Supplementary material Analysis of hepatic deiodinase 2 mRNA levels in natural fish lake populations exposed to different levels of putative thyroid disrupters Sergio Jarquea,b, Carme Boscha, Joan O. Grimalta, Demetrio Raldúaa, Benjamin Piñaa,* a) Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA-CSIC). Jordi Girona, 18. 08034 Barcelona, Spain b) Masaryk University, Faculty of Science, RECETOX, Kamenice 5/753, Brno CZ62500, Czech Republic *Corresponding Author: Benjamin Piña IDAEA-CSIC Jordi Girona, 18. 08034 Barcelona, Spain Tel: 34 934006157 Analytical procedures. Hepatic mRNA analysis by RT-qPCR. Liver samples were homogenised in TRIzol Reagent (Gibco, Paisley, UK) using Eppendorf-fitting, RNase free pestles (Iberlabo, Madrid, Spain). RNA was extracted in TRIzol as specified by the supplier. Total RNA concentration was estimated by spectrophotometric absorption at 260 nm in a Nanodrop Spectrophotometer ND-1000 (NanoDrop Technologies; Delaware, USA) and treated with DNAse I (F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, Basel, Switzerland) to remove contaminating genomic DNA. RNA integrity was assessed by electrophoresis in a Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara CA). RNA was treated with DNAseI to remove genomic DNA contamination. Ten µg of DNaseI-digested RNA were copied to cDNA by reverse transcriptase (Omniscript, Qiagen, Valencia, CA, USA) and stored at -20ºC. Aliquots corresponding to 40 ng of the original RNA preparation were used to quantify specific transcripts in a Abi Prism 7000 Sequence Detection System (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA) by the SYBR GREEN method (Applied Biosystems). Sequences for dio2, cyp1a and ß-Actin primers used in this work were the following: ß-Actin Forward: 5'- CTGTCTTCCCCTCCATCGTC-3' ß-Actin Reverse: 5'- TCTTGCTCTGAGCCTCGTCTC-3' dio2 Forward: 5'- CGCTCCTTCGAGGTCAGG -3' dio2 Reverse: 5'-ACCACCCTCTCCTCCAGTGAT-3' CYP1A Forward: 5'-CACTGACTCCCTCATTGACCAC-3' CYP1A Reverse: 5'-ACAGATCATTGACAATGCCCAC-3' The relative amounts of cDNA present in the samples were calculated from the number of cycles required for amplification reaction to reach fluorescence above the threshold level in the RT-qPCR reaction (CT values), according to the equation 1: mRNATG EAct(CTAct ) = mRNAAct ETG (CTTG ) In which EAct and ETG correspond to Real-Time efficiency for ß-actin and the target gene, respectively. Efficiency values for dio2, cyp1a and ß-Actin primers on real samples were calculated using a series of standard dilutions as 102%, 101%, and 106%, respectively. These values were considered close enough one each other and to 100% to not to require any correction for efficiency on the calculations of relative mRNA abundance values. The suitability of ß-Actin as reference gene for these samples has been tested previously2. Results are expressed as copies of dio2 or cyp1a mRNA per 1000 copies of ß-actin mRNA. A typical experiment calculated CT values as averages of three replicates. To confirm the sequence of the amplified PCR products, they were purified using GFX PCR Purification Kit (Amersham Biosciences, Backinghamshire, UK) and inserted into the pTZ57R/T plasmid (InsT/Aclone PCR Product Cloning Kit, Fermentas, Burlington, Canada). DNA sequencing was performed using Applied Biosystems 3730 DNA Analyzer (Applied Biosystems). Amplified sequences were compared to previously reported sequences of homologous genes from different salmonids using ClustalW from Bioedit Sequence Alignment Editor (BioEdit v7.0.5, Ibis Therapeutics, Carlsbad, CA). PCBs and PBDE analysis. Muscle samples were ground with activated sodium sulphate until a fine powder was obtained. Cellulose cartridges were filled with this mixture and TBB and PCB209 were added as standards. A Soxhlet extraction was done with n-hexane:dichloromethane (4:1) for 18 h. The extract was cleaned up with sulfuric acid (5 times), concentrated by vacuum rotatory evaporation (20ºC, 20 Torr) and concentrated to near dryness under a gentle flow of nitrogen. Finally, the extract was redissolved in 50µl of isooctane. Before chromatographic analysis, an internal standard of PCB142 was added to correct for instrument variability. Samples were analyzed for PCBs by GC-ECD (Hewlett-Packard 5890 series II) with a 60 m x 0.25 mm i.d. DB-5 capillary column (J&W Scientific, Folsom, CA) coated with 5% phenyl/95% methylpolysiloxane (film thickness 0.25 m). The GC operated in splitless mode, and the oven temperature program started at 90ºC (held for 2 min), ramped to 150ºC at 15ºC·min-1 and then ramped to 290ºC at 4ºC·min-1 (holding time 20 min). Injector and detector temperatures were 280 and 310ºC, respectively. Helium and nitrogen were used as carrier (1.5 mL·min-1) and makeup (60 mL·min-1) gases, respectively. PBDE were analyzed by negative ion chemical ionization mass spectrometry coupled to gas chromatography (GC-MS-NICI). A GC system from Agilent Technologies 6890A (USA) was coupled to an MS detector 5973N. The system was equipped with a HP-5MS capillary column (60 m x 0.25 mm x 0.25 m film thickness). The oven temperature program was from 110ºC (held for 1 min) to 180ºC at 8ºC·min-1 (held for 1 min), then to 240ºC at 2ºC·min-1 (held for 5 min) and finally to 310ºC at 2ºC·min-1 (held for 15 min). Helium was used as a carrier gas (10 psi) and ammonia as ionization gas (1.6·10 Pa). Transfer line and quadrupole temperatures were 280 and 150ºC, respectively. Quantification was performed at a m/z value of 79 [Br]- which is the base peak of all PBDEs monitored. Confirmation was done at m/z values of 81 [Br]-, 161 [HBr2]-, 327, 405, 483, 563 and 643, corresponding to [M]- or [M-HBr 2]-. Retention time shifts could not be higher than 1 sec. 1 2 Pfaffl, M. W. A new mathematical model for relative quantification in realtime RT-PCR. Nucleic Acids Research 29 (2001). Quirós, L. et al. Physiological response to persistent organic pollutants in fish from mountain lakes: Analysis of Cyp1A gene expression in natural populations of Salmo trutta. Environmental Science & Technology 41, 51545160, doi:10.1021/es070455p (2007). Table ST1. Physical characeristics of lakes sampled in this study Region Lake name Latitude N Longitude E Altitude ASL (m) Average Temperature (ºC) Pyrenees Vidal d'Amunt 42.53281 0.99351 2688 1.0 Pyrenees Xic de Colomina 42.52149 0.99564 2425 2.7 Pyrenees Cavallers 42.59257 0.85779 1800 5.5 Pyrenees Llebreta 42.55083 0.89031 1620 6.2 Tatra Mountains Veľké Hinçovo 49.17970 20.06060 1946 -0.7 Tatra Mountains Morskie Oko 49.19780 20.07220 1395 2.4 Table ST2. Chemical and gene expression data for the surveyed fish populations Unit Llebreta Median n number of fish Sexa Age years Lenght cm Weight g dio2 Cavallers Min. - Max. Median Xic de Colomina Min. - Max. Median Min. - Max. Vidal d'Amunt Median Min. - Max. Morskie Oko Median Veľké Hinçovo Min. - Max. Median 14 14 12 12 13 14 1.93 1.71 2.00 1.75 1.25 1.11 6 33 4 - 9 26 - 36 4 28 3 - 7 15 - 32 6 24 21 - 29 30 6 3 - 17 6 5 - 7 24 - 33 18 13 - 54 16 14 - 18 185 - 355 57 18 - 2400 45 23 - 56 273 30 - 430 mRNA copiesb 0.63 0.03 - 7.62 3.03 0.45 - 40.39 cyp1a mRNA copiesb 271.69 aHCH ng/gc 0.40 0.14 - 0.55 0.32 0.25 - 1.18 0.10 0.05 - 1.65 0.21 0.11 - 0.92 0.14 0.06 - 0.48 0.27 0.15 - 0.38 HeCB ng/g 0.40 0.11 - 0.59 0.48 0.33 - 0.79 0.39 0.17 - 0.73 0.58 0.36 - 1.45 0.12 0.01 - 0.65 0.36 0.29 - 0.48 gHCH ng/g 0.69 0.43 - 4.83 1.02 0.19 - 2.30 1.48 0.91 - 3.67 2.04 1.64 - 3.45 1.16 0.13 - 2.48 2.54 0.32 - 3.80 PCB28 ng/g 0.24 0.03 - 0.49 0.18 0.09 - 0.45 0.27 0.15 - 0.42 0.24 0.04 - 1.03 0.24 0.07 - 1.17 0.45 0.11 - 1.34 PCB52 ng/g 0.31 0.04 - 0.61 0.08 0.02 - 0.33 1.89 0.54 - 3.50 0.31 0.01 - 0.42 0.27 0.12 - 0.63 0.18 0.02 - 0.85 PCB101 ng/g 0.11 0.03 - 0.16 0.39 0.12 - 0.67 0.24 0.01 - 0.67 0.29 0.06 - 0.64 0.19 0.07 - 12.27 1.11 0.22 - 1.77 PCB118 ng/g 0.47 0.21 - 0.78 0.64 0.40 - 0.91 0.77 0.10 - 1.67 0.62 0.23 - 1.51 0.22 0.09 - 19.99 0.31 0.16 - 36.41 PCB153 ng/g 1.21 0.62 - 2.02 1.44 0.56 - 2.39 2.52 1.00 - 6.31 2.67 1.27 - 12.97 1.75 0.36 - 208.66 5.74 3.58 - 8.23 PCB138 ng/g 1.05 0.63 - 1.63 1.48 0.23 - 1.89 2.25 0.89 - 5.91 2.49 1.35 - 11.96 1.20 0.32 - 147.27 6.97 0.68 - 11.26 PCB180 ng/g 0.84 0.47 - 1.32 0.85 0.51 - 1.47 1.59 0.54 - 4.08 1.13 0.59 - 6.59 1.29 0.28 - 231.17 4.74 2.52 - 6.30 ppDDE ng/g 4.38 2.00 - 6.50 3.37 2.05 - 5.38 7.70 4.00 - 19.30 9.79 - 35.28 9.61 2.51 - 1273.72 p,p´DDT ng/g 0.60 0.46 - 0.82 0.71 0.50 - 1.26 1.08 0.76 - 2.15 0.66 - 2.48 0.56 0.22 - 30.25 PBDE 28+33 pg/g 78.54 41.33 - 104.23 100.14 99.00 - 172.67 286.88 158.64 - 515.15 248.19 190.12 - 535.22 76.60 36.47 - 172.74 87.81 3.17 - 144.99 PBDE 47 pg/g 339.85 135.59 - 610.72 333.83 188.68 - 438.69 425.87 369.02 - 531.13 545.57 356.42 - 948.59 122.02 55.59 - 589.35 108.82 71.79 - 253.82 PBDE 100 pg/g 168.45 101.72 - 308.49 134.84 112.83 - 500.76 286.93 137.18 - 332.88 256.60 138.75 - 796.55 42.58 PBDE 99 pg/g 237.82 133.33 - 392.60 328.97 167.99 - 432.98 292.35 224.14 - 394.90 304.97 232.22 - 636.08 136.28 PBDE 154 pg/g 80.16 62.39 - 233.75 201.59 65.21 - 226.32 292.25 248.79 - 334.06 257.11 181.45 - 730.97 35.42 11.92 - 51.62 33.55 21.01 - 39.46 77.42 - 149.79 95.45 62.84 - 107.07 246.69 212.41 - 362.58 243.58 123.54 - 512.42 30.06 12.36 - 39.92 24.00 13.16 - 27.59 PBDE153 pg/g 93.66 a) 1=male, 2= female, averages b) Referred to 1000 copies of ß-actin mRNA c) Weigh per gram of net tissue (muscle) 383.72 48.70 - 2907.95 1084.79 3.25 - 104.19 632.88 - 2789.49 280 5 - 9 190 - 560 14.63 105 - 215 5 358 38.21 - 486.33 150 5 - 8 Min. - Max. 6.34 871.07 15.62 1.19 0.95 - 40.67 309.93 - 1414.21 1.48 717.25 0.29 - 12.45 57.51 - 2907.95 16.07 - 76.97 61.16 - 764.32 0.87 1328.69 48.04 1.59 31.42 120.40 0.04 - 2.82 1013.96 - 2203.81 29.56 - 69.11 0.32 - 2.50 3.55 - 37.38 76.92 - 153.78 Supplementary Table ST3. Analysis of the distribution of age and reproductive status' values among the sampled fish populations Descriptives n Mean Std. Deviation Age Llebreta Cavallers Xic de Colomina Vidal d'Amunt Morskie Oko Veľké Hinçovo Total 14 14 12 12 13 14 79 6.214285714 4.5 6.25 5.416666667 6.384615385 5.857142857 5.759493671 1.42389344 1.224744871 0.753778361 1.164500153 2.218800785 0.949262293 1.486824097 Reproductive status Llebreta Cavallers Xic de Colomina Vidal d'Amunt Morskie Oko Veľké Hinçovo Total 14 14 12 12 12 14 78 2.642857143 2.714285714 1.833333333 2.833333333 2.866666667 2.714285714 2.607692308 1.823232246 1.437335753 0.937436867 1.403458931 1.952775802 1.38278267 1.51681221 df Mean Square ANOVA Sum of Squares Age Reproductive status F Sig. Between Groups 34.61536143 5 6.923072286 3.667120486 0.005137304 Within Groups 137.8150183 73 1.887876963 Total 172.4303797 78 Between Groups Within Groups Total 8.946813187 168.2085714 177.1553846 5 1.789362637 0.765918816 0.577376731 72 2.336230159 77 Post Hoc Tests (Tukey's B) Age Lake n Cavallers Vidal d'Amunt Veľké Hinçovo Llebreta Xic de Colomina Morskie Oko 14 12 14 14 12 13 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets (alpha = 0.05) 1 2 4.5 5.416666667 5.416666667 5.857142857 5.857142857 6.214285714 6.25 6.384615385 Reproductive status Lake n Xic de Colomina Llebreta Cavallers Veľké Hinçovo Vidal d'Amunt Morskie Oko 12 14 14 14 12 12 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets (alpha = 0.05) 1 1.833333333 2.642857143 2.714285714 2.714285714 2.833333333 2.866666667 Supplementary Table ST4. Analysis of the distribution of dio2 and cyp1a mRNA levels in male and female fish according their reproductive statusa,b Descriptives Sex dio2 (log values) Reproductive Status Male Female n Male Female Std. Deviation 17 0.291158539 0.715531518 3-5 6 0.133592914 0.367284384 1-2 21 0.498250701 0.957867865 3-4 20 0.609404285 0.595431177 5-7 6 -0.16890681 0.65332076 70 0.391273746 0.758816634 1-2 17 2.935898307 0.34170676 3-5 7 3.082568227 0.482477799 1-2 21 2.76290303 0.380755823 3-4 20 2.558539516 0.472628977 5-7 6 2.476709523 0.519663266 71 2.754088168 0.452045162 Total cyp1a (log values) Mean 1-2 Total ANOVA Sum of Squares dio2 (log values) Between Groups Within Groups Total cyp1a (log values) Between Groups df Mean Square 3.643546012 4 0.910886503 36.0868392 65 0.555182142 39.73038521 69 2.54527852 4 0.63631963 Within Groups 11.75885945 66 0.178164537 Total 14.30413797 70 Post Hoc Tests (Tukey's B) dio2 (log values) Sex (Reproductive status) n Female (5-7) Male (3-5) Male (1-2) Female (1-2) Female (3-4) 6 6 17 21 20 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets (alpha = 0.05) 1 -0.16890681 0.133592914 0.291158539 0.498250701 0.609404285 cyp1a (log values) Sex (Reproductive status) n Means for groups in homogeneous subsets (alpha = 0.05) 1 2 2.476709523 2.558539516 2.76290303 2.76290303 2.935898307 2.935898307 3.082568227 Female (5-7) 6 Female (3-4) 20 Female (1-2) 21 Male (1-2) 17 Male (3-5) 7 a) Defined as in supplementary Table S2 b) Reproductive status were aggregated to ensure sufficient n values for all groups Sig. 0.174695473 0.010688093