Grid coverage at table edges Grid coverage over connection(s) Depth table of threads [RQ10.7] Table top flatness over any area of 1 m2 [RQ10.8] Table connections The mounting holes must not be further than 30 mm from table edge. Inspection delivery upon The grid can be interrupted at table connection with max. distance between interrupted grids of 80 mm. Inspection delivery upon Inspection delivery upon ≥15 mm Max deviation from flatness ± 0.15 mm Technical description and verification supplied by manufacturer The connection must not be permanent and allow the tables of the set to be used separately. Inspection delivery The connection must not include any parts that protrude above the top surface. upon Technical description and certification by manufacturer The connection must be such as to guarantee that the whole assembled joined table maintains as one unit the 1 6 required parameters in terms of flatness, dynamic and static parameters. [RQ10.9] Minimum permitted load on any area of 1 m2 [RQ10.10] First resonance frequency of the tabletop [RQ10.11] Laboratory environment 200 kg Certification by manufacturer Min. 100 Hz Technical description and verification supplied by manufacturer The tables must fulfil criteria for cleanrooms up to class 10000 (ISO7) and maintain the required parameters in an environment stabilized to a set temperature within ±0.5 degC. Inspection upon delivery and description of manufacturing process supplied by the manufacturer The tables must be supplied cleaned and free from oils on surfaces (e.g. residues of cutting oils). 1 7 [RQ11] Specification of “SET4” of optical tables Parameter Requeste d Value Offere d value Does offered value comply with requeste d value? Verificatio n method [RQ11.1] Set consisting of two tables of width and length [mm] as sketched below: 1500 Inspection delivery upon Inspection upon 2400 2400 1500 [RQ11.2] Tabletop ± 50 mm 1 8 width and length dimensions offered in the bid can differ from those shown in sketch. delivery [RQ11.3] Minimum tabletop thickness 300 mm Inspection delivery [RQ11.4] Static deflection [mm/N] Max. 5x10-5 mm/N Technical description and verification supplied by manufacturer. [RQ11.5] Dynamic deflection above 100 Hz (Compliance) Max. 8x10-4 mm/N Technical description and verification supplied by manufacturer. [RQ11.6] Nominal height of tabletop above floor level 900 mm Inspection delivery [RQ11.7] Informati on on a manufacturer and on a product [RQ12] (850-950 mm will be accepted) upon [Business name of a manufacturer and name of a product (if relevant) – i.e. catalogue number etc.] Operational requirements Requirement [RQ12.1] upon Verification Documentation Inspection delivery Bid must include a document describing offered technical parameters of the optical tables. The table set must be supplied with a specification sheet including factory test documentation. The table set must be supplied with a dimensioned drawing showing the recommended positions of the table supports. Each table must be supplied with 1 9 of documents upon description of proper handling, maintenance and transport procedures. [RQ13] storage, Delivery and installation Requirement Verification [RQ13.1] The optical tables with supports must be delivered within 14 weeks from the date of contract signature. Verification of elapsed weeks between contract signature and system delivery. [RQ13.2] Part of the delivery must be also transfer, installation and assembly of the tabletop set in the Contracting authority’s laboratory at the Institute of Physics, ASCR, v.v.i. (Cukrovarnická 10/112, 162 00 Prague 6, room C205/1). It will be necessary to tilt the tables on their longer side and move them through relatively small hall and approx. three stairs in order to realize their transfer to the laboratory. Inspection of installed tables 2 0 Příloha č. 6 Prohlášení dle § 68 ZVZ Údaje dle § 68 odst. 3 zákona Název dodavatele právní formy) (vč. Sídlo / místo podnikání IČ Osoba oprávněná jednat Tímto poskytujeme seznam statutárních orgánů nebo členů statutárních orgánů, kteří v posledních 3 letech od konce lhůty pro podání nabídek byli v pracovněprávním, funkčním či obdobném poměru u zadavatele: (uchazeč vyplní jména a data narození takových osob) nebo Čestně prohlašujeme, že žádný ze statutárních orgánů nebo členů statutárních orgánů uchazeče nebyl v posledních 3 letech od konce lhůty pro podání nabídek v pracovněprávním, funkčním či obdobném poměru u zadavatele. (uchazeč ponechá tu variantu, která odpovídá skutečnosti) Tímto poskytujeme seznam vlastníků akcií, jejichž souhrnná jmenovitá hodnota přesahuje 10 % základního kapitálu, vyhotovený ve lhůtě pro podání nabídek: (uchazeč, je-li akciovou společností, připojí požadovaný seznam) Nebo není-li uchazeč akciovou společností Čestně prohlašujeme, že nepředkládáme aktuální seznam vlastníků akcií, neboť nejsme akciovou společností. (uchazeč ponechá tu variantu, která odpovídá skutečnosti) 2 1 Čestně tímto prohlašujeme, že uchazeč neuzavřel a neuzavře zakázanou dohodu podle zákona č. 143/2001 Sb., o ochraně hospodářské soutěže, v platném znění, v souvislosti s touto veřejnou zakázkou. V ………………………… dne ………………………... ...........…………………………… Obchodní firma – podpis oprávněné osoby (doplní uchazeč) 2 2 Příloha č. 7 Čestné prohlášení k ekonomické a finanční způsobilosti splnit veřejnou zakázku Čestné prohlášení o ekonomické a finanční způsobilosti splnit veřejnou zakázku dle § 50 odst. 1 písm. c) zákona č. 137/2006 Sb., o veřejných zakázkách, ve znění pozdějších předpisů (dále jen „zákon“) Název dodavatele právní formy) (vč. Sídlo / místo podnikání IČ Osoba oprávněná jednat Já, jako osoba oprávněná jednat a podepisovat za / jménem uchazeče, tímto čestně prohlašuji, že jsme uchazeč, který je dle § 50 odst. 1 písm. c) zákona ekonomicky a finančně způsobilý splnit veřejnou zakázku s názvem „Zajištění dodávky sestavy optických stolů“. V ………………………… dne ………………………... ………………………………………………….. (Obchodní firma – osoba oprávněná jednat za uchazeče - doplní uchazeč) 2 3