Lesson Notes - Peninsular Plateau

Lesson Notes – The Peninsular Plateau.
Grade: 4
Sub: Social Studies.
Let Us Recall
*The location of the Peninsular Plateaus.
*The Southern Plateaus are triangular in shape. River Narmada divides the plateau region into two parts
– the Central Highlands and the Deccan Plateau.
*The Deccan Plateau stretches from the Satpura Range to the southern tip of India.
*Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Odisha, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil
Nadu form part of the Southern Plateaus.
*The minerals found in the plateaus. The Chota Nagpur Plateau is rich in minerals, especially coal.
Write short answers:
1. What is the shape of the Peninsular Plateau?
The Peninsular Plateaus are triangular in shape.
2. Name the highest peak of the Deccan Plateau region?
Anai Mudi is the highest peak of this region.
3. Name the hill ranges that surrounded the plateaus.
The Peninsular Plateaus are surrounded by hill ranges on all sides. The Aravalli Hills are in the North
West and the Raj Mahal Hills in north east. The Eastern Ghats and the Western Ghats are its boundaries.
4. List five minerals found in the Chota Nagpur plateau.
Coal, iron, manganese, bauxite, and mica are found in the Chota Nagpur plateau.
5. What is a plateau?
A Plateau is a flat land that is higher than the land surrounding area.
6. Name the rivers which originating in the Deccan Plateau.
Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna, and Kaveri are the main rivers originating here.
7. Why are the Central Highlands good for agriculture?
The Central Highland is good for agriculture because black soil is found in this region. It is good for
growing rice, cotton, sugarcane, and ground nut and oil seed.
8. Differentiate between the Deccan Plateau and Central Highlands.
The Central Highlands are surrounded by the Aravalli Hills in the North West, the Vindhya Range in the
south and the Chota Nagpur Plateau towards the east. Narmada River divides this plateau region into
two parts – The Central Highlands in the north and Deccan plateau in the south. This region is rich in
minerals like coal, iron, manganese and mica. River Narmada, Chambal, Son, Betwa and Banas
originating from Central Highlands and flow westwards and drain into the Arabian Sea.
Deccan Plateau is a largest plateau in India. Rivers like Mahanadi, Godavari Krishna and Kaveri are
originating from the Western Ghats and flow towards the east and falls into Bay of Bengal. These rivers
flow from west to east because the Deccan Plateau slopes from west to east. Since these rivers are not
fed by melting snow, they often dry up during summer. These rivers are rain-fed, so they cause floods
during the rainy season. Deccan Plateau has rich deposits of minerals like iron, gold, and mica.
On a map of India mark the areas which come under the Deccan and Central Highlands.
Why is the north western plateau also known as black cotton soil area?