Research teams in Hamburg and in Bergen 16.

Research teams in Hamburg and in Bergen 16.-26.4.13:
I. Waste + Energy
II. Transport + Localization + Urban Develoment I
III. Eco building + Urban D II
Jana E.
Jana P
Eco building
Christine V.
6.Urban development I
7.Urban development II
Hans Jørgen
Lars Otto
Cooperation MHH +BHG
Gr. 1 Waste
Jelena, Lina, Jana E.
Theme: Waste handeling , recycelig, reclamation and reuse.
How do we handle the waste in Bergen, and how do the waste systems work?
Which city do we think has the best system? And which has the most potential? What can be
improved in both cities? Can we learn something from each other?
· What is unique about this system is that we are not just focusing on the general facts, but also
what we learn from each other’s thoughts and policies.
How we can improve the waste management HERE IN Bergen. How are we compared to
Hamburg? We are going to compare these cities to each other.
Relevant sources, such as web pages and statistics. Info from our excursions will also be used as
much as possible.
We will accomplish this project by using presentations, our blog, reports/papers, and our two films.
Our product: · Presentations, · Film1 (Waste in Bergen) · Film2 (Hamburg compared to Bergen)
Jonas, Arild, Andrea
Gr. 2 Energy
"What is the difference between the energy supply in Hamburg and in Bergen, and
how does this affect the environment?"
How to create sustainable energy sources which is both effective and profitable
over a period of time? How to improve the environment situation?
Fieldwork, observing
Gr. 3 Transport and communication
How are the traffic and the public transport going to develop in Bergen and
Hamburg, and what differences are to be found between Bergen Light Rail and
HVV? Comparing prices on public transport, going on exclusion, having some
interviews, etc.
Philipp, Gregor,
Gr. 4 Industrial location
Localization of trade/industrial localization. How does the trade contribute to a
green regional development? Where do we find operational places, companies
and…? And why? Experts will be interviewed, excursion
Manon, Jamil, Albert
Amalie J., Amalie V.,
Louise, Christine
Johannes, Riad,
Hjalmar, Vegard
Dominic, Vito, Jana P.
Isa, Victoria, Rano,
Madeleine, Marita
Gr. 5 Eco building What technology and architecture could one use to make houses and other Julian, Daria, Pauline,
buildings more eco-friendly?
We want to know more about the technology applied to new buildings in order to make them more
environmental. We are going to look into how the architecture could lower the energy
consumption. We will also see which solutions would be economical and socially acceptable.
Magnus: Eco-friendly architecture and technology. Martin: Economic difficulties related to the
different technologies and architectural styles. Didrik: Social complications if implemented.
Martin, Magnus, Didrik
Gr. 6 Urban development of different parts of the city
How will the new city centres expand? What do we have to do to make this a sustainable development?
What can we i Bergen learn from Hamburg?
How will the new city centres grow the best way possible? What do we have to sacrifice to make it so? How
are the changes affect people, nature and animals?
We are going to go deeper into these subjects through research on the internet and through interviews. Our
product will be a report. The report will be published on our blog, and maybe in a newspaper. Our goals are:
We want to find out how Bergen has developed through several years, and also how it is going to develop in
the future. This knowledge will help us to make our city better, and we are also going to learn things from
Lukas, Nanette, Phil
Peter, Oscar, Sondre
Gr. 7 Urban development: Social challenges
Julia, Flexi, Greta
Asbjørn, Hans Jørgen,
Lars Otto, Nina, Helene
Social differences in the different districts with specialization on transport and housing. Q: What is
the transport system in the different districts like? Could this be connected to the social
differences? How is the housing supply, and can this also be linked to social inequalities (council
housing, villas, etc.)?
Do the transport networks and the housing supply make a big impact on social differences? Who
buy detached houses and who buy apartments? Where is the public housing located?
A survey: opinions and information from those living in the different districts. A
report as a final product. The goal is to answer our problem statement and any
other questions that may come up, in an understandable and clear manner. We will
publish an informative report which can be educational and interesting to others.
1. Waste: Problems to solve
These are some of the problems we are going to try to solve, or at least improve;
How do people in Bergen sort waste? How can we make it easier to recycle in Bergen? How do the waste-systems in Bergen
BHG: Jonas, Arild, Andrea HHS: Lina, Jelena, Jana E.
Hva er avfall? Hva gjør vi med det? Hvilke problemer, aktuelle prosjekter og fremtidsperspektiver finnes? Resirkulering,
gjenvinning, gjenbruk?
2. Energy:
How to create sustainable energy sources which is both effective and profitable over a period of time? The energy sources of the
future? How to improve the universal environment situation, and also the local society in Bergen city?
BHG: Johannes, Hjalmar, Riad, Vegard HHS: Phillip, Gregor, Michelle
Energiforsyning: Hvordan skape bærekraftige energikilder som er både effektive og lønnsomme over tid? Fremtidige energikilder?
Hvordan får Bergen strøm? Problemer, aktuelle prosjekter, fremtiden.
3. Transport, traffic …
Public transport like "Bybanen" which is a light train, discussions about a closure of a parking house, air pollution caused by traffic
and bicycles and paths for the cyclists. Hvordan ser vår gatenett/transportveier/infrastruktur ut?
BHG: Victoria, Isa, Marita, Rano, Madeleine HHS: Dominic, Vito, Jana P.U
Hvordan ser vår infrastruktur ut? Hvilke problemer, aktuelle prosjekter og fremtidsperspektiver finnes? Miljø, sosiale forskjeller,
økonomi, boliger og arbeidsplasser
4. Industrial localisation
How do the trade contribute to a green regional development? Where do we find operational places, companies and bureas? With
the waterfront, or along the ”bybane”, rail etc..? Which projects and measures do we find in Bergen and Hamburg?
BHG: Amalie J, Amalie V, Christine, Louise HHS: Manon, Albert, Jamil
Lokalisering av næringslivet: Hvordan kan bedrifter med mange ansatte klare å være mer miljøvennlig, og tilby de ansatte kollektiv
Hvor finner vi bedrifter lokalisert i Bergen? Hvorfor der? Hvilke problemer, aktuelle prosjekter og fremtidsperspektiver finnes? Å
være mer miljøvennlig og har økonomisk vekst?
5. Eco Buildings
How can we make our houses more environmental friendly, and/or how can we live in a way that's good for the environment?
BHG: Martin, Magnus, Didrik HHS: Emre, Julian, Daria, Pauline
Hvilken betydning har bærekraftig utvikling og økologi når det gjelder byggeprosjekter i Bergen? Hvilke problemer, aktuelle
prosjekter og fremtidsperspektiver finnes?
6. Urban Development I
What should be sacrificed and what should be prioritized to make the city center and the new small city centers in Åsane + Nesttun
more environmentally friendly in the future? How to create a balance between economy, "green" innovations and venerable old
places and buildings?
BHG: Jonathan, Oscar, Sondre, Peter HHS: Lukas, Nanette, Phil
Byutvikling og nye senter vokser fram: Hva skal ofres og hva skal prioriteres for å gjøre Bergen sentrum og de nye bysenter i
Åsane og Nesttun mer bærekraftig i fremtiden?
Urbanisering og arealbruk. Hvordan har arealbruken forandret seg og hvorfor? Hvilke problemer/konflikter, aktuelle prosjekter og
fremtidsperspektiver finnes? Vågsbunnen, Bryggen, Åsane,…
7. Urban development II Written 24.09.2012:
To live in a district: What are the differences between the different districts in Bergen, and the people who live there? How will the
districts be in a few years? What is desirable? Urban development in Bergen: Can we see social differences?
BHG: Helene, Nina, Asbjørn, Hans Jørgen Lars Otto HHS: Julia, Flexi, Greta
Byutvikling: Å bo i en bydel: Hva er forskjellen på de forskjellige bydelene i Bergen, og folkene som bor der.
Byutvikling i Bergen. F.eks. …? Ser vi sosiale forskjeller og forskjeller i sammensetning av aldersgrupper? Hvilke problemer,
aktuelle prosjekter og fremtidsperspektiver finnes? Eldrebølgen, gentrifisering…
Green Living in Europe February 2013
Oppgave: Torsdag 14.2.13:
Samarbeid med MHH via skype/chatting og …: Spør gruppen i Hamburg:
Følgende spørsmål skal besvares både fra MHH og BHG:
1. Felles problemstilling(er): Hva vil vi vite mer om …
2. Hvordan vil vi angripe det/tilnærme oss? Hvilke(n) metode(r) bruker vi, for å lære mer? Intervju, spørreundersøkelse,
feltarbeid, ekskursjon, dagbok/deltakende observasjon, samtale med eksperter.
3. Hva er målet? Kompetansemål.
4. Hva er produktet?
5. Hvorfor gjør vi det?
6. Gi hverandre og i Hamburg oppdrag for å forberede forskningsarbeid:
7. Hvordan vil vi publisere vårt produkt?
8. Avtal tidspunkt til å kommunisere:
Group 1: Waste
· Theme: Waste handeling , recycling, reclamation and reuse.
· Spørsmål til del 1: How do we handle the waste in Bergen, and how do the waste systems work?
· Spørsmål til del 2: Which city do we think has the best system? And which has the most potential? What
can be improved in both cities? Can we learn something from each other?
· What is unique about this system is that we are not just focusing on the general facts, but also what we
learn from each other’s thoughts and policies.
· Members BHG: - Jonas, - Arild
Members HHS: - Jana E., - Jelena,- Lina
· We have started doing research within the waste policy.
· We have seen how the waste system in Bergen works
· We have also found out what will be done in the future
· We have filmed the BIR-factory here in Bergen
· We have interviewed people in Bergen to find out which thoughts they have about waste.
· We are going to find out which efforts who have been done within waste and how we handle it.
· We have decided to make a film to document what we find out. In this film we will also compare Bergen
to Hamburg and find out what the biggest differences are.
· In Hamburg we want to film the German waste system.
3) Fag og kompetansemål
Geografi: Eleven skal kunne
gjere greie for ressursomgrepet og diskutere kva som vert lagt i omgrepet berekraftig ressursutnytting
drøfte miljøkonsekvensar i norske og samiske samfunn av bruk og inngrep i naturområde.
gje døme på korleis ein har utnytta ressursane i Noreg og drøfte korleis endringar i næringsstrukturen har
påverka lokalisering og busetnadsmønster
gjere observasjonar og registreringar av geografiske tema på ekskursjon eller feltarbeid og bruke dei til å sjå
natur og samfunn i samanheng
Samfunnsfag: Eleven skal kunne
diskutere samanhengen mellom økonomisk vekst, miljø og berekraftig utvikling
forklare omgrepet globalisering og vurdere ulike konsekvensar av globalisering
diskutere forbrukaren sitt etiske ansvar
Bærekraftig utvikling: Eleven skal kunne
forklare hva som ligger i begrepene føre-var-prinsippet, usikker kunnskap og begrepet bærekraftig utvikling,
og gi eksempler på dette
vurdere miljøaspekter ved forbruksvalg, avfallshåndtering og energibruk
gjøre greie for hvordan det internasjonale samfunnet arbeider med globale miljøutfordringer
Engelsk: Eleven skal kunne
drøfte sosiale og kulturelle forhold, samfunnsforhold og verdier i flere engelskspråklige land
presentere og diskutere internasjonale nyheter og aktuelle hendelser
velge et fordypningsemne innenfor eget utdanningsprogram og presentere dette
Tysk: Språklæring
Mål for opplæringen er at eleven skal kunne
· utnytte erfaringer med språklæring for å videreutvikle sin flerspråklighet
· utnytte ulike kilder for autentiske tekster i egen språklæring
· bruke digitale verktøy og andre hjelpemidler på en kritisk og selvstendig måte
Mål for opplæringen er at eleven skal kunne
· forstå innholdet i lengre skriftlige og muntlige autentiske tekster i ulike sjangere
· lese formelle og uformelle tekster i ulike sjangere og gjøre rede for forfatterens synspunkter og
· delta i spontane samtaler om ulike temaer og aktuelle emner
· presentere aktuelle og tverrfaglige emner muntlig
· gi uttrykk for opplevelser, synspunkter og holdninger, ønsker og emosjoner
· forstå og bruke tall og størrelser i praktiske situasjoner
· kommunisere med god uttale og intonasjon
· tilpasse språkbruken til ulike kommunikasjonssituasjoner
· bruke ord, setningsoppbygning og tekstbindingsformer målrettet og variert
· skrive sammenhengende tekster i ulike sjangere
· velge og bruke lytte-, tale-, lese- og skrivestrategier tilpasset formål, situasjon og sjanger
· vurdere og utnytte kommunikasjonsteknologi til samarbeid og møte med autentisk språk
Språk, kultur og samfunn
Mål for opplæringen er at eleven skal kunne
· drøfte sider ved dagligliv, tradisjoner, skikker og levemåter i språkområdet og i Norge
· drøfte sider ved livsvilkår og aktuelle samfunnsforhold i språkområdet
· gjøre rede for sider ved geografi og historie i språkområdet
· beskrive sentrale sider ved språkområdets kultur og gi uttrykk for opplevelser knyttet til dette
· drøfte hvordan språkkunnskaper og kulturinnsikt kan fremme flerkulturelt samarbeid og forståelse
a) We want to know how we can improve the garbage management HERE IN Bergen. How are we
compared to Hamburg? We are going to compare these cities to each other.
b) Name: Jonas. Focus: Recyceling an reuse
Name: Arild. Focus: The future’s waste system; Tunnel system.
c) We are going to find our answers by using relevant sources, such as web pages and statistics. Info from
our excursions will also be used as much as possible.
d) We will accomplish this project by using presentations, our blog, reports/papers, and our two films.
e) Our product: · Presentations, · Film1 (Waste in Bergen), · Film2 (Hamburg compared to Bergen)
f) The films are going to be PUBLISERT at our blog (, Itslearning, and
maybe at the “Green Living”-page on Facebook.
g) Both our presentations and our blog will take form during the project. Our first film has a dead line the
26th of April, and the second will be finished at fall/winter 2013.
h) Our goal and intention with this project is to compare Bergen and Hamburg to each other to create
understanding and to learn from each other. This way we can improve both systems, or in worst case
scenario only our thoughts about waste. Then we can find both cities strengths and weaknesses when it
comes to waste.
Group 2: Energy.
Riad, Johannes, Hjalmar
Some notes were written on paper
Problem statement: How to create sustainable energy sources which are both effective and profitable over of
period of time? The energy sources of the future? And how to improve the local environment in Bergen?
“How to create sustainable energy sources which is both effective and profitable over a period of time? The
energy sources of the future? How to improve the universal environment situation, and also the local society
in Bergen city?” This is our problem statement and it clearly shows that we are very interested in how to
develop and evolve the future into a greener world. We want to do research about different types of
sustainable, renewable and local energy and solutions to other environment problems. Find out if it’s
profitable and friendly to the environment at the same time. If we find solutions or better ways to do it then
we do today, we want to share the results with someone who can change it, into a better way!
Our main goal/target is also to try to find a new/less-used way to create local energy which can be
very useful to the local society or similar. We hope to learn much about new types of renewable
energy which may develop the environment situation in the world today. As well as learning about
the Bergen’s lid which ruins the great fresh air in Bergen, and which measures that may be done.
a. Navn: Hjalmar Fokus på: New ways of renewable energy
b. Navn: Riad Fokus på: Bergen’s lid, problems, solutions etc.
c. Navn: Johannes Fokus på: no topic yet.
d. Navn:Vegard Fokus på: Small-used types of sustainable energy, expansion etc.
"What is the difference between the energy supply in Hamburg and in Bergen, and how does this affect the
Hjalmar: Kannst du ein bisschen über Energie-Versorgung in Hamburg suchen?
Group 3: Transport
Victoria, Isa
Problem statement (BHG and MHH): How are the traffic and the public transport going to develop in Bergen and Hamburg,
and what differences are to be found between Bergen Light Rail and HVV?
1. What methods are we using to learn more? We are comparing prices on public transport, going on exclusion, having
some interviews, etc.
1. What is our goal? Our goal is to compare Bergen Light Rail and HVV.
1. What is the product? Our product is a film. We are going to look at the differences between Bergen Light Rain and HVV,
things such as prices.
1. Why are we doing this? We are doing this to become more environmental conscious, and to be more orientated.
Transport i Bergen og utbygging av transport tilbudet.
Luftforurensning forårsaket av transport
Hvilket ansvar har trafikken for klimaet i Bergen?
Hvordan vil utbyggingen av bybanen bli?
Finnes det transport løsninger i Hamburg som vi kunne fått her?
Hvordan bybanen har utviklet seg, og hvordan den kommer til å utvikle seg i fremtiden.
Om det er noe vi kan gjøre for å senke prisen på kollektivtransport.
1.. Isa – forurensning og kø, bybane
2. Victoria – Bybane, flyplasser og parkeringsplasser
3. Ekskursjon på bybanen er en metode vi vil bruke for å utforske mer. VI vil også besøke de forskjellige bydelene, for å
undersøke de forskjellige tilbudene. Vi vil også intervjue bybane ansatte. Vi får besøk av bybanen på skolen, da skal vi
være flittige med å ta notater.
Group 4: Subject: Industrial Localization
Amalie J, Amalie V., Christine, Louise
Task 1 Theme: Localization of trade, Education, Tourism and The media city Bergen
Question: Why is the industrial location located where they are?
Task 2 We have defined a system where our front letters in alphabetic order rolling around. Starting with:
Task 4 Geography:
Address the resource concept and discuss what is put into the term urban development resource use.
Compare different shapes of area use in Norway.
Explain how we have used Norway’s resources to reflect on how the changes in the trade structure
are affected by localization and settlement patterns.
Social Class (Community):
Discuss the context between economic growth, environment, and urban development.
Explain the word globalization, and reflect on consequences surrounding that term.
Identify the basic differences between the politics parties in Norway, and arguments from different
political standpoints.
Explain what lays in the terms precautionary principle, unsure knowledge and the term urban
development and give examples on this.
Present and discuss international news and recent events.
Choose a specialization course within an own education program and present this.
Exploit experiences with languages, learning to develop its multilingualism.
Use digital tools and other aids in a critical and independent way.
Task 5 We want to know more about where the tourism and tourist attractions are settled, where businesses
industries are located, where we find colleges/universities, and how the media cities in Hamburg function?
Like Hafencity, Rathaus, Neuer Wall, examples of areas that cover these fields.
2. a) Name: Amalie Joensen Focus on: Localization of trade
b) Name: Amalie Veseth  Focus on: Education
c) Name: Louise Jebsen Smørås  Focus on: Tourisme.
d) Name: Christine Aakre Bratland Focus on: The media city Bergen
3. To develop and refine our task we want to read credible sources and hold the contact with the
students in German.
4. We want to do fieldwork and interview different parts and privileged persons in the industrial
5. Our product is going to be a common conclusion on industrial localization, with answers to our
problem statement, and true measurements of similar and different factors that affect in both
Hamburg and Bergen.
6. We want to have a PowerPoint, booklet with german-english text, blog and interviews.
7. We want to interview different stations within industrial trade two weeks after the winter holiday.
Group 5: Eco–building:
Magnus, Martin
What technology and architecture could one use to make houses and other buildings more eco-friendly?
Magnus is the leader of our group, while Martin manages the blog and keeps us on schedule, and Didrik is
there to encourage and boost morale.
We want to know more about the technology applied to new buildings in order to make them more
environmental. We are going to look into how the architecture could lower the energy consumption. We will
also see which solutions would be economical and socially acceptable.
Our problem statement is how to make buildings eco-friendly.
Magnus will be focusing on eco-friendly architecture and technology. Martin will check for any economic
difficulties related to the different technologies and architectural styles. Didrik will be focusing on social
complications if implemented.
We will be specializing in different subtopics, use different sources and point of views to validate our
information, before we gather all our knowledge to one major product containing a proposal for a solution to
our problem statement. We will publish our proposal on our blog.
Since we are three people have we decided to take three different paths and work our way to the middle. We
will be starting as soon as possible and deliver the finished product.
Group 6: Urban development I
Peter, Sondre, Oscar
How will the new city centres expand? What do we have to do to make this a sustainable development? What can we i Bergen
learn from Hamburg?
How will the new city centres grow the best way possible? What do we have to sacrifice to make it so? How are the changes affect
people, nature and animals?
Sondre: Infrastructure
Peter: Urbanisation
Oscar: Use of areal
VI har om temaet byutvikling, spesielt rettet mot de nye bysentrumene i Bergen og i Hamburg. Hvordan vil byen utvikle seg
fremover? Hva må gjøres for at vi har en bærekraftig utvikling? Hva kan vi lære av Hamburg?
We are going to go deeper into these subjects through research on the internet and through interviews.
Our product will be a report.
The report will be published on our blog, and maybe in a newspaper.
Our goals are:
We want to find out how Bergen has developed through several years, and also how it is going to develop in the future. This
knowledge will help us to make our city better, and we are also going to learn things from Hamburg.
Group 7 Urban development II
Hans Jørgen, Asbjørn, Lars Otto
1.Subject: Social differences. Theme: Social differences in the different districts with specialization on
transport and housing.
Q: What is the transport system in the different districts like? Could this be connected to the social
differences? How is the housing supply, and can this also been linked to social inequalities (council housing,
villas, etc.)?
3. Look up “Gangen i prosjektet (ppt i prosjektmappen).
4. Geography: Discuss ethical and economic values in the landscape.
Social Studies: Discuss the relationship between economic growth, environment and sustainable
Science: Assessing the environmental aspects of consumption patterns, waste and energy consumption.
Mathematics: Make graphs for social welfare statistics.
Norwegian: Reading formal and informal genres and explain the author's views and attitudes. Customize the
language used in various communication situations. Write coherent texts in various genres.
English: Discuss social and cultural conditions and values in several different English-speaking countries.
German: Use the experience of language learning to further develop their polyglot.
History: Discuss whether there are events in the past that may have laid the foundations of the social
inequalities that we see in the different districts today.
1. What would your group like to know more about (research subject, problem)?
Do the transport networks and the housing supply make a big impact on social differences?
2. What would you as a member of the group work with?
A Helene: How is social differences expressed in the different suburbs in Bergen.
B Nina: What prejudices are there between the different suburbs? Maybe consider making a survey?
C Lars Otto: Who takes the bus and who is driving (in connection with social differences)?
D Hans Jørgen: Who buy detached houses and who buy apartments? Where is the public housing located?
E Asbjørn: Urban development – why is housings built where they are built (student residences, villas,
public housing, etc.)?
3. How would you as a group attack it / approach us? Which method(s) will we use, to learn more?
We will use various websites, and in addition to that, we are considering a survey. In that we may we also
get opinions and information from those living in the different districts.
4. How would you accomplish this? We will conduct a survey.
5. What is the product? We want to have a report as a final product.
6. How will you publish your product? We want to publish the final results on our website, and in addition to
that, we want to get it published on BHG's website.
7. When do you want to do it? Make a plan.
If we follow the plans we have written in this document, we hope to be finished by the 26th April, which will
be our deadline.
8. Why do you want to do it? What is the goal? What do you want to find more information about?
The goal is to answer our problem statement and any other questions that may come up, in an
understandable and clear manner. We will publish an informative report which can be educational and
interesting to others.