AP Comparative Government and Politics Study Guide Final Exam


AP Comparative

Government and Politics

Study Guide Final Exam

By Stephen Phillips

*Information and Disclaimer: I made this study guide using information from Mr. Hoehler’s Powerpoints posted online, the notes I had, worksheets, and very ra rel y, per sonal knowledge. T his contains the answ ers to almost all of the study gu ides Mr. Ho ehler gave to us over th e year. I did del ete some it em s that were redundant because the infor mation was rep eated in another question. The highlighted items were t hings I did not know/could not find in the powerpoints/notes et c. Best of Luck to Everyone o n the Exam and I hope this helps !

First Test

Why we compare

When we compare governments it makes it easier to improve our own. Additionally it is important to understand world politics and how the different governments interact. (This question is kind of subjective, that’s an answer I put forward, but there are a lot of correct ones.)

Types of States

Industrialized democracies (1 st


Communist and post communist (2 nd world)

Less developed countries (ldcs) (3 rd


Newly Industrialized Countries (NICs)

Indicators of Economic Development


Assessing Levels of Development

Human Development Index

Criteria for Democracy

 6 Criteria:





 Regular

 Free

 Fair

 Opposition Parties



 Governed by clear and fair rules.

 No one is above the law.



 Ability to organize and assemble.

 Speak views publicly.



 Widely shared set of attitudes/beliefs about the relationship between citizens and the government




Transition Process: Authoritarian-Procedural Democracy- Substantive Democracy

Three “Waves” of Democratization

First Wave: When: Late 19 th

Century to WWII. Why: Expansion of urban middle class.

Second Wave: When: End of WWII to 1970 Why: De-colonization

Third Wave: When: Mid-1970s until now. Why: Defeat of dictatorial rulers (S. America,

Africa, E. Europe)


Head of State

The person who controls the state, ie the queen in the United Kingdom

Head of Government

The person in charge of government, ie the prime minister in the United Kingdom

Independent Variable

Factor that causes dependent variable .

Dependent Variable

Main object of study. Caused by another variable

Complex or Multi-causality

Events Occur because of a multiplicity of causes.

Normative Statement

Empirical Statement


An association between two variables. Causality may or may not be present.


A change in one variable changes another.


A set of public institutions exercise political power over a defined geographic territory.

Maintain sovereignty through the use of power. Has a GEOGRAPHIC and POLITICAL boundary.


Human community with a shared culture and history. Might be a sub-unit within a state.

Might transcend state boundaries.


The group of people and institutions that hold political authority in a state.


Fundamental rules and norms for exerting power in politics. Endure across governments/ administrations. Long-term goals regarding freedom and equality (political and economic).


All the concepts discussed (state, government, and regime) and all the people living within its political system. The ENTIRE political entity and its system.

Industrialized Democracy (First World)

POLITICAL : Stable liberal democracy

ECONOMIC: High level of economic development

Communist and Post-Communist Countries (Second world)

POLITICAL: Communist: one-party, authoritarian regime. Post-communist: authoritarian, democratic, or somewhere in between.

ECONOMIC: Communist: eliminate economic inequality. Post-communist: transforming to incorporate capitalism.

Less Developed Countries (Third World)

POLITICAL: Tend to have authoritarian regimes. Struggle with political development/stability.

ECONOMIC: Limited economic growth


Moved from agriculturally based economy to industrial based, to service based.


Set of values that emphasize “Quality of Life” instead of material gain. Health Care,

Environment, Education


Gross Domestic Product: The total value of goods and services produced by an economy,


GDP that Includes income earned by citizens outside of the country.

Human Development Index

Human Development Index Measures overall well-being of society: Health, education,

& income. Scale of 0-1

Political Rights

Ensure Political Equality

Civil Liberties

Ensure political freedoms

Substantive Democracy/Liberal Democracy

Display “6 Criteria for Democracy,” including: Neutral Judiciary Civilian Control of


Procedural Democracy/Illiberal Democracy

Have “Competitive Elections,” but are missing most (or all) of the other criteria.

Preconditions for Democratization


Level of Economic Development: Developed infrastructure Modernization, Large, educated middle class


Favorable International Environment: Powerful states may PROHIBIT. PRESTIGE of democracy. INCENTIVES from other democratic regimes.

Second Test

Globalization o What is globalization: the process enabling financial and investment markets to operate internationally, largely as a result of deregulation and improved communications o Costs and Benefits


Reduction of barriers makes economic transactions easier.

Rapid economic growth.

Global array of products at cheaper prices.

Better access to information, technology , and capital.

 Spread democracy and human rights.

Empower non-state actors.

Global citizenship. o Costs

Erosion of state sovereignty.

Problems spread more easily over borders.

 Crime, drugs, economic crises, disease.

Labor is exploited by MNCs.

Costs of rapid urbanization

Gender inequality

 Backlash against “Americanization.”

United Kingdom o Ethnic demographics

92% White, 8% Other 83% English 9% Scottish 5% Welsh 3% Northern Irish o Religious demographics

72% Christian (Anglican: official religion), 3% Muslim, 25% Other o Gradualism

Democratization occurred over a very long period of time. o Collectivist Consensus

 Consensus between parties on major policies.

Greater economic equality.

Full employment.

Government control of major industries.

Creation of a WELFARE STATE. o State provides a wide variety of social services.


Government nationalizes major industry.

Continues to allow other principles of capitalism o 1970s and End of Consensus

Inflation, Stagnating Economy, Declining Industrial Competitiveness, OPEC quadrupled oil prices, Government mismanagement of industry, Strikes by laborers in major industries o 1979 to Present

 Thatcher with privatization

 Blair’s Third Way

 Cameron’s Big Society

Key Terms

Neoclassical liberal economic theory (Economic Liberalization)

Foreign Direct Investment

When MNCs operate in a nation, the profit/production value.

Multinational Corporations

Corporation that produces and or delivers materials in more than one company. For example, apple is an MNC because they make there products in China and deliver them to

European countries/U.S./ China etc.

Race to the Bottom

The ideal that companies are racing to get cheaper and cheaper products at greater and greater human rights cost.

Market Failure

Those who produce and consume don’t bear full cost of their actions (i.e., pollution).


Independent legal authority over a population. State controlling its own territory.

Human Capital

Attributes gained by a worker through education and experience.

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)

An Autonomous organization run separately from the government. Oftentime3s act as checks on government.

Magna Carta

No absolute monarch, Consent of nobility to tax and spend.

Restoration of 1660

Ended Civil War, Monarchy restored, Expanded role of Parliament

Glorious Revolution

King would be Anglican. Parliament Supreme

Reform of Lords 1911

House of Lords power is stripped. House of Commons is supreme.

1832 Great Reform Act

Expanded the male vote

1867 Reform Act

All male householders could vote.

1918 Representation of the People Act

All men and women over 30 could vote.

1928 Equal Franchise Act

All women can vote.

Welfare State

State provides a wide variety of social services. (NHS etc.)

Beveridge Report

Social Insurance Program for all: Health care, Unemployment insurance, Pensions,

National Health Service (NHS), 1948

National Health Service (NHS)

Basically the National Health Care Run by State

Margaret Thatcher

THE IRON LADY! Ended Consensus, turned to privatization, “NeoLiberal”


Selling off many of the State Owned Enterprises and turning to more private run business.


Revival of liberal ideas, Lower taxes, govt. regulation, & welfare spending., Protect property rights.

Tony Blair: The Third Way

 New Labour Party”

Combine socialism and market economy.

 Kept Thatcher’s major privatization reforms.

Increased welfare assistance.

 Welfare-to-work

 Pensions


David Cameron

Current PM

Austerity Measures

Major Spending cuts in departments, spending, monarchy, raising vat, raising pension age etc.

Big Society

Volunteerism: Empowering individuals and local communities.


Delegating decision making to local public bodies.

University Fees

Fees in England to rise to a maximum of £9,000 a year, students angered and revolted through riots.

Third Test

Unwritten Constitution

The Constitution of the Crown.

British Political Culture

Basic values and assumptions that people have toward authority, the political system, and political life.

UK Political Parties

Two major parties: Labour and Conservatives, Another party, Liberal Democrats, also holds some power.

Minor Parties

Plaid Cymru, Scottish National Party, Sinn Fein: Catholics, Democratic Unionist Party:


Levels of Government

Confederate, Unitary and Federal

Devolution and local assemblies

Smaller parliaments located in places like N. Ireland. Reason for UK’s gradual shift towards federalism.

House of Lords

Upper house of the British Parliament, has very little power and can only temporarily delay legislation.

Key Terms

Constitution of the Crown

The Rational Legal Authority of the Government to rule based on the various important legal documents.

Rational Legal Authority

System of well-established laws and procedures.

Common Law

Legal system based on precedent

Political Culture

Basic values and assumptions that people have toward authority, the political system, and political life.


Citizens’ Belief that their government has the right to rule.

Political Efficacy

Individuals believe they can influence the political process.

Whigs and Tories

Whigs were anti-king and Tories supported the King


Conservatives who were not supportive of the UK joining the EU.

Noblesse Oblige

The social theory that the nobles in society have a responsibility to care for the needy.

Trade Union Congress (TUC)

Established the Labour Party.

Clause 4

Nationalize Industry

Political Socialization

Process of developing political values and beliefs.

First Past the Post (FPTP)

Winner take all system, like in the US.


The excess of votes received by the leading candidate, in anelection in which there are th ree or more candidates, overthose received by the next candidate (distinguished from majority).

Alternative Vote (AV)

FPTP single member districts, rank your candidates, if no preference gets a majority, second preference of least popular candidates gets redistributed. Repeat until FPTP is achieved.

Single-Member District

Plurality winner take all system where one candidate must receive more votes than all other candidates.

Multi-Member Districts

Parties create a list of candidates and then the seats are divided based on proportion of vote received.

Mixed Member Proportional Voting (MMP)

Some members of legislature are elected by single member FPTP, and some members elected by proportional system.


National Government is supreme and the regional governments derive all power from national.


The local government is supreme and the national government derives all power from the local.


The Power authority is divided between national and regional.


Delegating decision-making to local public bodies.

Queen’s Speech

Speech written by majority party for the queen to read at start of each session of parliament.

1911 Reform of Lords

Power was stripped and the commons now reigns supreme.

Hereditary Peers

Peers whose title is inherited not granted.

Life Peers

Members of the house of lords that were appointed to nonhereditary positions.

Fourth Test



British governments version of our congress. It holds all the real power in the UK government.

Prime Minister

The British head of government. Cabinet has collective responsibility. MP from majority party, traditionally a more senior member of the party.

Dissolution of Government

The Prime minister must call elections within five years.

British Judiciary

Hierarchy of the Courts similar to the US. Justices appointed by the PM. No Judicial

Review. Can only determine if governments actions are in keeping with common law and previous acts. POSSIBLE CHANGE!!!!


Led by the Cabinet ministers. Top level bureaucrats are experts in their fields.

Bureaucrats are bipartisan, retain job through regime changes.

Interest Groups

See Quangos.

European Union

27 countries, States pool sovereignty to receive political economic and social benefits, share policies and rules.

Three Pillars

Trade and economic matters. Justice and home affairs (borders, immigration, crime.)

Common foreign and security policy.

Criteria for Membership

Stable and functioning democratic regime. Market-oriented economy. Acceptance of EU laws and regulations.


European Coal and Steel Community (1951)

6 Countries

Single Market for coal and steel

Gradual elimination of trade barriers.

Containment during Cold War

European Economic Community (1957)

Expanding beyond coal and steel.

Free internal trade.

Creation of external tariffs.

European Community (1965)

Expanding beyond economics.

Included unified approach to atomic energy.

European Union (1991)

Maastricht Treaty

Expanded authority into more policy areas.

Creation of common currency: THE EURO.


Established in 1945, 193 countries, “peacekeeping” capabilities, conflict prevention, humanitarian assistance, forum for international dialogue.


Established in 1994, 153countries (all major economies but Russia), Emphasis on FREE trade, Create and administer trade agreements.


27 members (one from each state). 1 president. Role: Each heads a “directorate” that is similar to a cabinet. They initiate and propose legislation and oversee implementation of laws and programs.

Council of Ministers

The Heads of Government and various ministers from each state. They meet depending on the issue. Their role is to approve the commission’s proposals. Votes of each state roughly equal to population. Some benefits for small states. Majority of states must vote for it to count.

European Council

Part of Council of Ministers that consists of the heads of government from all states.

Meet 2-4 times a year.

European Parliament

Members of European Parliament voted by citizens. Seats based roughly on population.

Very little power, weakest part of EU. Legislative CODECISION. Council can override any decisions.

European Court of Justice

One Justice from each country, judicial review, EU laws are supreme, Limits national sovereignty.

Parliamentary Sovereignty

The British Parliament maintains complete control over the British Government.

Parliamentary System

Head of Government is chosen by legislature.

Fusion of Power

Authority is concentrated in one body. No “separation of powers” b/n executive and legislative.

First Among Equals

The Prime Minister is first in the cabinet but everyone is equal.

Collective Responsibility

The Cabinet follows the decision of the Prime Minister absolutely.

Question Time

The time during which MP’s can ask questions of the Prime Minister. Remember classroom debate.

Speaker of the House of Commons

A previous MP that now presides over the House of Commons. Does not get a vote and is supposed to be impartial.

Shadow Cabinet

The minority parties representation of the majority parties cabinet with their own MP’s


The MP’s that have very little power in the actual government. Mostly less experienced


Party Discipline

The Backbenchers almost always go with their leaders decision.

Three Line Whip

A piece of legislation that the leaders underline three times meaning that the

Backbenchers must vote with their leadership.

Vote of No Confidence

If the majority of MP’s vote no confidence the government must: Resign: a new coalition government comes to power, New PM and Cabinet. Dissolve: elections are called

Fixed Term Parliament Act

General Elections are held in May every 5 years unless vote of no confidence. PM no longer calls elections.

Law Lords

The old supreme authority in judiciary before the justices.


The bureaucracy led by the Cabinet heads.

Linkage Institutions

Groups that connect the citizens to the governments, political parties, interest groups, mass media.


Many rival groups compete for policy influence in a sextor. Autonomous of government

(US system)


Few groups for each sector. Officially approved by the government. Groups involved in policy making.


Quasi-autonomous non-governmental organizations. They are government funded and help the government craft policy. Approx. 1000

Supranational Organization

An organization outside or beyond the authority of one national government (EU)

Political Integration

Cooperation between states and formations of regimes, results with the constitution of new political entities all of which have a degree of independence.

Qualified majority voting

Majority of states must vote, small states are over representation


Established by the Maastricht treaty. The main legislative procedure by which directives and regulations are adopted in the EU.

Democratic Deficit of EU

Lack of public involvement, Only Parliament is directly elected, lack of accountability, low political efficacy.

Fifth Test

European Union Sovereignty Issues

Countries not listening to EU, Remember UK worksheet on arranged marriages.

Marx and Socialist Ideology

Private enterprise=unacceptable inequality, Capitalist elite exploit masses, People as a whole should control economic enterprises. Equality of outcome (no hunger or poverty). Society passes through stages (pre-modern to industrial) Class conflict occurs between the Bourgeoisie

(Capitalist elite) and the Proletariat (working masses). The elite create a superstructure to control the masses (government and religion). Revolution occurs in an industrialized society (proletariat masses rise up). Post-Revolution there is no superstructure, no exploitation of worker, no private ownership.

Russian Revolution

BOLSHEVIKS overthrew Russian government.

– “Larger Faction” of Social Democratic Party

Actually: the minority

– Eventually call themselves “COMMUNISTS”

V.I. Lenin: Marxist leader of Bolsheviks

Solidified control in 1921.

Renamed Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

Stalin’s Two Part Plan

Collectivization: Ended private ownership (NEP), Collective farms (state run)

Industrialization: Forced society to industrialize, surplus farmers sent to cities

Command v. Market Economy

Command is government run, Market is driven by the people. Think Socialist government vs. Capitalist government.

Recruitment of Party Elites

Nomenklatura: Lists of qualified CPSU members who could fill important party positions. Secretariat controlled appointments. Elite Ruling class.

Various Cold War Leaders of USSR

Nikita Khrushchev (1953-64)

Loosened censorship

Denounced Purges

Decreased Cold War tensions

Leonid Brezhnev (1964-1982)

Stagnating economy

Massive military spending


GLASNOST: o political “openness” o Political dissent

PERESTROIKA: o Economic “restructuring” o Introduce elements of market economy o Private enterprise and private ownership (farms)

Flaws of the Soviet System

No worker incentive, lack of innovation, excessive defense spending.

1991 Coup Attempt

Communist hard-liners oppose Gorbachev’s reforms. 3 day coup, Gorbachev detained at dacha. Boris Yeltsin (president of Russian republic the largest “state”) rallied the public to oppose Coup. Gorbachev resigned and the USSR disbanded.


Former KGB spy, PM under Yeltsin, acting president when Yeltsin resigned, won 2000 and 2004 presidential elections. Stabilized economy. Pretty much, “The Man”

1993 Constitution and Structure of Govt.

 Boris Yeltsin: Western-style democracy

 Mixed Presidential/Parliamentary System

 Loosely based on French system

 Government: 3 Branches

 Executive

 Head of State: President

 Legislature:

 Head of Government: Prime Minister (Premier)

 Upper House: Federation Council

 Lower House: Duma

 Judicial:

 Constitutional Court

Russian President

Directly elected by the people. Term of 6 years with a term limit of 2 (Except for Putin).

Centered in the Kremlin. Popularly elected in a two ballot runoff (must win majority) NO VP.

Presidential Powers

Names PM and appoints cabinet. Issues decrees with force of law. Veto Legislation, impose martial law, grants pardons, call referenda, right to temporarily suspend actions of other institutions.

Prime Minister Powers

Can issue resolutions and directives that can be overridden by President. Proposes budget and legislation. Ensures the implementation of state policy.


Current President of Russia

Putin and Medvedev

End of the Bromance?????

Political Parties

Floating Party System: Parties come and go. Voters do not develop party loyalty and no party identification. 3 consistent parties since 2000. (United Russia, Communist Party of the

Russian Federation, Liberal Democrats)

Electoral System

Before: 2005 Mixed Member Proportional System: 225 FPTP SMD’s, 225 Nationwide

Proportional (5% Threshold).

Russian Parliament

Lower House: The Duma. Has 450 seats chosen by popular vote. 5 year terms as of 2011.

Before 2005 proportional MMPV, after 2005 Proportional. After 2005: 100% Propotional with a

7% threshold. Upper House: Federation Council. 178 members 2 from each sub-unit. Appointed by local governor and legislature. Role is to represent the regions

Powers of Parliament

Basically none. They can only impeach Putin with Putin’s approval. Approves appointments and can override veto with a 2/3 vote. Approves the budget and sign bills into law.

The Upper house has even less power because they can only delay legislation.

Russian Courts

Communist era had no independent judiciary. 1993 Constitution created a Constitutional

Court that was appointed by the President. Power of Judicial Review(in theory). Careful not to cross Putin! Supreme Court: Final court for civil and criminal cases.

Russian Bureaucracy

Overseen by a Cabinet. Power Ministries had Key advisers that shape public policy.

(Defense Foreign Affairs, Interior and State Security Bureau (FSB)

Key Terms


17 EU nations that have adopted the Euro

Monetary Policy

Control Money Supply and interest rates


The money utilized by much of the EU.

Schengen Zone

25 Nations (not UK) that have a single external border. Passport free movement within.

Lisbon Treaty

Decrease Democratic Deficit, more legislative power to EU Parliament. Increase EU influence in World Affairs, 2 and a half year term for European Council President, New Post:

High Representative in World Affairs.

Karl Marx

Father of Communism, a german socialist that wrote the communist manifesto.

Communist Manifesto

The works of Marx that outline the communist ideology. Not the same thing as the

Leninist take on Communism,


Capitalist elite


Working masses


An institution to control the masses (government/religion)


The group that overthrew the Russian Government

V. I. Lenin

Marxist leader of Bolsheviks.

Vanguard of the Revolution

Small group of revolutionary leaders that Lenin thought was necessary to provoke revolution.

Democratic Centralism

Rule by a few key leaders


Communist Party of the Soviet Union


New Economic Policy that allowed some private property and businesses


Marx’s revolutionary anti-capitalism; Lenin’s reliance of communist party-state.


Central State Planning Commission created goals for entire economy.

5 Year Plan

Double production of all major industries in five years.


Collectivization and industrialization by central planning, executed with force and brutality. Purges see below.


Millions of citizens and party members killed because Stalin was obsessed with disloyalty within the party. Millions sent to Gulags.

Party State

The USSR was run by the USSR. They oversaw all people and institutions. Power was centered with the politburo and secretariat.


Political openness and political dissent


Economic restructuring which introduces elements of market economy and private enterprise and private ownership.

Shock Therapy

Rapid shift to a market economy. Resulted in Massive inflation, unemployment, a huge gap between rich and poor. The public faith in the market economy dwindled.


Rich powerful members of Russian society. Support Putin or your pretty much done.

Red Directors

Dual Executive

Prime Minister and President

United Russia

Putin’s Party which is a merger of unity and fatherland all Russia.


Communist Party of the Russian Federation: Peaked in the 1990’s as anti Yeltsin reform.

More Central Planning and Less economic reform.

Liberal Democrats

Vladimir Zhirinovsky: Extreme Nationalism (Anti-semitic and sexist)

Party of Power

Promotes interest of current leadership and is not defined by ideological positions on issues

Right Cause

Headed by Mikhail Prokhorov designed by Putin to run against him.


Former KGB

Sixth Test

Key Themes and Concepts

Russian Federalism

Borders of sub-units are generally based on ethnicity. Federal System: sub-units have some autonomy. (Incentive to stay in Russian Federation) Sub-units have governors and legislatures.

Russian Religious Cleavages

Most citizens are nonpracticing/nonbeleiving. State involved in Russian Orthodox (15-

20% of population)

Ethnic Cleavages

Russian 80% Tatar 4% Ukrainian 2% Bashkir 1% Chuvash 1% Other 12%

Chechen Wars

Putin Portrays the rebels as terrorists (2002 they seize a theater, 2004 they seize a school,

2009 war is over)

Russia’s Elections and Managed Democracy

Kind of sort of rigged elections. No proof but its pretty much known. Putin stepped down to Prime minister but will ascend to President in 2012. Basically people can’t run against Putin unless Putin asks them too.

Putin and the Media

Putin took over most TV news stations and arrested oligarchs responsible for basically trying to have somewhat fair coverage. Now the News stations are controlled by Putin meaning they all praise him. (Gusinsky: arrested for corruption NTV: now owned by Gazprom Stateowned natural gas Berezovsky: fled the country TV-6 was closed by the government)

Political Campaigns

Low levels of campaign spending allowed Can’t explicitly campaign until 1 month before election

Special Interests

Basically all government run organizations that are headed by someone connected to


Russian Oligarchs

Tycoons that bought state-owned industries at a cheap price when USSR collapsed. Many oligarchs came from nomenklatura. Close ties to Yeltsin in 1990s.

Corruption in Russia

Ranks 154 th

out of 178 countries on Transparency International Report, 2010. Basically there corrupt.

Russian Political Culture

Mistrust of Government, Statism, Equality of Result

Russian Civil Society

Organizations outside of the state that allow for political or civil participation. Restriction of group activities (especially if group is critical of government). Tough registration laws.

Harassment from police and local officials.

2006 NGO Law

NGO’s and Russians are exposed to excessive government scrutiny and undue government interference.

Chinese History

Hundreds of years of dynasty’s followed by Communism. Mandate of Heaven.

Maoist Philosophy

Collectivism (community above individual). Self reliance and struggle, egalitarianism, mass line.

Economic Development in the PRC

Heavily influenced by the Soviet enterprise. Land reform-redistribution from rich to poor.

Collectivization and development of industry.

Sino-Soviet Split

U.S.S.R. would not support China’s nuclear development and attempts to attack Taiwan.

Great Leap Forward

Develop industry and agriculture. Collectivization of farms. Mass mobilization. People’s communes. (Thousands of families in one unit that competed with other communes).

Cultural Revolution

It’s right to rebel. Mao felt obsolete and thought the party was an obstacle. Factions of reds (utopians/Mao) and experts (intellectuals).

Cult of Mao

Basically everyone “worships” Mao. The little red book, The Loyalty dance.

Black Cat/White Cat

Does not matter if a cat is white or black as long as it catches mice. (Focus on economic prosperity, not socialism.

Entrepreneurs and State-Owned Enterprises

SOE’s are decreasing, number of private owned enterprises is increasing but SOE’s have a lot more assets and are increasing.

Key Terms

What are Oblasts and Republics?

In lay terms, they are like the states in the U.S. The Republics tend to have more power.

What are Super Regions (federal districts)

They are basically larger geographic areas containing Oblasts and Republics. They are headed by a governor appointed by the President…Basically Putin’s followers in modern times.

Russian Orthodox

The largest religion in Russia, state promoted by Putin, other than those that follow no specific religion.

State Corporatism

Theory and practice of organizing the whole of society into corporate entities subordinate to the state.

Insider Privatization

Companies run by men loyal to government (oligarchs loyal to Putin)

Mikhail Khodorkovsky

Richest man in Russia CEO of Yukos Oil Co.Funded opposition parties2003: 8-year sentence for fraud and tax evasion 2011: 5 more years for stealing and laundering


Government plays an active, strong role in shaping society (political, economic, social, and military).


Youth Group indoctrinated into believing Putin’s awesomeness. Basically they are children following United Russia.

Dynastic Cycles

Long periods of family rule divided by times of chaos.

Mandate of Heaven

Legitimacy of the right to rule came from ancestral wisdom from heaven.

Revolution of 1911

Overthrew emperor which birthed the Republic of China which had Weak central government under the Sun Yat-sen. Provincial Warlords retained much power.

Sun Yat-sen

Leader of the Nationalist Party or Kuomintang (KMT)


Local leaders.

Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

Formed by intellectuals in 1921. It was controlled by USSR. Initially united with KMT to defeat warlords and unite the country.

Chiang Kai-shek

Leader of the KMT after Sun Yat-sen’s death. Led a surprise attack against the communists of Mao Zedong to start a civil war.


Leader of the communist party. Basically screwed a lot of stuff up in china but the still worship him as their savior. (Cult of Mao).

Mass Line

Line of communication (back and forth) from CCP leaders through members to peasants.

Leaders take ideas of the masses, shape them into policy, then explain that policy to the masses.

Hundred Flowers Movement

Mao invited criticism of party performance, then got angry and labeled the critics as rightists. He then started an anti-rightist campaign during which thousands of intellectuals were persecuted.

Great Leap Forward

The goal was to develop industry and agriculture through the collectivization of farms.

This included the mass mobilization and creation of People’s Communes. This failed because

Beijing set the goals way to high and there was unusually bad weather. This led to approximately

30 million deaths.

Cultural Revolution

“Its right to rebel.” Mao felt obsolete so he declared that the party was an obstacle and had all the young utopians revolt against the experts or intellectuals. In the end ½ million people were killed, the schools were closed for ten years, and no scientific or technological advancements occurred.

Reds v. Experts

Reds were the politically reliable ideologists on Mao’s side during the Cultural

Revolution. They persecuted the experts who were intellectuals who desired economic growth.

The Four Olds

The target of the Cultural Revolution. The goal was to eliminate, ideas, culture, habits, and customs.

Red Guard

Followers of Mao who carried out the revolution.

Little Red Book

Book of Mao Quotes.

Loyalty Dance

A dance performed twice a day that paid homage to Mao.

Sent-Down Youth

Mao sent the red guard to live in most rural areas to learn from peasants.

Gang of Four

Radical architects of the Cultural Revolution (including Mao’s wife)

Deng Xiaoping

A “Moderate expert” became new leader after Mao’s death in 1976

Four Modernizations


Household Responsibility System

Peasants could lease land, keep their surplus crop and this greatly reduced the poverty in the countryside.

Township and Village Enterprises

Rural Factories and businesses that were run by local government and private entrepreneurs.

Special Economic Zones

Tax breaks and incentives for foreign investors (FDI) in certain cities. In 1979 there were

4 SEZ, by 1984 there were 18. In the 1990’s Free Trade Zones, High Tech Zones and Economic and Tech Zones were developing.

End of 1 st Semester

Problems that Accompany Economic Growth

Significant income inequality. Millions in poverty.

Parallel Hierarchies in China

The Communist Party (CCP), The State, The People’s Liberation Army. Each track is separate, yet the CCP dominates the other two.

Structure of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

One Party represents the interests of the masses. General Secretary directs and oversees the Standing Committee which directs and oversees the Politburo, which directs and oversees the central committee which directs and oversees the National Party Congress.

Key Terms

Principle of Dual Role

Relationship between party and government. (Vertical and Horizontal Supervision)

Vertical Supervision

Supervision by a higher level.

Horizontal Supervision

Supervision of government by the party.

One Party System

No other parties can control power and through horizontal supervision the CCP controls governmental organizations.

Mass Party System

One Party represents the interests of the masses.

National Party Congress

Members are chosen from lower level governments. It only meets once every five years and is not important for policy making. Appoints Central Committee.

Central Committee

Meets annually for a week known as the plenum. They choose the Politburo and the

Standing Committee but have very little influence on policy.


Democratic Centralism. They craft China’s policy and are not accountable to other levels of CCP. The Standing Committee members are from the Politburo. They oversee ministries.

Standing Committee

Collective Responsibility. Decisions are made in secret meaning lack of transparency.

General Secretary

Formerly a Chariman now works more collectively with the Politburo and is less powerful during Era of Deng Xiaoping.


The time during which the Central committee meets.

Democratic Centralism

Rule by a select few.

Collective Responsibility sense.

Standing by the decision unanimously when in public. Similar to British Cabinet in that

Party Elders

Important in post-Mao era. They are “retired” party leaders who continue to influence members of the Politburo.


Importance of personal connections and relationships in China. A sort of Old Boys network or a type of Patron-Client Network.

Patron-Client Network

The Patron provides the power and services, the client provides the loyalty and support.

Jiang Zemin

General Secretary and President (1993-2003) Protégé of Deng.

Hu Jintao

General Secretary and President (2003-2013) Protégé of Deng.

Xi Jinping

Vice President, Protégé of Hu Jintao. In line for next General Secretary position.


Highly-educated bureaucrats and leaders who make decisions based on technical expertise.

National People’s Congress

Unicameral. “Most powerful” part of state. Controlled by CCP. Meets two weeks a year.

Picks the President form a one candidate list. 3000 deputies that serve a five year term. They are elected by deputies opf provincial congresses and are 80% male.


Head of State. Largely Ceremonial. Negotiates with world leaders. Generally the General

Secretary. Techinically appoints the Premier or PM.


Head of Government. (Prime Minister). Directs the State Council (Bureaucracy).

Oversees the implementation of policy.

State Council

Cabinet of 40 members that directs the massive bureaucracy. The members are determined by CCP leaders.


Cadres: Bureacrats paid by government or CCP. Approximately 40 million Cadres. Most work at county level or lower and they must retire by the age of 70.

Central Military Commission

Controls the People’s Liberation Army. The largest in the world (3 million active and 1 million reserve.) Largely responsible for Mao’s rise to power. Last two General

Secretaries/Presidents have also been CMC chair.

People’s Court

Criminal cases have a 99% conviction rate. There are extremely harsh punishments and they have the highest number of death penalties. Civil courts create an avenue for redress for loss of property. NO JUDICIAL REVIEW OF GOVERNMENT LAWS.

Seventh Test

Lack of Political Liberalization in China

Economic Liberalization not Political Liberalization. Democracy Wall (1978) was a movement for an increase in civil rights and liberties. Deng Xiaoping shut it down.

Tiananmen Square (1989) Initially student protests Spread throughout countryCrushed by

PLA . Charter 08. The sixtieth anniversary of Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Liu Xiaobo was jailed.

Village Elections: Fair and Free?

CCP must confirm candidates. CCP controls election committee. CCP sets election laws.

China and the Media

Censorship. Google had a page heavily regulated by the administration.

Religion in China

Majority are atheist and that is the official state position. Buddhism is second most with

8-15%. Technically protected, but all “sanctioned” religions are heavily monitored. (ie no loyalty to Vatican for Catholics)

Social Cleavages




51.3% urban 48.7% rura;

Significant income inequality. Urban households wealthier.

East is an economic hub with majority of the large cities.

Ethnic Minorities Han are majority 91%, others include Mongols, uighurs and tibetans

One-Child Policy

One child per family. Extra Child? Pay a fine (varies; but usually at least=annual income) or No hukou for child/Loss of job; property destroyed. Enforced by Family Planning

Officials Lax enforcement in countryside Mongolians allowed 2

Hong Kong

Formerly a British colony but as of 1997: Special Administrative region of China. Has a high degree of autonomy. HK Constitution: Democratic Process Beijing has some veto power.

Service-based economy that consists of corporate and banking sectors. Use a separate currency


1949: Nationalists (KMT) under Chiang Kai-shek fled to island. China claims sovereignty over

Taiwan and they do not have a separate seat at UN. Possess a strong economy: computer technology

Less Developed Countries (LDCs)

Tend to struggle economically and are mostly fragile democracies.

Assessing Levels of Development

GDP, HDI, Freedom House, Corruption Index, Failed State index.

Definition of a state

Three points

Set of institutions that successfully create and implement policy.

Monopoly of the use of force within a defined territory.

Institutions and government are sovereign.

“Think Again: Failed States”

Possibility of being helped, but oftentimes prevented by ruthless leaders. Military intervention is sometimes appropriate as it can remove despots. West can sometimes be a problem. For example poorly drawn state lines oftentimes lead to problems because multiple ethnicities fall under the same government.

Economic Development Strategies

Import Substitution occurs by stimulating domestic industries with tariffs and other trade barriers as well as through “substitute imports” with domestic goods.A second option is structural

Adjustment which Integrates them into global markets through globalization. This strategy is currently emphasized by World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF)

International Financial Institutions

Two major institutions. The World Bank which gives loans and grants to LDCs. Countries contributing the most have the most influence. The second is the International Monetary Fund which promotes international monetary cooperation and currency stability through loans based on “conditionality.”

Democracy Wall

Movement for increase in civil rights and liberties. Deng Xiaoping shut it down.

Tiananmen Square

Initially student protests but spread throughout country. Eventually crushed by PLA

Charter 08

60 th Anniv. Of Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Liu Xiaobo (Nobel Prize Winner) jailed along with others.

Google in China

Agreed to self-censorship in order to operate in China. Head of Government Relations fired for giving gifts of iPods to Chinese officials. “Google Suggest” suggested links the Communist

Party found offensive. China hacked Google’s system. Gmail accounts of dissidents and activists

Falun Gong

Founded in 1992 with practices of Physical and Spiritual Well-Being. 1999: Demonstration in

Tiananmen Square attended by 10,000, which helped it became outlawed as an “evil cult.”

Practitioners were jailed, beaten, and killed in police custody

Hukou System

System of registering people by household & region. Registered by city, town, or village

Used by Mao to keep poor farmers out of cities. Perpetuates urban-rural division Rural migrants living in cities cannot receive: Subsidized housing, public education past elementary, public medical insurance, or welfare payments.

GINI Coefficient Index

Measures amount of income inequality in a country.


Since 13 th Century: periods of Chinese rule. 1911-1949: China withdrew. 1950: Mao reasserted control. 1959: Dalai Lama fled. 1965: Tibetan Autonomous Region. Part of China, but theoretically has greater self-control. 2008: series of riots (year of the Beijing Olympics)


Muslims of Turkish descent that live in an autonomous region of Xinjang (northwest China)


Autonomous Region of Inner Mongolia.

Purchasing Power Parity (PPP)

Big Mac index. Estimates the buying power of income across different countries, based on U.S.

Import Substitution

Stimulate domestic industries with tariffs and other trade barriers. “substitute imports” with domestic goods.

Structural Adjustment

Integrate into global markets through globalization. Currently emphasized by World Bank and

International Monetary Fund (IMF)

World Trade Organization

153 countries that include all major economies, but Russia. Emphasis on FREE trade. They also create and administer trade agreements.

Eighth Test

Colonialism (1519-1821)

Spanish Colonialism leaves influences like the Mestizo population which is a blend of Spanish and native Indian. Today approximately 60% of the population. Catholicism spread as well, 80-

90% are Catholic.


Battle for independence lead by Fr. Miquel Hidalgo. The Mexican elite continued the struggle after. Independence gained in 1821. There was a lot of instability and legitimacy issues. The ruling hierarchy was taken by the Spanish leaving a power vacuum. Caudillos or regional strongmen battled for power. U.S. took a lot of Mexican land. General Porfirio Diaz led a military coup and became a dictator from 1876-1911.


Everyone was fed up with the authoritarian rule of Diaz so various caudillos led bands of armed peasants in revolution. In 1929 a convention of caudillos created the “sexenio”. A president serves for six years with no re-election. PRI was thus born.

Patron-Client Networks

PRI controlled everything with behind the scenes conflict resolution and political/economic rewards to those who play the game…properly. Camarillas.

Erosion of PRI Control o Political

Progressives believed that changes in politics would yield a greater legitimacy.

(1964) proportional representation with 2.5% threshold. (1990) Federal Election

Institute. Organized to control elections freely and fairly. o Economic

Several economic crises such as the oil price plunge in the 80s which made mexico fall into a recession. In the mid-90s the Peso lost half of its value.

Elections of 2000 and 2006

PAN took both elections. Vicente Fox in 2000 and Calderon in 2006. Elections this July.

Political Parties

PAN, PRI and PRD. Pan practices economic liberalization regional autonomy, free and fair elections, strong support of the Catholic Church. Conservative and draws its voters from the urban, better educated citizens. PRD is populist (people over elite), nationalist and more liberal than the other parties. It obtains votes from the small town and rural less educated citizens. PRI is in the middle, obtaining its votes from small towns and urban.

Mexican Presidency

Head of Government and state serves a one six year term. Virtual dictator under PRI. They initiate legislation, issue decrees, authorizes new expenditures, and appoint officials.


Patron Client Network, not merit based. 1 out of 5 work for government.

Struggles of Fox and Calderon

On the legislative side, PAN presidents did not have a legislative majority and consequently the presidents initiatives often blocked. Bureaucratic PRI bureaucrats have all the experience, and

Pan couldn’t fill the high level positions, so many corrupt PRI members remained.

Mexican Legislature

Bicameral. The upper house is a senate that has 128 seats with six year terms. The lower house is the chamber of deputies with 500 seats. They serve three year terms.

Electoral System

In 1964 proportional system was introduced. In the Chamber of Deputies 300 seats are SMD and

200 Proportional. 32 states each have 3 senators. Each party gives two candidates. The winning party gets two seats and the second place gets only one. 32 other seats are proportional.

Judicial Branch

Federal and State Courts. Supreme Court has the power of judicial review although it is seldom used. The president nominates justices and the senate approves the justices who serve a 15 year term. The judiciary is becoming more independent.


Thirty one states and one district (Mexico City). Each state has a constitution a governor, legislature and judiciary.

Interest Groups

Corporatist moving towards Neo-Corporatism. Parastatals. More independent groups are finding a voice, such as the women’s movement.

Mexican Media

Most of the 20 th

century there was little criticism of PRI. PRI rewarded sympathetic press and penalized critics. 1980s-Present the media has become increasingly independent including multiple major media outlets that have wide range of opinions and debates.

Catholic Church and Mexico

Separation of Church and state. The 1917 constitution was anti-clerical. For example the church could bit possess property, they could not vote, and could not wear religious garb in public. The constitution was amended in 1992 to remove the anti-clericalism in order to reflect the fact that

80-90% of Mexicans are Catholic.

Mexican Military

Until 1930 leaders dominated Mexican politics. PRI instituted a civilian controlled military.

Today they are involved in drug wars. Does not intervene in Mexican politics.

The Mexican Miracle: 1940-1980

Remarkable growth of 6.5% avg annually. Success occurred because of government stability, oil revenue, industrialization, import substitution, and nationalization of industry.

Mexican Debt Crisis & Bailout

Heavy borrowing to industrialize but oil prices dropped. Uncompetitive in the global market.

Inflation skyrocketed to 159% in 1987.

PRI’s Market-Oriented Policies

Attempted to reduce debt through austerity measures and privatization.

Chiapas and the Zapatistas

State of Chiapas. Indigineous Mayan farmers who were concerned about abject poverty. NAFTA ended the ejidos and they were prevented self rule. EZLN headed by subcomandante marcos.


Blend of Spanish and Native Indian.


Regional Strongman

Porfirio Diaz

Autocratic ruler during late 19 th

early 20 th



Advisors who pushed for entrepreneurship and FDI

Emiliano Zapata and Pancho Villa

Famous caudillo leaders.


Patron-Client Networks

Lazaro Cardenas

Stabalized and radicalized Mexican Politics.


Cooperative lands that were taken from foreigners and landlords. Worked by peasents. 50 million acres.


Mixed Member Proportional Voting


Assmiliate groups into the government including labor business and peasent organizations (PRI era)


Company of agency owned or partially owned by the government. Usually private sectors companies in the U.S.. PEMEX is an example which stands for Mexican Petroleum.


General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, which was a precursor to WTO. It diversified exports

(not just oil)


North American Free Trade Agreement. Between Mexico, U.S. and Canada.


Foreign owned factories that operate iun Mexico.

Subcomandante Marcos

AKA Mr. Hoehler, hey we never saw under that mask. Leader of the Zapatistas. Too bad few of his goals were realized.

Ninth Test

Mexican Migration to the U.S.

Bracero Program granted temporary work permits to Mexican laborers. Ended in 1965. Overall

Mexican citizens are coming to the U.S. less and less due to an increase in cost, security, greater opportunities in Mexico, more visas etc.

Mexican Drug War

Basically drug lords run Mexico. They are the Putin of Mexican society.

Ethnic Cleavages in Nigeria

Hausa-Fulani (Northern Nigeria) 29%, Yoruba (South western) 21%, Igbo south east (18%) Ijaw

South (10%)

Religious Cleavages in Nigeria

50% Muslim (north), 40% Christian (south), 10% indigenous.

Nigerian History o Pre-Colonial

Fulani Migrated into northern region and eurpoean trade spread Christianity into south. o Colonial

British Colony, North had local muslim rule and south had the traditional colonial regime. Introduced western education in south and elite. o Since Independence

First republic = parliamentary. Then Military rule with 4 coups. Second Republic

(Obasanjo voluntarily transitioned to democracy and new constitution). Overthrown by Coup. Third Republic established, but annulled by military rule before it started.

Fourth Republic is ongoing.


Someone who brings an illegal immigrant over the border.


Nigerian capital

Indirect Rule

Muslim community had very little british supervision, but the south had traditional colonial regime trained by the british.

Nigerian Civil War

Ethnic based. Igbo attempt to break away and from the republic of Biagra. War that led to 500k-

3million deaths. Biafra defeated.

Tenth Test

Nigerian Economy

Oil….Yep that’s about it. It is a rentier state that is boom or bust based on oil prices. Massive debt that was bailed out by IMF and World Bank.

Anebi Adoga

King Chief

Oil Violence

Boko Haram, MEND, are groups that resort to violence in order to “secure” their land. Basically they fight the big bad oil companies that they claim are killing the economic viability of the locals.

2009 Amnesty

Members of the guerrilla military forces attacking pipelines, were granted amnesty and training if they gave up their old life (guns).

Arab Invasion

Brought islam to Persian Culture and the new monotheistic religion was easily incorporated.

Shiite v. Sunni

Sunnis believe that prominent leaders should choose a new leader. Majority of Muslims

OUTSIDE OF IRAN. Shiites believe that leaders should come from Muhammad’s family.

Hidden Imams return will mark the end of the world. MOSTLY IN IRAN.

Four Periods of Iranian History

The Safavids (1501-1722) The Qajars (1794-1925) The Pahlavis (1925-1979) The Islamic

Republic (1979-Present)

CIA in Iran

CIA staged riots and protests to force Mossadeq out and return the shah to power.

Causes of the Iranian Revolution

Three main causes. First is Progressivism vs. Islamic Fundamentalism: the shah is pro-west and

Khomenei is fundamentalist islam. Second, the current regime has neglected the lower class.

Third, SAVAK is the oppressive police force.

Iran Hostage Crisis

After the shah flees Iran to the U.S. and Khomeinei returns, the Iranians storm the U.S. embassy and take 52 hostages. Operation Eagle Claw fails. Returned on the day of Reagan’s swearing in.

Iran-Iraq War

Khomeinei calls for Saddam’s overthrow. Saddam attacked Iran. ½ to a million Iranian casualties. Ended in stalemate. U.S. indirectly supported Iraq.

Constitution of 1979

Written by the assembly of Religious experts to end the monarchy and switch the regime to a theocracy.

Iranian Government

Velayat e-Faqih, The guardianship of the Jurist. In the absence of the Hidden Imam, the clergy have authority over the entire community.

Political Parties

Constitutionally permissible, but heavily regulated by the guardian council. Reformist party candidates are usually disqualified. The parties are often unstable and organized around personalities and not issues. They also tend to form alliances.

Rentier State

A state that only produces a single export, such as oil.


Movement for the emancipation of the Niger Delta. Concerned with the living conditions within the delta. Environmental devastation. Normally use violence.

Ken Saro-Wiwa

Anti Shell activist that started Movement for the survival of the Ogoni People. HE was worried about not being compensated for the appropriation of the land by the government and environmental damage. Hanged in 1995.


Tapping oil pipelines so that you can sell when prices are high. The process is stealing from the oil company.


A government ruled by religion.

Cyrus the Great

Ancient ruler in 550 B.C.

Alexander the Great

Conquerer that allowed Persia to keep its culture.


Prophet that started a monotheistic religion that took root in Persia.


Heirs of Muhammad’s son in law. 12 th

Imam disappeared in 900s.


Senior religious leaders that interpret Sharia Law.


Authoritarian monarch titled shah or king of kings. Established shiism as the state religion.

Claimed to be heirs of Islam until hidden imam’s return. Tolerated people of the book. Ended when invaded by Afghani Tribesman.

People of the Book

Christians, Jews, Zoroastrianism. Basically Monotheistic religions that had holy books.


Turkish invaders that moved the Iranian capital to Tehran. They retained Shiism as the state religion and began an age of European Imperialism when they sold oil rights and borrowed heavily from European banks.

Constitutional Revolution

The Qajars were fiscally irresponsible and so the middle class merchants led massive protests.

The shahs own guard threatened to join protestors.

Cossack Brigade

Shah’s personal guard.

Constitution of 1906

Popular sovereignty, Separation of powers, direct election of legislators. Created the Majles and created the guardian council.


National legislative assembly, power to make laws, influence over the budget.

Guardian Council

Clerics that could veto laws based on sharia.


Drove out Soviets following WWI. Reestablished authoritarian rule in Iran. Modernization programs. Secularization of society.

Reza Khan Pahlavi

Commander of Cossack Brigade, eventual shah.

Mohammed Reza Pahlavi

21 year old who became shah after his father. Power struggle with Prime Minister Mohammed


Mohammed Mossadeq

Prime minister. Given emergency powers by majles. Driven out by covert CIA actions.

Ayatollah Khomeini

Shiite cleric

White Revolution

Anti-clericalism that targeted Qom.


Oppresive police force under pahlavis.

Operation Eagle Claw

Military operation to free the hostages.

Cultural Revolution

Education system that purged universities of leftists and secularists. Universities closed from

1980-1983. Curricula at all school levels emphasized.

The Supreme Leader

Head of state that holds ultimate power. Must be an ayatollah. Appointed for Life by the assembly of experts.

Assembly of Religious Experts

86 members that serve 8 year terms. Elected by the people. They select the supreme leader and can remove him as well.

The Expediency Council

32 members that are appointed by supreme leader for 3 year terms. They referee disputes between Majles and Guardian council.. Can activate legislation and act as an advisory body to supreme leader.

Hashemi Rafsanjani

President 1989-1997

Mohammad Khatami

President 1997-2005, considered a reformist. Increased civil liberties and civil rights.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Current president


Has the power to draft the budget, propose legislation, sign treaties and agreements, chair

National Security Council, appoints regional governors, head of bureaucracy, selects members of the cabinet.

Majles Elections

May campaign for one week and must meet the approval of the guardian council. Must win more than 25% of vote in SMD or there is a runoff.


Supporters of Khamenei

Sharia Law

Islamic Law that holds ultimate legal authority.


Law with no sacred basis, passed by Majles and cannot conflict with Sharia.

Eleventh Test

Iranian Military

Over ½ million troops. 8 th

largest in the world. Revolutionary Guard ins an elite part of the armed forces. Established in 1979 to have absolute loyalty to khomeinei. Possess their own ground, navy and air forces.

Election of 2009

A reelection of Ahmedinejad that was largely contested as “illegitimate”

Media in Iran

Oscillates between free and repressed.

Religion in Iran

Shiism is the official state religion. Constitution protects certain religious minorities.

Iranian Population Issues

Under the shah family planning was encouraged. After the revolutiony family planning prohibited because it was a “western ideal” and they wanted more people. Then family planning was allowed because there were too many people and not enough resources. Now family planning is not encouraged because they can hold more people in Ahmedinejad’s opinion.

Iranian Economy

Rentier state based on oil. Strong under shah. Economy is now struggling because the revolution drove out entrepreneurs, the Iran-Iraq war, mismanagement and corruption, sanctions, overreliance on oil, brain drain, and costly government subsidy programs.

Iranian Nuclear Ambitions

Iran claims that they are seeking only nuclear power, but IAEA claims that they are weaponizing uranium which would only be for weapons.


Loosely organized volunteer militia that is controlled by the revolutionary guard. 300k-1 million members. Many have no weapons. A form of paramilitary enforcers.

Mir Hossein Mousavi

Leader of the green movement.

Green Movement

Protest of 2009 election. Movement for political liberalization.

Friday Prayers

Preaching on scripture on


Media company. Main people that run it.


Another state controlled broadcast company.


Religious center of Iran. A city of seminaries and religious scholars.


Government seized the assets property of Shah and his supporters. Turned into a form of government-sponsored charity run by clerics.

Targeted Subsidies Reform Act

Reduce or remove subsidies, poor will receive a direct cash payment. Result was inflation…massive inflation.

IAEA Report

Suggested that Iran conducted tests relevant to the development of a nuclear explosive device.

Strait of Hormuz

Prominent strait where oil is shipped through. Iran threatened to close it recently. If closed would impact world oil prices.

Mr. Hoehler

Known as Dirty Dan on the street, Mr. Hoehler is for all intents and purposes, the man. He is most known for his videos at the tail end of class, but his fumigant coffee should not be overlooked. His favorite exclamation “MOTHER OF GOD” is rarely used, but when heard, it is always a fan favorite. Whether you have him in AP Government or AP Comparative, your class will always agree Mr. Hoehler is the most interesting man in the world.
