IAG0450 - Analysis of Programming Languages 43788304 43788311 PTL_AINEREGIST 106436 OKM_AINE_WEB 1 EN 1 subject code IAG0450 IAG0450 subject title in Programmeerimis Programmeerimiskeelte analüüs estonian Analysis of Progr subject title Analysis of Programming Languages course volume 3.5 3.5 CP 5.00 ECTS credits 5.00 assessment HINDAMISVIIS_E Examination form teaching AINESEMESTER_ autumn semester Vladimir Viies/ Lembit Jürimägi (English) lector last teaching 2014/2015 Autumn semester course aims in - to give an overview of the evolution of algorithmic languages, universal languages and special purpose languages; English - to compare language constructions in various languages (inc assembler), data types, descriptive and executive statements, data exchange between program modules; - to explain the principles of operation of compilers and their components; - to give the students an ability to describe a special purpose language and create a compiler, the course touches the topics, which are important in everyday work; - to give an overv Having finished the study of the subject a student has to be able: learning outcomes of the- to associate tasks with a suitable algorithmic language; subject in Eng. - to design a special purpose algorithmic language and create a compiler for it; Having finished th - to document software projects. Programming language, programming system, compilers. brief description of Language syntax, concept, classification, grammar. course content Expressions, syntax-trees, syntax diagrams, compilers description languages. Compiling, the main types of compilers. in English The basic statements of programming languages and an overview of the nature and evolution of them. Pseudo-language and assembler: constructions conformity. "Good Language"(separate different languages). Special languages (SQL as language, basic statements, SQL and databases). Managing a special language as software project. Different programming methods: structure, object-oriented approach to programming. Documentation. Programming lang 12329 25.01.2012 31435 evaluation 12330 25.01.2012 31435 criteria Est. evaluation criteria Eng. study literature Aine koduleht – http://www.tud.ttu.ee/im/Vladimir.Viies/materials/IAG0450_Prog.lang.anal/ David Eck, Introduction to Programming Using Java http://math.hws.edu/javanotes/ http://math.hws.edu/eck/cs124/downloads/javanotes5.pdf http://www.java2s.com/Tutorial/Oracle/CatalogOracle.htm Täiendav kirjandus: Viktor Leppikson. Programmeerimine C-keeles. Külim, 1997 http://classes.eclab.byu.edu/330/-Concepts of Programming Languages http://www.springer.com/computer/programming/book/978-3-540-54576-7 Methods-of-Programming The GNU C Library. http://www.delorie.com/gnu/docs/glibc/libc_toc.html http://www.BruceEckel.com stationary study weekly 4.0 hours 2.0 lectures + practice exercises 2.0 4.0 2.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 curricula containing the subject code of study plan aine kohustuslik version 1. IASM02/12 ei Aine koduleht - ht