Review of Value-Driven Service Matching method Ai, W. MBI - Group 1 Faculty of Science – Utrecht University 28-03-2013 Introduction The Value-Driven Service Matching method (Gordijn, Kinderen & Wiernga, 2008) is designed to aid Business-IT Alignment (Wieringa, Gordijn & Eck, 2005) within telecom organizations. Nowadays, ICT products and services are often combined and delivered by the telecom companies, the difference between them are weakened. This method helps to improve the matching process of consumer’s demands and the available products/services provided by one or multiple telecom companies more precisely and optimally. This document presents an example of the Value-Driven Service Matching method, a Process-Deliverable Diagram (Weerd & Brinkkemper, 2008) derived from this it and the related literatures regarding to the subject. Additional information such as templates of CONSEQUENCE LIST and the final deliverable SERVICE BUNDLE can be found in the Appendix. 2 Example of Value-Driven Service Matching In Figure 1, pre-defined service catalogues of two suppliers, ‘Supplier A’ and ‘Supplier B’ are briefly presented. These two service catalogues display the services that they provide. Figure 1: Pre-defined service catalogues of Supplier A (left) and Supplier B (right) Notation description of Service catalogue Notation Description Bolded rectangle It represents a supplier (supplier name is located in the right bottom corner of a supplier) Round cornered rectangle Service provided by a supplier In coming triangle Received service or benefit Outgoing triangle Provided service or benefit Bold line between services Business or technical constraint Rectangle Quality of the service Dotted line between service and quality It indicates that which service a quality belongs to Initial stage The example is described as consumer wants to have internet access in his new apartment, for casual use as well as maintaining websites as a part of his standby action for work during the weekends. Step 1: Elaborate desired consequences - Identify wants The matching process begins with seeking one or more wants from the consumer. Initial wants of the consumer are stated as “Internet access for casual usage” and “maintain websites at home for standby actions from work”. - Identify desired consequences that motivate the wants CONSEQUENCEs can be derived from the identified wants. In this case, the consumer wants a decent internet connection at home for both casual use and work, it can be summarized as internet access of mid-ranged bandwidth. 3 - Prioritize consequences The consumer assigns priority to each of the CONSEQUENCE derived from previous step using a MoSCoW-list (Beynon-Davies, Carne, Mackay, & Tudhope, 1999), additional process involved is described in Reasoning about Substitute Choices and Preference Ordering in e-Services (Kinderen & Gordijn, 2008). But from previous step, there is only one consequence found, which has also the highest priority set by the consumer. - Add consequence CONSEQUNCEs with high priority are to be added to the CONSEQUNCE LIST for further use, in this case internet access of mid-ranged bandwidth is added to the CONSEQUENCE LIST. An example of CONSEQUENCE LIST can be found in Appendix A. - Archive consequence When the priority of a CONSEQUENCE is mid or low, it is to be transferred to this sub-process, the outcome of this sub-process is not specified in the paper nor relevant in this context. - Elaborate wants The consumer might want more than just the initial idea he has in his mind, additional offers can now be made. Logically, if the consumer wants to have internet access at home, he may also find mobile internet service interesting while traveling. The consumer agreed to take this service into consideration. This Elaborated want needs to be evaluated by Prioritize consequences. As the result, consumer choose to have an average mobile internet access service. After this, the consumer has no further interests in other products/services provided by the suppliers. Step 2: Identify benefits and the services that contain them - Consult service catalogues The service catalogues (Figure 1) need to be used for deriving available services from suppliers and the services are added to SERVICE (deliverable). - Match services with consequences The CONSEQUENCEs now need to match with available services on the market by. For instance, consequence internet access of mid-ranged bandwidth matches with service ‘Internet access – data communication’ that has service properties of bandwidth-up = 512Kbps / bandwidth-down = 1Mbps and latency = 40ms from Supplier A. Additionally, during Step 1: Elaborate desired consequences Elaborate wants the consumer also indicates an average mobile internet access service as another CONSEQUENCE; this CONSEQUENCE matches ‘Mobile internet access – mobile data communication’ with property data volume 500MB from Supplier B. The result formulizes the MATCHING RESULT (deliverable). Step 3: Construct service bundles - Apply supplier-side constraints By applying the supplier-side constraint (Baida, 2006) indicated in Figure 1 (the solid line drawn between service Internet access and TV Cable), Supplier A cannot provide internet access service to consumer without providing the TV Cable service due to a technical constraint. Supplier B will provide the mobile internet access to the consumer. This supplier-side constraint is added to SUPPLIER-SIDE CONSTRAINT (deliverable). 4 - Finalize service bundle Based on the desired service(Internet access – Supplier A), technical constraint (TV Cable – Supplier A) and additional service (Mobile internet access – Supplier B), an e3value model is created (in Figure 2). The explanation and template of SERVICE BUNDLE can be found in Appendix B. Figure 2: e3value model of service bundle 5 Process-Deliverable Diagram Value-Driven Service Matching Additional statements: Service catalogues mentioned in this method are predefined, and will be used as input source which contains available services provided by suppliers and supplierside constraints. Elaborate desired Consequences Identify wants CONSUMER’S WANT 1 .. * is described in 1 .. * Identify desired consequences CONSEQUENCE Prioritize consequences Archive consequence ID Priority [else] 1 .. * [if priority is high] 1 Add consequence CONSEQUENCE LIST 1 Elaborate wants [else] [if consequences are settled] is input for intermediary party SERVICE Identify services and Suppliers Consult service catalogues 1 .. * Service name Supplier 1 .. * Match services with consequences intermediary party Construct service Bundles MATCHING RESULT 1 .. * SUPPLIER-SIDE CONSTRAINT Constraint name Constraint type Provides information to 0 .. * Apply supplier-side constraints 1 Finalize service bundle SERVICE BUNDLE 1 intermediary party 6 PDD description On the left-hand side of the PDD above, all processes, data flows and control flows are listed. These notations are based on the activity diagram in UML. The right-hand side are the deliverables based on the class diagram of UML (OMG, 2003). Activities are connected with dotted arrows to the produced deliverables (Weerd et al., 2008) An additional statement describes the condition of using this method. “Service catalogues” (an example is shown in Figure 1) must be defined beforehand. The “Service catalogues” contain the available services provided by one or multiple suppliers, they may also contain business or technical oriented constraints, which are called “supplier-side constraints” (Baida, 2006) in this method. Step 1: Elaborate desired consequences Sub-step 1.1: Identify wants Input: An initial request from consumer (via telephone or e-mail for example) Output: CONSUMER’S WANT Description: Identify CONSUMER’S WANT from the stated consumer’s need Sub-step 1.2: Identify desired consequences Input: CONSUMER’S WANT Output: CONSEQUENCE Description: Translate CONSUMER’S WANT into terms of CONSEQUENCEs that motivate wants. Sub-step 1.3: Prioritize consequences Input: CONSEQUNCE Output: Priority Description: Consumer assigns a priority to each of the found CONSEQUENCE, all CONSEQUENCEs must be prioritized again by applying MoSCoW-list (Beynon-Davies et al., 1999) and Substitute Choices and Preference Ordering in e-Services (Kinderen et al., 2008). Depending on the priority, the CONSEQUENCE is either added to CONSEQUENCE LIST (priority: ‘high’) or transferred to Archive consequence sub-process. Sub-step 1.4a: Add consequence Input: CONSEQUNCE with high priority Output: CONSEQUNCE LIST Description: CONSEQUNCEs with high priority are to be added to the CONSEQUENCE LIST for further use. 7 Sub-step 1.4b: Archive consequence Input: CONSEQUENCE with mid or low priority Output: Not relevant in this context Description: CONSEQUENCEs with mid or low priority are processed in this sub-process, the outcome of it is not illustrated in the paper nor relevant to this context. Sub-step 1.5: Elaborate wants Input: upon completion of sub-step 1.4a or 1.4b Output: N/A Description: advises additional offers that might be interesting to the consumer; if an offer is accepted by the consumer, it must to be evaluated by sub-step 1.3 Prioritize Consequences. If all consequences are prioritized and settled, the intermediary party can proceed to the next activity: Identify services and suppliers; else, 1.3 Prioritize consequences needs to be re-executed so that all consequences receive appropriate priorities. Step 2: Identify services and supplier Sub-step 2.1: Consult service catalogues Input: pre-defined “Service catalogues” Output: SERVICE Description: Consult the pre-defined “Service catalogues”, derive all available services described in the “Service catalogues”. Sub-step 2.2: Match services with consequences Input: CONSEQUNCE LIST & SERVICE Output: MATCHING RESULT Description: Matching CONSEQUENCEs from CONSEQUENCE LIST with the SERVICEs provided by one or more suppliers in order to create a desired scenario for the consumer. Step 3: Construct service bundles Sub-step 3.1: Apply supplier-side constraints Input: pre-defined “Service catalogues” Output: SUPPLIER-SIDE CONSTRAINT Description: Derive the SUPPLIER-SIDE CONSTRANT from the pre-defined “Service catalogues” and apply it to the MATCHING RESULT. Sub-step 3.2: Finalize service bundle Input: MATCHING RESULT & SUPPLIER-SIDE CONSTRAINT Output: SERVICE BUNDLE Description: Create the final deliverable SERVICE BUNDLE based on the MATCHING RESULT and SUPPLIER-SIDE CONSTRAINT. 8 Activity table Activity Sub activity Description Role Elaborate Identify wants The starting point of this method, it is to find the Intermediary desired CONSUMER’S WANT, derived from a stated consumer party consequences need (Gordijn et al., 2008). Identify desired It is used to derive the CONSUMER’S WANTs into terms Intermediary consequences of CONSEQUENCEs. During the execution of this party that motivate the sub-activity, constraints have to be applied, to check wants whether one CONSEQUENCE conflicts another (Gordijn et al., 2008). Prioritize This sub activity sets the prioritizations of Intermediary consequences CONSEQUNCEs according to consumer’s wish by party applying MoSCoW-list (Beynon-Davies et al., 1999) and Reasoning about Substitute Choices and Preference Ordering in e-Services (Kinderen et al., 2008). Add This sub-process adds CONSEQUENCEs with high Intermediary consequence priority to the CONSEQUENCE LIST. party Archive In this sub-activity, the CONSEQUENCEs that have mid Intermediary consequence or low priorities assigned are to be archived. In the party original paper, this sub-activity was not mentioned, but it seems to be logical of including such activity in the PDD. Elaborate wants Additional offers are being made here. Once accepted by Intermediary the consumer, the additional offers are to be prioritized party again in the previous sub activity Prioritize consequences (Gordijn et al., 2008). Identify Consult service Retrieve the available SERVICEs provided by various Intermediary benefits and the catalogues suppliers based on the pre-defined service catalogues party services that (Gordijn et al., 2008). Examples of pre-defined service contain them catalogues are shown in Figure 1. Match services Match the CONSEQUENCEs with the available Intermediary with SERVICEs provided by suppliers (Gordijn et al., 2008). party consequences Construct Apply Derive the SUPPLIER-SIDE CONSTRAINTs indicated in Intermediary service bundle supplier-side the service catalogues and apply them to the MATCHING party constraints RESULT (Gordijn et al., 2008). In Figure 1, an example of SUPPLIER-SIDE CONSTRAINT is indicated by a solid line between 2 services. Finalize service The final step of this method, the processed information is Intermediary bundle now sufficient to formulate and finalize the SERVICE party BUNDLE (Gordijn et al., 2008). 9 Concept table Concept Description CONSUMER’S WANT CONSUMER’S WANT is a statement derived from a stated consumer need, described in non-technical terms (Gordijn et al., 2008). CONSEQUENCE CONSEQUENCE is a net positive valuation for the consumer. A priority is assigned later to every CONSEQUNCE based on the consumer’s wish (Gordijn et al., 2008). CONSEQUENCE LIST CONSEQUNCE LIST is a collection of CONSEQUNCEs that have high priority assigned to them (Gordijn et al., 2008). The explanation and template are listed in the Appendix A. SERVICE Available SERVICEs from one or more suppliers derived from the pre-defined service catalogues (Gordijn et al., 2008). MATCHING RESULT It is the result of matching desired consequences and available services provided by suppliers. Matching result is not specifically elaborated in Value-Driven Service Matching method (Gordijn et al., 2008), it is implied as a data flow between 2 sub activities. However, it is helpful to prevent further confusions in the PDD created in this document, and is therefore described in the PDD as a deliverable. SUPPLIER-SIDE CONSTRAINT Business or technical constraint (Baida, 2006) derived from the pre-defined service catalogues (Gordijn et al., 2008). SERVICE BUNDLE At last, after applying the SUPPLIER-SIDE CONSTRAINTs (an example can be found in Figure 1) to the MATCHING RESULT, a e3value based SERVICE BUNDLE is created (Gordijn et al., 2008). It will be presented to both parties, the consumer and supplier for further evaluation (Gordijn & Akkermans, 2001a). A sample service bundle is shown in Figure 2, the explanation and template are listed in the Appendix B. 10 Related literatures Origin This service matching method is a part of the development of VITAL-project (Gordijn & Akkermans, 2005). The project investigates an economic value-based approach to alignment between business and ICT of large telecom companies. It consists of three parts, all three parts are build upon the e3value method (Gordijn & Akkermans, 2001b). This method was introduced back in 2001. During the past 12 years, they have developed an entire e3 family focusing on various aspects such as value, control, strategy, and alignment of e-business (Gordijn, 2001a). Gordijn and Akkermans (2003) described the e3value method as “Our methodology exploits a requirements engineering way of working, but employs concepts and terminology from business science, marketing and axiology”. Position There are not many ICT service matching methods that are specially designed for telecommunication field. However, there is a paper presented by Wang and Xu (2012) which referred to the bundling aspect of Value-Driven Service Matching method. In their paper, they illustrated a sharing-oriented service matching where the concept of service bundling played an essential role. Additionally, a group of researchers have also introduced a concept of service tailoring towards personalized homecare systems (Zarifi Eslami, Zarghami, Sapkota & Sinderen, 2010), which elaborated the demand – supply matching concept in different approaches. Application A case study can be found in this paper. The scenario begins with a consumer who wants to communicate with family overseas at a low cost; the consumer has an idea of using VoIP as one of the options. Applying the three-step process of this method. The CONSUMER’S WANTs are being identified and derived into CONSEQUENCEs. After prioritization, a CONSEQUENCE LIST is being formulated. In step 2, the pre-defined service catalogues must be consulted to determine which of the available SERVICEs can match the CONSEQUNCEs. In the final step, SUPPLIER-SIDE CONSTRAINTs from the service catalogues need to be applied. For example, in this case study, KPN is not able to provide the VoIP SERVICE separately without regular telephone service due to their SUPPLIER-SIDE CONSTRANT (technical). Based on the selected SERVICEs, an e3value model based SERVICE BUNDLE that represent the network of consumer and supplier(s) can be build. This introduces a final decision making process for the supplier as well as the consumer (Gordijn et al., 2001a). This method has also been successfully applied in other fields including entertainment, news, banking, trade documents and energy supply (Gordijn, 2001b). 11 Reference Baida, Z. (2006). Software-aided Service Bundling – Intelligent Methods & Tools for Graphical Service Modeling. Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit. Beynon-Davies, P., Carme, C., Mackay, H. & Tudhope, D. (1999). Rapid application development (RAD): an empirical review. European Journal of Information Systems, 8(3), 211–223. Gordijn, J. (2001a). e3family is a set of ontological approaches for modeling networked value constellations. e3value. Retrieved February 20, 2013, from Gordijn, J. (2001b). Success stories on e3value; case studies and results. e3value. Retrieved February 20, 2013, from http:// Gordijn, J. & Akkermans, H. (2001a). E3-value: Design and evaluation of e-business models. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 16(4), 11–17. Gordijn, J. & Akkermans, H. (2001b). A Conceptual Value Modeling Approach for e-Business Development. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Knowledge Capture, Workshop Knowledge in e-Business, Victoria, BC, Canada, 29-36. Gordijn, J. & Akkermans, H. (2003). Value-based requirements engineering: exploring innovative e-commerce ideas. Requirements Engineering, 8(2), 114-134. Gordijn, J., Kinderen, de., S. & Wieringa, R. (2008). Value-driven service matching. Proceedings of 16th IEEE international requirements engineering conference, Catalunya, Spain,67–70. Kinderen, de., S. & Gordijn, J. (2008). Reasoning about substitute choices and preference ordering in e-services. E3-value: Design and Evaluation of e-Business Models. Retrieved March 1, 2013, from Wang, Z., Xu, X. (2012). A sharing-oriented service selection and scheduling approach for the optimization of resource utilization. Service Oriented Computing and Applications, 6(1), 15-32. Wieringa, R., Gordijn, J. & Eck, van., P. (2005). Value-Based Business-IT Alignment in Networked Constellations of Enterprises. REBNITA ’05: Proceedings of 1st International Workshop on Requirements Engineering for Business Need and IT Alignment. Paris, France. Weerd, van de., I. & Brinkkemper, S. (2008). Meta-Modeling for Situational Analysis and Design Methods (pp. 38–58). Hersey: Idea Group publishing. 12 Zarifi Eslami, M., Zarghami, A., Sapkota, B., Sinderen, M. van. (2010). Service tailoring: Towards personalized homecare systems. Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Architecture, Concepts and Technologies for Service Oriented Computing, Athens, Greece, 109-121. 13