APT Meeting Minutes March 10, 2014

APT Meeting Minutes March 10, 2014
PRESENT: Tricia Balk, President, Tara Adams, Vice President, Carrie Miner ,
Treasurer, Diana Plue, Secretary, Amy Paldino
Meeting called to order at 6:40 p.m.
Prior Minutes from January 14, 2014.
Motion to Approve minutes as read made by Tricia Balk and seconded by Tara
Motion to Approve minutes : 4 yes, 0 no. Motion approved.
Treasurer’s Report by Tara Adams:
A budget was distributed to all present at the meeting and reviewed.
President, Secretary had no report.
Vice President: Reported on book fair, summer reading program.
1. Book Fair—Carrie Miner: Next bookfair will be in the movement Ed
room. Scholastic Dollars: Carrie to check with Corey on how the school
wants to use the scholastic dollars. The scholastic dollars have to be
spent by Friday March 13.
Unofficial agreement regarding the bookfairs is the following:
a. First bookfair proceeds goes to APT
b. Second Bookfair proceeds goes to school
c. December bookfair gets scholastic dollars for the high school to
d. Last bookfair is a buy one get one free and goes to the kids.
2. Summer Reading Program: the school would like to know if we can help
fund. . More information was requested about the program before we can
vote on this.
3. Teacher Appreciation:
On Valentines Day we handed out Valentines to all
teachers and staff, bus garage, cafeteria.
Teacher appreciation week is the week of May 5 –May 9.
APT will do something everyday. APT will provide
breakfast for the teachers on May 9. Carrie Miner will
help with Elementary Coffee Cart. Need Help for high
school coffer cart.
4. By-Laws: in progress
5. Box Tops: winning class: Ms. Genson –Breakfast; winning grade: 3rd
grade: ice cream. Misty setting up dates for breakfast and ice cream for
winning class and grade.
Box Tops raised just under $2000.00, which we will use to pay for the
testing breakfast.
6. Testing Breakfast: April 1-3 for grades 3-8; April 30-May 2 for grades 3-8.
Two volunteers are needed for elementary school and one volunteer for
middle school. Amy Polidno will work try to get three volunteers for each
of the six days.
7. Scholarships for seniors being advertised by administration. Application
will be reviewed and voted on at our next meeting.
8. Internet Safety Night: March 18 at 6:30 p.m. elementary school.
9. Earth Day: is April 22, 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.. It will be on the front lawn
of the middle/high school. If it rains it will be in Middle school gym. We
have redeemer cage for bottle drive, free science, Laura Bowen to do
story time, Linda Bubcock will have a recycled art station, ffa seed
NEXT BUSINESS MEETING is Tuesday May 13 at 6:30 p.m
Tricia Balk made motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:41 p.m. Motion was seconded
by Tara Adams. All in favor: 5 yes, 0 no. Motion to Adjourn Carried.
Meeting Adjourned at 7:41 p.m.