UNCG WG March 2 2012 Meeting Summary

UNCG Collaborative Capacity Work Group
March 2, 2012
Work Group Members (Bold= participating in meeting)
Bob Jones, FSU, FCRC Consensus Center, Working Group Lead
Mary Lou Addor, NC State, Raleigh, Natural Resource Leadership Institute
Marci DuPraw, SRA & NOVA Southeastern University,
Kirk Emerson, Univ. of Arizona,
Catherine Gerard, Syracuse University, PARCC
Bill Logue, U Mass Boston Office of Public Collaboration
Tina Nabatchi, Syracuse University, PARCC
Maria Placht, USACE, Institute for Water Resources, CPC
Charlie Pou, Advisor to Administrative Conference of U.S.
Shari Schaftlein, USDOT FHWA, Office of Project Development and Environmental Review
Laurel Singer, National Policy Consensus Center, PSU
John Stephens, UNC, Chapel Hill, Institute of Government, Public Dispute Resolution Program
Debra Whitall, Ph.D., Social Scientist, U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Region
Bob welcomed the participants to the Work Group’s 4th meeting and reviewed the agenda. The group
agreed that the “google doc” experiment wasn’t working and in the short run the Work Group would rely
on section leads circulating by email word documents with key questions noted and members will use track
changes for edits and comments on the sections. The wiki space will continue to be the repository for Work
Group documents.
1. CCWG Work Plan and Timeline. Bob noted the Work Group’s goal is to complete and circulate a
guidance document by the end of 2012 under the auspices of UNCG. He noted 3 more Work Group
meetings have been scheduled for April 2, May 4, and June 22, from 2-4 p.m. est. In April, Bob will
send around a scheduling tool to set the remaining 2012 conference call dates.
2. Possible 2012 Conference Opportunities. The participants discussed conference panel opportunities
and agreed on the following:
Bob would draft and circulate a proposal for a WG session at the Environmental Public Policy
Section/ACR May 21 Tucson (members participating include: Marci DuPraw, Bob, John Stephens
and possibly Maria Placht.)
Bob sent a “placeholder” session at the UNCG session in Syracuse.
Bob will explore whether there will be an opportunity (poster session?) at ECR for the work group.
3. Work Group Research Report Proposal- IBM Business of Government. Tina Nabatchi had
suggested we look at the possibility of submitting a Research Report Proposal for the IBM Business of
Government program. She recently completed and published a paper with their program
(http://www.businessofgovernment.org/report/manager’s-guide-evaluating-citizen-participation) On
Tina’s suggestion, Bob spoke with John Kamensky Senior Fellow and Associate Partner, IBM Center
for The Business of Government, who offered encouragement and suggested a possible link with the
CAPS (cross agency performance goals) effort required by the Government Performance and Results
Act Modernization Act of 2010. The program has proposal deadlines of April 2 and October 1, 2012.
There is a $20K stipend and a 6-month deadline to produce a guidance report. The report is published
and disseminated broadly through the program’s website. Bob suggested we review the possibility
(pros/cons) of the Work Group applying for the October 1, 2012 deadline and sort out whether it is
consistent with our path at our April 2, 2012 conference call.
4. Review of Current Draft Guidance Document. The participants agreed that over the next couple
months that section drafting leads would circulate/email word doc drafts to WG members in March in
advance of the April 2 WG conference call for edits, suggestions, concerns etc. (using track changes)
and would be responsible for reviewing and incorporating as appropriate the suggestions. Questions
regarding the format for the guide will be posed
a. Introduction. Bob agreed to take the drafting lead on the opening section and raise questions and
make suggestions regarding the report’s format (in light of work group charge and possible IBM
b. Collaborative Capacity Framework. Marci agreed to take the drafting lead. She discussed the
need for input on how: the “gears” related to and are distinguished from each other; the
“relationships & networks” gear fits into the framework; and who to account for “organizational
learning.” Shari suggested clarifying how collaboration “technology” that supports communication
and collaboration fits in the framework.
c. Collaborative Capacity Initiatives. John agreed to take the drafting lead and introduce the
initiatives that have been collected to date. Mary Lou will review the security literature (with a
possible assist from Adam Sutkus) for additional initiatives. Bill Logue will draft a “child welfare”
example. Mary Lou will reach out to UNCG centers for additional examples.
d. Collaborative Capacity Literature Review. Mary Lou will work with Tina to clarify key questions
regarding updating the 2008 literature review with articles/reports that have been published over the
past 4 years and confirming we can use the scope of that review to support our guidance document.
5. Assignments
1. Bob Jones will draft, circulate and post a draft meeting summary.
2. Bob Jones will circulate a new word document draft for use by drafting leads in March.
3. Bob Jones will check with Adam Sutkus, CSUS Center for Collaborative Policy regarding his interest in
joining the work group and bringing security/emergency management perspectives.
4. Bob will check with Maria and draft, circulate and submit a roundtable proposal for the EPP
Conference on May 21 in Tucson.
5. Bob will submit a “placeholder” session for UNCG meeting in Syracuse in June (10-12).
6. Mary Lou will contact UNCG centers to solicit any additional project examples. (Jan 20 assignment: Bob,
John Stephens and Mary Lou will solicit additional collaborative capacity project efforts related to collaborative governance
from the UNCG network centers. (preferably organization wide).
7. Mary Lou will review articles and reports in the security and emergency management context to
determine if there are potential collaborative capacity projects we can add to our project descriptions.
8. Mary Lou will post on the WG wiki space “background documents” her dissertation on the
“sustainability of collaboration”
9. Deb/Marci will forward a description of the Forest Service collaborative capacity effort for posting on
the wiki site.
10. Maria will see if the ACOE/NOAA/Coastal Community workshop might be written up. (from Jan 20 meeting)
11. Mary Lou will contact Tina to assist with key questions for updating the literature review. (from Jan. 20
meeting: Tina Nabatchi will circulate an informal literature review focusing on developing collaborative capacity (with an
assist from Kirk, MaryLou and Marci), building on and updating the 2008 literature review in the ACOE report.